Evaluation and Management of Febrile Children 2016

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Clinical Review & Education


Evaluation and Management of Febrile Children

A Review
Leigh-Anne Cioffredi, MD; Ravi Jhaveri, MD

IMPORTANCE Management of febrile children is an intrinsic aspect of pediatric practice.

Febrile children account for 15% of emergency department visits and outcomes range from
the presence of serious bacterial infection to benign self-limited illness.

OBSERVATIONS Studies from 1979 to 2015 examining febrile infants and children were
included in this review. Management of febrile infants younger than 90 days has evolved
considerably in the last 30 years. Increased rates of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections,
increasing resistance to ampicillin, and advances in viral diagnostics have had an effect on the
approach to caring for these patients. Widespread vaccination with conjugate vaccines Author Affiliations: Division of
against Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae has virtually eliminated the General Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine, University of North
concern for bacterial infections in children aged 3 to 36 months. Urinary tract infections still Carolina at Chapel Hill School of
remain a concern in febrile infants of all ages. Medicine, Chapel Hill (Cioffredi);
Division of Infectious Diseases,
Department of Pediatrics, University
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Advances over the last 30 years allow for more precise risk
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
stratification for infants at high risk of serious bacterial infection. With appropriate testing at School of Medicine, Chapel Hill
the initial visit, much of the diagnostic testing and empirical treatment can be avoided for (Jhaveri).
infants younger than 90 days. In the vaccinated child aged 3 to 36 months, the only bacterial Corresponding Author: Ravi Jhaveri,
infection of concern is urinary tract infection. MD, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Department of Pediatrics, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
JAMA Pediatr. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2016.0596 School of Medicine, 101 Manning Dr,
Published online June 20, 2016. Campus Box 7509, Chapel Hill, NC
27599 (ravi.jhaveri@unc.edu).

he management of febrile children accounts for 15% of dren developed invasive infections, including pneumonia, osteo-
emergency department visits but remains a controversial myelitis, and meningitis, but most had treatment outcomes that were
subject among health care professionals.1 Although most benign.5,6 The concern for occult bacteremia and the risk of subse-
infants with fever have a self-limiting illness that requires support- quent associated morbidity led many health care professionals to
ive care, a small percentage will have serious bacterial illness (SBI) obtain blood cultures and start empirical antibiotics in children with
that, if untreated, could result in significant morbidity or mortality. fever without focal examination findings.2,7 With widespread use of
This review summarizes the progress made and current practices the Hib vaccine, Hib bacteremia nearly disappeared.8,9 Subse-
in the evaluation and treatment of febrile children, offers guidance quent 7-valent and 13-valent conjugate vaccines for S pneumoniae
for management, and examines some unanswered questions and led to greater than 50% reductions in S pneumoniae–related
future directions. bacteremia.10 As a result, occult bacteremia has also disappeared.11-13
The epidemiologic features of infants and children with fever Routine vaccination against Hib and S pneumoniae also re-
are markedly different depending on the age at presentation. Given sulted in decreased incidence of bacterial meningitis. After routine
this fact, the discussion first focuses on patients aged 3 to 36 months use of the Hib vaccine, the incidence of Hib meningitis decreased
and shifts to those younger than 3 months. by 99% in children younger than 5 years.14 Subsequently, the de-
velopment of the pneumococcal vaccines decreased the incidence
of meningitis caused by S pneumoniae considerably. Castelblanco
et al15 describe an 83% decreased incidence between 1997 and 2010.
Children Aged 3 to 36 Months
Olarte et al16 describe continued reductions in S pneumoniae men-
History and Epidemiologic Features ingitis from 2010 to 2013 with the switch from 7-valent to 13-valent
Before universal vaccination for Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
and Streptococcus pneumoniae, 3% to 15% of older infants and tod- Although not directly owing to vaccination, rates of infection
dlers presenting with fever had bacteremia.2-4 The most common with Neisseria meningitidis have also declined to historically low
causes were S pneumoniae and Hib, but also included Salmonella levels.17 Although this pathogen was never the most prevalent, me-
species.2 Occasionally, older infants who had fever without signs or ningococcal bacteremia was most likely to lead to meningitis and
symptoms had blood cultures positive for Hib and S pneumoniae, many clinicians experienced cases in the past in which children with
an entity termed occult bacteremia. A small subset of these chil- fever discharged from the emergency department returned in shock.

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Clinical Review & Education Review Evaluation and Management of Febrile Children

Cases of meningococcal bacteremia continue to decline and do not underlying pathologic conditions such as vesicoureteral reflux or uri-
warrant specific changes in management.17-19 nary tract anomalies. The most recent revision of the American Acad-
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most prevalent SBI without emy of Pediatrics guidelines for management of UTIs with fever ac-
localizing signs of infection in vaccinated children.11 Although UTIs knowledges the importance of evaluating children with fever without
and pyelonephritis can present symptomatically, they frequently pre- localizing symptoms by conducting urinalysis and urine culture be-
sent in children aged 3 to 36 months without specific symptoms. Un- fore administration of antibiotics.29 In addition, they advise per-
recognized UTIs can result in permanent renal damage, and in se- forming renal ultrasonography to evaluate for anatomical anoma-
vere cases, lead to renal failure. Although the overall prevalence of lies requiring surgical intervention.
UTI in children with fever without a source of infection is 3% to 8%, Although overall risk for SBI is increased in infants younger than
certain groups are at higher risk.11,20-22 Prevalence is as high as 17% 3 months compared with older infants, there is variation in risk among
in white girls younger than 2 years with fever without a source of this age group as well. Infants younger than 28 days are at higher
infection. Uncircumcised males are also at increased risk.21,23,24 Al- risk of SBI than infants aged 28 to 90 days.37-39 Historically, guide-
though viral infection is the most common overall cause of fever in lines have acknowledged this increased risk and treated neonates
this group, identification of a viral infection does not exclude a con- more conservatively.
current UTI.25-28 Therefore, urinalysis and culture should remain a Although the mechanism of relative immunodeficiency of the
standard part of the workup for toddlers with fever without a source neonate is unknown, immaturity of T-cell function may play a sig-
of infection.29 nificant role. Reproducible evidence demonstrates that neonatal
T-cells express significantly less CD40 ligand than do T-cells from
Management Recommendations older individuals. CD40 is critical in communication between
Children in this age group with fever, evidence of viral illness, and/or T-cells and B-cells that promote antibody class switching in re-
normal findings from the urinalysis do not require empirical therapy. sponse to antigenic insult, and the deficiency may partially ac-
In patients with localizing signs of infection (otitis media, skin and count for the increased neonatal susceptibility to infection.40-43
soft-tissue infections, enteritis, and pneumonia), evaluation should Although some infants with SBI will appear very ill (“toxic”), many
be guided by the presenting symptoms. These infections rarely oc- present without localizing signs of infection. Owing to concern about
cur without signs and symptoms, particularly in patients older than not identifying SBI in infants younger than 3 months, it had been com-
3 months. For children with fever without localizing signs of infec- mon practice to admit all febrile patients aged 8 weeks or younger,
tion, given that the odds of identifying a contaminant is 100 times obtain laboratory evaluation and blood cultures, and treat them em-
more likely than identifying a true pathogen, management has pirically for SBI.5,44,45 This practice decreases the risk of failing to treat
moved away from evaluation of complete blood cell counts, blood infants with a potentially serious illness, but comes with significant
cultures, and empirical antibiotics of any kind.11-13 cost and potential complications.
When managing a child who has received fewer than 2 doses Researchers have continued to investigate better methods of
each of Hib and S pneumoniae vaccines, management reverts to the identifying infants at high risk of SBI and decreasing unnecessary
more comprehensive evaluation of complete blood cell counts, blood treatment and hospitalization of those at low risk. One of the first
cultures, and sometimes examinations of cerebrospinal fluid. The studies to establish clinical predictors of risk of SBI in infants younger
same guidance applies for children with immune deficiencies, ac- than 3 months, published in 1985, outlined what became known as
quired or hereditary, as they are overrepresented among patients the Rochester criteria.4 Infants were considered low risk if they were
with S pneumoniae bacteremia.30,31 These children also warrant well appearing, did not have evidence of focal infection, and met the
evaluation for bacteremia or other SBI. following criteria: white blood cell count of 5 to 15 000/μL, with less
than 1500 bands/μL (to convert to ×109/L, multiply by 0.001) and
normal urinalysis findings. A total of 144 of 233 infants (61.8%) met
low-risk criteria for SBI, and of these, 1 (0.7%) had an SBI, com-
Infants Younger Than 3 Months
pared with 22 of 89 infants (25%) classified as high risk.
History and Epidemiologic Features The Rochester criteria continue to be used by many health care
Studies estimate the incidence of SBI in febrile infants younger than professionals because, even though they do not rely on cerebrospi-
3 months is 9% to 14%.22,32,33 Epidemiologic features of SBI in this nal fluid parameters, their negative predictive value is 99%.4 A ma-
population have also changed in the past 10 years. Studies con- jor limitation of the Rochester criteria is that they included only full-
ducted before 2000 reported a higher proportion of bacteremia and term infants with no significant medical history. For premature infants
meningitis than do current studies, with UTIs accounting for 30% or infants with medical conditions, modified criteria (Boston criteria46
to 55% of SBI22; UTIs now account for 75% to 84% of serious infec- and Philadelphia criteria47) are available for those presenting after
tions in infants, while the incidence of isolated bacteremia is 6% to 28 days of life (Table). In 1993, Baraff et al45 offered expert opinion
13%.22,34 With the increase in UTIs, Escherichia coli has become the recommending a complete evaluation for sepsis, including blood cul-
dominant pathogen causing SBI in infants.22,33-36 ture, urine culture, and lumbar puncture, followed by admission for
Although the incidence of UTIs remains high, the natural his- empirical antibiotic treatment for all infants with fever younger than
tory is strikingly different than in meningitis or bacteremia. With em- 28 days. These recommendations were used as guidelines by many
pirical treatment, infants younger than 60 days with UTI typically but were not endorsed as policy until the American College of Emer-
become afebrile within 24 hours, and the need for intensive care unit– gency Physicians reiterated this recommendation in 2003.48
level care is exceedingly rare.36 However, recognition and treat- There is significant variation among inpatient and outpatient cli-
ment of UTIs is crucial, as it can lead to identification of correctable nicians who evaluate and treat neonates with fever. Pantell et al39

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Evaluation and Management of Febrile Children Review Clinical Review & Education

Table. Summary of Low-Risk Stratification Criteria for Febrile Infants

Characteristic Rochester4 Philadelphia47 Boston46
Benefits Can use in patients <28 d Can use in patients who were Can use in patients who
Does not require CSF not term or who have were not term or who
evaluation previously diagnosed medical have previously diagnosed
conditions medical conditions
Drawbacks Patients must be term Patients must be >28 d Patients must be >28 d
infants without medical
Low-risk criteria WBC 5000-15 000/μL WBC <20 000/μL WBC <15 000/μL
Bands <1500/mm3 Band-to-neutrophil ratio <0.2 UA <10 WBC/hpf
UA <10 WBC/hpf UA <10 WBC/hpf CSF <10 WBC/μL Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal
Fecal leukocytes <5 Urine Gram stain result Normal chest radiograph fluid; hpf, high power field;
WBC/hpf (if diarrhea negative result UA, urinalysis; WBC, white blood
is present) CSF <8 WBC/μL
CSF Gram stain result negative
Normal chest radiograph result SI conversion factor: To convert WBC
Fecal leukocytes 0 to few count and bands to ×109/L, multiply
(if diarrhea is present)
by 0.001.

published the Pediatric Research in Office Settings study document- UTIs. These results suggested that once the diagnosis of RSV was
ing equivalent outcomes for febrile infants who were managed con- made, the risk of SBI other than UTIs was essentially zero.
servatively in office-based settings. A recent retrospective review Enterovirus is frequently responsible for febrile illness in young
across 36 pediatric emergency departments demonstrated that infants, accounting for 40% to 50% of cases during the summer.55
369 of 2253 neonates with fever (16.4%) were discharged from Rittichier et al56 describe a cohort of 214 infants with fever and
the emergency department, with only 1 patient (0.3%) returning enterovirus infection, of whom 12 (5.6%) had concurrent UTI and
with SBI.49 The ability to assess risk in neonates continues to be 3 (1.4%) had bacteremia; most (13 [86.7%]) of the 15 infants with
controversial.50-53 Just as much variation exists in the treatment of coexisting SBI were classified as high risk.
patients admitted for evaluation for sepsis, where choice of antibi- The predictive value of influenza and SBI has been investi-
otics and duration of treatment vary widely between institutions and gated in recent years. Studies indicate the rate of SBI in febrile
among clinicians. Although some clinicians are comfortable observ- infants is significantly lower with known influenza infection than in
ing the patient for 24 hours, others require 72 hours for stable in- those negative for influenza.26,57 Analogous to RSV studies, they
fants who have negative blood culture results before discontinuing confirm very low rates of bacteremia and detectable rates of UTI in
antibiotics. Recent evidence indicates that if pathogenic bacteria are infants with influenza.26,57
present, 96% of blood culture results become positive by 36 hours With mounting evidence that a confirmed viral infection re-
and 91% are positive by 24 hours.54 Observation for 36 hours while duces the risk of SBI, this information has become more codified in
receiving antibiotics should be adequate to identify nearly all in- risk stratification criteria. Byington et al25 confirmed evidence that
fants infected with SBI. any viral infection combined with the Rochester criteria further de-
Several major changes affecting the management of febrile neo- lineates risk of SBI. If results of viral testing are rapidly available, they
nates are worth a detailed discussion: greater understanding of a vi- can be used with the Rochester criteria to direct the management
ral diagnosis and the subsequent risk of SBI, decreased incidence of of febrile infants. An evaluation algorithm incorporating rapid viral
early-onset group B streptococcal infection, decreased incidence testing into risk stratification criteria has decreased the length of a
of Listeria infection, and subsequent increasing incidence of ampi- hospital stay, time exposed to antibiotics, and cost.32
cillin-resistant organisms. In a recent epidemiologic study using new multiplex testing
methods, Byington et al58 reported the prevalence and persis-
Viral Diagnosis and Risk of SBI tence of respiratory viruses in the general population. Children are
Despite relying on older, less-sensitive culture techniques, the Roch- more likely to have positive test results for viral infection in the house-
ester study reported that 101 of 144 infants (70.1%) considered to hold, and rates of viral infections increased with the number of chil-
be low risk had a viral illness.4 Most infections (78 of 137 [56.9%]) dren in the household and with decreasing age of children. Most epi-
were enterovirus, followed by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (32 sodes of viral infection detected by PCR persisted for less than
of 137 [23.4%]) and influenza (15 of 137 [10.9%]). Viral infections were 2 weeks, but some viruses were detected by PCR after 3 weeks, well
also common in the high-risk group, with 36 of 89 patients (40%) after symptoms had resolved.58 This finding supports evidence that
having a viral pathogen. The ability to incorporate viral studies into most febrile illnesses in children are viral infections but should also
the risk criteria was limited by the lack of timely results. caution health care professionals that not every PCR-positive de-
Viral detection has now expanded well beyond culture, past tection is reliable for management decisions.
rapid antigen detection and direct fluorescent antibody testing to
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This change has led many to in- Decreasing Incidence of Group B Streptococcus
vestigate the rate of concomitant viral infection with SBI. In 2004, Screening pregnant women for group B streptococcus (GBS) be-
Levine et al27 reported a prospective study investigating risk of SBI tween 35 and 37 weeks’ gestation to prevent early-onset sepsis has
in infants with RSV. Their results demonstrated that infants with RSV been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
did not have concurrent meningitis or bacteremia, but 5.4% did have tion since 1996.59-61 This screening regimen in combination with in-

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Clinical Review & Education Review Evaluation and Management of Febrile Children

trapartum prophylactic antibiotic treatments has decreased inci- situation and ampicillin is first-line treatment for Enterococcus
dence of early-onset GBS infection from 1.8 of 1000 live births in while also covering Listeria.70 In addition, ampicillin may work syn-
1990 to 0.32 of 1000 live births in 2003.62 However, these efforts ergistically with gentamicin sulfate in the treatment of GBS. Those
have not changed the incidence of late-onset GBS infection.63 Moth- who advocate against the use of ampicillin express concern that
ers of infants with late-onset GBS are more likely to be carriers of with a growing percentage of cases of ampicillin-resistant E coli, the
GBS at the time of diagnosis than at the time of antenatal screening.63 small percentage of infants with E coli–related UTI and concurrent
Although mortality from late-onset GBS is lower than from early- bacteremia who receive ampicillin and gentamicin will effectively
onset disease, morbidity still involves developmental delay, cere- be receiving gentamicin monotherapy for bacteremia.33,65 Use of a
brovascular changes, hearing loss, or intellectual disability. Empiri- third-generation cephalosporin as empirical therapy would offer
cal treatment for febrile infants who are at high risk of bacterial adequate coverage for that subset of infants. To our knowledge,
infection should continue to cover GBS. there are no specific outcomes studies directly comparing one regi-
men with the other in this population of healthy infants. An often-
Listeria cited study performed in the neonatal intensive care setting
Although Listeria infection had been relatively prevalent, with 1.76 showed increased mortality when a third-generation cephalosporin
cases of perinatal infection per 10 000 children younger than 1 year was used as empirical therapy.71 The prolonged length of stay,
in 1989, the incidence has fallen drastically.64 By 1993, surveillance repeated courses of antibiotics, and potential exposure to resistant
data indicated the incidence of perinatal listeriosis had decreased organisms make this study difficult to extrapolate to otherwise
by 51% to 0.86 cases per 10 000 children younger than 1 year. In healthy febrile infants seen in the office or emergency department.
the past 10 years, numerous studies examining the causes of neo- Although no answer is immediately forthcoming, with the increas-
natal SBI show an absence of Listeria infection in infants younger than ing prevalence of ampicillin-resistant E coli, it is essential to know
60 days. These studies span the United States and include large aca- local resistance patterns and consider using a third-generation
demic hospitals and smaller community hospitals.22,27,33,34,37,65-67 cephalosporin for empirical treatment of febrile infants if ampicillin
We previously hypothesized that widespread use of intrapartum resistance is above 40% to 50%.
antibiotics against GBS may have been a contributor to decreased
cases of listeriosis. The Pediatric Health Information Systems data- Management Recommendations
base has demonstrated that reductions in rates of listeriosis in in- Despite all the previously described advances and developments,
fants significantly correlate with decreases in early-onset GBS and management recommendations still focus on careful physical
likely represent a collateral benefit.33,68 These results indicate that examination, age of the infant, and clinical and laboratory criteria.
Listeria infection is rare in infants; however, most studies represent For infants younger than 28 to 30 days, the risk of SBI is still higher
retrospective evaluations. Large prospective trials would be neces- and a more conservative approach can be justified. This approach
sary to evaluate the true incidence of Listeria infections in the neo- would include a complete blood cell count, urinalysis, blood and
natal period. urine cultures, and lumbar puncture. Empirical antibiotics that
include the combinations of ampicillin and gentamicin or ampicillin
Ampicillin Resistance and cefotaxime sodium or cefotaxime alone would all be appropri-
Intrapartum prophylaxis is important in decreasing early-onset GBS, ate. Maximizing the use of available viral diagnostics could preempt
but the widespread use of ampicillin for prophylaxis has been shown many of the above recommendations if a test result is positive in
to increase the risk of early-onset sepsis owing to ampicillin- the appropriate clinical scenario (eg, positive RSV test result in an
resistant pathogens. Puopolo and Eichenwald69 describe increas- infant in February [peak RSV season] with a toddler sibling with
ing proportions of ampicillin-resistant pathogens cultured from neo- respiratory tract symptoms). Because of the prolonged detection
nates since the widespread use of ampicillin for intrapartum of several respiratory viruses (rhinovirus, coronavirus) in a recent
prophylaxis. The 2 largest risk factors for ampicillin-resistant bacte- study,58 these results may not allow for infants to be discharged
ria were maternal exposure to ampicillin and length of that expo- from care.
sure. The 2010 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guide- Although some are comfortable observing patients for 24 hours,
lines for intrapartum prophylaxis recommend either penicillin others require 72 hours for stable infants who have negative blood
G potassium or sodium or ampicillin, so use varies based on hospi- culture results before discontinuing antibiotics. Recent evidence in-
tal culture and protocol.59 Infants born to mothers who received pro- dicates if pathogenic bacteria are present, 96% of blood culture re-
phylaxis with penicillin or other gram-positive agents, such as clin- sults become positive by 36 hours and 91% are positive by 24
damycin phosphate, did not show an increased risk of infection with hours.54 Therefore, observation while receiving antibiotics for 36
ampicillin-resistant organisms.69 hours is adequate to identify nearly all infants infected with patho-
Current literature indicates the rates of ampicillin resistance genic organisms.
in pathogens causing invasive disease in infants younger than For infants aged 30 to 90 days, the risk of SBI declines, except
90 days are increasing, with 36% to 60% of pathogens having for UTIs. Prioritizing viral testing and urinalysis or urine culture may
resistance.34,37,65 Since E coli represents the most common patho- preempt the rest of the evaluation. The empirical use of ampicillin
gen causing disease in febrile neonates, the increasing resistance to in this group of infants becomes even harder to justify given the lack
ampicillin has sparked debate about the role of ampicillin in empiri- of cases of Listeria infection and the rising rate of ampicillin resis-
cal treatment of SBI in infants. Those who advocate for it generally tance. For an infant of any age who presents with signs and symp-
do so because the principles of antibiotic stewardship would dic- toms that suggest sepsis or a toxic appearance, a full evaluation and
tate that third-generation cephalosporins should not be used in this prompt empirical antibiotics are indicated.

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Evaluation and Management of Febrile Children Review Clinical Review & Education

tic tool. This group has planned prospective studies in febrile

Recent Developments and Future Directions infants and has performed feasibility studies collecting blood from
febrile infants in the emergency department. 74 Given these
Several advances are taking place that will likely offer meaningful ad- advances in rapid diagnostics that are pathogen based and host
vances in management of febrile infants. Although there have been based, it is possible that soon, a clinician managing a febrile infant
meaningful changes in specific viral diagnostics, recent growth of would be able to obtain a nasopharyngeal swab, small-volume
multiplex testing for respiratory viruses offers the advantage of rapid blood sample, and urine sample. The infant would remain in a
and simultaneous detection of many viruses. Although the longitu- short-stay emergency department or urgent care setting without
dinal experience continues to grow with these assays for routine de- formal admission. In a matter of minutes to hours, a result could be
tection during acute respiratory illnesses, there are few specific out- available that would suggest a viral cause for the illness. If that was
comes studies to demonstrate that a positive result for a specific virus the case, the infant could be discharged with supportive care. If
reliably means that no bacterial pathogen is subsequently de- results of the urine sample suggested a UTI, perhaps the infant
tected and that the specific virus was the only identified cause of could be discharged with appropriate oral therapy. If the host gene
fever in that infant. These studies are ongoing and likely to yield the expression signature was suggestive of a bacterial infection that
expected outcomes for risk stratification, but until they reach the was not a UTI, the infant would be admitted and empirical therapy
same level of evidence that has been achieved by individual testing would be started. This approach offers the promise of a much more
for RSV, influenza, and enterovirus, clinicians cannot yet confi- precise determination of high risk or low risk and could deliver the
dently avoid the rest of the evaluation. oft-stated goal of a personalized or precision approach to patient
In addition to increasing the efficiency of identifying viral management.
pathogens, new strategies using host-based gene-expression sig-
natures to discern whether a child is infected with a viral or bacte-
rial pathogen are being developed. Zaas et al72 have developed a
reverse transcriptase PCR assay designed to use changes in host
immune response to identify whether an infection is viral or bacte- The epidemiologic features of SBI have changed significantly in the
rial. They have tested the assay in adults experimentally infected past 20 years with the introduction and widespread use of vac-
with influenza and successfully classified patients’ infection as viral cines against Hib and S pneumoniae. Management strategies must
or nonviral. Similarly, Mejias et al73 used whole blood gene expres- continue to evolve to identify the few children with SBI. New diag-
sion to characterize severity of disease in infants infected with RSV nostic techniques, such as efficient viral testing and evaluation of
and compare the specificity of gene expression profiles for RSV host gene expression profiling, will continue to change the land-
against those of infants with influenza and rhinovirus. They demon- scape of the evaluation of febrile illness and may supplement
strated that gene expression profiles could perform as a biomarker current risk stratification criteria to identify those who may be
for RSV infection and had the potential for use as an early diagnos- observed in the outpatient setting safely in the near future.

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Author Contributions: Drs Cioffredi and Jhaveri N Engl J Med. 1987;317(19):1175-1180. Perkins BA, Wharton M. Haemophilus influenzae
had full access to all the data in the study and take invasive disease in the United States, 1994-1995:
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the 3. Baraff LJ, Oslund SA, Schriger DL, Stephen ML.
Probability of bacterial infections in febrile infants near disappearance of a vaccine-preventable
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Study concept and design: Both authors. less than three months of age: a meta-analysis.
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Clinical Review & Education Review Evaluation and Management of Febrile Children

14. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention febrile infants and children 2 to 24 months. Pediatrics. 46. Baskin MN, O’Rourke EJ, Fleisher GR.
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