Guidelines For ID Editing

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D Guidelines  Insert rectangle shape white, ibutang sa ubos

para sulatan sa ngalan
1. Find picture
 Use Ctrl T to insert Name, iplastar ang ngalan
2. Then right click open with Photoshop
 Use Ctrl Alt A to select all layers
3. Crop 2x2, 1x2, or passport size
 Then right click Convert to Smart Object para
4. Use cropping tool pagmatagbo na
ma-isa ang layers
5. Right click select Make Selection then Okay
11. Then use Ctrl A to select the photo
6. Go to drag tool and Copy and Paste and delete
12. Then go to drag tool and use Crtl C to copy the
background then put layer sa ubos sa layer 1 then put
white background
13. Create new Workspace with the size of A4
7. Use blur tool to blur the kilid of picture
14. Use Ctrl V to paste the selection and use Ctrl T to
8. Then Adjust brightness
resize the photo into 2x2, 1x1 or passport size
9. Use Ctrl Alt A to select all layers
15. Then right click the layer of the photo to put
10. Then right click Convert to Smart Object para ma-
stroke, select blending option and find stroke, put 1
isa ang layers
on stroke then okay.
11. Then use Ctrl A to select the photo
16. Then drag photo to the arrangement.
12. Then go to drag tool and use Crtl C to copy the
17. Use Shift Alt to copy photo and Ctrl T to resize the
photo. Then Shift Alt to copy again. Ctrl Alt A to select
13. Create new Workspace with the size of A4
all and Shift Alt. into arrangement.
14. Use Ctrl V to paste the selection and use Ctrl T to
18. Ctrl P to print and select printer and go to printer
resize the photo into 2x2, 1x1 or passport size
setting to set-up.
15. Then right click the layer of the photo to put
19. Select A4 size and Epson Glossy and High then
stroke, select blending option and find stroke, put 1
on stroke then okay.
20. Print.
16. Then drag photo to the arrangement.
17. Use Shift Alt to copy photo and Ctrl T to resize the
photo. Then Shift Alt to copy again. Ctrl Alt A to select
all and Shift Alt. into arrangement.
18. Ctrl P to print and select printer and go to printer
setting to set-up.
19. Select A4 size and Epson Glossy and High then
20. Print.

I.D w/Nametag Guidelines

1. Find picture
2. Then right click open with Photoshop
3. Crop 2x2, 1x2, or passport size
4. Use cropping tool pagmatagbo na
5. Right click select Make Selection then Okay
6. Go to drag tool and Copy and Paste and delete
background then put later sa ubos sa layer 1
7. Use blur tool to blur the kilid of picture
8. Then Adjust brightness
9. Use Ctrl Alt A to select all layers
10. Then right click Convert to Smart Object para ma-
isa ang layers

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