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LEARNING PLAN in English (Grade 10)

I. OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

a. identify the common grounds in resolving conflicts;
b. appraise the importance of resolving conflicts; and
c. write the causes of family conflicts.

a. Subject Matter : Finding Common Grounds
b. References : Almonte, Liza., et. al., (2015) ENGLISH 10 LEARNER’S MATERIAL,
REX Book Store, Inc. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City.

III. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Manila Paper, Marker and Chalk

A. Classroom Routine
1. Greetings
2. Prayers
3. Arrangement of the chairs
4. Checking of attendance

B. Learning Stage
1. Exploration (Activity)
a. The teacher will ask the students who among them experience
misunderstanding with others.
b. The teacher poses the following questions:
b.1. Did you try to solve the problem right away?
b.2. Or did you think of the cause of the problem first?

2. Firming Up (Analysis)
a. The students will read the quote by Steve Carell.
a. The teacher poses the following questions:
a.1. What is the quote all about?
a.2. Do you agree with the author?

3. Deepening (Abstraction)
a. Why do we have conflicts?
b. How does conflict occur?
c. How important is it to resolve conflicts?

4. Transferring (Application)
Instruction: In ½ sheet of paper, write 5 ways in resolving conflicts.

In page 119-121, read the selection about the 4 Causes of Family Conflict and fill in the
diagram with causes of family conflicts. Write a short description of each conflict.


Prepared by:
Ms. Jessa Mae T. Lig-ang
G-10 English Teacher
LEARNING PLAN in English (Grade 10)

I. OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

a. evaluate the short story “Inferno” by Dante Alighieri;
b. appraise the story by answering the question about the story; and
c. create a poster about the short story “Inferno” by Dante Alighieri.

a. Subject Matter :Short Story: Inferno by Dante Alighieri
b. References : Almonte, Liza., et. al., (2015) ENGLISH 10 LEARNER’S MATERIAL,
REX Book Store, Inc. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

III. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Manila Paper, Marker and Chalk

A. Classroom Routine
1. Greetings
2. Prayers
3. Arrangement of the chairs
4. Checking of attendance

B. Learning Stage
1. Exploration (Activity
a. The teacher poses the following questions:
a.1.Have you ever been in a horror house?
a.2.Have you seen a horror movie?
a.3. How do you feel about it?

2. Firming Up (Analysis)
a. The teacher poses the following questions:
a.1. What helps you to create images from literary text?
a.2. What are the senses?

3. Deepening (Abstraction)
a. Read and understand the story of “Inferno” by Dante Alighieri. Evaluate
the message in the short story.

4. Transferring (Application)
a. In page 129, answer the following questions about the text.

In one long bond paper, create a poster of what hells look like based on the text.

Next meeting, present your poster in the class.

Prepared by:
Ms. Jessa Mae T. Lig-ang
G-10 English Teacher
LEARNING PLAN in English (Grade 10)

I. OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

a. distinguish the characteristics of argumentative essay ;
b. appraise the importance of argumentative essay; and
c. create an argumentative essay.

a. Subject Matter :Characteristics of Argumentative Essay
b. References : Almonte, Liza., et. al., (2015) ENGLISH 10 LEARNER’S MATERIAL,
REX Book Store, Inc. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

III. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Manila Paper, Marker and Chalk

A. Classroom Routine
1. Greetings
2. Prayers
3. Arrangement of the chairs
4. Checking of attendance
B. Learning Stage
1. Exploration (Activity
a. The teacher poses the following questions:
a.1. Have you ever taken a ride in a public transportation with an
aggressive driver?
a.2. How did you feel?
a.3. What did you do?

2. Firming Up (Analysis)
a. Read the selection about “Aggressive Driving should be Avioded”
b. The teacher poses the following questions:
b.1. Why do we have to reason out?
b.2. When are we going to reason out?

3. Deepening (Abstraction)
a. What is an argumentative essay?
b. What are the characteristics of Argumentative essay?
c. Why do we have argumentative essay?
d. How important it is to have an argumentative essay?

4. Transferring (Application)
In page 134, answer the Task 11 Identify and Classify. From the
selection of “Aggressive Driving should be avoided”, identify its parts by
rewriting the essential statements in the box.

In ½ sheet of paper, write an argumentative essay about Resolving Conflicts. Limit your words
at least 150 words.

Prepared by:
Ms. Jessa Mae T. Lig-ang
G-10 English Teacher
LEARNING PLAN in English (Grade 10)

I. OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

a. identify the intonation of a sentence;
b. appraise the importance of using intonation in a sentence ; and
c. present the intonation activities for oral fluency.

a. Subject Matter : Intonation
b. References : Almonte, Liza., et. al., (2015) ENGLISH 10 LEARNER’S MATERIAL,
REX Book Store, Inc. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

III. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Manila Paper, Marker and Chalk

A. Classroom Routine
1. Greetings
2. Prayers
3. Arrangement of the chairs
4. Checking of attendance
B. Learning Stage
1. Exploration (Activity
a. The students will have an Up Down activity.
b. Students will read the sentences given following the proper intonation.

2. Firming Up (Analysis)
a. Why do we have to change the sound of our voice when speaking?
b. How are we going to change the sound of our voices?

3. Deepening (Abstraction)
a. What is an intonation?
b. What are the changes of sound in using intonation?
c. How important it is in using the proper intonation?

4. Transferring (Application)
Students will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will perform the
intonation activities for oral fluency with the given performance rubric.

Say the following statements correctly and determine if it is a rising or falling intonation must
which must be used.
1. it’s unbelievable! 6. Don’t worry, I understand.
2. That’s great! 7. You shouldn’t have.
3. Oh, sure I will. 8. I think I will.
4. You must be kidding! 9. Keep it up!
5. Really? That’s good! 10. It’s okay.


Prepared by:
Ms. Jessa Mae T. Lig-ang
G-10 English Teacher

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