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INNOVATION BOOTCAMP, a successful extracurricular activity FOR PROMOTING


The Bootcamp Ibero Innovation is an intensive 3-day event where participants have to
devise and develop an innovative business model and a visible social and
environmental impact. Although the Bootcamp has been done for 5 consecutive years
to date it has not assessed the impact this has on its participants and the type of
projects they propose. For both this study it aims at exploring what effect that has an
event of intensive innovation participants and projects and ideas and propose in turn
demonstrate that such events could serve to promote social entrepreneurship and
therefore sustainability in students. The methodology used was a mixture of action
research and online survey the 32 before and after the event. It was found that after
Bootcamp studentsthey improved5 of the 9 dimensions of style innovation. On average
participants also changed their way of thinking only propose projects with great social
but unprofitable to profitable projects impact and propose a significant social and
environmental impact confirmed in 4 of the 5 projects proposed by students. These
results indicate that participants understood that it is possible to create a company that
is not only economically viable, but it has a positive impact on social and environmental
aspects, and thus be truly sustainable.

KEYWORDS: Innovation, social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship student

impact, environmental impact


Innovation Bootcamp Universidad Iberoamericana (Ibero) is an event that is organized

among several university departments and other key internal and external partners. This
initiative aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovative thinking in its participants
being students of the undergraduate Department of Business Studies of Ibero (such as
management, marketing, accounting, finance, international business, among other

races) the which generally are more in the Bootcamp. In addition to this general
objective, the event also has as specific goals to contribute through teaching
methodologies, tools, networking and exchange of experiences one of the primary
objectives of the Universidad Iberoamericana and its key partners, which it is
encouraging the formation of better people, professionals and citizens committed to

Innovation Bootcamp is an event full immersion for 3 days within the university facilities
in Santa Fe where participants have to devise and develop a specific project through
innovation and design methodologies (eg Design Thinking(Brown, 2008)). During these
three days the participants attending the first day of a series of talks with experts,
roundtables with entrepreneurs and sessions with key players in the entrepreneurial
ecosystem in Mexico City. After participants take active part of Bootcamp through
intensive workshops (from 8 am to 8 pm during the other two days) where they explain
a number of tools and innovative methodologies to innovate by focusing on the user, to
immediately put practice the concepts learned in a project team of 4 to 6 people.

In the four previous editions of Innovation Bootcamp I had been defined as a slogan
"Connect and Create" and partly this idea had served to direct the focus of the entire
Bootcamp. That is to say, from the beginning loomed that participating in the Bootcamp
would be an ideal way to connect participants with other types of profiles and
backgrounds opportunity as well as with actors that do not always have contact. And in
turn this connection and networking was done in order to create an innovative business
idea and the potential to be implemented in reality. However, in all previous editions it
was noted that the constant in projects created by the teams was mostly the proposal to
create an App to solve a technological problem. While these results were interesting
and met the target of previous Bootcamps, unfortunately mainly focused on
technological innovation and left side other types of innovations(Kotsemir, Abroskin, &
Dirk, 2013; Mortensen & Bloch, 2005; Tidd & Bessant, 2014) and that therefore they
could solve more relevant to society social and environmental problems.

Therefore in the edition 2018 Bootcamp Innovation of the Ibero it was decided to give a
twist to the slogan and generally the whole theme of the event in order to focus the
efforts of the participants in a project to devise and develop a product, a service and
ideally a innovative business model and preferably a visible social impact. So this year
the theme was "Innovation Bootcamp 2018 - Breaking Paradigms"(Kinit, 2018)with the
aim of changing the proposed projects mainly technology-based projects of a varied
nature. To achieve this all activities Bootcamp were focused to change mental models
for participants to practice how to understand from another perspective how their
environment works, social and environmental problems that exist in it and the possibility
of collaborating with other stakeholders to propose solutions innovative with the
potential to solve real problems(Hill & Levenhagen, 1995) and more relevant to Mexican

Although the bootcamp Innovation Ibero has held for five consecutive years, there are
several areas of opportunity and improvement in the event. Some of these clear areas
for improvement are for example has not been formalized or standardized development
process of the event thinking that doing so could replicate this event more efficiently
more times a year, as well as other sister institutions, or not necessarily even in other
academic settings. Another opportunity to improve the event and perhaps more
important for its potential to justify further Bootcamps Innovation in the future, is that to
date has not been evaluated methodologically the impact the event has on its
participants and the type of these projects develop during the event.
That is, one of the few performance indicators event which counts the number of
participants applying for a place to participate and participants who actually present the
day of the event, always having a total quota. Therefore the logic of an event where you
have a full house and even come to let off some applicants the event that do not meet
the desired profile, it is assumed that the event is successful. This logic is not entirely
wrong however may be incomplete at the time to understand the benefits of Bootcamp
participants. In other words, current indicators of registration and participant attendance
and survey feedback after the event, do not reflect the most appropriate way if
participants actually experience a change or benefit after participating in the Bootcamp

Innovation. This leaves open the question of whether this type of intensive innovation
events actually achieve some positive, clear and significant impact on its participants
(regardless of their background), such as improving their innovation profile or change
your mindset to propose ideas provide solutions to current social and environmental

Therefore, taking these opportunities to improve the event and based on similar studies
of intensive innovation events at other universities(Howell, Skaggs, & Fry, 2010; West,
Tateishi, Wright, & Fonoimoana, 2012)This study aims to investigate the impact of
Bootcamp Innovation of the Ibero both the participants and the nature of the projects
that develop and understand whether these events could serve to promote sustainability
through the ideation and development of innovation projects and social
entrepreneurship. Based on this purpose the research question this study seeks to
answer is: What is the effect of an event of intensive innovation in its participants as well
as the nature of the projects and ideas that they develop? Linked to this question, one
of the initial hypotheses raised in the study is whether these events innovation could
serve not only to encourage innovation in its participants but also to promote
sustainability through projects focused on solving social problems and relevant

To answer the question about what is the effect of an event of intensive innovation in its
participants and projects and ideas that they propose a mixed research method with
qualitative and quantitative information was used. The qualitative strategy that was used
was action research where two of the four authors were active during the Bootcamp
Innovation not only observing and taking notes, but also with direct interaction with
participants at different stages of the event including evaluation and feedback of the
final 5 proposals. The strategy used quantitative surveys were in line with those outlined
measured and style innovation of the 32 participants before and after the event. The
unit of analysis of the research was the participation process during the bootcamp

innovation and observation unit during the studies were two Bootcamp participants and
projects proposed by teams. Then the two strategies are detailed.

Qualitative Strategy: Action Research for the Bootcamp

In the social sciences action researchis considered a form of collective introspective
research by participants in social situations is intended to improve the rationality and
justice of their social or educational practices and their understanding of these practices
and situations in which they take place(Kemmis & Mctaggart, 1992). It is thanks to its
usefulness as a research strategy in contexts of education (p. eg. the Bootcamp) where
instructors can also be researchers(Elliott, 1990) it was decided to use this strategy to
directly observe the participants and interact with them.

Based on the above description of the dynamics carried out within the Bootcamp
Innovation, in this study we can say that action research was carried out using an
approach in which researchers will actively collaborated with participants Bootcamp in
both the problem diagnosis, and in the ideation and the development of a solution
based diagnosis. In other words, we can say that because one of the main features of
action research is collaboration between researcher and member of an entity to solve
the problems of this(Bryman & Bell, 2007)In this case the study was not biased with the
direct participation of researchers, but helped guide the development of the study. In
addition because the ideas of the participants were constantly changing during the
Bootcamp was determined as an appropriate strategy because by using action research
is considered that the social world is constantly changing, and both investigator and
research are part of that change (ibid.).

This paper does not describe in detail the actions of each of the investigators because
their participation was continuous before, during and after the Bootcamp Innovation of
Ibero, and therefore the narrative of this participation would be very extensive. However
it is established as a baseline practice sessions of the workshops were aimed both
event organizers as the same researchers to develop a project to consider and put into
practice or Strategic Design Strategic Design. Strategic Design refers to the use of

design management, including some other methodologies such as design thinking and
design thinking, to promote and implement strategic corporate objectives. But strategic
design a personal level, thanks to the emphasis placed on the value of empathy with
others, helps create vision, integrate and organize collaboration across disciplines in
order to deliver real value to all groups interest (stakeholders) through creative solutions
to business problems, social and environmental(Holland & Lam, 2014).

Therefore it was considered that understand and practice the Strategic Design
Bootcamp Innovation during the Ibero could make potential participants propose
projects to solve real and latent social and environmental problems in our country. I also
think that since it is firmly established that innovation is critical to the success of
companies and organizations within these, the practice of these concepts by
participants may mean developing models to promote the generation of ideas a
dynamic and creative environment. In other words through the use of a strategy as
action research and practice Strategic Design, participants were able to experience
directly as innovation and therefore sustainability can be driven by an integration of
research management and design thinking creative design in order to achieve an
innovative culture to solve social problems relevant(Holston, 2011).

Quantitative Strategy: Survey before and after the Bootcamp

To measure quantitatively the impact that could have on Bootcamp participants, it was
decided to focus on measuring the spread of innovation profile of each of these. This
logic was used because if the Bootcamp was focused on innovation, then we would
expect that an intensive 3-day event seeing innovation and entrepreneurship issues
should change at least some aspects of the innovation profile of each participant. To
create the measuring instrument and questionnaire to measure this profile
innovationThey collected 11 articles from various business publications and academic
leaders to discuss steps to innovate and lead innovation in organizations

These publications allowed us to generate a list of more than 100 skills and
characteristics hypothesized to cause innovation in the international literature. Of these
100 features the team of three investigators and three professionals from strategic
design and innovation consolidated and cross-checked the identified characteristics
resulting in 44 basic qualities. These basic qualities then grouped by affinity 9 center
areas or axes. Then we select 26 basic qualities, with at least two qualities core axis, to
represent each axis in the instrument created (see Tables 1 and 2). When selecting
what qualities include items that were considered to best predict performance in their
respective central axis based on the field experience and understanding of the literature
reviewed were prioritized. Finally the maximum possible elements included not exceed
15 minutes of space that had to apply the questionnaire to the students who

Table 1. Nine central axes in the selected qualities were pooled.

Axis Description
Collectivism It includes practices and preferences to organize, communicate and
collaborate effectively with a team.
Empathy Describes the habit of recognizing prejudices, understanding the context
and the process of decision-making of others
Exploration The practice of seeking new information, connections and ideas and
apply them to the current context.
Pattern Search The habit of identifying shared elements between ideas or artifacts and
apply them to creating new things.
Strategy Practice make the most of the resources have to move towards an
objective and mitigate the risks that could impede progress
Initiative The practice of taking action to achieve a goal.
Adaptability The inclination to respond to the barriers, setbacks and changes
constructively rather than resist or surrender.
Synthesis The practice of consolidating complex information and present it in an
accessible way to reach a consensus.
Perspective The belief that one's actions should generate socially desirable impact
beyond the economic.

Table 2. 26 driving characteristics of innovation in people.
Axis Factor Description Factor
Collectivism emotional Acute perception of social situations, which allows one to
intelligence communicate with the public in an exciting and accessible
Collectivism Leadership The successful practice of organizing a group of individuals
in a productive team.
Collectivism Collaboration Practice to communicate and share responsibilities with
others to achieve a shared goal.
Empathy Empathy The ability made to understand the thoughts, feelings and
experiences of others.
Empathy Self-awareness Maintaining awareness of their own thought processes,
biases and viewpoints.
Empathy applied The practice of acting from an empathic understanding of
consciousness how one's actions affect others.
Exploration Curiosity The tendency to seek a deeper understanding when new
perspectives and ideas are presented.
Exploration Divergent The tendency to constantly seek new information, maintain a
thinking spontaneous and fluent mentality.
Exploration analog The habit of inspiration from seemingly unrelated concepts
mapping and apply them to the context in question.
Exploration Open mind The willingness to consider the ideas and comments of
Exploration social The preference for diversifying the network of one against
connectivity the strengthening of the links
Pattern Search Abstract The inclination to identify shared attributes between objects
thinking or facts and generalized to a larger pattern.
Pattern Search Creativity Consistent ability to find, create and build new things.
Strategy Knowledge The habit of making use of all available resources.
Strategy Ingenuity The practice of diversifying risks by having multiple lists

Strategy Definition of The practice of aligning short-term objectives with long-term
vision vision.
Initiative Initiative The inclination to know when an action is needed and to take
such action.
Initiative Proactivity The habit of taking incremental action today or postpone it
until tomorrow.
Adaptability resiliency The practice of valuing failure as part of an iterative process
to success rather than see it as a final state without
possibility of change.
Adaptability Willingness to The habit of suspending the need to maintain success and
fail fearlessness against failure.
Adaptability Tolerance of The tolerance for uncertainty or ambiguity to try new ideas.
Adaptability Adaptability The practice of adjusting and modifying own ideas or
practices to changing environments and conditions.
Synthesis Consensus The practice of moderating the discussion drawing from
building many sources to reach consensus and move forward with a
Synthesis Synthesis The practice of presenting complex information from multiple
sources into an accessible format added.
Perspective positivity The constant belief that one's actions have a positive impact.
Perspective Mission The belief that entrepreneurial actions should serve to
improve the quality of life of people.

The survey responses were collected through mobile / mobile web browser for each
participant Bootcamp at the beginning of the event phone, ie before the first learning
activity and again at the end of Bootcamp, ie before performances final project of each
group. The aim of using this data collection scheme was to maximize the response rate
while the impact of learning activities on responses from participants before the
campaign is minimized. To measure each attribute a Likert scale of six points was used.
Each end of the scale represented a strong self-described affinity either the quality or
against it. In order to minimize the social desirability bias in survey responses, each end

of the 6-point scale was drafted in a way that showed an alleged benefit from it. The
ends of each question for each quality can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Responses anti-bias each end for each of the attributes.

Quality End Response 1 Far Answer 2
emotional I consider it extremely important to I believe that by working together on a
intelligence be in tune with a group when project the main thing is to be in tune
working on a project. with myself.
Leadership When I pursue an objective team, I When I pursue an objective team, I
like to ensure that others prefer to focus on doing my job well.
understand well how they can
Collaboration When there is good communication Although there is good communication
team, I am very confident in our on a computer, you still need to be
ability to collaborate. checking everyone to do his part well.
Empathy The best ideas are born from a The best ideas are born of an
deep understanding of the beliefs, extraordinary vision to change the way
feelings and experiences of others. we see the world.
Self-awareness I like to explore my self reflect own I like the challenge of persuading others.
thought processes, biases and
applied I consider it more important to wait I consider it more important to take
consciousness to act until we know the action but do not know quite how my
consequences of my actions might actions could affect others.
have on others.
Curiosity When I learn something new, I try to Before spending my hours to explore
learn everything you can about it. something new depth, I see if anyone
else on my team is already aware about

Divergent Personally, I prefer to have working Personally, I prefer to concentrate on
thinking knowledge of many subjects that being an expert in a particular area only
delve too deeply into a specific have general knowledge of many areas.
analog mapping I like to be inspired by seemingly I like to inspire in related cases tried and
unrelated concepts and apply them apply them to the context in question.
to the context in question.
Open mind Be open to change my ideas and Maintaining strong and stable ideas and
convictions it helps me to be more convictions helps me to be more
effective in my job. effective in my job.
social As for the social, what fascinates As for the social, what fascinates me is
connectivity me is to form new connections with to form lasting relationships with
strangers. individuals or groups nearby.
Abstract I feel I'm better identifying common I feel I'm better identifying the reality
thinking features between objects or facts around me from my senses and think
and generalizing a pattern or bigger about it establishing direct relationships.
Creativity I find most passionate about, create I most passionate about improving
and build new things to achieve a things that already exist to achieve a
result. result.
Knowledge I like to make the most of all the I like the challenge of meeting a target
Resource resources you have for attaining my using the least possible resources.
Ingenuity I'd rather have many choices I'd rather have few alternatives, because
because it allows me to be prepared if there are many could not pursue any
/ a for any eventuality. cause 100%.
Definition of As much as possible, I take my Usually, I prefer to work for "today" to
vision current tasks to get closer to my worry too much about tomorrow.
long-term goals.
Initiative It is more important to act when I More importantly seek approval for key
see a need to wait for approval from people to ensure that my actions have
others. the desired effect.
Proactivity I prefer to anticipate the tasks that I prefer to wait for specific tasks to avoid

could have tomorrow and advance double work.
them today.
resiliency If an idea seems to result in failure, If an idea seems to result in failure, is
it is better to reformulate it and try best left completely and try another.
Willingness to Success comes from learning of Success is obtained by evaluating the
fail failed attempts. choices and supporting winning ideas.
Tolerance Uncertainty helps to broaden the Uncertainty increases the risk of a
uncertainty horizons of solutions can be found project and should be reduced.
to a problem.
Adaptability I appreciate the flexibility to adapt to I value plus the ability to anticipate and
changes. avoid changes.
Consensus To take action with respect, what To take action with respect, what more
building more needs a team is informed needs a team is clear direction.
Synthesis Is more valuable synthesize It is more valuable to know where to find
information from multiple sources information
positivity I'd feel better working on a project I'd feel better working on a profitable
with social impact but it is not project but with minimal social impact
Mission The role of the entrepreneur is to The role of the entrepreneur is to create
improve the quality of life for its jobs and grow the economy
customers, employees and the


The overall results show that on average participants changed their style innovation in
at least 8 of the 9 proposed axes (see Figure 1). That is, all axes least one (ie initiative)
changed positively the axes of scanning capabilities, synthesis, adaptability and
empathy which had a more significant change. This indicates that the event is not yet
changed to 100% of the axis forming the innovation profile of a person, if there was a

substantial positive change after participating in Bootcamp. Similarly was that there was
a positive change in 17 of the 26 factors or qualities (see Figure 2), 6 and surprisingly
remained unchanged were 3 factors negatively changed.

Figure 1. Average results pre and post group for each axis.

Figure 2. Results of the average pre and post group of each attribute or factor.

The negative change in these 3 factors (empathy, initiative and emotional intelligence)
could be explained by considering that these three qualities are the most difficult to
develop and practice at an event just 3 days. Therefore it could be assumed that
participants initially thought it was relatively easy to be empathetic and have emotional
intelligence in order to take the initiative to propose a new project. However with the
tools and methodologies views during the Bootcamp they realized that issues have
initiative, have really empathize and demonstrate a true emotional intelligence is easier
said than done, and therefore participants had a more realistic view after event.

Also surprisingly it was found that after the Bootcamp in Ibero participants changed their
thinking to propose projects with high social or environmental impact but which are not
profitable to propose projects that if they are profitable even with a social impact or
environmental not so large (see Figure 3). This might seem negative but when
evaluating the final proposals submitted by participants, 4 of the 5 projects had a social
impact and / or ambient light. These results indicate that participants Bootcamp not only
changed their style of innovation if not understood that to have a social, environmental
and generally sustainable aspect impact projects should also be economically
sustainable in order to be really some agents citizens of change.

factors end 1 end 2 Pre post

positivity I'd feel better working on a I'd feel better working on a 3,088 3,706
project with social impact but profitable project but with
it is not profitable moderate social or
environmental impact
Mission The role of the The role of the entrepreneur is 2,235 1,971
entrepreneur is to improve to create jobs and grow the
the quality of life for its economy
customers, employees and
the environment

Figure 3. Contrast between two key factors when thinking in developing social

This finding is very interesting because it contrasts the idea of corporate innovation or
the type of innovation that attracts investment capital and business and government
often focuses solely on generating economic ROI(Tidd & Bessant, 2014) and the
concept of social innovation that has a more complete it is, not only economically but
with some positive externality approach in society (Mulgan, 2006). One might also think
that a possible linkbetween these two concepts innovation would be to include social
and environmental dimension, if the proposed innovation profile defined as a culture

Generally the partial results described herein together with methods used during
Bootcamp make clear awell developed strategy design can deliver performance and
competitive advantage in the triple objective of economic, social and environmental
objectives(Holland & Lam, 2014). Similarly one could say that intensively train
participants in design strategies and design thinking serves to evaluate and set clear
directions for future innovation design and identify opportunities to improve the
environment of each person. In general one could say that if the design concepts for
new and incremental innovation can take place simultaneously with the objectives that
lead to viable value-added solutions(Holston, 2011) then they are also valid for the
conception, creation and development of projects that may affect relevant social and
environmental problems of a different and innovative way.


Although this was the first attempt to measure otherwise and other indicators of success
Innovation Bootcamp Ibero and the impact on its participants, we believe that partial
results are relevant and promising. While we believe that the methodology used was
appropriate for the findings, we are aware that there are some areas of opportunity in
our study. For example, the questionnaire was applied was considered by most
participants as a little long and therefore could be applied in a shorter way. also linked
to the implementation of the questionnaire, it was thought it would have been interesting
to have applied Bootcamp few days before and a few days after this to give participants

time to reflect expected and internalize what they have learned in Bootcamp. Finally we
wish to deepen and relate more I observed in this study theories and seen and used
during the Bootcamp concepts such as ideas of Open Innovation(Chesbrough, 2003;
van de Vrande, de Jong, Vanhaverbeke, & de Rochemont, 2009), Design Thinking
(Buchanan, 1992; Kumar, 2012; Martin, 2009; Owen, 2006) and Strategic Design
(Holland & Lam, 2014; Holston, 2011; Le Masson, Weil & Hatchuel, 2010) among many
other items.


In the future we plan to compare these results with style and innovation projects
bachelor's or master students where similar to that used in the Bootcamp (eg design
thinking) methodology used and understand the advantages and disadvantages to
participate in an event just a few days innovation (intensively) or a semester course for
several weeks or even months. We also plan to measure the influence of these
intensive innovation events outside an academic context, ie not only the Bootcamp
Innovation Ibero but emulate the event in other environments such as associations or
companies (of any size, but with teams of similar sizes), to influence ideation models
not only feasible and profitable business but also social and environmental aimed at
resolving the goals of sustainable development impact.

Finally and considering the probability that this event will be rerun next year, they will
have an interest in continuing this study and extend it in various ways. One of the ideas
to extend this study is to compare the results with the style of innovation and ideas
proposed by students bachelor's or master where similar to that used in the Bootcamp
(ie Design Thinking or draft Strategic methodology used Design) and understand the
advantages and disadvantages of participating in an event just a few days innovation or
practice methodologies in a course for several weeks. Similarly, we plan to measure the
effects they can have these intensive innovation events outside an academic context,
such as in business, to understand whether the impact on participants and their

proposed projects and ideas are also geared towards achieving not only model feasible
and profitable business but also have an impact and social impact.

Finally, we believe it would be very interesting to design Bootcamps for students with
the same structure, dynamics and methodologies that Bootcamp Innovation of the Ibero
but focused on other related areas Sustainable Development. A clear example would be
to develop a social enterprise Bootcamp where participants have to propose a social
enterprise is defined as one that has a positive impact on the environment or society
and, at the same time profitable as a business(Guzman & Trujillo Dávila Vásquez,
2008). So the idea of developing Bootcamps focused on issues relevant to sustainability
such as proposed Circular Economy(EMF, 2015), Sustainable Product-Service
Systems(Mont, 2002), Sustainable Business Models (Rosca, Arnold, & Bendul,
2017)Industry 4.0 or Factories of the Future, among many others, either in the Ibero or
with other universities and academic institutions concerned.


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