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P14.1 Determine the normal stress in a ball (Figure P14.

1), which has an

outside diameter of 185 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm, when the ball
is inflated to a gage pressure of 80 kPa.


D  185 mm
t  3 mm
d  185 mm  2(3 mm)  179 mm

pd (0.110 MPa)(179 mm)

a    1.193 MPa Ans.
4t 4(3 mm)

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P14.2 A spherical gas-storage tank with an inside diameter of 21 ft is being constructed to store gas
under an internal pressure of 160 psi. The tank will be constructed from steel that has a yield strength of
50 ksi. If a factor of safety of 3.0 with respect to the yield strength is required, determine the minimum
wall thickness required for the spherical tank.

Y 50 ksi
 allow    16.667 ksi
FS 3.0
pd pd (160 psi)(21 ft)(12 in./ft)
a  t    0.605 in. Ans.
4t 4 allow 4(16,667 psi)

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P14.3 A spherical gas-storage tank with an inside diameter of 9 m is being constructed to store gas
under an internal pressure of 1.60 MPa. The tank will be constructed from steel that has a yield strength
of 340 MPa. If a factor of safety of 3.0 with respect to the yield strength is required, determine the
minimum wall thickness required for the spherical tank.

Y 340 MPa
 allow    113.333 MPa
FS 3.0
pd pd (1.60 MPa)(9 m)(1,000 mm/m)
a  t    31.8 mm Ans.
4t 4 allow 4(113.333 MPa)

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P14.4 A spherical pressure vessel has an inside diameter of 6 m and a wall thickness of 15 mm. The
vessel will be constructed from steel [E = 200 GPa;  = 0.29] that has a yield strength of 340 MPa. If the
internal pressure in the vessel is 1,750 kPa, determine (a) the normal stress in the vessel wall, (b) the
factor of safety with respect to the yield strength, (c) the normal strain in the sphere and (d) the increase
in the outside diameter of the vessel.

(a) Normal stress in the vessel wall
pd (1.750 MPa)(6,000 mm)
a    175.0 MPa Ans.
4t 4(15 mm)

(b) Factor of safety with respect to the yield strength

 340 MPa
FS  Y   1.943 Ans.
 a 175 MPa

(c) Normal strain in the sphere

 x  ( x   y )
 [175 MPa  (0.29)(175 MPa)]  621.25  10 6 mm/mm  621 με Ans.
200,000 MPa

(d) Increase in outside diameter

D   D  (621.25  106 mm/mm)  6,000 mm  2(15 mm)  3.75 mm Ans.

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P14.5 The normal strain measured on the outside surface of a spherical pressure vessel is 515 . The
sphere has an outside diameter of 72 in. and a wall thickness of 0.50 in., and it will be fabricated from an
aluminum alloy [E = 10,000 ksi;  = 0.33]. Determine (a) the normal stress in the vessel wall and (b) the
internal pressure in the vessel.

(a) Normal stress in the vessel wall
x  ( x   y )
1  2
10,000 ksi
 [(515  106 in./in.)  (0.33)(515  106 in./in.)]
1  (0.33) 2

 7.687 ksi  7.69 ksi Ans.

(b) Internal pressure

D  72 in.
t  0.50 in.
d  72 in.  2(0.50 in.)  71 in.

pd 4 at 4(7.687 ksi)(0.50 in.)

a  p   0.216523 ksi  217 psi Ans.
4t d 71 in.

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P14.6 A typical aluminum-alloy scuba diving tank is shown in Figure P14.6. The outside diameter of the
tank is 175 mm and the wall thickness is 12 mm. If the air in the tank is pressurized to 18 MPa,
(a) the longitudinal and hoop stresses in the wall of the tank.
(b) the maximum shear stress in the plane of the cylinder wall.
(c) the absolute maximum shear stress on the outer surface of the
cylinder wall. FIGURE P14.6

(a) Longitudinal and hoop stresses
D  175 mm
t  12 mm
d  175 mm  2(12 mm)  151 mm
pd (18 MPa)(151 mm)
 long    56.625 MPa  56.6 MPa Ans.
4t 4(12 mm)
pd (18 MPa)(151 mm)
 hoop    113.250 MPa  113.3 MPa Ans.
2t 2(12 mm)

(b) Maximum shear stress in the plane of the cylinder wall

If the longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the x axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the y axis, the normal and shear stresses on longitudinal and circumferential faces of a stress element
 x  56.625 MPa,  y  113.250 MPa,  xy  0 MPa
Since the shear stresses on the x and y faces (i.e., in the plane of the cylinder wall) are zero, these normal
stresses are, by definition, principal stresses. Therefore,
 p1  113.3 MPa and  p 2  56.6 MPa
The maximum in-plane shear stress can be computed from Eq. (12.16):
   p 2 113.250 MPa  56.625 MPa
 max  p1   28.313 MPa  28.3 MPa Ans.
2 2

(c) Absolute maximum shear stress on the outer surface of the cylinder wall
The outer surface of the cylinder wall is in a state of plane stress since the pressure acting on the outer
surface of the cylinder is simply atmospheric pressure (i.e., gage pressure = 0). Therefore, z = p3 = 0.
Since p1 and p2 are both positive,
 113.250 MPa
 abs max  p1   56.6 MPa Ans.
2 2

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P14.7 A cylindrical boiler with an outside diameter of 2.75 m and a wall thickness of 32 mm is made of
a steel alloy that has a yield stress of 340 MPa. Determine:
(a) the maximum normal stress produced by an internal pressure of 2.3 MPa.
(b) the maximum allowable pressure if a factor of safety of 2.5 with respect to yield is required.

(a) Maximum normal stress
D  2,750 mm t  32 mm d  2,750 mm  2(32 mm)  2,686 mm
pd (2.30 MPa)(2,686 mm)
 hoop    96.5 MPa Ans.
2t 2(32 mm)

(b) Maximum allowable pressure if FS = 2.5

 340 MPa
 allow  Y   136.0 MPa
FS 2.5
pd 2 t 2(136.0 MPa)(32 mm)
 allow   hoop   p  allow   3.24 MPa Ans.
2t d 2,686 mm

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P14.8 When filled to capacity, the unpressurized storage tank
shown in Figure P14.8 contains water to a height of h = 30 ft.
The outside diameter of the tank is 12 ft and the wall thickness is
0.375 in. Determine the maximum normal stress and the absolute
maximum shear stress on the outer surface of the tank at its base.
(Weight density of water = 62.4 lb/ft3.)


Water pressure
p   h  (62.4 lb/ft 3 )(30 ft)  1,872.0 lb/ft 2  13.00 psi

Hoop stress
D  (12 ft)(12 in./ft)  144 in. t  0.375 in. d  144 in.  2(0.375 in.)  143.25 in.
pd (13.00 psi)(143.25 in.)
 hoop    2,482.992 psi  2,480 psi Ans.
2t 2(0.375 in.)

Principal stresses
 p1   hoop  2,482.992 psi
 p2   long  0 psi (since the tank is unpressurized)

Maximum shear stress

The outer surface of the tank wall is in a state of plane stress since the pressure acting on the outer
surface is simply atmospheric pressure (i.e., gage pressure = 0). Therefore, z = p3 = 0. Therefore,
 2,482.992 psi
 abs max  p1   1,241 psi Ans.
2 2

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P14.9 A tall open-topped standpipe (Figure P14.9) has an inside diameter of
2,750 mm and a wall thickness of 6 mm. The standpipe contains water,
which has a mass density of 1,000 kg/m3.
(a) What height h of water will produce a circumferential stress of 16 MPa
in the wall of the standpipe?
(b) What is the axial stress in the wall of the standpipe due to the water


Longitudinal and hoop stresses
pd p(2,750 mm)
 hoop    16 MPa
2t 2(6 mm)
 p  69.818  103 MPa

(a) Height h of water

p   gh  69.818  103 MPa
69.818  103 N/m2
h   7.122684 m  7.12 m Ans.
(1,000 kg/m3 )(9.81 m/s 2 )

(b) Axial stress in the wall of the standpipe due to water pressure
Since the standpipe is open to the atmosphere at its upper end, the fluid pressure will not create stress in
the longitudinal direction of the standpipe; therefore,
 long  0 Ans.

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P14.10 The pressure tank in Figure P14.10/11 is
fabricated from spirally wrapped metal plates that are
welded at the seams in the orientation shown where =
40°. The tank has an inside diameter of 480 mm and a
wall thickness of 8 mm. Determine the largest gage
pressure that can be used inside the tank if the
allowable normal stress perpendicular to the weld is
100 MPa and the allowable shear stress parallel to the
weld is 25 MPa.
FIGURE P14.10/11

The longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the x axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the y axis; therefore, the normal and shear stresses on longitudinal and circumferential faces of a
stress element are:
pd pd
x  , y  ,  xy  0
4t 2t
The weld is oriented at 40° as shown; however, the angle  required for the stress transformation
equations is the angle normal to the weld. Thus,  = 40° + 90° = 130° (or  = 40° − 90° = −50°). Using
this value of , the normal stress transformation equation [Eq. (12-3)] can be used to compute the
normal stress perpendicular to the weld:
 n   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin  cos 
pd pd
 cos 2 (130)  sin 2 (130)  2(0 MPa)sin(130)cos(130)
4t 2t
pd pd
 cos 2 (130)  sin 2 (130)
4t 2t
The normal stress magnitude perpendicular to the weld n must not exceed 100 MPa; thus,
pd pd 2
100 MPa  cos 2 (130)  sin (130)
4t 2t
pd  1 
  cos 2 (130)  sin 2 (130) 
2t  2 
p(480 mm)  0.413176 
   0.586824
2(8 mm)  2 
 (23.802361) p
Based on the allowable normal stress,
p  4.2013 MPa (a)

Similarly, the shear stress transformation equation [Eq. (12-4)] can be used to compute the shear stress
parallel to the weld:

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 nt  ( x   y )sin  cos    xy (cos 2   sin 2  )
 pd pd 
    sin(130)cos(130)  (0 MPa)[cos (130)  sin (130)]
2 2

 4t 2t 
 pd pd 
    sin(130)cos(130)
 4t 2t 

The shear stress parallel to the weld nt must not exceed a magnitude of 25 MPa; thus,
 pd pd 
25 MPa      sin(130)cos(130)
 4t 2t 
pd  1 
    1 sin(130)cos(130)
2t  2 
p(480 mm)  1 
    ( 0.492404) 
2(8 mm)  2 
 7.386058p
Based on the allowable shear stress,
p  3.3848 MPa (b)

Compare the results in Eqs. (a) and (b) to find that the maximum allowable gage pressure is
pallow  3.38 MPa Ans.

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P14.11 The pressure tank in Figure P14.10/11 is
fabricated from spirally wrapped metal plates that are
welded at the seams in the orientation shown where =
40°. The tank has an inside diameter of 720 mm and a
wall thickness of 8 mm. For a gage pressure of 2.15
MPa, determine (a) the normal stress perpendicular to
the weld and (b) the shear stress parallel to the weld.
FIGURE P14.10/11

(a) Normal stress perpendicular to the weld
pd (2.15 MPa)(720 mm)
 long    48.375 MPa
4t 4(8 mm)
pd (2.15 MPa)(720 mm)
 hoop    96.750 MPa
2t 2(8 mm)

The longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the x axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the y axis; therefore, the normal and shear stresses on longitudinal and circumferential faces of a
stress element are:
 x  48.375 MPa,  y  96.750 MPa,  xy  0 MPa
The weld is oriented at 40° as shown; however, the angle  required for the stress transformation
equations is the angle normal to the weld. Thus,  = 40° + 90° = 130° (or  = 40° − 90° = −50°). Using
this value of , the normal stress transformation equation [Eq. (12-3)] can be used to compute the
normal stress perpendicular to the weld:
 n   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin  cos 
 (48.375 MPa)cos 2 (130)  (96.750 MPa)sin 2 (130)  2(0 MPa)sin(130)cos(130)
 76.763 MPa  76.8 MPa (T) Ans.

(b) Shear stress parallel to the weld

Similarly, the shear stress transformation equation [Eq. (12-4)] gives nt:
 nt  ( x   y )sin  cos    xy (cos 2   sin 2  )
 [(48.375 MPa)  (96.750 MPa)]sin(130)cos(130)  (0 MPa)[cos 2 (130)  sin 2 (130)]
 23.820 MPa  23.8 MPa Ans.

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P14.12 The pressure tank in Figure P14.12/13 is fabricated from
spirally wrapped metal plates that are welded at the seams in the
orientation shown where = 40°. The tank has an inside diameter of
1,800 mm and a wall thickness of 12 mm. For a gage pressure of 1.75
MPa, determine (a) the normal stress perpendicular to the weld and (b)
the shear stress parallel to the weld.

FIGURE P14.12/13

(a) Normal stress perpendicular to the weld
pd (1.75 MPa)(1,800 mm)
 long    65.625 MPa
4t 4(12 mm)
pd (1.75 MPa)(1,800 mm)
 hoop    131.250 MPa
2t 2(12 mm)

The longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the y axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the x axis; therefore, the normal and shear stresses on longitudinal and circumferential faces of a
stress element are:
 x  131.250 MPa,  y  65.625 MPa,  xy  0 MPa
The weld is oriented at 40° as shown. Relative to the positive x axis, this orientation is defined by an
angle of  = 180° − 40° = 140°. Using this value of , the normal stress transformation equation [Eq.
(12-3)] can be used to compute the normal stress perpendicular to the weld:
 n   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin  cos 
 (131.250 MPa)cos 2 (140)  (65.625 MPa)sin 2 (140)  2(0 MPa)sin(140)cos(140)
 104.135 MPa  104.1 MPa (T) Ans.

(b) Shear stress parallel to the weld

Similarly, the shear stress transformation equation [Eq. (12-4)] gives nt:
 nt  ( x   y )sin  cos    xy (cos 2   sin 2  )
 [(131.250 MPa)  (65.625 MPa)]sin(140)cos(140)  (0 MPa)[cos 2 (140)  sin 2 (140)]
 32.314 MPa  32.3 MPa Ans.

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P14.13 The pressure tank in Figure P14.12/13 is fabricated from
spirally wrapped metal plates that are welded at the seams in the
orientation shown where = 55°. The tank has an inside diameter of
60 in. and a wall thickness of 0.25 in. Determine the largest
allowable gage pressure if the allowable normal stress perpendicular
to the weld is 12 ksi and the allowable shear stress parallel to the
weld is 7 ksi.

FIGURE P14.12/13

The longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the y axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the x axis; therefore, the normal and shear stresses on longitudinal and circumferential faces of a
stress element are:
pd pd
x  , y  ,  xy  0
2t 4t
The weld is oriented at 55° as shown. Relative to the positive x axis, this orientation is defined by an
angle of  = 180° − 55° = 125°. Using this value of , the normal stress transformation equation [Eq.
(12-3)] can be used to compute the normal stress perpendicular to the weld:
 n   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin  cos
pd pd
 cos 2 (125)  sin 2 (125)  2(0 MPa)sin(125)cos(125)
2t 4t
pd pd
 cos 2 (125)  sin 2 (125)
2t 4t
The normal stress magnitude perpendicular to the weld n must not exceed 12 ksi; thus,
pd pd 2
12 ksi  cos 2 (125)  sin (125)
2t 4t
pd  2 1 2 
  cos (125 )  sin (125) 
2t 2 
p(60 in.)  0.671010 
  0.328990  
2(0.25 in.)  2
 (79.739396) p
Based on the allowable normal stress,
p  0.150490 ksi (a)

Similarly, the shear stress transformation equation [Eq. (12-4)] can be used to compute the shear stress
parallel to the weld:
 nt  ( x   y )sin  cos   xy (cos 2   sin 2  )
 pd pd 
    sin(125)cos(125)  (0 MPa)[cos (125)  sin (125)]
2 2

 2t 4t 
 pd pd 
    sin(125)cos(125)
 2t 4t 

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The shear stress parallel to the weld nt must not exceed a magnitude of 7 ksi; thus,
 pd pd 
7 ksi      sin(125)cos(125)
 2t 4t 
pd  1 
  1   sin(125)cos(125)
2t  2 
p(60 in.)  1 
   ( 0.469846)
2(0.25 in.)  2 
 28.190779p
Based on the allowable shear stress,
p  0.248308 ksi (b)

Compare the results in Eqs. (a) and (b) to find that the maximum allowable gage pressure is
pallow  150.5 psi Ans.

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P14.14 A strain gage is mounted to the outer
surface of a thin-walled boiler as shown in Figure
P14.14. The boiler has an inside diameter of 1,800
mm and a wall thickness of 20 mm, and it is made
of stainless steel [E = 193 GPa;  = 0.27].
(a) the internal pressure in the boiler when the
strain gage reads 190 .
(b) the maximum shear strain in the plane of the
boiler wall.
(c) the absolute maximum shear strain on the FIGURE P14.14
outer surface of the boiler.

(a) Internal pressure in the boiler
The longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the x axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the y axis; therefore, the normal and shear stresses on longitudinal and circumferential faces of a
stress element are:
pd pd
x  , y  ,  xy  0
4t 2t
From the generalized Hooke’s Law equations for plane stress, the normal strains on the outer surface of
the boiler can be computed from Eqs. (13.21):
1 1  pd  pd  
 x  ( x   y )     
E E  4t  2t  
d  d 
E x  p      
 4t  2t  
E x (193,000 MPa)(190  10 6 in./in.)
p   3.543 MPa  3.54 MPa Ans.
d 1  1,800 mm  1 
   0.27
2t  2  2(20 mm)  2 

(b) Maximum shear strain in the plane of the boiler wall

The strain in the longitudinal direction is given as x = 190×10−6 in./in. The strain in the circumferential
direction (i.e., the y direction) can be expressed with the generalized Hooke’s Law equations as:
1 1  pd  pd   pd   
 y  ( y  x )       1  
E E  2t  4t   2tE  2 
From the pressure computed in part (a), the strain in the y direction is:
(3.543 MPa)(1,800 mm)  0.27 
y  1   714.565  106 mm/mm
2(20 mm)(193,000 MPa)  2 

Since the longitudinal and hoop stresses are principal stresses, the corresponding strains are also
principal strains.
 p1   y  714.565  106 mm/mm
 p 2   x  190  106 mm/mm

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The maximum shear strain in the plane of the boiler wall can be calculated from Eq. (13.12):
 max   p1   p 2  714.565  106 mm/mm  190  106 mm/mm
 524.565  106 rad  525 μrad Ans.

(c) Absolute maximum shear strain on the outer surface of the boiler
The strain in the radial direction (i.e., the out-of-plane direction) can be expressed with the generalized
Hooke’s Law equations as:
   pd pd   pd  1 
 z   ( x   y )      1
E E  4t 2t  2tE  2 
From the pressure computed in part (a), the strain in the z direction is:
(0.27)(3.543 MPa)(1,800 mm)  1 
z     1  334.565  106 mm/mm
2(20 mm)(193,000 MPa)  2 

The strain in the z direction is also a principal strain; therefore,

 p3   z  334.565  106 mm/mm
Since p1 is positive and p3 is negative, the absolute maximum shear strain is
 abs max  714.565  106 mm/mm  ( 334.565  106 mm/mm)
 1,049.130  106 rad  1,049 μrad Ans.

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P14.15 A closed cylindrical tank containing a
pressurized fluid has an inside diameter of 830 mm
and a wall thickness of 10 mm. The stresses in the
wall of the tank acting on a rotated element have the
values shown in Figure P14.15. What is the fluid
pressure in the tank?


Let the given stresses be designated as:
 x  51 MPa,  y  66 MPa,  xy  18 MPa

The principal stress magnitudes can be computed from Eq. (12-12):

x  y x y 

 p1, p 2       xy2
2  2 

(51 MPa)  (66 MPa)  (51 MPa)  (66 MPa) 


     (18 MPa)

2  2
 58.50 MPa  19.50 MPa
 p1  78.0 MPa and  p 2  39.0 MPa

Since this is a cylindrical pressure vessel subjected to internal pressure only, we know that the principal
stresses occur in the hoop and longitudinal directions. Thus, we can assert that:
pd pd
 p1   hoop  and  p 2   long 
2t 4t
The internal pressure can be calculated from either expression:
 78 MPa
2(10 mm)(78 MPa)
p  1.880 MPa Ans.
830 mm

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P14.16 A closed cylindrical vessel (Figure P14.16)
contains a fluid at a pressure of 5.0 MPa. The cylinder,
which has an outside diameter of 2,500 mm and a wall
thickness of 20 mm, is fabricated from stainless steel [E =
193 GPa;  = 0.27]. Determine the increase in both the
diameter and the length of the cylinder.


D  2,500 mm t  20 mm d  2,500 mm  2(20 mm)  2,460 mm
pd (5 MPa)(2,460 mm)
 long    153.750 MPa
4t 4(20 mm)
pd (5 MPa)(2,460 mm)
 hoop    307.500 MPa
2t 2(20 mm)

From the generalized Hooke’s law, the strain in the longitudinal direction is:
 x  ( x   y )
 ( long   hoop )

193,000 MPa
153.750 MPa  (0.27)(307.500 MPa)
 366.451  106 mm/mm

Therefore, the change in length of the cylinder is:

L   x L  (366.451  106 mm/mm)(6,000 mm)  2.20 mm Ans.

Similarly, the strain in the circumferential direction is:

 y  ( y   x )
 ( hoop   long )

193,000 MPa
 307.500 MPa  (0.27)(153.750 MPa)
 1,378.174  106 mm/mm

The change in diameter of the cylinder is:

D   y D  (1,378.174  106 mm/mm)(2,500 mm)  3.45 mm Ans.

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P14.17 A strain gage is mounted at an angle of  = 20° with respect to the longitudinal axis of the
cylindrical pressure vessel shown in Figure P14.17/18. The pressure vessel is fabricated from aluminum
[E = 10,000 ksi;  = 0.33], and it has an inside diameter of 48 in. and a wall thickness of 0.25 in. If the
strain gage measures a normal strain of 470 , determine:
(a) the internal pressure in the cylinder.
(b) the absolute maximum shear stress on the
outer surface of the cylinder.
(c) the absolute maximum shear stress on the
inner surface of the cylinder.

FIGURE P14.17/18

(a) Internal pressure in the cylinder
A strain transformation equation [Eq. (13.3)]
 n   x cos2    y sin 2    xy sin  cos
can be written for the normal strain in the direction of the strain gage:
470 με   x cos2 (20)   y sin 2 (20)   xy sin(20)cos(20)
Since this is a cylindrical pressure vessel, the shear stress xy must equal zero, and hence, the shear strain
xy must also equal zero. The strain transformation equation reduces to:
470 με  470  106 in./in.   x cos2 (20)   y sin 2 (20)
Substitute Eqs. (13.21) for x and y to obtain an expression in terms of x and y:
470  10 6   x cos 2 (20)   y sin 2 (20)
1 1
 ( x   y )cos 2 (20)  ( y   x )sin 2 (20)
 1 1
 [ x cos 2 (20)   x sin 2 (20)]  [ y sin 2 (20)   y cos 2 (20)]
x y
 [cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)]  [sin 2 (20)   cos 2 (20)]
The normal stress x is the longitudinal stress caused by the internal pressure, and y is the hoop stress.
Substitute expressions for long and hoop to obtain:
 long  hoop
470  106  [cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)] [sin 2 (20)   cos 2 (20)]
pd pd
 [cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)]  [sin 2 (20)   cos 2 (20)]
4tE 2tE
 cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)  2sin 2 (20)  2 cos 2 (20) 
Thus, the pressure p can be expressed as:
4tE (470  106 )
d cos2 (20)   sin 2 (20)  2sin 2 (20)  2 cos 2 (20) 

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Compute the internal pressure:
4(0.25 in.)(10,000 ksi)(470  106 in./in.)
(48 in.) cos 2 (20)  (0.33)sin 2 (20)  2sin 2 (20)  2(0.33)cos 2 (20)
4(0.25 in.)(10,000 ksi)(470  106 in./in.)

(48 in.)(0.495580)
 0.197580 ksi  197.6 psi Ans.

(b) Absolute maximum shear stress on the outer surface of the cylinder
The principal stresses are:
pd (0.197580 ksi)(48 in.)
 long    9.484 ksi   p 2
4t 4(0.25 in.)
pd (0.197580 ksi)(48 in.)
 hoop    18.968 ksi   p1
2t 2(0.25 in.)
The outer surface of the cylinder is in plane stress; therefore, the absolute maximum shear stress is:
   p 3 18.968 ksi  0 ksi
 abs max  p1   9.48 ksi Ans.
2 2

(c) Absolute maximum shear stress on the inner surface of the cylinder
Inside the cylinder, the pressure creates a stress in the radial direction; therefore,
 p3   radial   p  0.197580 ksi
The absolute maximum shear stress inside the cylinder is
   p 3 18.968 ksi  (0.197580 ksi)
 abs max  p1   9.58 ksi Ans.
2 2

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P14.18 A strain gage is mounted at an angle of  =
20° with respect to the longitudinal axis of the
cylindrical pressure shown in Figure P14.17/18.
The pressure vessel is fabricated from aluminum [E
= 10,000 ksi;  = 0.33], and it has an inside
diameter of 48 in. and a wall thickness of 0.50 in. If
the internal pressure in the cylinder is 350 psi,
(a) the expected strain gage reading (in ).
(b) the principal strains, the maximum shear strain,
and the absolute maximum shear strain on the outer
surface of the cylinder.
FIGURE P14.17/18

(a) Expected strain gage reading
A strain transformation equation [Eq. (13.3)]
 n   x cos2    y sin 2    xy sin  cos
can be written for the normal strain in the direction of the strain gage:
 n   x cos2 (20)   y sin 2 (20)   xy sin(20)cos(20)
Since this is a cylindrical pressure vessel, the shear stress xy must equal zero, and hence, the shear strain
xy must also equal zero. The strain transformation equation reduces to:
 n   x cos2 (20)   y sin 2 (20)
Substitute Eqs. (13.21) for x and y to obtain an expression in terms of x and y:
 n   x cos 2 (20)   y sin 2 (20)
1 1
 ( x   y )cos 2 (20)  ( y   x )sin 2 (20)
 1 1
 [ x cos 2 (20)   x sin 2 (20)]  [ y sin 2 (20)   y cos 2 (20)]
x y
 [cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)]  [sin 2 (20)   cos 2 (20)]
The normal stress x is the longitudinal stress caused by the internal pressure, and y is the hoop stress.
Substitute expressions for long and hoop to obtain:
 long  hoop
n  [cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)]  [sin 2 (20)   cos 2 (20)]
pd pd
 [cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)]  [sin 2 (20)   cos 2 (20)]
4tE 2tE
 cos 2 (20)   sin 2 (20)  2sin 2 (20)  2 cos 2 (20) 
4tE 

The expected strain gage reading is thus:

(350 psi)(48 in.)
n  cos 2 (20)  (0.33)sin 2 (20)  2sin 2 (20)  2(0.33)cos 2 (20)
4(0.50 in.)(10,000,000 psi)
 416.288  106 in./in.  416 με Ans.

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(b) Principal strains on outer surface of cylinder
The principal stresses are:
pd (350 psi)(48 in.)
 long    8,400 psi   p 2
4t 4(0.50 in.)
pd (350 psi)(48 in.)
 hoop    16,800 psi   p1
2t 2(0.50 in.)
From the generalized Hooke’s Law equations for plane stress, the normal strains produced in the plate
can be computed from Eqs. (13.21):
1 1
 x  ( long   hoop )  [8, 400 psi  (0.33)(16,800 psi)]  285.600  10 6 in./in.
E 10  10 psi

1 1
 y  ( hoop   long )  [16,800 psi  (0.33)(8, 400 psi)]  1, 402.800  106 in./in.
E 10  106 psi
 0.33
 z   ( long   hoop )   [8, 400 psi  16,800 psi]  831.600  10 6 in./in.
E 10  10 psi

 p1  1,403 με  p 2  286 με  p3  832 με Ans.

Maximum shear strain

 max   p1   p 2  1,402.800  106  285.600  106  1,117 μrad Ans.

Absolute maximum shear strain

 abs max   p1   p3  1,402.800  106  (831.600  106 )  2,230 μrad Ans.

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P14.19 The pressure vessel in Figure P14.19 consists of spirally wrapped steel plates that are welded at
the seams in the orientation shown where = 35°. The cylinder has an inside diameter of 540 mm and a
wall thickness of 10 mm. The ends of the cylinder are capped by two rigid end plates. The gage pressure
inside the cylinder is 4.25 MPa, and compressive axial loads of P = 215 kN are applied to the rigid end
caps. Determine:
(a) the normal stress perpendicular to the weld
(b) the shear stress parallel to the weld seams.
(c) the absolute maximum shear stress in the

(a) Normal stress perpendicular to the weld
pd (4.25 MPa)(540 mm)
 long    57.375 MPa
4t 4(10 mm)
pd (4.25 MPa)(540 mm)
 hoop    114.750 MPa
2t 2(10 mm)
The compressive axial load also creates a normal stress in the x direction.
 
A  D 2  d 2   (560 mm) 2  (540 mm) 2   17,278.760 mm2
4 4
P 215,000 N
 axial    12.443 MPa
A 17,278.760 mm2

The longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the x axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the y axis; therefore, the normal and shear stresses on longitudinal and circumferential faces of a
stress element are:
 x  44.932 MPa,  y  114.750 MPa,  xy  0 MPa
The weld is oriented at 35° as shown. The angle  required for the stress transformation equations is the
angle normal to the weld, which is also 35°. Using this value of , the normal stress transformation
equation [Eq. (12-3)] can be used to compute the normal stress perpendicular to the weld:
 n   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin  cos 
 (44.932 MPa)cos 2 (35)  (114.750 MPa)sin 2 (35)  2(0 MPa)sin(35)cos(35)
 67.901 MPa  67.9 MPa (T) Ans.

(b) Shear stress parallel to the weld

Similarly, the shear stress transformation equation [Eq. (12-4)] gives nt:
 nt  ( x   y )sin  cos    xy (cos 2   sin 2  )
 [(44.932 MPa)  (114.750 MPa)]sin(35)cos(35)  (0 MPa)[cos 2 (35)  sin 2 (35)]
 32.804 MPa  32.8 MPa Ans.

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(c) Absolute maximum shear stress in the cylinder
The principal stresses on the outside of the cylinder are:
 p1   hoop  114.750 MPa  p 2   long   axial  44.932 MPa  p3  0

On the outside surface of the cylinder:

  0 114.750 MPa
 abs max  p1   57.375 MPa
2 2

Inside the cylinder, the third principal stress is equal in magnitude to the internal pressure:
 p3   radial   p  4.25 MPa

On the inside surface of the cylinder:

   p 3 114.750 MPa  (4.25 MPa)
 abs max  p1   59.500 MPa
2 2

Thus, the absolute maximum shear stress in the cylinder is

 abs max  59.5 MPa Ans.

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P14.20 The cylindrical pressure vessel shown in Figure
P14.20/21 has an inside diameter of 610 mm and a wall
thickness of 3 mm. The cylinder is made of an aluminum alloy
that has an elastic modulus of E = 70 GPa and a shear modulus
of G = 26.3 GPa. Two strain gages are mounted on the exterior
surface of the cylinder at right angles to each other; however,
the angle  is not known. If the strains measured by the two
gages are a = 360  and b = 975 , what is the pressure in
the vessel? Notice that when two orthogonal strains are
measured, the angle  is not needed to determine the normal
FIGURE P14.20/21

Strain invariance: From strain invariance [Eq. (13.8)], we can state
 a  b   x   y
Let’s first focus on the right-hand side of this equation. From Eqs. (13.21), the sum of the strains in the
x and y directions can be expressed as
1 1
 x   y  ( x   y )  ( y   x )
1 1
  x   y   y   x    x (1   )   y (1   ) 
  x   y 
E 
The longitudinal axis of the cylinder is defined as the x axis and the circumferential direction is defined
as the y axis; therefore:
pd pd
 x   long  and  y   hoop 
4t 2t
Substitution of these expressions gives
1    pd pd  1   pd 3(1   ) pd
x   y  
E  4t

2t   
E 4t
1  2 
E 4t
Now, based on strain invariance, we can equate  x   y and  a  b
3(1   ) pd
  a  b
E 4t
Before calculating p, we need to derive an expression for  from Eq. (13.18):
G   1
2(1   ) 2G
Determine Poisson’s ratio from this expression:
E 70 GPa
 1   1  0.331
2G 2(26.3 GPa)
Having calculated the value of Poisson’s ratio, we can now calculate the internal pressure p:
4( a   b ) Et 4(360  106  975  106 )(70,000 MPa)(3 mm)
p   0.916 MPa Ans.
3(1   )d 3(1  0.331)(610 mm)

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P14.21 The cylindrical pressure vessel shown in Figure
P14.20/21 has an inside diameter of 900 mm and a wall
thickness of 12 mm. The cylinder is made of an aluminum
alloy that has an elastic modulus of E = 70 GPa and a shear
modulus of G = 26.3 GPa. Two strain gages are mounted on
the exterior surface of the cylinder at right angles to each
other. The angle  is 25°. If the pressure in the vessel is 1.75
MPa, determine
(a) the strains that act in the x and y directions.
(b) the strains expected in gages a and b.
(c) the normal stresses n and t.
(d) the shear stress nt.
FIGURE P14.20/21

(b) Strains in the x and y directions
pd (1.75 MPa)(900 mm)
 x   long    32.813 MPa
4t 4(12 mm)
pd (1.75 MPa)(900 mm)
 y   hoop    65.625 MPa
2t 2(12 mm)

Before proceeding, we need to derive an expression for  from Eq. (13.18):

G   1
2(1   ) 2G
Determine Poisson’s ratio from this expression:
E 70 GPa
 1   1  0.331
2G 2(26.3 GPa)

From the generalized Hooke’s law, the strain in the x direction is:
 x  ( x   y )

70,000 MPa
 32.813 MPa  (0.331)(65.625 MPa)
 158.626  106 mm/mm  158.6 με Ans.

Similarly, the strain in the y direction is:

 y  ( y   x )

70,000 MPa
 65.625 MPa  (0.331)(32.813 MPa)
 782.438  106 mm/mm  782 με Ans.

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(b) Expected strain gage readings in gages a and b
A strain transformation equation [Eq. (13.3)]
 n   x cos2    y sin 2    xy sin  cos
can be written for the normal strain in the direction of strain gage a:
 a   x cos2 (25)   y sin 2 (25)   xy sin(25)cos(25)
Since this is a cylindrical pressure vessel, the shear stress xy must equal zero, and hence, the shear strain
xy must also equal zero. The strain transformation equation reduces to:
 a   x cos2 (25)   y sin 2 (25)
The expected strain reading in gage a is thus:
 a   x cos2 (25)   y sin 2 (25)
 (158.626 με)cos 2 (25)  (782.438 με)sin 2 (25)  270 με Ans.
Use a value of  = 25° + 90° = 115° to obtain the strain reading expected in gage b:
 b   x cos2 (115)   y sin 2 (115)
 (158.626 με)cos 2 (115)  (782.438 με)sin 2 (115)  671 με Ans.

(c) Normal stresses n and t.

Use the normal stress transformation equation [Eq. (12.3)] to calculate n:
 n   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin  cos 
 (32.813 MPa)cos 2 (25)  (65.625 MPa)sin 2 (25)  2(0 MPa)sin(25)cos(25)
 38.673 MPa  38.7 MPa (T) Ans.
and t:
 t   x cos 2 (  90)   y sin 2 (  90)  2 xy sin(  90)cos(  90)
 (32.813 MPa)cos 2 (115)  (65.625 MPa)sin 2 (115)  2(0 MPa)sin(115)cos(115)
 59.764 MPa  59.8 MPa (T) Ans.

(d) Shear stress nt.

The shear stress transformation equation [Eq. (12.4)] gives nt:
 nt  ( x   y )sin  cos    xy (cos 2   sin 2  )
 [(32.813 MPa)  (65.625 MPa)]sin(25)cos(25)  (0 MPa)[cos 2 (25)  sin 2 (25)]
 12.568 MPa  12.57 MPa Ans.

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