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A technical definition of a function is: a relation from a set of inputs to a set of possible
outputs where each input is related to exactly one output.
This means that if the object x is in the set of inputs (called the domain) then a function f
will map the object x to exactly one object f(x) in the set of possible outputs (called the

The notion of a function is easily understood using the metaphor of a function machine
that takes in an object for its input and, based on that input, spits out another object as
its output.

A function is more formally defined given a set of inputs X (domain) and a set of possible
outputs Y (codomain) as a set of ordered pairs (x,y) where x ∈ X (confused?) and y ∈ Y,
subject to the restriction that there can be only one ordered pair with the same value of
x. We can write the statement that f is a function from X to Y using the function notation

Function, in mathematics, an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between

one variable (the independent variable) and another variable (the dependent variable).
Functions are ubiquitous in mathematics and are essential for formulating physical
relationships in the sciences. The modern definition of function was first given in 1837 by
the German mathematician Peter Dirichlet.

If a variable y is so related to a variable x that whenever a numerical value is assigned to

x, there is a rule according to which a unique value of y is determined, then y is said to
be a function of the independent variable x.

This relationship is commonly symbolized as y = f(x). In addition to f(x), other

abbreviated symbols such as g(x) and P(x) are often used to represent functions of the
independent variable x, especially when the nature of the function is unknown or

The Exponential Function

Overview of the exponential function
The exponential function is one of the most important functions in mathematics (though it
would have to admit that the linear function ranks even higher in importance). To form an
exponential function, we let the independent variable be the exponent. A simple example is
the function

As illustrated in the above graph of f, the exponential function increases rapidly. Exponential
functions are solutions to the simplest types of dynamical systems. For example, an
exponential function arises in simple models of bacteria growth
An exponential function can describe growth or decay. The function
is an example of exponential decay. It gets rapidly smaller as x increases, as illustrated by
its graph.

In the exponential growth of f(x), the function doubles every time you add one to its input x.
In the exponential decay of g(x), the function shrinks in half every time you add one to its
input x.
The Common Functions
Many widely used mathematical formulas are expressions of known functions. For
example, the formula for the area of a circle, A = πr2, gives the dependent variable A (the
area) as a function of the independent variable r (the radius). Functions involving more than
two variables also are common in mathematics, as can be seen in the formula for the area
of a triangle, A = bh/2, which defines A as a function of both b (base) and h (height). In
these examples, physical constraints force the independent variables to be positive
numbers. When the independent variables are also allowed to take on negative values—
thus, any real number—the functions are known as real-valued functions.
The formula for the area of a circle is an example of a polynomial function. The general
form for such functions is
P(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2+⋯+ anx
where the coefficients (a0, a1, a2,…, an) are given, x can be any real number, and all the
powers of x are counting numbers (1, 2, 3,…). (When the powers of x can be any real
number, the result is known as an algebraic function.) Polynomial functions have been
studied since the earliest times because of their versatility—practically any relationship
involving real numbers can be closely approximated by a polynomial function. Polynomial
functions are characterized by the highest power of the independent variable. Special
names are commonly used for such powers from one to five—linear, quadratic, cubic,
quartic, and quintic.
Polynomial functions may be given geometric representation by means of analytic
geometry. The independent variable x is plotted along the x-axis (a horizontal line), and the
dependent variable y is plotted along the y-axis (a vertical line). The graph of the function
then consists of the points with coordinates (x, y) where y = f(x). For example, the graph of
the cubic equation f(x) = x3 − 3x + 2 is shown in the figure.
Another common type of function that has been studied since antiquity is the trigonometric
functions, such as sin x and cos x, where x is the measure of an angle (see figure).
Because of their periodic nature, trigonometric functions are often used to model behaviour
that repeats, or “cycles.” Nonalgebraic functions, such as exponential and trigonometric
functions, are also known as transcendental functions.
Complex Function
Practical applications of functions whose variables are complex numbers are not so easy to
illustrate, but they are nevertheless very extensive. They occur, for example, in electrical
engineering and aerodynamics. If the complex variable is represented in the form z = x + iy,
where i is the imaginary unit (the square root of −1) and x and y are real variables (see
figure), it is possible to split the complex function into real and imaginary parts: f(z) = P(x, y)
+ iQ(x, y).

point in the complex plane

A point in the complex plane. Unlike real numbers, which can be located by a single signed
(positive or negative) number along a number line, complex numbers require a plane with
two axes, one axis for the real number component and one axis for the imaginary
component. Although the complex plane looks like the ordinary two-dimensional plane,
where each point is determined by an ordered pair of real numbers (x, y), the point x + iy is
a single number.
Linear Function

The linear function is arguably the most important function in mathematics. It's one of the
easiest functions to understand, and it often shows up when you least expect it. Because it
is so nice, we often simplify more complicated functions into linear functions in order to
understand aspects of the complicated functions.
Unfortunately, the term “linear function” means slightly different things to different.
Fortunately, the distinction is pretty simple. We first outline the strict definition of a linear
function, which is the favorite version in higher mathematics. Then, we discuss the
rebellious definition of a linear function, which is the definition one typically learning in
elementary mathematics but is a rebellious definition since such a function isn't linear.
Inverse Functions
By interchanging the roles of the independent and dependent variables in a given function,
one can obtain an inverse function. Inverse functions do what their name implies: they undo
the action of a function to return a variable to its original state. Thus, if for a given function
f(x) there exists a function g(y) such that g(f(x)) = x and f(g(y)) = y, then g is called the
inverse function of f and given the notation f−1, where by convention the variables are
interchanged. For example, the function f(x) = 2x has the inverse function f−1(x) = x/2.

Function Machine Metaphor

We can view a function as something that can take an object (as long as the object is in its
domain) and turn it into (or map it to) a different object. We can imagine it is some machine
that does this transformation. You put some object into its input funnel. If the input object
fits into the funnel, then the function machine will process that object and turn it into some
other object, which comes out its output chute.

In this illustration, the inputs are spheres of various sizes (the domain presumably contains
only those spheres that are small enough to fit into the funnel). The outputs are illustrated
by the cubes coming out of the chute. Hence, this function transforms each sphere into a

We may usually think of functions as taking numbers for inputs and spitting out numbers as
outputs, but there's no need to take such a limited view of functions. There's nothing about
a function machine that implies it must deal with numbers. Any collection of objects could
serve as the domain or codomain, as we illustrate with examples.
Function Machine Metaphor
The function machine metaphor is quite versatile and powerful. It can be used to explain
many important properties of functions and concepts involving functions.

The domain: The domain is simply the set of objects that fit into the input funnel and can be
processed by the function machine.

The codomain: You could think of the codomain as the set of objects that could
theoretically fit out the chute.

The range: The range is the set of objects that would come out the chute if you put all the
elements of the domain into the funnel.

The unique pairing: If the machine is in good condition, it should always produce an output
when you put in an input. If you put in the same input multiple times, the machine should
always yield the same output. In this way, each element of the domain is paired with
exactly one output from the codomain.

Parameters: Parameters of a function can be viewed as dials that change the behavior of
the function machine.

Composition: One can use multiple function machines to illustrate the composition of

Inverse: The inverse of a function is equivalent to running the machine backwards. But, if
two different input elements are transformed into the same output element, the backward
function machine won't know which of the input elements to spit out and the inverse isn't

Recall the notation that R stands for the real numbers. Similarly, R2 is a two-dimensional
vector, and R3 is a three-dimensional vector.

Scalar-valued functions
In one-variable calculus, you worked a lot with one-variable functions, i.e., functions from R
onto R. If f(x) is such a one-variable functions, we can write f:R→R as a shorthand way of
expressing that f is a function from R onto R.
A function like f(x,y)=x+y is a function of two variables. It takes an element of R2, like (2,1),
and gives a value that is a real number (i.e., an element of R), like f(2,1)=3. Since f maps
R2 to R, we write f:R2→R. We can also use this “mapping” notation to define the actual
function. We could define the above f(x,y) by writing f:(x,y)↦x+y.
To contrast a simple real number with a vector, we refer to the real number as a scalar.
Hence, we can refer to f:R2→R as a scalar-valued function of two variables or even just
say it is a real-valued function of two variables.
Everything works the same for scalar valued functions of three or more variables. For
example, f(x,y,z), which we can write f:R3→R, is a scalar-valued function of three variables.

Vector-valued functions
In contrast, a vector-valued function takes on values that are vectors. First, let's talk about
vector-valued functions of a single variable.
A vector-valued function in two dimensions can be written f:R→R2. An example is
f(t)=(3t,−t). For a given real number, which we'll denote by ♣ for fun, f(♣) is the two-
dimensional vector (3♣,−♣). Similarly, a vector-valued function in three dimensions can be
written f:R→R3. For example, if f(s)=(1−s,s3,coss), then f(0)=(1,0,1). We sometimes write
vector-valued functions using the standard unit vector i, j, and k, as in
Lastly, we can have vector-valued functions of multiple variables. For example, a function
could take values in R3, say (x,y,z), and map them to R2, such as f(x,y,z)=(x−y,x22/z). We
can write a function from R3 to R2 as f:R3→R2. You get the idea.
The Domain of a Function
The function f(t)=(t,t2) is defined over all real numbers R, i.e., the domain of the function is
R. Sometimes a function of one variable may be defined over a subset of real numbers, say
some set U⊂R; in this case, the domain of the function is U. (Note, the symbol “⊂” just
means “is subset of”.) In three dimensions, for example, we can specify the domain by
writing f:U⊂R→R3, or simply f:U→R3.
Example: since logt isn't a real number for t≤0, the domain of f(t)=(logt)i+tj, is the set
D=(0,∞). We could write this f:(0,∞)→R2. What would the domain be if we replaced logt with
log(t−3) or log(2−t)? You have to think where log(t−3) or log(2−t) is a real number, i.e.,
where t−3>0 or where 2−t>0.
We use the same notation for functions of multiple variables. If we wrote f:U⊂R2→R3, we
would mean a function maps values in a subset U of R2 to values in R3.


Example 1: Number of Children

A function can output objects of a completely different type than the inputs, as suggested by
the above picture where spheres enter the function machine and cubes come out. We could
define a function where the domain X is again the set of people but the codomain is a set of

For example, let the codomain Y be the set of whole numbers and define the function c so
that for any person x, the function output c(x) is the number of children of the person x.
Since there is an upper limit on the number of children a person could possibly have, it's
clear the range of c is not the entire set Y of whole numbers.

Putting in the same people into the child number function, we'd obtain c(Martin Luther King,
Jr.)=4 and c(Marie Skłodowska-Curie)=2.

Example 2: Symbols
The domain and codomain of a function could be sets of any type of objects. For example,
the domain could be the set A = {◯, △ , ★ ,□} and the codomain could be the set B={◊,★,□,
◯,∘}. We could define a function f of the form


that maps each of the four symbols in A to one of the five symbols in B. We could define the
function by f(◯)=◊, f(△)=□, f(★)=□, and f(□)=★. (Equivalently, using the ordered pair
definition we could define f by the set of ordered pairs {(◯,◊),(△,□),(★,□),(□,★)}.) Since f
never maps onto the elements ◯ or ∘ of the codomain, the range of the function is the set

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