Arundina BI Test PDF

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Arundina graminifolia

Arundina graminifolia is an orchid species

and sole species accepted from Arundina
genus. It is also called as bamboo orchid.

Arundina graminifolia is a terrestrial,
perennial orchid with reedy stems,
forming into large clumps growing to a
height between 70 cm and 2 m.
The plaited linear leaves are oblong
lanceolate, with a length of 9 to 19 cm and a width of 0.8 to
1.5 cm. The apex is acuminate. There are amplexicaul (clasping
the stem) sheathing stipules. They bloom in succession on the
terminal racemes, which are 7 to 16 cm long.

These flowers, 5 – 8 cm in diameter, are a rosy lilac and white disk

with a purple lip. The bracts are wide triangular and surround the
main stalk of the flower cluster. The occasional fertilized seed
pods contain minute powdery seeds, and small plants often
develop near the cane ends after flowering, and likely aid in
propagation if allowed to reach the soil.
It is very common in road cuts and other disturbed areas in full

sun in Sarawak, East Malaysia, where it often is the most common
flowering plant to be seen along the roadsides.

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