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Choose the correct answers!

1. I and my friends … in the library. We read some books

a. am
b. is
c. have
d. are
Jawab: d. are

2. She … not work because she has the flu.

a. is
b. does
c. do
d. be
Jawab: b. does

3. Alina … song every night.

a. sings
b. sing
c. is
d. does
Jawab: a. sings

4. My father … tea every morning.

a. drink
b. drinks
c. drinking
d. is
Jawab: b. drinks

5. They … a test every week.

a. does
b. has
c. are
d. have
Jawab: d. have

6. Dolph: Please call me if you need.

Jack: No. I … need your help.
a. do not
b. does
c. not
d. am not
Jawab: a. do not
7. She is a student. She … at school.
a. studying
b. study
c. studies
d. does
Jawab: c. studies

8. We … soccer match.
a. doing
b. watching
c. watches
d. watch
Jawab: d. watch

9. Gina cooks fried rice. It … amazing.

a. does
b. do
c. are
d. is
Jawab: d. is

10. My brother rides a bike to school …

a. everyday
b. last day
c. next week
d. next time
Jawab: a. every day


Choose the best answer.

1. Tomy, Jane, Mark, Sarah ………. smart students.

a. is
b. are
c. am
d. is not
Jawab: b. are

2. A: Hello, my name is Alice Wong

B: Hi, I’m Susan Crane.
A: Sorry, ……….
B: It’s C-R-A-N-E

a. How do you spell your last name?

b. What’s your last name?
c. How do you spell your first name?
d. What’s your spelling?
Jawab: a. How do you spell your last name

3. Are you a doctor? No, I ………. a dentist.

a. am not
b. don’t
c. am
d. was
Jawab: c. am

4. A: Hi, his name is David Foster.

B: ……….

a. Where are you from?

b. Where do you from?
c. Are you from Singapore?
d. Where is he from?
Jawab: a. Where are you from?

5. ………. your brother and sister ………. four languages?

a. Did-speak
b. Does-speak
c. Do-speaks
d. Do-speak
Jawab: d. Do-speak

6. Bob’s niece is very cute. ……….name is Mia.

a. Her
b. His
c. He
d. She
Jawab: a. Her
7. Most of us……….24 SKS this semester.

a. to take
b. are be taking
c. are taking
d. be taking
Jawab: c. are taking

8. What are they doing right now?

a. They are doing swimming.

b. They swim right now.
c. They are swimming.
d. They usually go swimming.
Jawab: c. They are swimming

9. Irene : What will you do on next week?

Daniel: I ………. my grandmother .

a. will visiting
b. visited
c. am visiting
d. will visit
Jawab: d. will visit

10. What is he doing in the garden?

a. He is watching TV.
b. He is playing cards.
c. He is eating.
d. He is planting flowers.
Jawab: d. He is planting flowers.

11. Mega can’t come to the conference right now because she………. her little baby.

a. taking care of
b. is taking care of
c. is takes care of
d. be taking care of
Jawab: b. is taking care of
12. It is still raining now outside. Therefore, the riders ………. their rain coat.

a. are wearing
b. will wearing
c. is wearing
d. have wearing
Jawab: a. are wearing

13. Dina …….. her little brother to buy her some foods at the moment.

a. askes
b. is asking
c. asked
d. asks
Jawab: b. is asking

14. What time does your brother get up?

a. He get up at 5 am.
b. He always gets up at 5 am.
c. He usually got up at 5 am.
d. She always gets up at 5 am.
Jawab: b. He always gets up at 5 am.

15. Father ………. a car but he……….it very often.

a. does not have

b. has- does not drive
c. had-does not drive
d. has – is not driving
Jawab: b. has- does not drive

16. The baby …………. for three hours.

a. has sleeping
b. has slept
c. has sleep
d. has been slept
Jawab: b. has slept
17. Someone …………. the door now. We are not in the living room.

a. are knocking
b. knock
c. is knocking
d. knocked
Jawab: c. is knocking

18. ………. You and Ahmed at the library last night?

a. Were
b. Did
c. Are
d. Do
Jawab: a. Were

19. My older sister receives a lot of flowers ……….

a. now
b. tomorrow
c. every February
d. yesterday
Jawab: c. every February

20. X: Where did you buy your new book last night?
Y: ……….

a. I sold it in Gramedia.
b. I borrowed it from my friend.
c. I bought it in Fajar Agung.
d. I took it in Ramayana.
Jawab: c. I bought it in Fajar Agung.

21. Carmen and I ……… the lunch yet. So, we are very hungry now.

a. haven’t eat
b. haven’t eating
c. have eaten
d. haven’t eaten
Jawab: d. haven’t eaten
22. X: Why didn’t you answer my phone last night?
Y: Sorry, I ………. out to meet my lecturer, and I left my mobile phone at home.

a. go
b. am going
c. went
d. have gone
Jawab: c. went

23. Sam ………. a very terrible accident on the avenue yesterday.

a. to see
b. saw
c. being saw
d. is seen
Jawab: b. saw

24. What did you do two hours ago? ……….

a. I watched TV
b. I will study English
c. I am reading a book
d. I have breakfast
Jawab: a. I watched TV

25. My uncle ………. me a modern laptop last new year.

a. bought
b. was bought
c. have bought
d. to bought
Jawab: a. bought

26. Desi, Mitha, and Nina ………. here for ten years.

a. been
b. being have
c. have been
d. be have been
Jawab: c. have been
27. They have known each other since ……….

a. two days
b. tommorow
c. 2003
d. three years
Jawab: c. 2003

28. Ms. Jenifer ………. a lot of novels since she was a teenager.

a. has being read

b. has read
c. has been read
d. has readed
Jawab: b. has read

29. X: Are you and your sister going to ………. the movie tonight?
Y: No, we are not. We are very busy this evening.

a. come to
b. see
c. play
d. theater
Jawab: b. see

30. I think ………. come at the meeting tomorrow.

a. I will
b. I will to
c. I will be going to
d. I will to going to
Jawab: a. I will


Choose the correct answer in the bracket to complete the sentences.

1. The person on the bench (are/is) Barbara. (Jawab: is)

2. She (has/have) long brown hair. (Jawab: has)
3. She (does/is) smart person. (Jawab: is)
4. She’s an accountant. She (working/works) for the government. (Jawab: works)
5. She (has/have) an hour for lunch every day. (Jawab: has)
6. She often (eats/eating) Lunch in the Park. (Jawab: eats)
7. She usually (bringing/brings) a sandwich and some fruits with her to the park. (Jawab:
8. She usually (sits/sit) on a bench but she (isn’t like/doesn’t like) sitting on the grass. (Jawab:
sits – isn’t like)
9. While she’s at the park, she (watches/watching) people and animals. (Jawab: watches)
10. She (is seeing/sees) Joggers and squirrels when she (eating/eats) at the park. (Jawab: is
seeing – eats)


Choose the best answer.

1. Tomy, Jane, Mark, Sarah ………. smart students.

a. is
b. are
c. am
d. is not

2. A: Hello, my name is Alice Wong

B: Hi, I’m Susan Crane.
A: Sorry, ………. ?
B: It’s C-R-A-N-E

a. How do you spell your last name

b. What’s your last name
c. How do you spell your first name
d. What’s your spelling

3. Are you a doctor? No, I ………. a dentist.

a. am not
b. don’t
c. am
d. was
4. A: Hi, his name is David Foster.
B: ……….

a. Where are you from?

b. Where do you come from?
c. Are you from Singapore?
d. Where is he from?

5. ………. your brother and sister ………. four languages?

a. Did-speak
b. Does-speak
c. Do-speaks
d. Do-speak

6. Bob’s niece is very cute. ……….name is Mia.

a. Her
b. His
c. He
d. She

7. Most of us……….24 SKS this semester.

a. to take
b. are be taking
c. are taking
d. be taking

8. What are they doing right now?

a. They are doing swimming

b. They swim right now
c. They are swimming
d. They usually go swimming

9. Irene : What will you do on next week?

Daniel: I ………. my grandmother .

a. will visiting
b. visited
c. am visiting
d. will visit

10. What is he doing in the garden?

a. He is watching TV
b. He is playing cards
c. He is eating
d. He is planting flowers

11. Mega can’t come to the conference right now because she………. her little baby.

a. taking care of
b. is taking care of
c. is takes care of
d. be taking care of

12. It is still raining now outside. Therefore, the riders ………. their rain coat.

a. are wearing
b. will wearing
c. is wearing
d. have wearing

13. Dina …….. her little brother to buy her some foods at the moment.

a. askes
b. is asking
c. asked
d. asks

14. What time does your brother get up?

a. He get up at 5 am
b. He always gets up at 5 am
c. He usually got up at 5 am
d. She always gets up at 5 am

15. Father ………. a car but he……….it very often.

a. does not have
b. has- does not drive
c. had-does not drive
d. has – is not driving

16. The baby …………. for three hours.

a. has sleeping
b. has slept
c. has sleep
d. has been slept

17. Someone …………. the door now. We are not in the living room.

a. are knocking
b. knock
c. is knocking
d. knocked

18. ………. You and Ahmed at the library last night?

a. Were
b. Did
c. Are
d. Do

19. My older sister receives a lot of flowers ……….

a. now
b. tomorrow
c. every February
d. yesterday

20. X: Where did you buy your new book last night?
Y: ……….

a. I sold it in Gramedia
b. I borrowed it from my friend
c. I bought it in Fajar Agung
d. I took it in Ramayana
21. Carmen and I ……… the lunch yet. So, we are very hungry now.

a. haven’t eat
b. haven’t eating
c. have eaten
d. haven’t eaten

22. X: Why did not you answer my phone last night?

Y: Sorry, I ………. out to meet my lecturer, and I left my mobile phone at home.

a. go
b. am going
c. went
d. have gone

23. Sam ………. a very terrible accident on the avenue yesterday.

a. to see
b. saw
c. being saw
d. is seen

24. What did you do two hours ago? ……….

a. I watched TV
b. I will study English
c. I am reading a book
d. I have breakfast

25. My uncle ………. me a modern laptop last new year.

a. bought
b. was bought
c. have bought
d. to bought

26. Desi, Mitha, and Nina ………. here for ten years.

a. been
b. being have
c. have been
d. be have been

27. They have known each other since ……….

a. two days
b. tommorow
c. 2003
d. three years

28. Ms. Jenifer ………. a lot of novels since she was a teenager.

a. has being read

b. has read
c. has been read
d. has readed

29. X: Are you and your sister going to ………. the movie tonight?
Y: No, we are not. We are very busy this evening.

a. come to
b. see
c. play
d. theater

30. I think ………. come at the meeting tomorrow.

a. I will
b. I will to
c. I will be going to
d. I will to going to

31. Maria … to market 2 days ago.

a. go
b. goes
c. went
d. gone

32. She bought a t-shirt …

a. yesterday
b. tomorrow
c. tonight
d. today

33. It … small size.

a. does
b. do
c. are
d. was

34. They … in football field.

a. is
b. was
c. were
d. does

35. We … quiz last week.

a. have
b. did
c. do
d. are

36. She …. sad last night

a. were
b. was
c. is
d. do

37. I … his car last night.

a. drive
b. am
c. drove
d. driving
38. Mechanic … broken machine.

a. does
b. fix
c. fixed
d. have

39. They … photograph.

a. taking
b. takes
c. took
d. has

40. He … not come to my party yesterday.

a. has
b. does
c. having
d. did

Choose the best answer.

1. What ………….. Let’s go to the party.

a. are you waiting for?
b. you are waiting for?
c. will you waiting for?
d. do you waiting for?

2. Kate and I live in an apartment. …………. roommates.

a. We
b. They are
c. We are
d. Our

3. Jim and I …………. lunch at the cafeteria two hours ago.

a. eat
b. eating
c. ate
d. eats

4. Mr. Rice is a police officer. …………. busy every day.

a. He is
b. Him
c. His
d. He

5. Nadia isn’t in class today because of she …………. the flu.

a. has
b. haves
c. doesn’t have
d. have

6. Bob is in the class today. He …………. in class yesterday too

a. was
b. is
c. does
d. did

7. My mother and father …………. breakfast at 07.00 every day.

a. eating
b. eat
c. eats
d. ate

8. X: ………….
Y: I’ll see Mr. Pong tomorrow afternoon.

a. When you will see Mr. Pong?

b. When will you see Mr. Pong?
c. When you will be seen Mr. Pong?
d. When you be see Mr. Pong

9. A: Will you be here by seven o’clock?

B: It’s hard to say. Maybe I …………. there a little late.

a. will be
b. am going
c. going to be
d. will

10. The class ……. at 09.00 but it begins at 08.00 am in the morning.

a. isn’t begin
b. doesn’t begins
c. doesn’t begin
d. don’t begin

11. Sometimes I worry about my grades at college but Sonya never …………. about her grades.

b. worries
c. worrying
d. is worries
12. It rains a lot in this city, but it …………. right now

a.isn’t rain
b. isn’t rains
c. doesn’t rain
d. isn’t raining

13. Roberto cooks his own dinner every evening. Right now he …………. rice and beans.
b. is cook
c. cooks

d. is cooking

14. The baby …………. for three hours.

a. has sleeping
b. has sleep
c. has slept
d. has been slept

15. Someone ………. the door now. We are not in the living room.

a. knocked
b. knock
c. is knocking
d. are knocking

16. …………. You and Ahmed at the library last night?

b. Did
c. Are
d. Do

17. Yesterday, Harris …………. time for lunch. He was busy.

a. wasn’t have
b. haven’t
c. didn’t have
d. hadn’t

18. …………. for the bus at a bus stop yesterday morning?

a. Did Linda wait

b. Did Linda waiting
c. Did Linda waits
d. Was Linda wait

19. Mia will take a trip and go to the beach ………….

a. last vacation
b. vacation ago
c. next vacation
d. next vacation later

20. Ruth has just …………. from South America, she looks tired.

a. returning
b. returns
c. returned
d. has been returned

21. What are they doing right now?

a. They are doing swimming

b. They swim right now
c. They are swimming
d. They usually go swimming

22. I will be in class tomorrow, but I …………. in class the day after tomorrow.

a. will be not
b. will not be
c. will not
d. will be

23. X: ……………….
Y: The plane arrived at 07.05 this morning
a. What time was the plane arrived?
b. What time did the plane arriving?
c. What time did the plane arrives?
d. What time did the plane arrive?

24. …………. to school together every morning?

a. Are you walk

b. Do you walking
c. Are you walking
d. Do you walk

25. A: Are Jane and Eric going to be at the meeting?

B: No, They’re too busy. They …………. be there

a. don’t
b. will
c. won’t
d. may

26. The new manager ……. many difficulties since he came to the office.

a. has got
b. has getting
c. has get
d. has been got

27. Carmen and I …… the salary yet. So, we can’t buy those clothes.

a.haven’t get
b. haven’t getting
c.haven’t got
d. have got

28. X: How long…………. here?

Y: I have been here since January

a. have you
b. are you
c. have you been
d. do you
29. We don’t have rain every day, We ………. rain two days ago.

a. have
b. had
c. haved
d. having

30. Susanna and her husband …………. Paris for many times.

a.have visiting
b. have visited
c.have visit
d. have been visited

31. The students ………… in the library now. They are reading books.

a. are
b. is
c. do
d. were

32. ………… do you do? I’m a salesclerk.

a. how
b. who
c. what
d. what’s

33. What is Joni doing? He ………… lemonade.

a. drinks
b. is drinking
c. drinking
d. drank

34. The students ………… studying computer now because their teacher is sick.

a. aren’t
b. isn’t
c. don’t
d. are

35. Sandra and Robin………… and talking.

a. is standing
b. is stand
c. stand
d. are standing

36. Where ………… your father work every day?

a. are
b. does
c. is
d. do

37. The daily workers ………… receive their salary every month.

a. don’t
b. aren’t
c. didn’t
d. doesn’t

38. What time ………… you go to campus every morning? We go to campus at 7 o’clock.

a. are
b. do
c. were
d. did

39. Mike usually ………… a job at the post office every summer.

a. has
b. haves
c. have
d. doesn’t

40. The sun always ………… in my bedroom window every morning.

a. shine
b. shining
c. shines
d. is shines

41. (-) Mary ………… her dirty dishes on the table after having lunch.

a. isn’t leave
b. don’t leave
c. doesn’t leaves
d. doesn’t leave

42. Mr. Wilson drinks two cups of coffee, but his wife…… coffee.

a. isn’t drink
b. doesn’t drinks
c. doesn’t drink
d. don’t drink

43. What time ………… the first train leave to Jakarta today?

a. do
b. is
c. are
d. does

44. What kind of TV program did you watch last night? I ………… world news on RCTI.

a. was watching
b. watching
c. watched
d. watch

45. ………… the children in the museum yesterday afternoon?

a. Did
b. Were
c. Are
d. Was
46. ………… you and your son go cinema last night?

a. Were
b. Was
c. Did
d. Do

47. A: My brother bought some novels yesterday.

B: When did you brother ………… some novels?

a. buying
b. buys
c. bought
d. buy

48. The concert begins at 8 o’clock today.

a. What time does the concert begin?

b. What time is the concert begin?
c. What time the concert begin?
d. What time the concert begin?

49. Dian ………… the bus to school every day. She walks to school with her neighbor.

a. doesn’t take
b. don’t take
c. isn’t take
d. isn’t take

50. Marilyn usually has bread for her breakfast, but she ……. bread tomorrow morning.

a. isn’t have
b. will be
c. hasn’t
d. won’t have

51. A: Will the students operate the computer in the lab?

B: Yes, They …….

a. are
b. do
c. will
d. will be

52. A: Will you come to my house tomorrow?

B: I’m sorry. I ………… come because I ………… do my homework tomorrow.

a. won’t, will
b. won’t, will be
c. will, will
d. will, won’t

53. Look at those black clouds. It ………… rain.

a. won’t
c. is
b. will
d. are

54. ………… your son left to school already?

a. Has
b. Had
c. Are
d. Is

55. Some new employees ………… in the meeting room since yesterday.

a. have been
b. has been
c. have
d. has

56. Dennis ………… to office yet.

a. doesn’t come
b. don’t come
c. didn’t come
d. hasn’t come

57. The secretary ………… some daily reports since this morning.
a. types
b. has typed
c. has typing
d. typed

58. ………… her children drawn this painting?

a. Has
b. Did
c. Have
d. Does

59. How long ………… your father ………… in that company?

a. have/working
b. has/working
c. has/worked
d. has been/worked

60. Bill knows Paris very well, He ………… to there for many times.

a. has going
b. has go
c. have gone
d. has gone
1. Budi : “I’m sure he will be successful in his job.”
Agus : “Yes “ ....

A. if he had worked hard enough

B. if he should work hard enough
C. if he worked hard enough
D. if he works hard enough
E. if he work hard enough

2. The batik dress mother gave me is old, its color has faded. Its refers to …
A. me D. batik
B. mother E. color
C. dress

3. Mira : “When do you plan to get married?”

Susanti : “After … school”.
A. I have been finished
B. I finish
C. I am finishing
D. I finished
E. I had finished
4. “… he would have eaten half of the cake.”
A. If he would be hungry
B. If he is hungry
C. If only he was hungry
D. Were he hungry
E. Had he been hungry

5. “I could have asked somebody else to carry that box” means …

A. “I didn’t want to carry the box”
B. “I carried the box”
C. “I asked someone to carry the box”
D. “Somebody else carried the box”
E. “I would ask someone to carry the box”

6. Which of the following statements is correct?

” …”
“Yes; sometimes I do”
A. Do see ever you my uncle?
B. Do you see ever my uncle?
C. Ever do you see my uncle?
D. Do you ever see my uncle?
E. Do ever see you my uncle?

7. Your sister always gets up late on Sundays, …?

A. doesn’t she D. will she
B. isn’t it E. should she
C. does it

8. Ulfa went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem. The underlined words mean …
A. she succeeded in solving the problem
B. She actually couldn’t solve the problem
C. she definitely knew how to solve the problem
D. She ought to know how to solve the problem
E. She should know how to solve the problem

9. I’m planning to go to a party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wish …
A. it had stopped
B. it stops
C. it would stop
D. it will stop
E. it has stopped

10. .… a new language can be very interesting.

A. In learning D. Learned
B. Learn E. To learning
C. Learning

11. Everything can … well if you also try to cooperate with us.
A. runs D. running
B. ran E. to run
C. run

12. My Math teacher may … us writing test tomorrow so have to make preparation for it
A. gives D. gave
B. give E. to give
C. given

13. Most of students in this class can … English fluently, the others still have to practice a lot.
A. to speak D. spoke
B. speak E. speaks
C. speaking

14. My uncle works hard night and day because he … support his family economy.
A. had D. has to
B. have to E. has
C. have
15. You should … driving license if you drive a car on high way otherwise the police give you a ticket.
A. having
B. have
C. have to
D. has
E. has to

16. Students must … their school fee as much as Rp 200.000 every month.
A. paying
B. pay
C. pays
D. paid
E. to pay

17. T. Alfa Edison … electricity which is very important for us nowadays.

A. invention
B. invents
C. to invent
D. invent
E. invented

18. My uncle is one of Math teachers in this school. She … here everyday.
A. is teaching
B. teaching
C. teach
D. taught
E. teaches

19. My computer is out of order so I must … it to Computer Center to repair it.

A. bringing
B. bring
C. brought
D. to bring
E. brings

20. The room is dark so we can’t … anything without light.

A. seen D. saw
B. see E. to see
C. sees

21. It is raining hard so you must … your car slowly.

A. drives D. driving
B. drive E. driven
C. to drive

22. I had five books on my table two days ago but now … only two on it.
A. there is no D. there are
B. there is E. there were
C. there was

23. My brother lives in village but she … in city.

A. work D. worked
B. works E. to work
C. working

24. I always bring my dictionary everyday to my school, but I … to bring it yesterday.

A. forgot D. forgotten
B. forget E. to forget
C. forgetting

25. I … my bike when it was dirty, but now I am lazy to wash it

A. washed D. to wash
B. washing E. was
C. washes
26. The river near my house is deep enough so it … dangerous for children to play near it.
A. has D. was
B. is E. are
C. were

27. My teacher will … happy if I can answer his question well.

A. has been
B. to be
C. being
D. be
E. been
28. I sometimes come late to school but this day I … early.

A. came D. comes
B. come E. coming
C. to come

29. The man has elementary school education but he … good at english.
A. has D. was
B. is E. are
C. were

30. Her hobby is singing that’s why she always … singing together with her friends.
A. practiced D. practice
B. practices E. practicing
C. to practice

31. “Would you mind … please?”

A. for answering the telephone
B. to answer the telephone
C. answer the telephone
D. answering the telephone
E. to answer the telephone

32. The man … is very rich.

A. whose has Ferrari D. whose car is Ferrari
B. of which car Ferrari E. that his car is Ferrari
C. whose have Ferrari

33. Don’t worry! … the heavy rain, I will visit you next saturday night.
A. Despite D. Besides
B. However E. Furthermore
C. Even though

34. If you want to … in running your business, you must work hard.
A. successive E. successful
B. success
C. successfully
D. succeed
35. It is necessary that you … here on time.
A. be D. were
B. are E. are not
C. to be

36. Don’t let your baby … outside!

A. plays D. playing
B. play E. to play
C. is playing

37. Agus : “Gunawan is playing well now.”

Bagus : “He … before.”
A. must practice a lot
B. must have practiced a lot
C. ought to have practiced a lot
D. could have practiced a lot
E. should be practiced a lot
38. … the Pahlawan street when it began to rain.
A. would walk down
B. am walking down
C. have been walking down
D. have walked down
E. was walking down

39. Having caught the thief , ….

A. the police took the thief and the evidence to the police station
B. the thief was taking to the police station with the evidence
C. the evidence and the thief were taken to the police station
D. the police station would be the best place to question the thief
E. the thief would be questioned by the police in the police station

40. Mother warned her … the newly painted wall.

A. not touch D. not to touch
B. not touched E. not touching
C. do not touch
41. I am planning to go to the party tonight but it is not raining. It’s raining very hard now.I wish ….
A. It had stopped
B. It stops
C. It would stop
D. It will stop
E. It stopped
42. “Let’s go swimming.” I wish I .... We have a test next Tuesday.
A. will be able to D. could
B. am able to E. could be
C. be able to

43. I wish you ….tomorrow.

A. are going to go D. will go
B. have gone E. shall go
C. would go

44. Is Susanti still sick?

Yes, I wish she …. here now to help me type the report.
A. had been
B. is
C. would be
D. were
E. will be

45. I wish …. now to watch our play.

A. he will be here
B. he is here
C. he were here
D. he has been here
E. he be here

46. Tamara : I am afraid I can’t finish my work.

Desti : I wish I could help you.
From the dialogue we conclude that Tamara …. Desti.
A. doesn’t want to help
B. can’t help
C. didn’t help
D. won’t help
E. hadn’t help

47. Sudirman has won a medal for swimming. I wish I … good as he is
A. were D. will be
B. would be E. should be
C. am

48. I wish you ….. stay at home because I am sure you will the concert very much.
A. don’t have to
B. didn’t have to
C. hadn’t to
D. hadn’t had to
E. haven’t had to

49. “If only his son had studied hard” means ....
A. his son never studies hard
B. his son did not study hard
C. his son has studied hard
D. his son studied hard
E. his son will not study hard

50. She goes to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem .
The underlined words mean ...
A. She succeeded in solving the problem
B. she actually couldn’t solve the problem
C. She does not know how to solve the problem
D. she ought to know how to solve the problem
E. She didn’t know how to solve the problem

Kunci Jawaban Soal Pilihan Ganda Grammar Bahasa Inggris

1 D 11 C 21 B 31 D 41 C
2 D 12 B 22 D 32 D 42 D
3 B 13 B 23 B 33 C 43 C
4 E 14 B 24 A 34 D 44 D
5 C 15 D 25 A 35 B 45 C
6 D 16 B 26 B 36 B 46 B
7 A 17 E 27 D 37 B 47 A
8 B 18 E 28 B 38 E 48 B
9 C 19 B 29 B 39 A 49 B
10 C 20 B 30 B 40 D 50 C
Adjective Order
Urutan kata sifat dalam bahasa inggris ada urutannya. Adjective adalah sebuah kata yang
menjelaskan kata benda, seandainya ada lebih dari satu adjective maka kita harus mengurutkannya
sesuai dengan ketentuan grammar yang berlaku. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.

Fina is a nice intelligent young woman

Pada kalimat diatas ada tiga adjective yang digunakan yaitu nice , intelligent, dan young yang
menjelaskan kata benda woman. Kita tidak boleh sembarangan mengurutkan adjective tersebut.
Berikut ini adalah aturan dalam pengurutan adjective.

1. Opinion /pendapat

Pendapat atau penilaian seseorang diletakkan di awal adjective order/ urutan kata sifat. Contoh
dari opinion/pendapat adalah Beautiful, horrible, difficult, easy, etc. Contoh kalimat : a beautiful
girl, an easy test, a handsome teacher,

2. Size /ukuran

Ukuran menceritakan tentang seberapa ukuran dari kata benda yang akan kita deskripsikan
ukuran ini contohnya Large, Tiny, enormous, little, big, small, tiny, tall, high,

Contoh kalimat. A beautiful high mountain.

An beautiful tall girl.

3. Age / umur

Age atau umur menceritakan tentang seberapa tua atau muda seseorang atau sesuatu. Contohnya,
ancient, new, young, old

A beautiful tall young girl

A fast small new smartphone.

4. Shape atau bentuk fisik

adalah bentuk fisik dari benda,menjelaskan tentang bentuk fisik dari benda. Contoh Square,
round, flat, rectangular.

Contoh kalimat : a beautiful tall new rectangular book

5. Colour

Adalah warna dari benda yang kita jelaskan.

Contoh : black, pink, reddish, white, blue

Contoh kalimat : a thin new rectangular black book

6. An Origin

Menjelaskan tentang asal dari mana benda tersebut bisa negara atau tempat lain. Contoh : french,
lunar, American, Eastern, Greek.

Contoh dalam kalimat : a rectangular black american book.

7. Material

Jenis adjective ini menjelaskan tentang apa bahan pembuat dari kata benda yang dijelaskan.
Contoh = wooden, metal, cotton, paper.

8. Qualifier

Sering juga disebut dengan bagian dari kata benda tersebut contohnya Rocking chair, Hunting
cabin, passenger car, book cover,touring car,

Contoh penerapan Adjective order dalam kalimat.

My sister adopted a beautiful big white bulldog.

I love that really big old green antique car that always parked at the end of the street.

Aturan khusus penulisan Adjective order/ urutan kata sifat

Kadang dalam satu kata benda ada beberapa jenis adjective order yang sejenis misalnya saja warna
maka urutan dari kata tersebut adalah tidak berpedoman apapun akan tetapi diberi tanda koma dan
kata “and” seperti pada kalimat dibawah ini.

1. We live in the big green, white and red house at the end of the street.

2. My friend lost a red,black and white watch.

3. A wonderful old italian clock ( opinion –age– origin )

4. A big square blue box ( ukuran – bentuk – warna)

5. I bought a pair of black leather shoes. ( warna – bahan/material)

Soal latihan adjective order

1. The house is __________________.

a. large and white

b. white and large
c. large white

2. They live in a __________________ house.

a. large and white

b. white and large
c. large white

3. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?

a. I’d like three good reasons why you don’t like spinach
b. I’d like a good three reasons why you don’t like spinach.
c. I’d like good reasons three why you don’t like spinach.

4. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?

a. I like that really big red old antique tractor in the museum
b. I like that really big old red antique tractor in the museum
c. I like that old, red, really big antique tractor in the museum.

5. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?

a. My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade.

b. My brother rode a beautiful Friesian big black horse in the parade.
c. My brother rode a big, black, beautiful Friesian horse in the parade

6. My grandmother lives in the ________________________ house on the corner

a. little blue, green and white

b. little blue and green and white
c. little, blue, green, and white

7. The store carries an assortment of _____________________ objects.

a. interesting new, old and antique

b. new, old, interesting and antique
c. interesting, old and new and antique

8. We went for a two-week cruise on a __________________________ ocean liner.

a. incredible brand-new, huge Italian

b. incredible, huge, brand-new Italian
c. Italian incredible, brand-new, huge
9. I bought a pair of _________________ boots..

a. new, nice, red rain

b. nice new red rain
c. red nice new rain

10. My dad was thrilled with his gift of ______________________ bowties for his clown act.

a. three squirting new nice big polka-dotted

b. three polka-dotted nice new squirting
c. three nice big new polka-dotted squirting

11. Please put the marbles into that ______________________ box.

a. round little old red

b. little old round red
c. little old red round

12. I was surprised to receive a __________________ puppy for my birthday.

a. little, cute, eight-week-old golden retriever

b. cute eight-week-old little golden retriever
c. cute little eight-week-old golden retriever

13. Our work uniform consists of black pants, black shoes, and a ________________ shirt.

a. yellow baggy big polo

b. big baggy yellow polo
c. baggy yellow big polo

14. I’ve been spending a lot of time in antique shops looking for the perfect _______________ clock.

a. little silver Italian cuckoo

b. little Italian silver cuckoo
c. silver little Italian cuckoo

15. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?

a. Our grandparents drive a motorhome with black and white stripes

b. Our grandparents drive a motorhome with black with white stripes.
c. Our grandparents drive a motorhome with black, white stripes

16. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?

a. During my college years, I wore a red, white and black big hat to sporting events.
b. During my college years, I wore a big red, white and black hat to sporting events.
c. During my college years, I wore a big red white and black, hat to sporting events.
Jawaban dan pembahasan Latihan Adjective order

1. The house is large and white

Pada kalimat diatas ada dua adjective yaitu white dan large, akan tetapi urutun dari adjective
tersebut yang benar adalah Large ( ukuran/ size) kemudian baru White ( colour/warna)

2. They live in a large white house

Sama dengan no 1 urutannya Large dulu baru “white” . dan bukan jawaban A karena kata “and”
digunakan untuk membuat adjective order yang sejenis,sedang kan large “ukuran” dan White “

3. I’d like three good reasons why you don’t like spinach

benda dalam kalimat diatas adalah reasons dan untuk three adalah kata jumlah yang selalu
terletak didepan baru diikuti oleh “good” yang merupakan jenis opinion dalam adjective.

4. I like that really big old red antique tractor in the museum

Kalimat diatas terdapat tiga adjective yaitu Big (size / ukuran) Old ( age/umur) dan red ( warna)
sehingga urutan yang cocok adalah seperti itu.

5. My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade.

Pada kalimat diatas yang menjadi kata benda adalah “horse” sedangkan untuk adjective ordernya
dimulai dari “A” sebagai determiner menjadi yang pertama, “beautiful” sebagai opinion menjadi
yang kedua, “big” adalah ukuran menjadi yang ketiga, black adalah warna menjadi keempat dan
Friesian adalah asal menjadi yang terakhir.

6. My grandmother lives in the little blue and green and white house on the corner

Pada kalimat diatas ada tiga jenis adjective yaitu litte “size Shize / ukuran”,green , white sebagai
warna dan urutannya adalah seperti diatas, untuk jawaban C walaupun urutan adjective ordernya
sudah benar akan tetapi salah dalam aturan koma

7. The store carries an assortment of interesting new, old and antique objects.

Interesting sebagai opinion harus diurutkan yang pertama, New dan old sama sama kata “age”
sehingga diberi tanda kome kemudian diikuto oleh antique.

8. We went for a two-week cruise on a incredible, huge, brand-new Italian ocean liner.

Pada kalimat diatas ada tiga buah adjective yaitu Incredible sebagai “opinion” , Huge sebagai
“size” adan brand-new sebagai old.
9. I bought a pair of nice new red rain boots..

Pada kalimat diatas ada tiga adjective yaitu Nice ( opinion),New ( age), Red ( warna) dan
urutannya adalah seperti itu. Dan tidak ada tanda koma karena merupakan berbeda jenis, ingat
koma dalam adjective order hanya digunakan untuk yang sejenis.

10. My dad was thrilled with his gift of three nice big new polka-dotted squirting bowties
for his clown act.

Pada kalimat diatas terdapat three adalaha jumlah harus didepan,Nice (opinion), Big (size
/ukuran) dan new ( age)

11. Please put the marbles into that little old round red box.

Pada kalimat daitas ada empat adjective yaitu Little (size /ukuran), Old ( age/umur) Round (
shape) dan Red warna

12. I was surprised to receive a cute little eight-week-old golden retriever puppy for my

Pada kalimat diatas ada empat kata adjective yaitu urutannya seperti diatas, cute ( opinion) little
(size / ukuran), eight – week – old ( age) dan golden ( material )

13. Our work uniform consists of black pants, black shoes, and a big baggy yellow polo

14. I’ve been spending a lot of time in antique shops looking for the perfect little silver
Italian cuckoo clock

Pada kalimat diatas ada empat adjective yang urutannya seperti diatas,Little ( size), silver (
material),Italian ( origin)

15. Our grandparents drive a motorhome with black and white stripes

Karena ada dua adjective dan masing masing berjenis sama maka kita menggunakan “and” .

16. During my college years, I wore a big red, white and black hat to sporting events.

Dalam kalimat diatas ada tidak adjective empat adjective yaitu big ( size), dan warna, adjective
warna ada 3 dan untuk penulisan yang benar ada tanda kome dan “and”.
Tabel Adjective Order
Jika tidak ingin memberi penekanan pada suatu adjective, urutan adjective biasanya sebagai

Urutan dan
Penjelasan dan Contoh Adjective
Kategori opinion menyatakan pendapat tentang suatu kata benda.

 amazing
 awful
 beautiful
 dilligent
 delicious
 easy
 good
 important
 lovely
 nice
 tidy
 unusual
 weird

Kategori size menyatakan seberapa besar atau kecil suatu kata benda.

 big
 enormous
 large
 little
 long
 short
 small

Kategori physical quality mengungkapkan ciri fisik dari suatu kata benda.
 thin
 rough
 soft
 untidy

Kategori shape menyatakan bentuk suatu kata benda.

 annular
shape  even
 flat
 hexagonal
 narrow
 rectangular
 round
 square

Kategori age menyatakan seberapa tua atau muda suatu kata benda.

 ancient
 antique
5  elderly
 new
age  old
 young
 youthful

Kategori color meliputi warna suatu kata benda benda.

 black
 black-haired
 blue
 brownish
 green
 pale
 purple
 reddish
 white

Kategori origin berupa kebangsaan.

 American
 Canadian
 Dutch
 eastern
 French
 Greek
 Indonesian
 Japanese
 Scottish
 Thai
 Turkish

8 Kategori material menyatakan suatu benda terbuat dari apa.

material  cotton
 glass
 gold
 marble
 metal
 metallic
 plastic
 silk
 silver
 wood
 wooden
 woolen

Kategori type menyatakan macam suatu kata benda.

 all-purpose
 bread-like
9  four-sided
 heavy-duty
type  general-purpose
 last-minute
 part-time
 time-saving

Kategori purpose menjelaskan suatu kata benda digunakan untuk apa. Biasanya
menggunakan adjective berupa present participle dan sering pula noun yang
digunakan sebagai adjective.

 dining
 meeting
 running
 sleeping
 sewing
 sports
 swimming
 touring
 travelling

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