Flora: Stavroula Mamoucha, Nikolas Fokialakis, Nikolaos S. Christodoulakis

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Flora 218 (2016) 24–34

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Leaf structure and histochemistry of Ficus carica (Moraceae), the fig

Stavroula Mamoucha a , Nikolas Fokialakis b , Nikolaos S. Christodoulakis a,∗
Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens 15701, Hellas (Greece)
Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens 15771,
Hellas (Greece)

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Heavily “armed” with trichomes, the hypostomatic leaf of Ficus carica L. is investigated with light and
Received 16 February 2015 scanning electron microscopy. Histochemical tests were also applied to trace the secondary matabolites
Received in revised form 26 October 2015 produced in the leaf of this well known, Mediterranean tree with the delicious fruits. Numerous idioblasts
Accepted 14 November 2015
with crystals, laticifers and sized lythocysts appear within the compact mesophyll. Protective trichomes
Edited by Shahin Zarre
Available online 24 November 2015
are located on both surfaces while capitate secretive hairs and stomata appear only abaxially. Stomata,
concerning their magnitude, can be assembled in three size-groups in which the arrangement of their
parastomatal cells differs as well. Histochemical reactions proved positive only for alkaloids within the
Leaf anatomy laticifers and phenolic compounds, especially for the condensed tannins accumulated within the vacuole
Laticifers of the epidermal cells of this simply constructed leaf with unique features among the Mediterranean
Secretory tissues herbs. Comparison of GC–MS and LC–HRMS spectra of different extracts of the nerves and, separately, the
Secreting activity rest of the leaf, revealed that coumarines such as umbeliferone, psoralen, bergapten and xanthotoxol are
Secondary metabolites probably biosynthetically produced within the nerve area where the highly differentiated, main secretive
apparatus of the leaf (laticifers) resides. That is why, these metabolites, are absent from the extracts of
the undifferentiated cells derived from in vitro cultures.
© 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction phytes and chamaephytes (i.e., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Erica spp.
etc.) along with non-typical Mediterranean plants able indeed to
Volumes have been written on the structure and function of the survive in dry, hot and sunny areas, can be traced in the stressful
two main types of vegetation thriving in areas with Mediterranean Mediterranean environment.
climate conditions: the seasonally dimorphic subshrubs and the Among the large, drought resistant phanerophytes is a func-
evergreen sclerophylls (Mooney et al., 1970; Di Castri and Mooney, tionally dioecious, deciduous tree of Moraceae, common in
1973; Mooney and Dunn, 1976). Each one of these types of vege- the Mediterranean region, Middle East and Western Asia. It is
tation has developed a certain, interesting strategy to evade rather extremely tolerant and commonly known as the fig tree (Ficus car-
than escape the unfavorable conditions of the Mediterranean cli- ica L.) (Tutin et al., 2001). The large, deeply lobed fragrant leaves,
mate (Eyre, 1968; Margaris, 1981). Interesting anatomical data are the complex, hidden inflorescence, the multiple fruit and the latex
available for many species of either the seasonally dimorphic sub- produced by the plant are known since ancient times. Homer, in his
shrubs or the evergreen sclerophylls (Christodoulakis and Mitrakos, epic “Odyssey”, brings the main hero back to Ithaca but his father,
1987; Christodoulakis, 1989; Christodoulakis et al., 1990, 2010, Laertis, recognizes him only after Ulysses reminds the old king of
2011, 2014; Nikolakaki and Christodoulakis, 2004, 2006, 2007). the forty fig trees, a birthday present to him when he was young.
Besides these two main types of vegetation, a large number of In the ancient city-state of Athens, figs were precious and it was
therophytes (Di Castri and Mooney, 1973), survive the stressful illegal to export them. A few centuries later, Dioscurides refers to
months in the form of seeds and complete their life-cycle during the latex of the plant (Dioscurides, 2001 77AC) as a treatment for
favorable season (Raunkiær, 1904). In addition, numerous crypto- dental decay.
Lots of information is available for F. carica, concerning the use
of leaves, fruits and roots in traditional medicine for their antibac-
terial, antifungal, anthelmintic, antioxidant and antiviral activities
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +30 2107274702.
(Hemant et al., 2013; Debib et al., 2013; Mawa et al., 2013). Leaf
E-mail address: nchristo@biol.uoa.gr (N.S. Christodoulakis).

0367-2530/© 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34 25

juice is also used for treatment of asthma, cough, sexual disorders, test) for phenolic compounds; (l) 4-nitrosophenol in concentrated
diarrhea, haematuria, earache, toothache, migraine, eye trouble, H2 SO4 for monoterpene phenols; (m) DMB (di methoxy benzalde-
gastric problems and scabies (Vikas and Vijay, 2011). Some data hyde or veratral aldehyde) for phenolic tannin precursors. All stains
is also available for the adventitious bud formation and plantlet were matched by controls. The literature for histochemical reac-
regeneration from leaves (Yakushiji et al., 2003), the hypogly- tions is cited in detail by (Christodoulakis et al., 2009, 2010).
caemic (Perez et al., 2000) and hepatoprotective activity (Gond and
Khadabadi, 2008) of various extracts, the production of multiple 2.3. In vitro cell cultures
shoots and plant regeneration from leaf segments (Kim et al., 2007),
the leaf characteristics and their optical properties (Baldini et al., Pieces of leaf tissue were treated for in vitro cell culture. They
1997), the seasonal and diurnal photosynthetic behavior of the were washed with tap water, counter washed with distilled, ster-
plant under semi-arid climatic conditions (Can and Aksoy, 2007) as ilised water for 5 min, rinsed with 70% ethanol for 30 s, immersed in
well as the value of the plant as an ancient source of healthy food 1% aqueous solution of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and then rinsed
and bioproducts (Barolo et al., 2014). Beyond those various pieces three times with distilled, sterilised water. These pieces of leaf
of information stated above, there is no data available – besides the tissue were then transferred in 10 cm Ø Petri dishes containing
morphological observations on the leaves of some other species 1.1 g/500 mL of Murashige and Skoog medium (Murashige and
of the Moraceae family (Wu and Kuo-Huang, 1997) reporting cal- Skoog, 1962), 0.8% agar, 2% sucrose, 0.2 mg/ml of culture medium
cium crystals as a common feature of the family and the inadequate synthetic auxin (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and 0.2 mg/ml
report, with only one low quality picture, by Bercu and Popoviciu of the cytokinin benzylaminopurine (BAP) (Coleman and Thorpe,
(2014) – on the anatomy of the drought resistant leaf, the secret- 1977; Jafari et al., 2011). They were incubated at 12 h daylight
ing structures of it and their activity as well as the composition of conditions, for 2 weeks, at 24 ◦ C. All specimens were viewed with
the secondary metabolites produced. The results, after a thorough an OLYMPUS CX41 optical microscope. Original light micrographs
investigation on these issues, are reported in this paper. were recorded digitally, using a Nikon D5000, 12.3 megapixel cam-
era. SEM images are digital records from the instrument’s built in
2. Materials and methods
2.4. Extraction
2.1. Plant material
Mature leaves were dissected in a way that the leaf nerves
Mature leaves of F. carica plants growing wild in a natural for-
were kept intact while the encircled leaf tissue was collected sep-
mation east of Athens metropolitan area (37◦ 57 76N, 23◦ 48 08E,
arately. Dissected nerves, the remaining nerveless leaf pieces and
362 m elevation), were collected in late May 2012 and 2013. Young
cell masses (calli) produced after in vitro leaf-cell cultures, were
(ten days old) leaves were collected from the same plants in early
extracted using solvents of increased polarity, CHCl2 , MeOH and
May 2013, as well.
H2 O, respectively. The extraction was performed using sonication
Some of the leaves collected were cut in to small pieces
for 20 min with the above solvents at a ratio 1:10 of dry plant
(1 mm × 1 mm) and fixed in phosphate buffered 3% glutaraldehyde
material to solvent. Then solvent was removed under nitrogen and
(pH 6.8) at 0 ◦ C for 2 h. Some of the pieces were dehydrated in
the dry residue was stored at −20 ◦ C until used for GC–MS and
graded acetone series, critical point dried, coated with gold and
LC–HRMS analysis.
viewed with a JEOL JSM-6360 Scanning Electron Microscope. The
rest of the tissue was post fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in phos-
2.5. GC–MS, GC–FID and LC–HRMS analysis
phate buffer, dehydrated in graded ethanol series and embedded
in Durcupan ACM (Fluka, Steinheim, Switzerland). Fixation was
GC–MS analysis was carried out using a Hewlett-Packard
repeated, one year later, in early May 2013, and the embedded tis-
5973-6890 operating on EI mode (equipped with a HP 5MS
sues were sectioned and observed, for cross-checking the results.
15 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 ␮m film thickness capillary column).
Literature for double fixation is cited in detail by (Christodoulakis
Helium was used as carrier gas (2 mL/min). The initial temperature
et al., 2009, 2010). Semithin sections of plastic embedded tissue
of the column was 60 ◦ C and then it was heated to 300 ◦ C at a
(pet), obtained on an LKB Ultrotome III, were glass mounted and
3 ◦ C/min rate, following an isocratic 300 ◦ C temperature for 20 min.
stained with 0.5 toluidine blue O (in 1% borax solution) as a general
GC–FID analysis was carried out on a PerkinElmer Clarus 500 gas
stain for light microscopic observations.
chromatograph, fitted with a HP 5MS 15 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 ␮m
film thickness capillary column. The column temperature was
2.2. Histochemistry programmed from 60 ◦ C to 300 ◦ C at a rate of 3 ◦ C/min. The injector
and detector temperatures were programmed at 230 ◦ C and
Glass mounted semithin sections of plastic embedded tissue 300 ◦ C, respectively. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow
(pet) were stained with: (a) saturated Sudan black B solution in rate 2 mL/min. In addition LC–HRMS analysis was performed on
70% ethanol for the histochemical detection of lipids; (b) saturated an Accela High Speed LC System hyphenated to a LTQ-Orbitrap
alcian blue solution in 3% acetic acid for the detection of polysac- XL hybrid mass spectrometer, using an ESI ionization probe, in
charides; and (c) 1% aniline blue black in 70% acetic acid for the negative mode (Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany). Separations
detection of proteins. were carried out on an Ascentis C18 column (150 × 2.1 mm i.d.,
Fresh leaves were sectioned by hand or with a cryotome (Leica 3 ␮m). After optimization, a 25 min LC gradient elution program
CM1850, Germany) at −10 ◦ C and stained with common histo- was developed enabling the efficient separation of the majority
chemical reagents: (a) osmium tetroxide for unsaturated lipids; of the components. The flow rate was set to 400 ␮L/min and the
(b) concentrated H2 SO4 for sesquiterpenes; (c) vanillin/HCl for solvent system was (A) water, 0.1% Formic Acid (FA, 0.1% v/v)
flavonoids; (d) antimony trichloride (SbCl3 ) for terpene containing and (B) Acetonitrile, 0.1% Formic Acid (FA, 0.1% v/v). The elution
steroids; (e) Wagner’s reagent for alkaloids; (f) Dittmar’s reagent program was: 5% B at 0 min; 100% B at 20 min; 100% B for 1 min;
for alkaloids; (g) iodine–iodide solution for alkaloids; (h) potassium 5% B in 1 min and hold for 3 min. The injection volume was 10 ␮L.
bichromate for tannins; (i) nitroso reaction for catechol tannins; (j) The HRMS data were acquired with mass range of 120–1200 m/z.
ferric chloride for polyphenols; (k) alcoholic vanillin/HCl (vanillin ESI conditions: capillary temperature 350 ◦ C; capillary voltage
26 S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34

−35 V; tube lens −110 V. Nitrogen was used as sheath gas (45 arb) Table 1
Chemical compounds in leaves of fig tree investigated here, histochemical reagents
and auxiliary gas (10 arb). Based on spectrometric features such
used and the result of their application (pet = plastic embedded tissue, ft = fresh
as suggested Elemental Composition (EC), Ring Double Bond tissue).
equivalents (RDBeq) and data from literature, the identification of
Compounds investigated Reagent used Reaction
constituents was performed.
General Stain (pet) Toluidene Blue “O” +
Polysaccharides (pet) Alcian blue −
Proteins (pet) Aniline blue black −
3. Results
Lipids + phenolics (pet) Sudan black B +
Lipids (ft) OsO4 Minor +
3.1. Leaf anatomy Terpenes (ft) Concentrated H2 SO4 ++
Flavonoids (ft) Vanillin/HCl Epidermal tissues ++
Steroids (ft) Antimony trichloride Epidermal tissues +
The leaves (Fig. 1) of F. carica posses a compact double lay-
Alkaloids Wagner’s reagent Epidermal tissues ++
ered palisade parenchyma, just below the single layered adaxial (ft) Dittmar’s reagent Minor +
epidermis (Fig. 2). The continuity of the palisade tissue is often dis- Tannins (ft) Potassium bichromate Epidermal tissues +
rupted by the extensions of the bundle sheaths the terminal cells of Phenols Ferric chloride Trichomes only +
which come in contact with the epidermal cells (Fig. 2). Along the (ft) Vanillin test Mesophyll +++
4-Nitrosophenol ++
first layer of palisade cells, numerous crystal bearing idioblasts are
Phenolic tannin precursors Dimethoxy-benzaldehyde −−−
observed (yellow arrows in Figs. 2 and 3). Large bundles traverse (ft) (DMB)
the mesophyll, most of the times hosting a laticifer just above the
xylem elements, surrounded by the sheath extension cells (black
arrow in Figs. 2, 6 and 7). The spongy parenchyma is rather loose and medium ones. The largest among the stomata are usually open and
numerous, globular lithocysts can be observed, adjacent to the cells can easily be distinguished by fluorescent microscopy due to the
of the lower epidermis. Within these lithocysts, a sized cystolith is epicuticular phenolics accumulated over the ledges of their guard
accommodated in a peculiar, inverted position, “hanging upwards” cells (Fig. 18).
from a small stalk (Fig. 15). The tip of this stalk protrudes outside the The leaves of F. carica start their life as compact leaflets with
sheath of the lithocyst forming a spiked appendage (red arrows in a very dense indumentum out of which only the trails of the leaf
Figs. 11 and 15). The large cystoliths are different in structure com- nerves seem to protrude (Fig. 13). Big unicellular hair, the size of
pared to the crystals within the idioblasts of the palisade tissue as those present on the mature leaf, produce a very “aggressive” struc-
it can easily be demonstrated with polarized light (compare Figs. ture as they appear embedded in a thin, compact leaflet at a stage
3 and 4). Stomata appear only on the lower (abaxial) surface. The of development when the mesophyll has not been discerned yet
lower epidermal cells are apparently smaller compared to those of into palisade and spongy parenchyma (Fig. 13). Gradually the leaf
the upper epidermis (Figs. 2, 3 and 6). expands, trichomes appear to scatter in larger surface and small,
Within the mesophyll, laticifers form a network which follows capitate, secretive hairs develop on the nerve surface of the lower
the “route” of the conductive bundles. They appear on the adaxial epidermis (Figs. 9, 10 and 14). Secretive hairs possess a four-celled
side of each major bundle, at the section of the mesophyll where the head (Fig. 14). The produced metabolites are accumulated within
palisade parenchyma is located. They do not appear in the spongy their head cells. Young leaves do not seem to possess any litho-
parenchyma (black arrows in Figs. 5 and 6). The network of the non- cysts, on the mature leaves, however, we can easily observe the
articulated, multinucleate, branched laticifers (Fahn, 1979) extends tiny spikes of the abaxial surface, projecting from the middle of a
through the petiole to the stem and the whole plant axis (black characteristic, small, rounded dome. They indicate the presence of
arrows in Fig. 8). an underlying lithocyst (Figs. 11 and 15).
Both surfaces are well equipped with trichomes. They are of two
types: a) The spiny, unicellular hairs, with their tumescent lower 3.2. Histochemical investigations
end embedded within the mesophyll (Figs. 2 and 16) and supported
by a rosette like arrangement of epidermal cells (Fig. 10) which, Finally, histochemical investigations in sections from plastic
when sectioned axially, appear to possess, at the dilated lower part embedded tissue revealed the accumulation of numerous granules,
of the cell, a hanging structure, resembling a cystolith (black arrows within the cells, retaining a dark brown/black color after staining
in Fig. 16); and b) the small, capitate secretive hairs (green arrows with Aniline blue–black. The large lithocysts (indicated with white
in Figs. 9 and 10), with their short stalk and a multicellular head. arrows in Figs. 2–4 and 6) retain a brilliant light blue color after
The formers appear on both surfaces being numerous on the adaxial staining with Alcian blue (for sugars). No sign of reaction is observed
epidermis, while the latter secretive hairs are located on the pro- after staining with Sudan black B except the starch granules, within
jecting trails of the leaf nerves formed on the lower surface of the the chloroplasts, appearing brightly white against a dark blue back-
leaf only. ground. Application of histochemical reagents in sections obtained
Stomata present an interesting variation in size and structure. from fresh tissue, revealed the accumulation of condensed tannins
Some of them are really large, resembling hydathode-like struc- within the dilated lower part of the trichomes as well as within the
tures. They lie on the top of a projection formed by the epidermal epidermal cells. Brilliant reactions are given for terpenes (Fig. 19),
cells (yellow arrows in Figs. 9 and 17). The rest of the stomata are after the application of sulphuric acid, and flavonoids (Fig. 20) after
obviously smaller and the epidermal cells round them are arranged applying the vanillin–HCl reagent. Wagner’s reagent (Fig. 21) seems
in a flat formation. They appear to be of the anomocytic type. The to have effect mainly on the epidermal tissue while vanillin test
length of the pore formed between the guard cells was measured gives a vivid color (Fig. 22). A weak reaction is observed in the
(Fig. 12) in 40 to 50 stomata in each of the 10 randomly selected mesophyll after the application of OsO4 for lipids. Our data, on sec-
fields, at 300× magnification. Most stomata (about 60%) appear to ondary metabolite tracing for all histochemical reagents applied, is
have the length of their stomatal pore extending from about 12 to presented in Table 1.
14 ␮m. A considerable number (about 30%) has a length of about Since our observations indicate that the capitate trichomes are
21 to 25 ␮m, and only 10% of the stomata have gigantic dimensions located on the nerves, at the abaxial side of the leaf (green arrows
with the length of their pore measuring from 32 to 42 ␮m. That in Figs. 9, 10 and 25), and the laticifers are accommodated within
means threefold the size of the small ones and twofold that of the the nerves, at the abaxial side of the bundles, just above the xylem,
S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34 27

Figs. 1–8. The leaf of the fig tree. Fig. 1: The lobed leaves and the young, complex inflorescence consisting of a hollow fleshy structure lined with numerous unisexual
flowers. Fig. 2: Cross section from a plastic embedded mature leaf. The thick upper epidermis, the numerous crystal containing idioblasts (yellow arrows), the loose spongy
parenchyma, the laticifer (black arrow) within the nerve of the leaf, the lithocyst with the sized cystolith (white arrow) and the long protective hair can be observed. Fig.
3: The two layered palisade hosts the idioblasts with the spiny crystals. They may appear in pairs. The texture of the cystolith contained within the lithocyst, (below right)
seems to be completely different. Fig. 4: The same section as in Fig. 3 viewed with polarized light. The difference between the crystals and the cystolith becomes obvious.
Fig. 5: Paradermal section from a plastic embedded leaf. At the border (upper left) the epidermal cells can be observed followed by the palisade parenchyma (pp). Numerous
crystal containing idioblasts can be observed within the palisade (yellow arrows). A laticifer (la–black arrow) is obvious at the margin between the palisade and the spongy
parenchyma (sp–bellow, right). Fig. 6: A detail of a laticifer, just above the xylem of the conductive bundle (black arrow) and one of the big lithocysts at the abaxial site of
the leaf, as observed in a cross section. Fig. 7: An oblique section of a laticifer (black arrow) just above the xylem elements of the conductive bundle. Idioblasts with spiny
crystals are always present (yellow arrows). Fig. 8: A paradermal section of a laticifer (black arrow) from a fresh leaf, stained with a very weak lugol solution. Yellow arrows
point at the spiny crystals. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

we may assume that the secreting apparatus of the fig leaf is con- 3.3. GC–MS, GC–FID and LC–HRMS analysis
fined, almost totally, on or within the nerves. Therefore, we tried
to investigate the leaf, separating the major nerves from the rest of GC–MS analysis of the volatile compounds of CH2 Cl2 extract
the leaf tissue (Fig. 23). The excised leaf tissue contained actually of the nerves (Fig. 30A) in comparison with the CH2 Cl2 extract
the abaxial and adaxial epidermis, the mesophyll in the middle and of the rest of the leaf (Fig. 30B) revealed that there were no
the sized lithocysts (white arrows in Figs. 24–25). Now we have major qualitative differences between them but rather quantita-
three types of extracts to analyze and compare: the extract from tive. The differences in volatile secondary metabolites produced
the leaves, an extract form the nerves and the extract from the calli were mainly in two peaks with retention time (Rt) 41.5 min and
(in vitro cultures) (Figs. 26–29). 49.5 min that correspond to the furanocoumarins psoralen (2) and
bergapten (3), respectively (Fig. 33). Compound 2 seems to be in
28 S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34

Figs. 9–12. Scanning electron microscopy of the leaves of fig tree. Fig. 9: The abaxial surface of the leaf. The pointed protective trichomes, a small stoma (light blue arrow),
a large stoma (yellow arrow) and a capitate trichome (green arrow) located on one of the nerves can be observed. Fig. 10: The rosette-like arrangement of the epidermal
cells round the base of the large protective trichome (black arrow) and the capitate trichomes (green arrows) accommodated on the nerves are clearly demonstrated in this
view of the lower surface of the leaf. Fig. 11: A medium sized stoma (yellow arrow) and the spiked appendage (orange arrow) in the middle of the domed outer wall of
the lithocyst are demonstrated. Fig. 12: In this micrograph the various sizes of the stomata are measured. In the middle, one of the large stomata appears on the top of an
epidermal swelling. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

significant higher concentration in the extract of the nerves than not a major one and has been identified as a glycosilated umbel-
in the extract of the leaves (Fig. 30A and B) while compound 3 had liferone derivative. Compounds at Rts 10.25, 10.77 and 10.98 min
smaller differences but was always more abundant in the nerves. are also unique for the nerves and completely absent from the leaf
Indeed quantitative analysis using GC–FID showed that the nerves extract, however, data from HRMS measurements and data from
extract constituted of 27.8% of compound 2 and 8.7% of compound literature were not enough for their identification. In addition, the
3 while the rest of the leaves extract constituted from just 9.6% comparison of the H2 O extracts (Fig. 32) showed that a major peak,
and 5.0% of compounds 2 and 3, respectively. On the contrary an corresponding to a glucosylated coumarin (Rt 6.63 min and molec-
unidentified compound bearing a non-coumarin moiety, in Rt 14.7 ular formula C17 H17 O9 ) exists at significant higher concentrations
(abundance 2.1%), was observed only in the leaves but not in the in the nerves (Fig. 32A) than leaves (Fig. 32B). On the contrary the
nerves. major peak of the leaves extract (Rt 5.47 min and molecular formula
Further investigation by HPLC–HRMS was performed by com- C26 H28 O14 ) corresponds to a bis-glycosylated flavonoid which is
paring the metabolic profile of the methanolic extracts of the present in the nerves as well but in smaller quantities.
leaves (Fig. 31B, ) with the nerves (Fig. 31A). The methanolic In comparison to the above metabolic profiling of different
extracts of the nerves, generally had more rich profile in terms extracts also the cell masses (calli) produced after in vitro leaf-
of non-volatile secondary metabolites. Comparing the two chro- cell cultures were extracted and compared to the extracts from
matograms, this difference could be located at the areas with Rt the plant material. The CH2 Cl2 extract (Fig. 30C) contained all
5.50–6.67 min and Rt 10.25–10.98 min. The high resolution mass metabolites produced in the leaf or the nerve except the peaks
measurements, in combination to the proposed molecular formu- that correspond to the furanocoumarins psoralen and bergapten. In
las, MS/MS fragmentations and RDB equivalents, revealed that the addition comparison of the HR–LCMS metabolite profiling of MeOH
major compounds with Rts 5.50, 5.63, 6.35 and 6.67 correspond to (Fig. 31C) and H2 O extract (Fig. 32C) with the respective of the nerve
coumarins. Compound eluted at Rt 6.67 min with pseudomolecu- or the leaf revealed that the MeOH extract had remarkable metabo-
lar ion on a negative mode at m/z 161.0244 and molecular formula lites that are clearly different from what is produced in the nerve
C9 H5 O3 was identified as umbelliferone (1). This simple coumarin or the leaf while the H2 O extract was very poor in metabolites and
is generally considered as precursor of all other furanocoumarins no coumarins were observed.
(Del Rio et al., 2014) and it was located clearly only in the nerves Overall it seems that the simple coumarin umbeliferone
of the plant material. Compound eluted at Rt 5.50 min has a pseu- that is considered biosynthetically the precursor of linear fura-
domolecular ion at m/z 365.0868 and according to the suggested nocoumarins, is localized basically in the nerves and several other
molecular formula and RDB equivalents, it corresponds to a glycosi- linear coumarins such as psoralen, bergapten, xanthotoxol (Fig. 33)
lated coumarin. Its main MS/MS fragment at m/z 203.0346 confirms and their glucosylated derivatives were found in higher quantities
this assumption and the fragment corresponds to furanocoumarin in the nerves. Thus we believe that furanocoumarins are biosyn-
xanthotoxol (4), after the detachment of the glycosyl moiety. thetically produced in the nerves of the leaves and most probably
Compound eluted at Rt 6.35 is an isomer, assuming that the they are transferred and accumulated in the capitate trichomes
differentiation could be either different glycosilation position, or residing on the nerves only, at the abaxial side of the leaf.
another aglycon structure. Finally, coumarin eluted at Rt 5.63, is
S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34 29

Figs. 13–18. The leaf epidermis of the fig tree. Fig. 13: Cross section of a leaf primordium presenting the central nerve (cn) and the numerous, protective trichomes already
well developed on this premature leaf. Fig. 14: A high magnification of the capitate secretive trichomes of the abaxial epidermis (ep). The single cell stalk and the four-celled
head (arrows) can be observed. Fig. 15: A cross section of a lithocyst from a fresh leaf. This cell develops within the spongy parenchyma (sp) with the cystolith (cy) “hanging
upwards” and the characteristic spiked end protruding from the outer part of the cell wall. Fig. 16: Detail of the abaxial side from a cross section of an epoxy embedded leaf.
Two protective trichomes can be seen with the developing, amorphous mass within their lumen. Fig. 17: The adaxial epidermis from a cross section of a fresh leaf. One of
the large (yellow arrow) and one of the medium sized (white arrow) stomata can be seen. The large stoma appears on the top of an epidermal swelling. Fig. 18: Same as in
Fig. 17, observed with fluorescence microscopy. The cutin over the guard cells is clearly visible. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)

Figs. 19–22. Histochemical investigations. Fig. 19: concentrated H2 SO4 for terpenes, Fig. 20: vanillin/HCl for flavonoids, Fig. 21: Wagner’s reagent for alkaloids, Fig. 22:
vanillin test for phenolics.

4. Discussion L. or even Olea europaea L. (Christodoulakis and Mitrakos, 1987).

Besides, the well established feature of the Mediterranean plants
The lobed leaves of F. carica are harsh in texture but appear less to reduce their surface to volume ratio (small leaves), seems to
equipped in mechanical tissue compared to the typical Mediter- have been turned over by F. carica. Both Mediterranean evergreen
ranean leaves like those of Quercus coccifera L., Ceratonia siliqua sclerophyllous shrubs and, in particular, the seasonally dimorphic
30 S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34

Figs. 23–25. The leaf dissected. Fig. 23: The whole leaf of a fig tree as dissected to obtain nerves and nerveless leaf tissue. Fig. 24: Close-up of the lower leaf surface. Minor
nerves and the lithocysts (white arrows) can be observed. Fig. 25: A detail of the lower surface. The lithocysts (white arrows) and the capitate trichomes (green arrows),
confined on the nerves, can be observed. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Figs. 26–29. In vitro cultures and histochemistry. Fig. 26: Untreated cell mass (callus) produced after in vitro culture of leaf tissue. Fig. 27: callus cells treated with vanillin/HCl
for flavonoids. Fig. 28: callus cells treated with potassium bichromate for tannins. Fig. 29: callus cells treated with DMB for phenolic tannin precursors.

subshrubs take advantage of the small leaf areas which prevent Alcian blue (for sugars) something that is in agreement with Fu-
leaves from overheating. F. carica, although an “authentic” Mediter- gen et al. (1991) reporting that the majority of cystoliths are mainly
ranean plant by habitat, has a leaf of great magnitude, with a composed of polysaccharides while the ultrastructure of their com-
blade area more than ten to twenty times larger than the blades of ponents exhibit no orderly arrangement and no stratification.
the larger among the evergreen sclerophylls (Arbutus andrachne L., On the lower surface of the fig leaves, two types of stomata
Arbutus unedo L., Nerium oleander L.) (Christodoulakis and Mitrakos, were observed. They occur in different sizes. The rare, protrud-
1987). This is probably the reason for which the leaves of F. carica ing, big stomata are actinocytic while the small ones that also vary
are not positioned leveled to the ground but more or less perpen- in magnitude, of the anomocytic type. The magnitude of the large
dicularly (Fig. 1) so that the sun rays fall on the leaf sideways. stomata, their distribution and arrangement, their large substom-
The leaves are compact with the palisade tissue to occupy less atal chamber (Fahn, 1979), the fact that they appear in the “open”
than 50% of the leaf. Numerous idioblasts with spiny crystals appear condition as well as the cutin localized over the ledges of their guard
preferably between the palisade cells while the big lithocysts, cells (Karabourniotis et al., 2001), indicate that these apertures,
with their content hanging “upwards” (Fig. 15), find their space although looking as typical epithem, may function as the pores
within the spongy parenchyma. The content of these sized cells of the hydathodes (open water stomata). Hydathodes scattered
seems rough, unstratified and rather water soluble. It reacts with all over the surface of the leaf were reported for Ficus diversi-
S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34 31

Fig. 30. Metabolic profiling of the CH2 Cl2 extracts by GC–MS. A: for the nerves B: for the leaf and C: for the in vitro produced calli.
32 S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34

Figs. 31–32. Fig. 31: Metabolic profiling of the MeOH extracts by LC–HRMS of A: nerves B: leaf and C: calli. Fig. 32: Metabolic profiling of the H2 O extracts by LC–HRMS of
A: nerves B: leaf and C: calli.

Fig. 33. The structure of major furanocoumarins identified in F. carica. 1: umbelliferone, 2: psoralen, 3: bergapten, 4: xanthotoxol.

folia Reinw. ex Miq. (Lersten and Peterson, 1976). The presence in far smaller quantities within the rest of the leaf. Those fura-
of hydathodes, although reported for some typical Mediterranean nocoumarins were, strangely, not observed in extracts from the calli
therophytes (e.g., Cichorium intybus L., Papaver rhoeas L.) seems a produced in vitro, in spite the existing aspect for the biosynthetic
rather unexpected characteristic for the Mediterranean environ- totipotency of the callus cells (Bourgaud et al., 2001; Ramachandra
ment. Rao and Ravishankar, 2002), but under the specific lab conditions
The secreting structures of the leaf, besides the numerous these calli were cultured. It has been well documented that cal-
idioblasts, are the laticifers and the capitate trichomes on the lower lus masses, even of a second generation, are able to synthesize
surface of the leaf. The latter appears uniform in shape all over the and accumulate most of the secondary metabolites detected in
lower leaf surface. The metabolites produced by the head cells (Fig. parent plants. These metabolites can be isolated for their high com-
14) are accumulated, in maturity, within these cells in the form of mercial (as food additives, pigments) and pharmaceutical value
dark granules. The metabolic profiling of the methanol and aqueous (terpenes, steroids, alkaloids) (Dronne et al., 1999; Nikolakaki and
extracts derived from nerves dissected and separated from the rest Christodoulakis, 2004).
of the leaf area, indicates that the majority of the secondary metabo- The absence of fouranocoumarins from the secondary metabo-
lites produced in the leaves, most probably furanocoumarins, are lites produced from the in vitro cultured cells is probably due to the
produced and retained within the nerves (laticifers) or, at least, they fact that callus cells generally originate from the parenchymatic
are confined close to the nerve area (i.e., retained within the capi- leaf tissues (palisade and spongy parenchyma). The cells of these
tate trichomes). As no other deviations were observed, and having tissues, being rather undifferentiated, can regain their meristem-
in mind that compound 2 (psoralen) (Fig. 31) is one of the precur- atic activity and start dividing to produce calli (cell masses). On
sors of the biosynthesis of furanocoumarins, the present analysis the other hand, the highly differentiated cells of the main secretive
implies that either an accumulation of furanocoumarins occurs apparatus of the leaf (laticifers and capitate trichomes) can hardly
in the nerves or their biosynthesis through the shikimate path- turn to meristematic cells thus remaining unable to produce cell
way takes place there (Del Rio et al., 2014). They seem to exist masses. Eventually, the special metabolites synthesized within the
S. Mamoucha et al. / Flora 218 (2016) 24–34 33

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