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GRADE 8- 4th week august

1. The big picture: 4 qudrants game- learning emotions & characterization and

how to switch emotions and characters with a snap of a finger.

2. Objectives: tuning in students to learn 9- ras/ 9 emotions and character

building in future classes

3. Engagement: 4 quadrants is an exciting theatre exercise. Each quadrant

represents an emotion and when a student steps into that quadrant, they have

to switch into that emotion. 2 students perform a scene and keep changing

emotions and hence the tone of the scene. Each student in the pair are asked to

prepare 2 characters they will play and when the teacher claps, they have to

switch the charcter in the scene. This exercise brings unexpected results. It is

challenging and builds curiosity because one can never prepare for an exercise

like this.

4. ‘Stickability’: Their ability to quickly switch charcters and emotions or the lack
of it. Students will be intrigued to learn if they find themselves unable to do this

exercise well. Students will be able to dig deeper about what thought easily

provokes which emotions in them as every human has a different stimuli.

5. Assessment for Learning: I will do a teacher assessment after they perform.

Students who are able to perform well will be encouraged to take leadership and

help their peers while students who need the most help will be given personal

attention during characterization and 9 emotion workshops.

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