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READING and WRITING practice.

1. Read the description of Elena’s family:

Hello! My name’s Elena Lennon. I’ve got a big family.

I’ve got one sister and one brother. Their names are Peter and Olivia.
Olivia is nine years old and Peter is a baby.

My mother’s name is Mary. She’s a toy maker.

My father’s name is John. He’s a teacher.
My dad has got one brother, Nicholas. Nicholas is my uncle. He hasn’t
got any children.

My father has got a sister too. Her name is Luli and she’s my aunt. She’s married. Her
husband’s name is Francis. Luli is an artist and Francis is a designer.
They have got two children: Indiana and Claude.
Claude is three years old and Indiana is four. They’re my favourite cousins!!!

My father’s parents are Charly and Grace.

Grace is my grandmother, she’s a teacher. And my grandpa Charly is a carpenter.


2. Now complete her family tree: Write in the bubbles the names of Elena’s family members.

Read, circle YES or NO. Correct the NO.

1. Luli is Claude’s mother. YES / NO __________________________

2. Peter is Indiana’s cousin. YES / NO __________________________

3. Charly is Grace’s husband. YES / NO __________________________

4. Francis is Indiana’s uncle. YES / NO __________________________

5. Peter is Olivia’s brother. YES / NO __________________________

6. Luli is Nicholas’ mother. YES / NO __________________________

7. John is Charly’s son. YES / NO __________________________

8. Olivia is John’s granddaughter. YES / NO __________________________

9. Olivia, Elena and Peter are John’s children. YES / NO __________________________

10. Charly is Indiana’s son. YES / NO __________________________

Answer the questions:

1. I’m Claude. Who’s Grace? ____________________________________________________

2. I’m Luli. Who’s Nicholas? _____________________________________________________

3. I’m Mary. Who’s Elena? ______________________________________________________

4. I’m Charly. Who’s Grace? _____________________________________________________

5. I’m Elena. Who’s Peter? ______________________________________________________

6. I’m John. Who are Charly and Grace? ___________________________________________

7. I’m Luli. Who are Claude and Indiana? ___________________________________________

8. I’m Indiana. Who are Olivia, Elena and Peter? _____________________________________

9. I’m Grace. Who are Olivia, Elena, Peter, Indiana and Claude? _________________________

10. I’m Peter. Who are Charly and Grace? ___________________________________________

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