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ISSN(Online): 2319-8753

ISSN (Print): 2347-6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2015

A Survey on Fire Fighting Robot Controlled

Using Android Application
RutujaJadkar1 , Rutuja Wadekar2 , Shweta Khatade3 , Sayali Dugane4 , Prof.Dr.S.N. Kini5.
UG Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, JSCOE, Hadapsar, Pune, India 1,2,3,4.
Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, JSCOE, Hadapsar, Pune, India 5

ABSTRACT: Detecting fire and extinguishing it is a dangerous job that puts life of a fire fighter at risk. There are
many fire accidents which fire fighter had to loose their lives in the line of duty each year throughout the world. The
research and development in the field of Artificial Intelligence has given rise to Robotics. Robots are implemented in
various areas like Industries, Manufacturing, Medicines etc. Hence, Robotics can be used to assist fire fighters to
perform this task of fire fighting and thus reduce the risk of their lives. Fire Fighter is a robot designed to use in such
extreme conditions. It can be operated and controlled by remote user and has the ability to extinguish fire after locating
the source of fire. It is equipped with a monitoring system and operates through a wireless communication system. The
fire detection system is designed using the sensors mounted on the fire fighter robot. The robot is controlled
autonomously using Android application. Android mobile phone platform developed by Google has gained popularity
among software developers due to its powerful capabilities and open platform. Therefore, Android is a great platform
to control a Robotic system. Android provides many resources and already integrates lot of sensors. This concept helps
to generate interest as well as innovation in field of robotics while working towards a practical and obtainable solution
to save lives and mitigate the risk of property damage.

KEYWORDS:Fire source detection, Autonomous Navigation, Sensors, Fire extinguishing, Android.


Firefighting and rescuing the victims is a risky task. Fire Fighters have to face dangerous situations while extinguishing
the fire. Fire Fighters extinguish fires in tall buildings, drag heavy hoses, climb high ladders, carry victims from one
building to another. In addition to long and irregular working hours, fire fighters also face unfriendly environment like
high temperature, dust and low humidity. Besides, they also have to face life threatening situations like explosion and
collapse buildings. According to the report of IAFF in the year 2000, 1.9 fire fighters per 100,000 structure fires have
lost their lives per year in USA. However, this rate was increasing to 3 per 100,000 structure fires. The different causes
of Line Of Duty Deaths (LODD) are smoke inhalation, burns, crushing injuries and related trauma. Statistics shows that
the deaths of fire fighters are constant every year. This results in need of firefighting machines to assist the fire fighters
to avoid deaths by handling the dangerous situations.
So if a robot is used instead, which can be controlled from a distance or which can perform actions intelligently by
itself, which will reduce the risk of this task of fire fighting. Robot is a mechanical device that is used for performing
tasks that includes high risk like fire fighting[1]. There are many types of robots like fixed base robot, mobile robot,
underwater robot, humanoid robot, space robot, medicines robot etc. Fixed base robot has limited workspace due to
their structure. Workspace of the robot can be increased by using a mobile platform. These type of robots are called
mobile robots. Mobile robots are used in mining, military, forestry, security etc. Mobile robots can also be used for
extinguishing fire in tunnels, industries, hospitals, laboratory and in homes A fire fighting robot will decrease the need
of fire fighters to get into dangerous situations. Further the robot will reduce the load of fire fighters. It is impossible to
extinguish fire and rescue many victims at a time of huge disaster. Robot technology can be very efficiently used in
such cases to rescue much more victims. Thus robotics makes human life easier and safe as well as save a lot of time.
The rapid development in technology improves the tools and equipments used in firefighting. These advance tools and

Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0411051 10701

ISSN(Online): 2319-8753
ISSN (Print): 2347-6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2015

equipments can be more effective and efficient. Moreover, it reduces minimum risk level. This will also reduce the
damages caused due to an fire incident.
Android is based on Java programming language and is platform independent. Therefore it can be used in student
projects. Android application is a program that can run on Android operating system and provide the required
functionality to the user. The Android platform includes support for Wifi communication. Using the Wifi APIs, an
Android application can scan for Wifi devices, connect to other devices, transfer data to and from other devices.


In today’s era fire fighting is an dangerous issue. Many authors are working on different techniques for fire fighting.
Author Ratnesh Malik et al. has developed an approach towards fire fighting robot. The robot is designed and
constructed which is able to extinguish fire. The robot is fully autonomous. It implements the concept likes
environmental sensing and awareness, proportional motor control. The robot processes information from its sensors and
hardware elements. Ultraviolet, Infrared and visible light are used to detect the components of environment. The robot
is capable of fighting tunnel fire, industry fire and military applications are designed and built. Ultraviolet sensors are
used to detect fire. Once fire is detected, robot sounds an alarm. Then the robot activates an electronic valve which
release sprinkles of water on the flame. Detailed concept of robot is explained which automatically detects fire and
extinguishes it in short time by the use of sensors, microcontroller etc. This robot is used in places where human lives
are at high risk[2].
Author Kristi Kokasih et al. has developed intelligent fire fighting tank robot. Tank robot is made from acrylic, plastic,
aluminum and iron. Robot components are two servo motors, two DC motors, ultrasonic sensor, compass sensors,
flame detector, thermal array sensor, white detector (IR and photo transistor) , sound activation circuit and micro switch
sensor. The objective is to search certain area, find and extinguish the flame for different flame positions, room
configuration with disturbance. Robot is activated through DTMF transmitter and receiver [3].
Control Of An Autonomous Industrial Fire Fighting Mobile Robot is developed by H.P. Singh et al. The paper
describes the construction and design of mobile fire fighting robot. The system contains two optically isolated D.C.
motors. Robot performs analog to digital conversion of the data provided by infrared sensors. Five infrared sensor are
used. Two sensors control the motion of the robots and three are for flame detection. The extinguisher comprises of
D.C water pump and a water container. The basic theme of the paper is to sense the flames of fire and extinguish it.
For this infrared sensor is used as input sensor which senses the infrared rays coming out of the fire. The
microcontroller controls the extinguishing system.[4]
Wireless fire fighting robot is developed by Swati Deshmukh et al. It comprises of machine which has ability to detect
fire and extinguish it. The fire fighting robot can move in both forward and reverse direction and can turned in left and
right directions. Thus fire fighter can operate the robot over a long distance and there is no need for human near the
area on fire. Light dependent resistors are used for detection of fire. These resistors are highly sensitive devices and are
capable of detecting very small fire. The robot provides security at home, buildings, factory and laboratory. It is an
intelligent multisensory based security system which contains fire fighting system in daily life. [5]
Cell phone controlled robot with fire detection sensors developed by Lakshay Arora consist of mobile phone which
controls a robot by making a call to the mobile phone which is attached to the robot. During the call activation period,
if any button is pressed on the phone, the tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end of the call
that is placed on the robot. The robot perceives Dual-Tone Multiple-Frequency (DTMF) tone with the help of phone
mounted on the robot. The received code is processed by the microcontroller and then the robot performs actions
accordingly. In the proposed system DTMF technology is used to position the shaft of motor at a required point with
different sensors, each performing its own task. Rugged, Simple and cost effective system is proposed here.[6]
Android Phone controlled Robot Using Bluetooth is developed by Arpit Sharma et al. Various techniques of Human-
Machine interaction using gestures are presented. Gestures are captured by using the accelerometer. The paper analyses
the motion technology to capture gestures using an android smart phone which has inbuilt accelerometer and Bluetooth
module to control kinetics of the robot. The microcontroller controls the signals of the Bluetooth module. Features like
user friendly interface, lightweight and portability OS based smart phone has overtaken the sophistication of
technologies like programmable glove, static cameras etc making them obsolete. [7]

Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0411051 10702

ISSN(Online): 2319-8753
ISSN (Print): 2347-6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2015

Author SaravananP has designed and developed an Integrated Semi-Autonomous Fire Fighting Mobile robot. The
System controls four D.C. motors powered by Atmega2560 and controlled autonomously by navigation system.
Navigation system comprises of integrated ultrasonic sensors and infrared sensors. The robot is fitted with wireless
camera which captures the video and transmits it to the base station. The fire detection comprises of LDR and
temperature sensor. If there is a fire the sensor detects it and the robot will be moved to the source and extinguishes it.
The extinguishing system consists of a BLDC motor with water container. The SABOT can be operated manually for
extreme conditions. It comprises of a GUI support through which robot can be controlled from the base station. [8]
Intelligent Fire Extinguisher System is developed by Poonam Sonsale et al. The paper proposes of an adaptive fusion
algorithm for fire detection. It uses a smoke sensor, flame sensor, temperature sensor for fire detection. It contains
intelligent multisensory based security system that contains a fire fighting system in daily life. The security system can
detect abnormal and dangerous situation and notify. Intelligent buildings are expected to be safer convenient and
efficient living environments for society. The purpose of Intelligent Fire Extinguisher System is to extinguish flame in
a certain amount of time. The system detects the fire location and extinguish fire by using sprinklers. As being
Intelligent System, it cuts off the electricity of area where fire has been caught and starts the sprinklers only of that
Remote Controlled Fire Fighting Robot developed by Phyo Wai Aung describes the functions of remote control fire
fighting robot. It contains two main parts that is transmitter and receiver in which two sets of RF modules are used. One
RF module is used to transmit the data to the motor driver and another RF module is used to know the condition on fire.
Microcontroller PIC16F887 is used operate the whole system of the fire fighting robot. The motors are driven by the
L298 and ULN2003 drivers in this system. The operator controls the robot by using wireless camera mounted on the
robot. If the temperature of fire sight is above 40 degree Celsius, the alarm will be ringing so that operator can control
the fire fighting robot and avoid the damage of heat. [10]


Fire causes tremendous damage and loss of human life and property. It is sometimes impossible for the fire fighter
personnel to access the sight of fire because of explosive materials, smoke and high temperature. Through this we can
conclude that robot can be placed where human lives are at risk. The robot can operate in the environment which is out
of human reach in very short time. In such environments, fire fighting robots can be useful for extinguishing fire. These
robots should be controlled remote operators who are located far away from the fire site using remote communication
systems. The robot accurately and efficiently finds the fire within minimum time after the fire is detected. In future
work Project aims to promote technology innovation to achieve a reliable and efficient outcome. Mobile robot that can
move through a model structure, find fire and extinguish it. The movement of the robot is controlled by the sensors
which are fixed on the mobile platform .is to provide security of home, laboratory, office, factory and building is
important to human life. We develop an intelligent multisensory based security system that contains a fire fighting
system in our daily life. We design the fire detection system using sensors in the system, and program the fire detection
and fighting procedure using sensor based method.

[1] W. Budiharto, Membuat Robot Cerdas, Jakarta: Gramedia, 2006.
[2] Ratnesh Malik, “Fire Fighting Robot : An Approach” , Indian Streams Research Journal Vol.2,Issue.II/March; 12pp.1-4
[3] Kristi Kosasih, E. Merry Sartika, M. Jimmy Hasugian, danMuliady, “The Intelligent Fire Fighting Tank Robot” , Electrical Engineering Journal
Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2010
[4] H. P. Singh, Akanshu Mahajan, N. Sukavanam, VeenaBudhraja ,”Control Of An Autonomous Industrial Fire Fighting Mobile Robot”, DU
Journal of Undergraduate Research and Innovation
[5] Swati A. Deshmukh, Karishma A. Matte and Rashmi A. Pandhare, “Wireless Fire Fighting Robot”, International Journal For Research In
Emerging Science and Technology
[6] Lakshay Arora, Prof.AmolJoglekar, “Cell Phone Controlled Robot with Fire Detection Sensors”, (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer
Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (3) , 2015, 2954-2958
[7] Arpit Sharma, ReeteshVerma, Saurabh Gupta and Sukhdeep Kaur Bhatia, “Android Phone Controlled Robot Using Bluetooth”, International
Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering.ISSN 0974-2174, Volume 7, Number 5 (2014), pp. 443-448
[8] Saravanan P, “Design and Development of Integrated Semi - Autonomous Fire Fighting Mobile Robot”, International Journal of Engineering

Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0411051 10703

ISSN(Online): 2319-8753
ISSN (Print): 2347-6710

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2015

Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT)Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015

[9] Poonam Sonsale, RutikaGawas, Siddhi Pise, Anuj Kaldate , “Intelligent Fire Extinguisher System”,IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering
(IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727Volume 16, Issue 1, Ver. VIII (Feb. 2014), PP 59-61
[10]Phyo Wai Aung, Wut Yi Win, “Remote Controlled Fire Fighting Robot”, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology
Research Volume.03, IssueNo.24, September-2014

Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0411051 10704

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