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Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

An experimental investigation on metakaolin amended bio

engineered concrete
Post Graduate Student, Structural and construction engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of
Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India.
Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi


Concrete is a widespread material wh ich is being used in the world for various structures. It is susceptible
to shrinkage cracks and these cracks will permit the entry of destructive materials to the essential reinfo rcing bars.
This will lead to deterioration of the rebars and will considerably reduce the durability of the structure. Also,
Cement, a ma in constituent in the concrete releases a huge quantity of heat of hydration when it interacts with water,
which adds to CO2 emission to the atmosphere. This calls for a sustainable sort of material which should
furthermore be strong and durable. One such tool is bio concrete which yields microbial calcite precipitation. The
preceding works have dealt with bio engineered concrete with partial substitution of cement by fly ash. The present
study deals with the effects of bacillus megaterium MTCC 3353 on the strength and durability properties on the
concrete specimens. Cement has been substituted by metakaolin in the concentrations of 10%, 12.5%, and 15%
which comb ines with calciu m hydroxide and produces additional cementing compounds. The calcite precipitatio n
within the structure will be confirmed using the SEM analysis and XRD.

Keywords: Bio Engineered concrete, Bacillus Megaterium MTCC 3353, calcite precipitation, compressive strength,
acid attack , SEM.

1. Introducti on In order to reduce such an access , bio concrete may

perhaps be used as one of the solution. It is otherwise
The manufacturing of cement involves a lot of mining
called self healing concrete given that it produces calcite
and when the cement comes in contact with water it
inside the matrix and closes the pores leading to
leads to hydration of cement. This practice releases heat
inconsequential ingress. This precipitation will increase
which adds to the green house gases. This calls for a
the density of concrete therefore increasing the strength
material for replacing cement which provides similar
in addition to the durability ultimately.
strength to the concrete.
1.1 Literature Review
Metakaolin is a suitable substance which is calcined
under controlled environment to generate an amorphous Henk M. Jonkers et al [1] investigated the usage of two
alu minosilicate which reacts in concrete. Metakaolin component bio chemical healing agent which involves
combines with Ca(OH)2 and produces cementitious impregnation of clay pellets with calciu m lactate and
compounds. microorganis ms under vacuum. The o xygen
measurements within the concrete showed that the
Concrete is a material which is subjected to micro
bacteria remain feasible and functional fo r several
cracks due to a variety of reasons, one being shrinkage.
months. The bio concrete healed a crack of 0.46 mm
This creates an opportunity for the hostile materials to
width in co mparison to 0.18 mm autogenous healing of
go through its pore structure and severely dent its
normal concrete.

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Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

Varenyam Achal et al [2] conducted experiments on the Physical Cement Metakaolin

compression strength and water permeability of self Color Grey White
healing concrete (Bacillus species). The results show Specific gravity 3.1 2.6
enhancement in the compression strength and a Chemical Cement Metakaolin
reduction in the water permeability when compared to
SiO2 23% 52%
the typical concrete.
Al O3 5.96% 46%
M.V. Seshagiri Rao et al [3] experimented with Fe2 O3 3.16% 0.60%
different concentrations of bacterial cells and its effects TiO2 - 0.65%
on the performance of the concrete. It was inferred that
CaO 62% 0.09%
105 cells/ ml was found to be the most favourable one
giving more co mpression strength and lesser chloride MgO 1.5% 0.03%
penetration.. Na2 O 1% 0.1%
K2 O 1% 0.03%
Guang Jiang et al [7] studied the mechanical properties
of metakao lin amended concrete. It indicated superior 2.2 Microorg anism
bond between the reinforcement and cement matrix. In
addition it resulted in a configurat ion with lesser micro Bacillus megateriu m MTCC 3353 obtained fro m
cracks and shrinkage. Microbial Type Culture Collection (MTCC) Chandigarh
was used. The nutrient broth used for the cultivation
Hong-Sam Kim et al [8] performed tests on the strength consisted of beef extract (3.0 g/l), glucose (5.0 g/l),
and durability properties of concrete with partial peptone (5.0 g/l), NaCl (5.0 g/l) and distilled water
substitution of cement with metakaolin by 10%, 12.5% (1000 ml). In itially, Nutrient broth was sterilized using a
and 15%. It resulted in better durability and strength cooker to free it fro m any contamination. The bacteria
properties than silica fu me amended concrete. was then introduced into the broth and grown in the
1.2 CaCl 2 -Urea Reacti ons incubator for about 24 hours at a speed of 150 rp m. The
solution turns whitish yellow in co lor ind icating the
Initially CO(NH2 )2 (i.e. Urea) decomposes into presence of bacteria. Further, the process of serial
NH2 COOH and NH3 . Further disintegration of dilution was done to bring the intensity of the bacteria to
NH2 COOH leads to the formation of H2 CO3 . a required concentration of 105 cells/ml.
Bi carbonates are formed fro m H2 CO3, ammon iu m ions Moreover, the bacteria were checked for its
are formed fro m NH3. These reactions will amp lify the compatibility with the various superplasticizers. The
pH value which will produce the carbonate ions. Finally various families of SPs that were used were
the calciu m ions fro m the calciu m ch loride will co mbine Polycarbo xylate (PC), Lignosulfonate (LS) and
with CO3 - ions and form insoluble CaCO3 i.e. calcite Sulponated Naphthalene Formaldehyde (SNF). The SP
[9]. was added to the broth stated above and bacteria were
2 Materials and Methodol ogy grown. It was found that the bacteria grow normally fo r
all the SPs.
2.1 Concrete
OPC (53 Grade) manufactured fro m Maha cement was
used for the experiments. The cement meets the
requirements of IS 12269 (1987).
The fine aggregates used conforms to IS: 383 (1987)
and has a specific gravity of 2.8. The fine aggregates
passing through 4.75mm sieve were used.
Fig 1: Growth with different SPs
The coarse aggregates used conform to IS: 383 (1987)
has a specific gravity of 2.78. The aggregates used were 2.3 Preparation of concrete s pecimens
passed through 20 mm sieve and retained on the 12.5 2.3.1 Compression strength test
mm sieve.
The compression strength samples were prepared for
Metakaolin was obtained from AASTRA chemicals, target strength of 25 and 40 MPa. The addition of
Chennai. The material conforms to IS: 1727 (1967). The bacterial water was done during the mixing of the
various chemical and physical properties of metakaolin concrete. Cement was partially rep laced using
and cement are given belo w in table 1. metakaolin in the concentrations of 10%, 12.5% and 15
Table 1: Properties of cement and metakaolin %. Specimens were casted in 100* 100*100 mm mou lds
and were allowed to set for at least 24 hours. After the

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initial strength was obtained, the specimens were The mechanical property of strength in compression
immersed inside the curing mediu m (50g/l of CaCl2 and was evaluated and it was found that the bacterial
20g/l of urea) for 7, 14 and 28 days. Normal concrete samples were stronger in comparison to control
specimens were also casted using a similar practice with specimens. Fig 1 shows the rise in co mpression
a minor differentiat ion that only regular potable water strength, 10% metakaolin being optimal. Bacterial
was used in the mixing process and cured in normal specimens with 10% offered an improved strength of 22
water. The specimens were taken out on the necessary %, 12.5% and 15% presented 13.8% and 9.72% increase
days and were tested via Co mpression testing machine respectively when compared with the ordinary concrete.
according to IS standards and the results were
Likewise Fig 2 demonstrates a surge in the strength,
12.5% metakao lin being optimal in this mix. Bacterial
2.3.2 Aci d attack test specimens with 12.5% offered an improved strength of
26.04 %, while the other cases (10% and 15%
Cubes were cast and cured in a similar way as the
respectively) presented 11.4% and 20.83% increase
compression strength specimens. The specimens were
when compared with the ordinary concrete.
then immersed in a solution containing 5% concentrated
sulphuric acid for 7, 14 and 28 days. They were tested
for the compression strength in comparison with the
standard concrete specimens.
2.3.3 Scanning Electron Microscope (S EM) anal ysis
The SEM analysis was done to visually examine the
microbial precip itation of calcite in the bio concrete. A
small portion of the co mpression test specimen was
taken after the tests end and was cleaned to make it free
fro m dust. The specimen was then oven dried and was
coated using sputter coating machine. SEM apparatus
was used to examine the pores and focus the
Table 2: Mix proportions used in the experiments
Fig 2: Compression test results for Mix 1
Cement Metakaolin Fine Coarse Water
(Kg/m3 ) (Kg/ m3 ) aggregates aggregates (lit/ m3 )
(Kg/ m3 ) (Kg/ m3 )
450 0 675 1172 227
405 45 675 1172 227
393.75 56.25 675 1172 227
382.5 67.5 675 1172 227
Table 3: Mix proportions used in the experiments

Cement Metakaolin Fine Coarse Water

(Kg/m3 ) (Kg/ m3 ) aggregates aggregates (lit/ m3 )
(Kg/ m3 ) (Kg/ m3 )

450 0 660 1270 184

405 45 660 1270 184 Fig 3: Compression test results for mix 2
393.75 56.25 660 1270 184 3.2 Aci d attack resistance
382.5 67.5 660 1270 184
Resistance to acid in terms of mechanical strength was
3 Results and Discussions evaluated. It was found that the compression strengths
3.1 Compression strength of all the bacterial specimens were stronger than the
normal specimens. 10% and 12.5% concentrations of

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Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

metakaolin were optimal in the first and second mix

The SEM images attained displayed substantial calcite
precipitation inside the bacterial specimens. CC
designates the calcium carbonate precipitation in the
SEM images.

Fig 4: Specimens before and after acid attack

Fig 5: Acid resistance values for Mix 1

Fig 7 and 8: SEM images for Mix 1 & 2, CC indicates

Calcium Carbonate precipitation
4 Conclusions
This work dealt with bio concrete amended with
metakoalin and the various tests were done on it and
compared with the typical concrete specimens. The
bacteria increased the strength in compression. Also the
durability of the bacterial specimens was checked and
evaluated resistance to acid attack. It was found that the
Fig 6: Acid resistance values for Mix 2 bacterial specimens had more resistance to acid than the
regular concrete samples. The SEM images gave proof
In the first mix 10% y ielded 42.85% increase in strength of the CaCO3 precipitation with in the bacterial samples
and the other two concentrations i.e. 12.5% and 15%
which accounted for the improved performance of the
yielded 28.57% and 14.28% enhancement in strength concrete. Thus this category of concrete can be used in
respectively. the regions where durability of concrete is of great
In the second mix 12.5% gave a 33.33% aug ment in importance.
strength while the other two proportions i.e. 10% and
15% gave a 20.88% and 8.33% increase in strength.
3.3 SEM analysis

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We like to thank Dr. Ku mutha and Ms. Kavitha Mary
for their support in cultivating the bacterial solution. We
also like to thank M r. John Stanley for his support in
serial d iluting the bacterial solution.
5 References
[1] Virginie Wiktor, Henk M. Jonkers “Quantification of crack-
healing in novel bacteria-based self-healing concrete”, Cement
& Concrete Composites 33 (2011) 763–770.
[2] Varenyam Achal, Abhijit Mukherjee, M Sudhakara Reddy,
“Microbial concrete: Way to enchance the durability of
structures”, Journal of materials in Civil Engineering @ ASCE,
June 2011.
[3] M.V. Seshagiri Rao, V. Srinivasa Reddy, M. Hafsa, P.
Veena and P. Anusha , “Bioengineered Concrete - A Sustainable
Self-Healing Construction Material”, Research Journal of
Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2278 – 9472 Vol. 2(6), 45-51, June
[4] S. Krishnapriya, D.L.Venkatesh Babu, Prince Arulraj G,
“Isolation and identification of bacteria to improve the strength
of Concrete” Microbiological.
[5] A.T .Manikandan, A.Padmavathi “An Experimental
Investigation on Improvement of Concrete Serviceability by
using Bacterial Mineral Precipitation”, IJRSI, Volume II, Issue
III, March 2015.
[6] Varenyam Achal, Xiangliang Pan, Nilüfer Özyurt “Improved
strength and durability of fly ash-amended concrete by microbial
calcite precipitation”, Ecological Engineering 37 (2011) 554–
[7] Guang Jiang, Zhidan Rong, Wei Sun,
“Effects of metakaolin on mechanical properties, pore structure
and hydration heat of mortars at 0.17 w/b ratio”, Construction
and Building Materials 93 (2015) 564–572.
[8] Hong-Sam Kima, Sang-Ho Lee, Han-Young Moon, “Strength
properties and durability aspects of high strength concrete using
Korean metakaolin”, Construction and Building Materials 21
(2007) 1229–1237.
[9] Ali Vahabia, Ali Akbar Ramezanianpour and Kambiz Akbari
Noghabi, “A preliminary insight into the revolutionary new line
in improving concrete properties using an indigenous bacterial
strain Bacillus licheniformis AK01, as a healing agent”,
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Vol.
19, No. 5, 614–6279 (2015).
[10] IS: 383 - 1987, “Specification for coarse and fine aggregates
from natural sources for concrete.
[11] IS: 12269 – 1987, “Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland
[12] IS: 10262 – 1982, “Recommended guidelines for concrete mix
[13] IS: 456 – 2000, “Plain and reinforced concrete – Code of
[14] IS: 1727 – 1967, “Methods of test for pozzolanic materials”.
[15] IS: 516 – 1959, “Methods of tests for strength of concrete”.

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Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

An Investigation on the Feasibility of Adding Super Absorbent

Polymer in Self Curing Concrete
Post Graduate Student, Structural and Constriction Engineering
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Amrita University, India.


Internal moist curing by Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) plays an important role in strength development and
durability o f High Performance Concrete (HPC). The aim o f this study is to examine how the strength reduction
happens by adding super absorbent polymer and rect ification of strength reduction using micro fillers. The
amount of SAP added to the concrete was calculated usin g the absorption capacity that was obtained as a result
of tea bag test. The present study also involves the use of super absorb ent polymer in gel and dry state to both
mortar and concrete. First strength property was tested in mortar fo r both gel and dry state. It was found that
SAP added in dry state to mortar has no negative effect on co mpressive st rength and tested. In the present work
additional micro filler (silica fu me) with d ifferent ratios: 0.0%, 10%, 15%, 20% of weight of cement is added to
improve the mechanical propert ies of high strength concrete with SA P. The concrete specimens are subjected to
atmosphere curing and mechanical properties (co mpressive strength and modulus of rupture) were evaluated at
different ages, up to 28 days. Durability property such as Sorptivity was conducted on HPC. The effect of
internally cured concrete was studied and compared with conventionally cured concrete.

Key words: Internal curing, Super Absorbent Polymer, High Performance concrete, Silica fu me, Mechanical
properties, Durability.

test. If the absorption capacity of SAP is 100g mof

1. Introducti on: water/gm of SAP then the amount of SAP to be added is
given by divid ing the amount of internal curing
The American concrete institute (ACI) defines water by absorption capacity. So that it absorbs
Internal Curing(IC) as “A process by which the only the internal curing water. The water can be
hydration of cement continues because of the store in SAP either before adding to the concrete or
availability of internal water that is not part of while mixing the concrete. In other words SAP can
mixing water”. Curing is valuable for concrete be added in two forms. One in gel conditions
structures. In association with curing, when we another in dry condition. Before start to mixing
compare plain concrete to IC concrete we can see concrete SAP and IC water are mixed together to
plain concrete is completely dependent on surface become gel so that curing water cannot escape from
curing which only penetrates concrete surface by polymer. This is one type mixing. In the other type
few mm whereas the concrete with IC curing agent SAP and IC water can be added separately while
provides water internally which is distributed mixing concrete. Absorption of free water by SAP
throughout the concrete matrix. IC water is hidden while mixing may affect the rheology and
in the IC agent and begins to release water mechanical p roperties of concrete. So further
immed iately at the time of set. Th is investigation research on addition at amount of SAP without
involves Super Absorbent polymer as internal affecting the rheology and durability properties of
curing agent which absorbs water 500 times greater internally cured HPC with additional micro filler is
than its own weight. An extensive experimental required.
program was performed using SAP amount in
proportion to the weight of cement. But it cannot be 1.1 Literature Review:
put in practice for SAP having different absorption
Ole Mejlhede Jensen, [12] examined the
capacities. It is very d ifficu lt to get SAP with same
absorption capacity in construction industries. So different techniques for incorporating of internal
curing water in concrete. One of the techniques is
addition of SAP amount can calculated using the
substances with physically absorbed water (SAP)
absorption capacity which is obtained fro m tea bag
has the capacity to absorb the significant amount of
water. It can be available in different absorption

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capacity. It was proved that IC using SAP was 2.1 Materials used:
capable of eliminating autogenous shrinkage. But
Ordinary Port land Cement with specific weight of
these IC agents leave pores which weaken the
3.12 and silica fu me widely available in powder
mechanical properties [4,5]. Mostly IC agents can
form with silica of 95%, river sand as fine aggregate
be more effective with low w/c rat io wh ich reduce
and gravel as coarse aggregate of nominal size of
the self dessication and autogenous shrinkage
10mm were used. Super absorbent polymer is
[1,8,11]. However most of the works focus on
spherical in shape with the particle size of 300
cement pastes and mortars [1, 8, 9, 11] only limited
microns. The tea bag test method was used to find
researches have been done on concrete. And it was
the absorption capacity of SAP by immersing the
experimentally proved that IC by SAP has no
SAP in water and cement solution wh ich was shown
negative effects on compressive strengths. Craeye
in fig 1. In water it has maximu m absorption
B, [5] studied low w/b ratio HPC has negative
capacity of 100g of water /g of SAP and in cement
effects on mechanical properties due to the addition
solution 30g of water /g of SAP . When it reaches the
of curing water and SAP. So me studies focused on
maximu m absorption capacity after a while
optimization of SAP where shrinkage reduction is
desorption of water or cement solution fro m SAP
highly possible and strength reduction less.
takes place which indicate that it will release water
Christof Schroefl, Viktor Mechtcherine,
for concrete during hydration process.
PeterVectontobel, Jan Hovind, Eberhard Leh mann
Superplasticizer used CERAPLA ST 400 wh ich is of
[6] conducted tests with different SAP that shows
sulphonated melamine formaldehyde condensate
different absorption behaviour in concrete. Due to
this free water may loss in concrete which affects
the rheological behaviour and the characteristics. In
order to maintain the same rheological behaviour
and characteristics of concrete preliminary
investigations are done in SAP [6,9,12]. Tea bag
test was conducted in SAP to find the abs orption
capacity of water and cement pore solution [1, 11].
Using this absorption capacity SAP amount is
added to concrete. The advantage of IC high
performance concrete was reduced autogenous
shrinkage and cracking, reduced permeability and
increased durability. But the strength reduction was
10 to 30% of conventional concrete [4, 5]. To
improve the strength property additional Fig 1: Teabag test in cement solution and water
cementit ious material or micro fillers can be used
[2, 3, 14, 15]. 2.2 Concrete mixtures and Speci men
preparati on:
1.2 Research significance:
2.2.1 Concrete mi xture proporti ons:
 The present study focuses on the addition
of amount of SAP and mechanical As per ACI211.4 mix proportion for HPC was
properties of concrete. calculated. The mix ratio for M 75 concrete is 1:
1.03: 1.973: 0.269. The quantity of concrete batches
 To improve the flexural strength and is given in table1. In order to keep the required
compressive strength of concrete, slump mini slu mp test was conducted on cement
additional micro filler Silica Fu me (SF) paste with w/c ratio of 0.26 and various SP dosages.
added to the concrete. The optimu m dosage was found and used in each
concrete mix.
 To avoid the absorption of free water fro m 2.2.2 Mortar mixture proportions:
mortar or concrete, the study on
absorption capacity of SAP should be In order to reduce the trials on determin ing the
carried out. (in both water and cement strength of concrete it is checked using mortar
solution) initially. The mixture p roportion for mortar is as
same as the cement and fine aggregate content in
 The aim of this study is to evaluate the concrete. The ratio of 1:1.03 with the w/c ratio of
effects of IC on mechanical properties and 0.26 is used to check the strength property.
durability o f HPC with different silica
fume of 10%, 15%, 20% by weight of
2. Experi mental program:

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Table 1: Mix proportions for concrete

Mix Cement in Mix water Silica IC water Fine aggregate Coarse SAP SAP Super-
notation Kg/m 3 3 fume Kg/m 3 3 aggregate 3 3 plasticizer
Kg/m Kg/m Kg/m Kg/m
Kg/m 3 Kg/m 3 % 0f wt of
C 583.41 151.686 - 57 602.55 1258 0.57 1.9 1.2%
C1 583.41 151.686 - 57 602.55 1258 0.57 1.9 1.2%
SF1 525.069 151.686 58.341 57 602.55 1258 0.57 1.9 1.3%
SF2 495.898 151.686 87.512 57 602.55 1258 0.57 1.9 1.4%
SF3 466.728 151.686 116.682 57 602.55 1258 0.57 1.9 1.4%

2.2.3 Preparation of mortar and concrete measured in mm for all the mixes. The mix and
specimen: spread diameter for all mixes shown in table 2. For
compressive strength of hardened mortar cube of
A set of Portland cement mortar cubes of size
size 7cm x 7cm x 7cm was casted and tested under
70.6mm x 70.6mm x 70.6mm fo r each mixture was
compression testing mach ine with load capacity of
cast to study the compressive strength on 7th and
2000KN. Mortar cubes internally cured are tested
28th day. To check the mechanical and durability
for 7th and 28th day.
properties of concrete, cubes (100mm x 100mm x
100mm ) and beams (100mm x100mm x 500mm) 2.3.2 Compressive strength and flexural
were casted for both the absorption capacities from strength of hardened concrete:
water (SAP pre soaked with extra curing water
As per IS 516(1959) Co mp ressive strength of
becomes gel and added to concrete while mixing)
specimen were tested by compression testing
and cement solution(dry SAP directly added to
mach ine with the load capacity of 2000 KN after
concrete while mixing). The control specimens are
curing of 7 and 28 days. Load applied gradually at
cured in water tank for 28 days and for remaining
the rate of 140kg/cm2 per minute t ill the specimen
cubes air- dried curing was done in room
fails. Three specimens are tested at the selected age
temperature fo r 28 days.
and the average comp ressive strength of three
specimens was noted. For modulus of rupture of
hardened concrete, the prism specimens are tested
for two point loading to create pure bending as per
IS 9399-1979 [1979].
2.3.3 Sorpti vity:
Sorptivity can be determined by the measurement
of the absorption rate of capillary rise on a
reasonably homogeneous material. The concrete
specimens are tested for sorptivity after 28 days.
The sample was kept in the oven at 50o C for 24
Fig 2:Pre-soaked SAP Fig 3: Dry SAP hrs. After 24 hrs the specimens are taken out of the
oven and cooled for 2hrs at laboratory temperature
2.3 Determi nation of properties of mortar and and then the experiment is carried out. The
concrete: specimens are weighed initially and note it as W 1.
Then specimens are coated with epo xy at the
2.3.1 Slump test of fresh mortar and surroundings leaving the top and bottom surface for
compressive strength of hardened mortar: the penetration of water. Impermeab le base sticks
The fresh state property slump was checked are kept in tray to keep the specimen on top of the
immed iately after mixing mo rtar. The mortar was stick to allow water to penetrate from the bottom.
hand mixed in pan with the proportion as Record the weight of each specimen at the time
mentioned above. Fill the slu mp cone, lift it interval (t) 3, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 min. Note
immed iately after pouring mo rtar and leave them to down the weight as W 2 .Make sure the surface of
take 25 jo lt. Then spread diameter of mortar was the exposed specimen befo re weighing should be in
surface saturated condition.

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Table 2: Effect o f SAP on Mechanical properties of concrete specimen

Mix notation Compressive strength of concrete in MPa Modulus of rupture in N/mm 2

100gm Absorption capacity 30gm Absorption capacity 100gm Absorption capacity 30gm Absorption capacity

7 th day 28 th day 7 th day 28 th day 28 th day 28 th day

C 48 77 50 77 8 8
C1 43 68.75 46.875 63 6.5 7.75
SF1 41 62.5 48.75 71.5 7 8.5
SF2 40 65.62 42 65.5 6.25 6.75
SF3 43.5 70 40 67.75 6.25 6.25

7th day compressive strength increases 15% and

Then the absorption (I) was given by the formula,
28th day has no negative effects when compared
I = ΔW/Ad.
with 100g m absorption capacity.
Absorption values were plotted against time to
produce absorption curves. Sorptivity value in
mm/ min 0.5 is given by I/t . 45
3. Results and Discussions: 40
strenth in MPa

The main purpose of study in mortar was to check 7th Day(100gm


the workability and strength increment between AC)
SAP added pre soaked with IC water(100g m A C) 20 7th Day (30gm
and directly added dry SAP (30g m AC) with 15 AC)
incorporation of silica fu me. The results are 10
compared between the absorption capacities. The 5
same procedure was followed to study the effect of 0
IC on concrete. C C1 SF1 SF2 SF3

Table 2: Slump test and compressive strength

result for mortar
Mix Average spread Average compressive Fig 4: Compressive strength of internally cured
notation Diameter in mm strength on 28th day in mortar on 7 th day with different absorption
N/ mm2 capacities (AC)
100g m 30g m 100g m 30g m

C 303.33 300.00 48.97 48.97 70

C1 293.66 287.34 39.7 53.06 60
strength in MPa

SF1 288.67 275.5 48 58.16 50


SF2 287.33 276.36 48 55.103 40 28th Day

(100gm AC)
SF3 288.33 278.5 30
53.06 57.147
20 28th Day(30gm
The workab ility of mo rtar for both the absorption
capacity was almost same. But the SAP addition
C C1 SF1 SF2 SF3
reduces the workability due to the absorption of
water fro m the mix. The test results in table 2 show
the average spread diameter and co mpressive
strength of mortar for both the absorption capacity. Fig 5: Compressive strength of internally cured
Fro m fig 1 and fig 2 for 30g m absorption capacity mortar on 28 th day with different absorption
capacities (AC)

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50 0,0003

Sorptivity mm/min
40 0,00025
strength in MPa

30 7th day 0,0002

100gm AC
7th day 0,0001
10 30gm AC
0 0
C C1 SF1 SF2 SF3 C C₁ SF₁ SF₂ SF₃

Fig 6: Compressive strength of internally cured Fig 9: Sorptivity of internally cured concrete with
concrete on 7th day with different absorption 30gm absorption capacities (AC)
capacities (AC)
The mechanical properties of concrete specimen
were reported in table 3. Fig 3 and fig 4 shows that
SAP added pre soaked with IC water(100g m A C)
90 has more strength reduction when co mpared to
80 directly added dry SAP(30g m AC). 30g m
70 absorption capacity absorbs alkaline solution from
strength in MPa

60 28th Day the cement paste later decelerate for hydration

50 (100gm AC) process. And also internally cured specimen has
40 higher modulus of rupture than the conventionally
28th cured concrete. Fig 5 shows that 30gm A C has
30 Day(30gm
20 AC) higher modulus of rigid ity 8.5N/ mm2 where
conventionally cured concrete was 8N/ mm2 .
The SAP pre-soaked with internally curing water
C C1 SF1 SF2 SF3 swells and beco mes gel. Their size and shape will
be more than the dry SAP. This releases water in
very slow rate and fails to achieve early strength.
Fig 7: Compressive strength of internally cured This also leaves large size o f pores inside concrete
concrete on 28 th day with different absorption which weakens them. So mo re strength reduction
capacities (AC) was observed in concrete with 100g m AC. Dry
SAP added directly to the concrete uptake the
alkaline solution and releases them before the
initial set of the concrete for hydration process. The
9 deceleration of water also takes place throughout
8 the curing period which was observed from tea bag
7 test with cement pore solution. Thus effective
6 internal curing takes place in 30g m A C with silica
5 day(100gm) fume. Durability test (sorptivity) in 30g m
Modulus of

4 AC absorption capacity shows mix with high

rigidity in


replacement of silica fu me (SF3 ) is less porous and

2 28 day
(30gm AC) permeab le. Fig 6 shows the sorptivity values for all
the mixes.
C C1 SF1 SF2 SF3 4. Conclusion:
This investigation shows an effective approach of
reducing the strength reduction of HPC specimens
which was internally cured. In reviewing literature
Fig 8: Modulus of rupture of concrete on 28 th day internally cured HPC concrete has strength
with different absorption capacities (AC) reduction upto 10%. Additions of Dry SAP direct ly
to the concrete with incorporation of silica fu me
(SF1 ) result in decrease of strength reduction upto

ESTIS 2016 355

Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

4% and modulus of rigid ity was higher than [14] Semion Zhutovsky, Konstantin Kovler. „Effect of
conventionally cured concrete. Reduced porosity in internal curing on durability-related properties of
high performance concrete‟. Cement and Concrete
SF3 is good for durability due to high replacement
Research 42 (2012) 20–26 .
of cement with silica fu me. Further microstructure [15] Gaston Espinoza-Hijazin, Álvaro Paul ,Mauricio
study can be done on SAP with concrete to find Lopez, „Concrete Containing Natural Pozzolans:
reason for strength reduction. New Challenges for Internal Curing‟ .Journal of
Materials in CivilEngineering, Vol. 24, No. 8,
August 1, 2012

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Gorges „Relation between the molecular structure
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as concrete admixture to mitigate autogenous
shrinkage‟ ,Cement and Concrete Research Cement
and Concrete Research 42 (2012) 865–873.
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Abdel-Reheem, Akram Z. Yehia‟ Physical properties
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(2015)11, 167–175.
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Konstantin Kovler, Semion Zhutovsky. „Can
superabsorent polymers mitigate autogenous
shrinkage of internally cured concrete without
compromising the strength?‟, Construction and
Building materials, vol 13 pp.226-230, 2012
[5] Craeye B, Geirnaert M, De Schutter G. „Super
absorbing polymers as an internal curing agent for
mitigation of early-age cracking of high-performance
concrete bridge decks‟, Constr Build Mater, vol 25,
pp.1–13, 2011
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visualized and quantified by neutron radiography and
correlated to the progress of cement hydration‟
Cement and Concrete Research 75 (2015) 1–13
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Hosseini, Alireza Khaloo „Interactions between
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[8] Christof Schröfl, Viktor Mechtcherine, Michaela
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„Chloride migration in concrete with superabsorbent
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ESTIS 2016 356

Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

An Insight into strength and durability of bioconcrete

Post Graduate Student, Structural and construction engineering,Dept of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of
Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India .
Assistant Professor,Dept of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, India.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology,Pollachi


A distinctive strength and durability associated phenomenon in nu merous concrete structures are subtle
cracks and pores in the concrete. Principally, related cracks and pores result in increasing permeability of cement
concrete matrix. Entry of water, at mospheric pollutants and their byproducts can deteriorate the matrix and corrode
the installed reinforcement which in turn enhances the maintenance cost. Previous research works have dealt with
conventional repair methods like epo xy injection, latex treat ment and provision of further steel in design to limit the
crack width within permissible limit .On the other hand, bioconcrete is reliable in enhancing the strength, durability
and healing of cracks. In this research the bacterial strain,Bacillus Licheniformis MTCC 3606 derived fro m soil is
used for calcite precipitation and for achieving better strength and durability properties in hardened concrete.It is
inferred fro m the test results that the compressive strength gets increased significantly.Itincreased the resistance to
acid attack in concrete appreciably . SEM analysis has shown the calcite precipitation inside the bacterial concrete.
The results obtained from SEM analysis were confirmed by XRD.

Keywords: Bioconcrete, Bacillus Licheniformis MTCC 3606, calcite precipitation, SEM, XRD.

1. Introducti on: in concrete. In this new era, using microbes in concrete

assures precipitation of certain amount of calciu m
The material which is being used for decades in the field
carbonate there by filling the pores and healing the
of construction is concrete, is good in compressive
cracks of micro scale that enhances the durability. This
strength but is deficient in durability properties like
alsochecks the further deterioration in hardened
resistance to water absorption, chloride attack, acid
concrete.The calcium carbonate precipitation by
attack, and the cracks formed due to drying shrinkage.
Bacillus Licheniformis MTCC 3606 can be achieved by
This leads to damage of the concrete by which, harmfu l
curing in appropriate med iu m having a rich calciu m
ingredients penetrate through the cracks formed leading
source and urea supplements . The main focus of this
to corrosion of incorporated steel in the RCC structures,
study is to compare the strength and durability
there by accelerating the premature loss in structural
properties of the specimens casted with and without
integrity and life time of structure. Even though the
bacteria in t wo grades.
usage of several cementitious materials like flyash,
GGBS and silica fu me have checked the problems of 1.1 Literature Review:
porosity by increasing its dens ity and the problems due
Henk M. Jonkers et al[1],exp lained that concrete has
to CO2 emissions while manufacturing the cement up to
autogenousself-healing capacity without adding any
certain limit, the problems of micro cracks are still in
additional material but that is limited to only certain
existence and the cost involved in repair works like
extent that it heals cracks of width 0.2 mm efficiently.
injecting with epoxy, treating with latex emu lsion being
But due to adverse effects of environmental pollutants
carried out to avoid further extension of cracks is
cracks of width more than 0.2 mm are expected. So, a
new sustainable self-healing mechanis m is needed
In order to avoid such difficult ies , a reliab le solution which is possible by incorporatingcalcite precipitating
was tried in collaboration with microbiology department bacteria.
by means of using bacteria in concrete. It has been
Ali Vahabi et al[2],experimentedto find out the healing
mentioned fro m past studies in bioconcrete that among
capacities of the different bacteria. Bacillus
all kinds of bacteria,all bacillus gram positive strains are
Licheniformis AK01 is the one which produced more
more susceptible to alkaline environment which exists

ESTIS 2016 379

Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

calcite and sustains better in alkaline conditions which Locally available coarse aggregate was used. Aggregate
is common inside concrete.There are a few sources of passed through IS 20 mm sieve and retained on IS 12
calciu m such ascalcium n itrate (Ca(NO3 )2 ), calciu m mm sieve was used for casting the specimens. The
lactate (C6 H10 CaO6 ), calciu m acetate(C4 H6 CaO4 ) and physical tests performed on the aggregates are given in
calciu m chloride (CaCl2 )among which, calciu m chloride the table 2.
was used in the curing media as a supply of the calciu m Table 2:Physical properties of coarse aggregate
source since it has better solubility.
Specific gravity Water absorption
M.V. Seshagiri Rao et al [3], exp lained that even though
the calcite precipitation is possible in nature by several
2.74 1.8%
processes, urease enzyme reaction is used presently. It
was found that in most of microbes extracted fro m soil
the urease activity is high. Urea is a detoxification The obtained results conform to IS 383-1970.
product whichexists naturally in environ ment. By using 2.4 Water
bacterial concentration of 105 cells per ml in concrete,
significant co mpressive strength was achieved. Potable water was used for casting the specimens. The
tests performed on the water gave the PH value as 7.8
1.2 Conceptual understanding of calcite preci pitation and the obtained results conform to IS 456-2000.
Limited precipitation of calcite in concrete is possible 2.5 Bacteria
due to the reaction between Ca(OH)2 and CO2.This
inadequate calcite can be improved by active The particular type of bacteria Bacillus Licheniformis
contribution of ureolyticbacteriain concrete by its urease MTCC 3606 was received in the form of freeze dried
activity which init iates the hydrolysis of urea.In this condition from MTCC (M icrobial Type Culture
process, urea gets converted into carbamate and Collection) Chandigarh. The particular details of
ammon ia. Carbamate again hydrolyses into carbonic bacteria are given by MTCC is shownin the table 3. The
acid and ammonia. Afterwards these products form liquid gro wth med ia used for growth of bacteria
bicarbonate, ammoniu m and hydroxide ions causing contained beef extract (1.0g/l), yeast extract
increase in local p Hvalue. This leads to formation of (2.0g/l), peptone (5.0g/l), NaCl (5.0g/l).
more carbonate ions. These carbonate ions react with
Table 3: Particulars of bacteria
sufficient amount of calciu m ions from curing med ia
leading to format ion of calcite on cell surface [4]. Genus Name Bacillus
2. Materials and Methods
Species Name Licheniformis
2.1. Cement
Type B
The binding material used was Portland Pozzolona
cement(PPC) containing 25% fly ash. The physical tests MTCC No. 3606
performed on the cement have given results of fineness
as 2.95%,specific gravity as 2.9, and consistency as Isolated or Derived fro m Soil (new Delhi)
36%. It meets requirements of IS 1489-1 (1991).
2.2 Fine aggregate Temperature 370 c

The locally available clean and dry sand was used. Sand Growth condition Aerobic
passed through IS 4.75 sieve was used to cast all the
specimens. The physical tests performed on the material Incubation 24 hours
are given in the table 1.
Subculturing period 20 days
Table 1:Physical properties of sand
Specific gravity Zone Water absorption
2.6 Compati bility of bacteria wi th super pl asticizers
2.80 2 3% The bacteria which was used in this present study was
checked for co mpatibility with three super plasticizer
The obtained results conform to IS 383-1970. (SP) families namely polycarbo xy late (PCE),
Lignosulphonate (LS), Sulphonated Naphthalene
2.3 Coarse aggregate
Formaldehyde (SNF). Certain percentage of super
plasticizer was added to nutrient broth thenbacteria was
allo wed to grow in this media. The amount of bacteria

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Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

grown along with each type of super plasticizer was gently.The same procedure is followed till the last test
checked by streaking operation in petriplates. There was tube F.The serially diluted procedure was done in such a
no significant change in bacterial gro wth with and way that the last test tube F will be having the least
without super plasticizer therefore this particular concentrated bacterial solution.The test tubes were then
bacterial strain is compatib le with 3 SP’s . kept inside the incubator shaker and left for 24 hours to
get the serial d iluted solution of required concentration.
The cell concentration in each test tube was checked by
substituting the OD value in equation (1).

Fig 1:compatibility with SP’s

2.7 Preparation of Bacterial Solution
The revived bacterial culture was transferred into
sterilized nutrient broth wh ich is a liquid growth med ia
consisting of beef extract (1.0g/l), yeast extract (2.0g/l),
peptone (5.0g/l), NaCl (5.0g/l) and then incubated in
incubator shaker for 24 hours at a speed of 200 rp m.
The obtained solution was in turbid wh itish yello w in
colour indicat ing the presence of bacterial cells [5].The
solution was checked for number of cells per ml by
using Biospectrometer which had given the optical
density value of the solution tested. By substituting the
Optical density value in the following equation the Fig 2: Serial dilution
amount of cell per ml was calcu lated as 1011 cells per ml 2.9 Mix Proportion
The mix design was done for the two particular grades
Y = 8.59 x 107 X1.3627 (1) M25 and M40 by following the guide lines given in the
Where, X= reading at OD 600 n m; and IS 10262-2009.
Y = concentration of bacterial cells per ml. Table 4:Mix proportion for M25 and M40
Grade Water Cement Fine Coarse
Aggregate Aggregate
(Kg/ m3 ) (Kg/ m3 )
(Kg/ m3 ) (Kg/ m3 )

M25 221.04 564 431.08 1184.435

M40 223.91 564 582.64 1091.91

3.Laboratory tests
3.1 Compressive strength test
Fig 3 : Bacterial solution of high concentration Potable water was used for the preparation of normal
concrete mix.The bacterial water (5ml bacterial solution
2.8Serial dilution of high concentration bacteri al of concentration 105 cells per ml per liter o f water) was
solution used for preparation of bacterial concrete. Samp les of
Initially, equal volu me of 8 ml nutrient broth was size 100 x 100 x 100 mm were prepared fo r both.The
transferred into 6 test tubes and labeled from A to F. curing process was done in normal water for normal
Then 1 ml of the mother culture was taken by using concrete specimens whereas the curing was done in
micro pipette and transferred into the test tube A and separate curing media (50g/l of CaCl2 and 20g/l of urea)
mixed gently.Again 1 ml of the solution fro m the test for bacterial specimens. The compression testing has
tube A was transferred into test tube B and mixed

ESTIS 2016 381

Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

been carried out for 7, 14, and 28 days according to IS: Table 5: Results for compressive strength
516 (1959) and results were tabulated.
Type of concrete Grade 7th 14th 28th
3.2 Aci d attack test day day day
Four specimens of cube size 100 mmwith each normal
and bacterial concrete were castedand cured in their Normal M25 24 33 40
corresponding curing med ia fo r 28 days. One specimen concrete(N/mm2 )
fro m each type of concrete was tested for compressive M40 30 36 50
strength. The rest of the specimens were checked for
compressive strength after immersion in 5% Bacterial M25 27 37.5 48
concentrated sulphuric acid solution for7th ,14th and 28th concrete(N/mm2 )
days. The percentage loss in strength was calculated by M40 33 42 60
using following formu la[7].
Si −Sf % increment in M25 12.5 13.6 20
Percentage loss in strength = × 100 strength
M40 10 16.6 20
where, Si is initial co mpressive strength(before
immersion) and Sfis final co mpressive strength (after
immersion). Table 6: Results for acid attack
Type of Grade % loss in strength
7th 14th 28th
day day day

Normal M25 45 50 57.5

(N/mm2 )
M40 45.8 47.9 52.08

Fig 4:Acid attack Bacterial M25 46 56 60

3.3 Scanning electronic microscope (S EM) (N/mm2 )
M40 48.34 55 58.34
The visual examination of the calcium precip itation was
done by using scanning electronic microscope. A small
piece of size having volu me less than 1cm3 was taken Hghkjkkjl kjkj10
r hgdhg

fro m the 28th day bacterial specimen after checking for

compressive strength. The specimen collected was freed
fro m dust and oven dried for 30 minutes then,plasma
coating was done in sputter coating machine. Coated
samples were placed in SEM (ΣIGMA ™ FES EM) and
observed for calcium precipitation at different
magnificat ion levels in the pores of sample[8].
4. Results and Discussion
The results from the tests showed a substantial
difference in strength and durability of
normalspecimens (NS) and bacterial specimens (BS) in
both the grades. Theresults are represented graphically.

Fig 5: Image of SEM for BS M25

ESTIS 2016 382

Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems

insight into the revolutionary new line in improving concrete

properties using an indigenous bacterial strain Bacillus
licheniformis AK01", as a healing agent. European Journal of
Environmental and Civil Engineering.19:5, 614-627.
[3] M.V. Seshagiri Rao, V. Srinivasa Reddy, M. Hafsa, P. Veena
and P. Anusha, Bioengineered Concrete -" A Sustainable Self-
Healing Construction Material", Research Journal of
Engineering Sciences, Vol. 2(6), 45-51, June (2013).
[4] Varenyam Achal, Xiangliang Pan, NilüferÖzyurt “Improved
strength and durability of fly ash-amended concrete by microbial
calcite precipitation”, Ecological Engineering 37 (2011) 554–
[5] Ravindranatha, N. Kannan, Likhit M. L, "SELF-HEALING
of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 03, 656 -
659, May-2014.
[6] A.T .Manikandan, A.Padmavathi", An Experimental
Investigation on Improvement of Concrete Serviceability by
using Bacterial Mineral Precipitation," IJRSI (2015), vol. 2, pp.
Fig 6: Image of SEM for BS M40 45-49.
[7] Hong-Sam Kim, Sang-Ho Lee, Han-Young Moon , "Strength
5. Conclusions properties and durability aspects of high strength concrete using
Korean metakaolin", Construction and Building Materials 21
Strength and durability tests have been conducted on (2007) 1229–1237.
normal and bacterial specimens in both the grades M25 [8] S. Krishnapriya, D.L.VenkateshBabu, Prince Arulraj G,
“Isolation and identification of bacteria to improve the strength
and M40. Fro m the test results the following of Concrete” Microbiological Research 174 (2015) 48–55.
conclusions can be drawn. [9] IS: 383 - 1987, “Specification for coarse and fine aggregates
1. Co mpressive strength results revealed that from natural sources for concrete.
bacterial specimens have yielded [10] IS: 1489 specification for Portland pozzolana cement, Newdelhi,
India; Bureau of Indian Standards; 1991, part 1”.
12.5%,13.6% and 20% more than normal [11] IS: 10262 – 1982, “Recommended guidelines for concrete mix
specimens strength on 7th, 14th, and 28th design”.
days respectively in M25 grade and 10%, [12] IS: 456 – 2000, “Plain and reinforced concrete – Code of
16.6% and 20% mo re in M40 grade. practice”.
[13] IS: 516 – 1959, “Methods of tests for strength of concrete”
2. Acid attack test results for bacterial
specimens gave loss in strength as 45.8%,
47.9%, and 52.08% for 7th, 14th, and 28th
days respectively for M25 grade. Whereas
normal specimens lost 45%, 50%, and
57.5%. In M 40 grade bacterial specimens
lost 48.34%, 55%, and 58.34% and normal
specimens lost 46%, 56% and 60% percent
of strength on 7th, 14th, and 28th days
3. SEM results for bacterial specimens have
shown substantial precip itation of calcite
inside the pores.
6. Acknowledgement
We like to thank Dr. Ku mutha and Ms.Kavitha Mary for
their support in cultivating the bacterial solution. We
also like to thank M r. John Stanley for his support in
serial d iluting the bacterial solution.
[1] H. M. Jonkers,"Bacteria-based self-healing concrete,"HERON
(2011), vol. 56-1,2 , pp. 1–12.
[2] Ali Vahabiab, Ali Akbar
Ramezanianpourb&KambizAkbariNoghabia," A preliminary

ESTIS 2016 383

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