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Contemporary World- This course explores developments and issues in contemporary world
history from 1950 until the present. It provides a broad background and introduction to key people, events, and
larger social, economic, technological, political, cross-cultural and global forces that have shaped our current
world and created many of the problems of today. Drawing on examples from each major region of the world,
you will study such topics as the beginning, impact and end of the Cold War; patterns of decolonization and
national independence; diverse strategies for economic development and experiences of national building;
revolution and liberation struggles; international division of labor and livelihood; cultural identity; nationalism
and ethnonationalism, race and gender relations; movements for peace; and human rights and the environment.
The circumstances and ideas of the present age; "in modern times like these .The contemporary world is an
ever-changing mix of social and political changes. While religious, political, and ethnic conflicts continue, we
are currently living in one of the most peaceful eras in the history of the planet. Challenges of the 21st century
include emerging technologies, health care, overpopulation, climate change, poverty, illiteracy, disease, and
migration. How we choose to deal with these emerging frontiers will shape this unit for future generations.

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided
by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems,
on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by
information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on
economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

Roland Robertson, professor of sociology at University of Aberdeen, an early writer in the field,
defined globalization in 1992 as: the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of
the world as a whole.

Sociologists Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King define globalization as: all those processes by which
the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society.

In The Consequences of Modernity, Anthony Giddens uses the following definition: Globalization
can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a
way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and
transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people and the dissemination of
knowledge. Further, environmental challenges such as climate change, cross-boundary water, air pollution,
and over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization. Globalizing processes affect and are affected by
business and work organization, economics, socio-cultural resources, and the natural environment.

Globalization is deeply controversial, however. Proponents of globalization argue that it allows poor
countries and their citizens to develop economically and raise their standards of living, while opponents of
globalization claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational
corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people.
Resistance to globalization has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people
and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods, and ideas that constitute the current wave of

To find the right balance between benefits and costs associated with globalization, citizens of all
nations need to understand how globalization works and the policy choices facing them and their societies

Latest News (International)

HK activists, Beijing supporters demonstrate in London


LONDON: Demonstrators backing protesters in Hong Kong marched in London on Saturday (Aug 17),
as counter-protesters staged a rival rally. More than a thousand people took part in the two demonstrations in
the British capital.Protesters supporting the activists paraded banners reading "Will Britain hold China to its
promise on Hong Kong's freedom?", "Power to the people: stand with Hong Kong" and "Will Boris surrender
to China?", referring to new Prime Minister Boris Johnson.Others said "The only place I want pepper is in my
noodle soup", "SOS: please save Hong Kong" and "No China extradition".The gathering was organised by the
StandwithHK and D4HK groups.The old British colonial Hong Kong flag was seen at the demonstration.

Britain handed control of Hong Kong back to China in 1997 on the basis of the Joint Declaration it
signed with Beijing, which guarantees freedoms in the semi-autonomous city until 2047.Counter-protesters
waved Chinese flags and held up signs saying "traitor", "one nation, one China" and "Hong Kong is part of
China forever".Meanwhile in Paris, during the weekly "yellow vest" demonstrations, some participants also
showed their support for the Hong Kong protesters.In Hong Kong, protesters kicked off a weekend of fresh
rallies on Saturday in a major test for the movement following criticism over an airport protest earlier this week
-- and as concerns mount over Beijing's next move.Ten weeks of demonstrations have plunged the international
finance hub into crisis, with communist-ruled mainland China taking an increasingly hardline tone.

Brazil fires prompt 'prayers' for Amazon rainforest

%2Fnews%2Fblogs-trending-49406519Local News

A daytime blackout in a Brazilian city has prompted thousands of people to voice their concerns
for the welfare of the Amazon rainforest.

Sao Paulo was blackened for around an hour on Monday after strong winds and a cold front brought in
smoke from forest fires burning in the states of Amazonas and Rondonia, more than 2,700km away.The hashtag
#prayforamazonia has now emerged as a global Twitter trend with more than 150,000 references to the
fires.Sao Paulo resident Gianvitor Dias told the BBC what it was like in the city during the smoke-filled
blackout on Monday afternoon."It was as if the day had turned into night," he said. "Everyone here commented,
because even on rainy days it doesn't usually get that dark. It was very impressive."Some of the most popular
tweets online are criticising President Jair Bolsonaro for not taking action.Scientists from Brazil's National
Space Research Institute (INPE) say the Amazon has suffered losses at an accelerated rate since Mr Bolsonaro
took office in January.The president responded by saying the data "doesn't relate to the reality" and accused
them of smearing the country's reputation abroad.The president's denial of the data which the Institute says is
95% accurate, is something that is being picked up by social media users.

In a tweet that's been liked more than 10,000 times Twitter user Bea says: "Jair Bolsonaro is chipping
through the Amazon. People are not talking about it... our greatest natural heritage is being destroyed! We need
to wake up and see the reality!"Other people are voicing their concern about damage the fires are doing to the
environment and to nature in one of the world's most iconic ecological areas.

In a post that's been liked 17,000 times, Twitter user William Barros highlighted how the world had
celebrated Brazil's natural environment at the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games, only to see it
burning to the ground today. He said: "Three years ago the world saw Brazil celebrating nature and encouraging
environmental preservation at the opening of the largest sporting event on the planet.

"Today we see the Amazon, our greatest wealth, on fire for over 16 days. Setback?
#PrayforAmazonia."The state of Amazonas declared a national emergency earlier this month because of the
forest fires, the fourth most affected area in Brazil this summer.NASA satellite images show the extent of
smoke coverage across swathes of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay.The fires have come at a time when concerns
are being raised over the levels of deforestation taking place in the Amazon.
Baguio City launches car-free Session Road on Sundays


BAGUIO CITY - The local government has banned cars from plying a part of Session Road every
Sunday starting today to allow pedestrians to enjoy walking along the famous road.The uphill part of Session
Road will be closed to traffic from 6 am to 9 pm on Sundays starting today, August 18, the city government
said.The downhill part of the will still be open to taxis and private vehicles.The experimental traffic scheme is
part of Mayor Benjamin Magalong's plan to revitalize the environmental condition of Session Road.The road
is lined with coffee shops, restaurants and other shops, making it popular among tourists.Many Baguio
residents approved of the measure and said it was refreshing to see Session Road as it was years back.“It's good
for kids to experience these things too. That's what we all experienced as a kid having a great Session, ”shared
Baguio resident Aya Martin who took her son on a stroll along the road.Cab drivers, however, said they are
worried that this will cause heavy traffic in adjacent roads.A study conducted by the Baguio City Police Office
(BCPO) revealed that 16,000 vehicles ply Session Road on Sundays.Additional enforcers and policemen were
deployed to man the traffic situation within the Central Business District.The experimental traffic scheme will
run for six months. The results and feedback from stakeholders will determine if Magalong will push through
with his plans to allot the whole of Session Road for pedestrians.

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