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students join leadership training because they really want to improve their social


Students think that being a leader is the hardest and busiest task to do

that requires your time, effort and patience. Also they join leadership training

because they know that it will have a big impact for them as a person.

Therefore, the goal of this study is to determine the effects of leadership

training in academic performance of grade 12 and tertiary students regarding

with the variables that the researchers seek for answer.


Leading is about setting direction and ensuring that direction is followed.

Leading can apply to leading oneself, other individuals, groups, organizations and

societies. The nature of how leading is done depends on the context of the

situation, one’s perspective and on the nature and needs of those involved.[1]

According to Mintzberg ,”Leaders share one personality trait in common, a

passion to lead. But each of the above styles of leadership have their own and

multiple advocates and acolytes. The field of Leadership does not have a dearth

of experts or sophistication of approaches but there is still no consensus on

which style of leadership is the most effective. Even though individual qualities of

leaders do matter, the effectiveness of leadership is increasingly believed to

depend on the situational and context factors in which the leaders are

working”.In this case, leaders have the same goals and passion but they have

different ways of leading.”Research of 160 CEOs shows that leadership is driven

not so much by what someone is like inside but by what the outside

demands”.Leaders are not only based by their own perspective but they also

considered the demands of others.“It is essential to consider temporal changes

in patterns of leader behaviour and dynamics of the task undertaken by them

when conceptualizing the effectiveness of their styles”.It is important to know

the team members that the leaders can easily change their mood depends on

the situations.”The leadership style itself and the eventual outcome of the task

had very strong effects on the perception of appropriateness of leadership style

(participative or consultative). In turn the perceived appropriateness of the

leadership style greatly influenced the judgment of the ability of the leader and

also willingness of the follower to work for him. Gender had no effect”.The

effects of the leadership style that the leader used will reflect on the style

itself.To be the leader gender doesn’t matter.”Good management definitely

seems to be essential for companies, as they go through the struggle to achieve

efficiency and profitability. But the companies would depend on leaders to

motivate employees and manage problems effectively. It is accepted that a

company’s success is largely dependent on its leaders, however, what is not

clearly understood many a times is effect of leadership on employee satisfaction.

A leader who can help subordinates to achieve their own goals by having

influence in the organization will be acceptable”.A leaders who can support on

their team members will be a great help to achieve their mission. Many a times

leaders may indulge in superficial measures like minor policy and procedure

changes, overhead control, managing fiscal benefits in order to positively impact

the organization. In the process they may conveniently by pass the more vital

interventions of education, empowering and employee support for organization

effectiveness. However, this may work only for a short term. To gain long-term

profitability, employee passion and customer loyalty should be sought through

leadership actions which are strategically aligned. Leaders should have the ability

to influence people to strive willingly to cope with changes for sustained


In everyday life, people face a lot of activities that will help them to gain

more self-confidence, improve their communication skills, coaching, planning,

decision making, building trust, decreasing resistance, improve active listening

and problem –solving skills.

One of this activity that can help to achieve these skills is leading a group

or to be a leader. Leader is the person who leads or commands a group,

organization, or country. This position opens a door for new opportunities in

enhancing your skills and experiences in life.

Some students join in different kind of leadership training to enhance their

skills more on communication and social life, some join because of an additional

point that their teachers will give and some students join because of wanting to

be famous inside the school.

According to Michael L. Anderson and Fangwen Lu (2017), Early

leadership experience can be very valuable. Selective colleges screen for

demonstrated leadership experience, and studies have found that people with

high school leadership experience are paid up to 33% more than those without

it. This wage premium is similar to the one associated with a college degree.

However, people know little about what types of skills early leadership

service may help to develop. Although adults who serve as leaders are

observably different from non-leaders — leaders tend to have higher cognitive

ability, more self-confidence, and more motivation or drive — we don’t know

much about whether these differences arise because leadership service changes

individuals or because these individuals are selected for their pre-existing skills.

To investigate this question, we studied 378 seventh-grade students in a

Chinese secondary school. Among the top 92 students, we randomly assigned

classroom leadership positions to 46 of them. We tracked the students for 22

weeks and collected data on test scores, opinions, and social networks. The

randomization let us isolate the effects of leadership experience from the effects

of differences in personality, cognitive ability, or physical attributes.

In most Chinese primary and secondary schools, students sit in the same

classroom with the same classmates over an entire semester, and teachers of

different subjects rotate in throughout the day. The average classroom has

approximately 50 students, and each has a set of student leadership positions.

Two students serve in positions equivalent to class president and vice president;
they represent the class, organize collective activities, and assist in maintaining

order. There are also subject-specific leaders, such as Chinese delegates, English

delegates, and math delegates, who distribute and collect homework and

sometimes assist in grading. These positions carry considerable prestige, and

some parents lobby strongly to have their children selected. Class leaders have

more exposure to teachers and fellow students, who they must motivate as part

of their responsibilities. In a separate survey among other Chinese students, we

found that more than 60% of students expressed interest in one of these


Typically, a teacher chooses the class leaders based mostly on academic

merit. In our study, teachers gave us shortlists of the top two candidates for

each leadership position, and we randomly assigned half of them to leadership

positions. The other half constituted the control group. Teachers ranked their

lists, so we were able to separately estimate the effects of leadership experience

for top-ranked and second-ranked candidates. We measured their academic

performance, confidence, perceived determinants of success, and popularity.[3]

On academic performance, researchers found that after being appointed

to a leadership role, students’ grades on midterm and final exams increased by

0.3 standard deviations, which raised their rank in the class by approximately

seven percentile points. But the increase was only statistically significant for top-

ranked candidates. Tests were anonymized to ensure there was no bias in


The researchers suspected that the increased studying was mainly what

led to higher test scores among this group, as they reported having to balance

studying and leadership duties. There are several reasons class leaders may

increase their study efforts. Perhaps they feared being replaced if they

underperformed on the midterm, or maybe people perform better when others

place higher expectations on them — what psychologists call the Rosenthal

effect. In this case, class leaders may not have wanted to disappoint the

teachers who appointed them, or they may have hoped to achieve future

leadership appointments. Their higher profile in the classroom may also have

made it more embarrassing to perform poorly on an exam.

They measured confidence through a series of survey questions and

games. One question we asked each student was what they thought their rank in

the class was. The overall average reported rank was above the 70th percentile,

resulting in a strong “Lake Wobegon” effect — meaning everyone was above

average. Among second-ranked leaders, but not top-ranked leaders, leadership

experience increased their perceived rank, though not their actual rank, by

approximately seven percentile points. They also had leader’s role play a game

where they could either contribute money to a public good or keep it for

themselves. Students got the most money if everyone contributed, but each

individual did best if they kept their money while others contributed. The

researchers found that leadership experience increased students’ willingness to

“lead by example” and contribute first; second-ranked candidates were

approximately 50% more likely to contribute first when assigned to leadership


They surveyed all the students on the determinants of success to see

whether their beliefs about the world were influenced by their own

achievements. They asked them to rank the three most important factors in

determining academic success among the following six options: effort, good

teachers, parental fostering, innate talent, help from friends and classmates, and

home study environment. If individuals suffered from “self-serving bias,” a bias

toward skewing one’s beliefs to support one’s own interests, then we’d expect

them to attribute success to their own efforts and failure to external factors. We

saw that receiving a leadership position made a student more likely to rank effort

as the most important determinant of academic success — and they were

correspondingly less likely to credit teachers or parents as important factors.

Finally, the researchers examined the effects of leadership on social

networks and popularity. Students who served as leaders, particularly second-

ranked candidates, reported having more close friends in the classroom, though

they were not any more likely to be reported as a close friend by others. This

suggests that others may try to curry favour with leaders, who misinterpret the

social interest as genuine. However, in a hypothetical class election, first-ranked

leaders received more votes from their classmates, implying a potential

incumbency effect.

Two limitations of our study are worth noting. First, our data only covered

outcomes measured within the same year as the leadership experience; we

cannot speak to whether effects persist or materialize years later. Second, we

only examined the effects of school leadership opportunities. Leadership

opportunities in social, political, or workplace settings may well have different

effects. Our study demonstrates that leadership service is not simply a signal of

skills or popularity — it can have meaningful effects on students.

On the other hand, Academic Performance is connected to individual

difference in intelligence and personality. Students having higher IQ tends to

achieve more. Also, mental curiosity is an important factor on academic

performance in addition to intelligence and conscientiousness.

Children's learning from home learning to a school learning. Early

achievement helps to improve latter achievements. The terms parent's academic

socialization describes the way how parents affect on shaping students towards

to school. Parents influence through environment Academic socialization is

affected by the socioeconomic status of parents. Recent research indicates that

the relationship quality with parents will influence the effect their academic


Children's first year are crucial to the development of language and skills.

School prepare as help students adjust to academic performance. Physical

activity could affect academic performance. It can increase brain functions such

as attention spam and working memory. Academic performance is how well a

student, teacher, or even an inspiration performs in certain educational goal

regardless on its length. It can be seen in the cumulative GPA or in a diploma on

a secondary school degree.

Academic performance is defined by students’ reporting of pass semester

CGPA/GPA and their expected GPA for the current semester. The grade point

average or GPA is now used by most of the tertiary institutions as a convenient

summary measure of the academic performance of their students. The GPA is

better measurement because it provides a greater insight into the relative level

of performance of individuals and different group of students.[4]

Academic achievement can be measured in many ways like examinations

or assessment still, there is no general rule on which is more important

procedural knowledge (skills) or declarative knowledge (facts). Evident result in

individual factors such as test anxiety, environment, motivation, and emotions

that can be consider in school achievement. We can see now if a school receive

much achievements it gets more money compared to those got the least.

Organized extracurricular activities have yielded a positive relationship

with high academic performance. Including increasing attendance rates, school

engagement, GPA, postsecondary education, as well as a decrease in dropout

rates and depression. Additionally, positive developmental outcomes have been

found in youth that engage in organized extracurricular activities. High school

athletics have been linked with strong academic performance, particularly among

urban youth.] However, involvement in athletics has been linked to increased

alcohol consumption and abuse for high school students along with increased

truancy. For example, socio-economic status has been found to plays a role in

the number of students participating in extracurricular activities (Covay &

Carbonaro, 2010). Furthermore, it is suggested that the peer relationships and

support that develop in extracurricular activities often affect how individuals

perform in school. With all these variables to consider it is important to create a

better understanding how academic achievement can be seen in both a negative

and positive light.[5]

Some graduating students have many different tasks from their teachers

to submit without extended time. As a student who has a position on different

activities, can cause making right decision on what will do first. The students

must also know on how to balance their time. Their patience if there’s a hectic

schedule that they will need to submit on time and lastly their thoughts if things

didn’t end up to their plans.

Leadership trainings can have a very big impact to academic performance

of one student. It will test the student on how to make decisions itself, not only

making decision but mostly on how to spent their time usefully and wisely.Time

managing will be tested to the leader who has a position and at the same time

an honor student of their classroom.

Leadership training can also affect personal behaviors and perspective of

one’s person. It can build and gain self confidence because of the experiences

that the leader handled. It can also rebuild and trust one’s self.
In achieving both academic and leadership training requires time and

focus. Time in doing first what will is the most important to least important and

focus on one idea because having many ideas that comes on their mind can

affect of doing nothing.

Managing time will help an individual to organize his/her task well. It will

help the leaders to comply with their task easily and productively.

Some activities in leadership training needs sacrifice on chosing between

leadership and academic. There are times that one activity in leadership training

affects one specifiic subject in academic. Choosing between these two can’t

avoid in the way to their goal but it is helpful if they can manage their task.

The students who are in betwwen of leadership training and academic

performance can easily give their respond according to this study specially those

students who are running for honor that both academic and leadership training

cooperate and participate. Additional points will be given to each of student who

joins in different activities in school.


According to David Straker (2008) The Behavioural Theory, leadership do

not seek inborn traits or capabilities. Rather, they look at what leaders do.

If success can be defined in terms of describable actions, then it should

be relatively easy for other people to act in the same way. This is easier to teach

and learn then to adopt the more ephemeral 'traits' or 'capabilities'. This theory

describes that being a leader is not about the inborn characteristics of a person,

but it can be learned and develop.

According to this theory, leadership can be learned and adopt. This

means that the Leadership Trainings that some schools provided can help a

person to develop their skills for being a leader. This theory further cited that

this theory is relatively easy to develop, as you simply assess both leadership

success and the actions of leaders. With a large enough study, you can then

correlate statistically significant behaviours with success. You can also identify

behaviours which contribute to failure, thus adding a second layer of

understanding.[6] This only means that the behaviour has a big impact in

developing the leadership skills of a person. It reflects in the outcomes of every

action they made, and it can even reflect to their team. It shows that behavior is

mostly the one who describes a person who he/she is and what he/she can do.

The researcher believed that a student can improve their behavior in trainings

such as leadership training. In leadership trainings, they will learn how to

enhance their behavior to cope up with others. They will learn that their behavior

can lead them where they can be. That it has a huge effect in their academic

performance and this is where their patience and determination will be test. That

they need to know how they will manage their time well and also how they will

use this in the future.



I. Profile of the
A. Validation of Determine the
a. Name Questionnaire effects of leadership
b. Sex B. Gathering of training in academic
c. Age Data performance of
d. Level C. Tabulation grade 12 and tertiary
D. Analysis SY: 2018-2019
II. Effects of
E. Intepretation
leadership training.
a. Cognitive
b. Self-
c. Decision
d. Behavior
III. Significant


Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the conceptual model shows the effects of leadership

training in academic performance of grade 12 and tertiary students.

The first frame shows the INPUT, which contains the profile of the

respondents in terms of: name, sex, age, and strand. Effects of leadership

training time management , self confidence, decision making and fear of failure.

The second frame shows the PROCESS, which contains validation of

questionnaire, gathering of data, tabulation, analysis and interpretation.

The third shows the OUTPUT, determined effect of leadership training in

academic performance of grade 12 and tertiary students SY: 2018-2019.

The ARROWS represent the relationship between the input, process and

the output.


This study aims to determine the effects of the leadership training in

academic performance, more specifically. It seek answer to the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Name

1.2. Sex

1.3. Age

1.4. Level

2. What are the effects of leadership training in academic performance of

grade 12 and tertiary students in terms of:

2.1. Cognitive Ability

2.2. Self Confidence

2.3. Decision Making

2.4. Behavior

3. Is there a significant difference on leadership training in academic

performance in terms of Cognitive Ability, Self-Confidence, Decision

Making, and Behavior as to the profile of the respondents?


There is no significant difference between Cognitive Ability, Self –

Confidence, Decision Making, and Behavior as to the profile of the respondent.


This study entitled Effects of Leadership Training in Academic

Performance of Grade 12 and Tertiary Students in STI College Tanay wherein the

researchers chose 158 students from tertiary and 112 students from grade 12 as

their respondents who were randomly selected in a convenience manner.

The researchers made use of a questionnaire checklist which is the

primary source of gathering the needed data. The questionnaire checklist is

consisted of five (5) questions each factor.


The following terms are defined operationally for better understanding of

the study.

Behavior. It is defined as the way in which someone conducts oneself of


Cognitive Ability. It is defined as the skills we need to carry out any task from

the simplest to the most complex; involving conscious intellectual activity (such

as thinking, reasoning, or remembering).

Decision Making. It is defined as the act or process of deciding something

especially with a group of people.

Extra – Curricular. It is defined used to describe extra activities.

Leadership. It is defined as the action of leading a group of people or an


Performance. It is defined as an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or

other form of entertainment.

Self Confidence. It is defined as the confidence in oneself and in one’s power

and abilities.

Training. It is defined as the action of teaching a person for animal a particular

skill or type of behaviour.[7]


[1]McNamara, C. (2002). Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in

Business and Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision for Nonprofit Staff, URL:, Date Retrieve: April, 2002.
[2]Puranik V. (2017). Literature Review of Leadership, URL:
026X-1000207.php?aid=90017, Date Retrieve: January 13, 2017.
[3]Anderson, M. & Lu, F. (2017). How Leadership Experience Affects Students,
students, Date Retrieve: February 21, 2017.
[4] Masrom M. &Usat S. (2018). Online Social Networking Behavior and Its
Influence Towards Students’ Academic Performance, URL: https://www.igi-
students-academic-performance/18440, Date Retrieve: June, 2017.
[5] Academic Performance, URL:
[6]Straker,D. (2008). Changing Minds: Behavioral Theory 2ndEdition, URL:,
Date Retrieve: 2008
[7]Merriam G. & Merriam C. (1828). Merriam Webster, URL:, Date Retrieve: 1828.


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