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Site Title: Management Information Systems: Managing the Summary of Results

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All 5 questions in this activity are essays, which are not
Book Title: Management Information Systems: Managing the
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Book Author: Laudon You answered 5 questions,and left 0 questions blank.

Location on Site: Chapter 5 > Self-Study Guide > Essay More information about scoring

Date/Time August 19, 2019 at 5:04 AM (UTC/GMT)


1. What are Fair Information Practices?

Your Answer:
What are Fair Information Practices?

The U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare created a set of principles
governing the collection and use of information about individuals in 1973. These
principles are based on the concept of a "mutuality of interest" between the record
holder and the individual. The individual has an interest in engaging in the transaction,
and the record keeper – usually a business or government agency – requires information
about the individual to support the transaction. Once gathered, the individual retains an
interest in the record, and the record may not be used to support other activities without
the individual's consent. In 1998, the Federal Trade Commission restated and extended
the original FIP to provide guidelines for protecting online privacy.

2. What is the major issue of privacy involved in using cookies? How might P3P be helpful in solving this problem?
Your Answer:
What is the major issue of privacy involved in using cookies? How might P3P be helpful in solving this

Web sites using cookie technology cannot directly obtain visitors' names and addresses.
However, if a person has registered at a site, that information can be combined with
cookie data to identify the visitor. Web site owners can also combine the data they have
gathered from cookies and other Web site monitoring tools with personal data from
other sources such as off-line data collected from surveys or paper catalog purchases to
develop very detailed profiles of their visitors.

P3P provides a standard for communicating a Web site's privacy policy to Internet users
and for comparing that policy to the user's preferences or to other standards such as the
FTC's FIP guidelines or the European Directive on Data Protection. The user can use P3P
to select the level of privacy he or she wishes to maintain when interacting with the Web

3. Define and distinguish between the terms intellectual property, trade secret, copyright, and patent. What is the basic
premise behind them all?
Your Answer:
Define and distinguish between the terms intellectual property, trade secret, copyright, and patent. What is
the basic premise behind them all? 1/3
8/19/2019 Your Results for "Essay"

Intellectual property is considered to be intangible property created by individuals

or corporations that is subject to protection.
A trade secret is any intellectual work or product used for business purposes that
can be classified as belonging to that business, provided it is not based on
information in the public domain.
A copyright is a statutory grant protecting the creators of intellectual property
against copying by others for any purpose for a specific period of time.
A patent is a legal document granting the owner an exclusive monopoly on the
ideas behind an invention for a period of 20 years.

The basic premise behind all of these is that the results of intellect are a marketable
commodity and the persons who create them have a right to a fair profit from them.

4. How does the rise of computer use in business threaten employment?

Your Answer:
How does the rise of computer use in business threaten employment?

Redesigning business processes could potentially cause millions of middle-level

managers and clerical workers to lose their jobs. One economist has raised the
possibility that we will create a society run by a small "high-tech elite of corporate a nation of the permanently unemployed" (Rifkin, 1993). It is possible
that relieving bright, educated workers from reengineered jobs will result in these
workers moving to better jobs in fast-growth industries. The problem is that blue-collar
workers and older, less well-educated middle managers will be left out of this equation
because it is not clear that these groups can be retrained.

5. Name and define at least three of the most common health risks to a computer user.
Your Answer:
Name and define at least three of the most common health risks to a computer user.

Repetitive stress injury occurs when muscle groups are forced through repetitive
actions with high-impact loads or thousands of repetitions with low-impact loads.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of repetitive stress injury in which pressure on the
median nerve through the wrist's bony carpal tunnel structure produces intense
pain, numbness, and inability to continue working.
Computer vision syndrome refers to any eyestrain condition related to computer
display screen use. The symptoms, usually temporary, include headaches, blurred
vision, and dry and irritated eyes.
Technostress is stress induced by computer use. According to the experts, the
problem is that humans working continuously with computers come to expect other
humans and human institutions to behave like computers, providing instant
response, attentiveness, and an absence of emotion. Symptoms include
aggravation, hostility toward humans, impatience, and enervation.

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