Smaller and Smaller Circle

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Chapter 1: An Encounter with the Sixth Victim

 Father Emil together with the slum kids found a dead corpse of a child ages eight to ten years,
with heart removed, genitals missing, and face peeled-off in the dumpsite of Payatas.
 The body was full of maggots, holes in the chest and stomach.

Chapter 2: Autopsy

 Father Guz Saenz and Father Jerome were working an autopsy of the corpse seen in the
 Both priests confirmed that the child went through the same heinous killings.
 There was very little blood found around the bodies of victims, suggesting they were killed
 Victims’ death usually falls on the first Saturday of the month.

Chapter 3: Same Interest

 NBI Director,seeks help to Father Saenz especially on the case of homicide.

 Father Saenz, forensic anthropologist was consulted o the problems with identification of
skeletal remains.
 Father Jerome, a clinical psychologist, share the same views with Father Saenz on killings in the

Chapter4: Unravelling Killer’s Identity

 The two priests scribble the information that would lead them to the killer.
 The killer is a man, lives or works in or around the dumpsite.
 During the first week of the month was his time of attacks. His common victims were small and
all boys.
 The boots the killer used was size 6, ordinary rain boots, very cheap, very common, and very
 He takes his victim elsewhere since the dumpsite is too open, too accessible.

Chapter 5: So-called Victim

 Father saenz, Father Jerome and atty. Arcinas met to discuss the investigation on Payatas
 Father Saenz convinced Atty. Arcinas to work with them.
 They found out that the authority already had a suspect on Payatas killings.

Chapter 6 - Near but Far

 Saturday morning Jerome and Saenz visited Emil's parish

 Father Emil said that some volunteers from City Hall who give the mothers skills
 Father Jerome teased Saenz for having a impacted tooth
 Emil said they have a young guy from UP, a dentist. He' s quite good with the kids.
 Saenz lingers a moment , reading the markings on the side of the va - Mobile Medical
and Dental Mission : A Lingkod - Bayan Project of Counsilor Cecar Mariano.

Chapter 7 - Saenz's Family

 It is Jerome keeps the homily brief because it’s Saenz fifty-sixth birthday to be
celebrated at Saenz family house in Makati.
 The parents own urban real estate and children’s have expanded the family's assets.
 Every sibling in the family is small and fair fine - boned. Only Gus stands out with sharp
features, tawny skin and unsual height.
 Siblings are Adrian with his wife Cecille, Marian , Tommy and Tony ( twins ) , Cholo and
They watch hourly newsbreak which states that the suspect us believed to be behind the killing
was caught.

Chapter 8 - The Helper

 Joanna has dedicated a large measure of her effort as crime reporter. I Wally Soler , talk
and chunky man with salt and pepper hair , square face , small , shrewd eyes.
 Joanna has been badgering Wally for months about her theory that a serial killer is loose
in Payatas .
 Joanna graduated a degree in anthropology from French university, speaks six languages
, and worked three years in Osaka for the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for
the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders.
 Wally see's Joanna as daughter he never had with his four to give failed relationships.
Joanna's father is his bestfriend.

Chapter 9 - Unique Attributes Of Father Saenz

 Gusto Saenz is a light sleeper. At ang time in the night he can tell if ang of the other
priests on the same floor is awake or has left his quarters.
 He remember sounds in the night, voices , toilet flushing , door opening or closing ,
remember if room grow warmer or colder.
 He sometimes answer questions or join conversation of other people in the same room ,
often coherent while actually asleep.
 The priest wonders if Arcinas has found the right man.
Chapter 10 - The Meeting

 The two priests wants to talk to the killer but Arcenas would not let him . Jerome got
angry , afterwards , Arcenas said yes but only for ten minutes.
 Saenz was surprised when he saw Joanna, her student in Institut de Paleontologie
 Joanna asked about why the NBI Task Force officials did not warn the public but Saenz
do not have the answer for that.
 Saenz believe that if he were who Arcenas says he is, he wouldn't confessed so easily.
 Jerome will do the talking . Saenz will seat in the back and observe.

Chapter 11: Probe

 The claimed suspect is too young.

 The young man looks down at the priest’s hands, at the ring on his right hand.
 Jerome moves the fingers of his left hand and covers the ring.
 Saenz probes the truth through the statements of the young man.
 Saenz questioned the way Carding delivers his statements.

Chapter 12: Waking up breathless

 Dodong had a tooth out earlier today.

 He went to a sari-sari store to buy some ice.
 Dodong sees the rock descending as if from the night sky.
 Waking up breathless and in terror as if from a bad dream.
 The whole left side of his head is unbearable.

Chapter 13: Sei proprio nei guai

 Joanna gets the call at three-thirty in the morning.

 When Joanna is in a stressful situation, she forces herself to think in another language.
 The portalight shines dull yellow on the ruin of the boy.
 A large black rat is caught in the beam of the portalight.

Chapter 14: Feeling of Uncertainty

 Saenz is in the shower and his CD player is turned way up.

 The Director came back over the weekend.
 All his life, Benjamin Arcinas has fought against his circumstances.
 He passed the bar after three tries.
 Arcinas jumps out of his seat seeing the two priests just arrived.
 He was shaking.

Chapter 15: Unexpected Appearance

 Joanna watches the scene being replayed.

 A rat comes into view.
 Something thin and metallic appeared.
 Joanna stops by and gave a copy of the tape to the priests.
 Saenz has shown Joanna’s tape.

Chapter 16: Awaited Truth

 Father Saenz and Father Jerome talks about the murder case of the Payatas children.
 Father Saenz hurt his tooth and suddenly thought of the dental records the mobile clinic has
that may also have the records of the other victims.
 Father Jerome, Saenz and Emil both visited Councillor Mariano to seek for the Dental Records in
the mobile clinics.
 They spend the long nights and days into seeking records of the victims.
 3 other victims had been identified.

Chapter 17: Prime Hints

 Father Saenz received a letter.

 Father Jerome and Saenz got curious of the letter and studied it a lot.
 They both find hints and connected it to the killers.
 Ading Rustia called and informed about the tape recorder Father Saenz gave to him.

Chapter 18: Bereaved Families

 Edith Solis was the first person the NBI visited. They let them know the sad reality they had
 Binang was the second one. The NBI informed her of the sad news. Binang got emotional for her
son died without knowing his real mother is.
 Lolita Bansuy was the last one to receive the sad news. She had raised his son with all effort
after her husband died.

Chapter 19: At last!

 The 3 identified victims are Vicente Bansuy, Noel Solis and Lino Alcarez.
 Father Saenz guess about the killer that it may be a clinic staff or anyone connected to the
mobile clinic.
 Father Saenz look back at the tape recorder Joanna caught.
 Soon, they realize what kind of tool the killer is using in his victims.

Chapter 20: A long wait of Discovery

 The discussion about the killer happened to open up the information records of the person
working in the dental clinics/mobile clinics.
 Father Jerome felt unusual of the Dentist named Alejandro Benitez-Carlos Jr.
 Joanna investigated/dug up information about Alejandro Benitez-Carlos Jr. and phone call it to
both Father Saenz and Father Jerome.

Chapter 21: Alone

 Jerome is called down from his quarters; Saenz is on the phone, calling from his family’s
house in Makati.
 The laboratory is quite when Saenz arrives.
 He wakes up with a start and immediately senses that he is not alone in the room.

Chapter 22: Unveiling his Past

 Flora Carlos is looking of a thin, small, wide-eyed boy, hair neatly combed and parted in
the middle.
 They are talking about Alex Carlos that according to Mrs. Carlos, Alex is a smart boy as
well as a good boy.
 Until one man from behind talks about Alex.
 Mr. Mrs. Carlos knows what was happening to Alex but they choose to be quite and tell
him to just be careful and didn’t pull him out of that school.

Chapter 23: Emong Ricafrente

 Jerome starts to share the information he acquires about Alex Carlos.

 Emong Ricafrente in his vulcanizing shop along Don Mariano Marcos Avenue both
Jerome and Saenz interviewed Emong about Alex and him.
 Arcinas is holding the file Isabelo Gorospe, dead at age 49, former P.E Instructor at
Payatas District High School. He is reading its contents over the phone to Saenz.
 And then they talked about why and how the killer killed the victims.

Chapter 24: Escape

 Alex Carlos is dressed up and ready to go to work. But the minute he steps out of the
gate of his apartment row, he senses, as a rat senses the presence of a cat, that he is
being watched.
 He takes his kit and bounds up the stairs two steps at a time; he is very light on his feet
and can go very fast when necessary.
 He takes out a dental instrument and a thin knife from a kit. He throws the bedroom
window open and jump out onto the roof of an adjacent bungalow.
 Arcinas meets the two priests at the door.
 Saenz turns and notices the avocado-green refrigerator. He opens the large freezer
door. The photographer stops. He brings the camera down to his chest, and stares into
the freezer for a long time.
 Then before the two priests can stop him, he runs, screaming, out of the apartment.

Chapter 25: The Last Victim

 The killer is getting himself ready for ending another boy’s life.
 Dennis woke up realizing he is being carried, slung over the shoulder of a man, heading
in the direction of the dump.
 Dennis panics as he remembers all the talks about monster in the dumpsite.
 He tries top bite the man as hard as he can, just above the man’s elbow. He pour all his
fear and terror and years of hunger and damp and deprivation on that bite.
 Yet still the man walks on, unflinching, toward the dump.

Chapter 26:Fresh Kill

 Arcinas disapproved the two priests to get involved from catching the killer no matter
how Father Saenz tried to persuade him.
 The serial killer has been publicized to Philippine television.
 A new victim had been found.
 The two priests went to the crime scene to search for evidences and discovered the
corpse was still warm and noticed that the killing was not the usual strategy of the killer
and found the number 8 on its arm.
 Ading was also there to trace some evidence.
 They found a dental elevator.

Chapter 27:The Unforgettable Memory

 Alex Carlos hunted by his unquiet memory when he was young.
 He can hear whispers around him, glimpses to him with small smiles intended for him
that made him gone mad.
 He became isolated from everybody.
 He dares those people to laugh, see and say something on him in his mind but he will kill
them all.

Chapter 28:The Apprehension

•The two priests and the NBI prepared for the apprehension of the killer and think the most
possible place the killer might be hiding.

•They arrived at the schoolyard at 11 in the evening.

•Joanna and Leo also went to the schoolyard.

•Father Saenz was the only one who went to the schoolyard and entered inside.

Chapter 29:The Fall of the Killer

•Father Saenz tried to be at ease while calling Alex and started looking for him.

•The dark and wet floor was awashed with blood.

•Alex responded only when Father Saenz uttered some remarks that will remind Alex about his

•Alex hits his head on the upper frame of the vehicle's door.

•Father Jerome tried to follow Father Saenz, Arcinas refused but Father Jerome hurriedly get
out of the car.

•Father Saenz feels a slash in his arm, then on his shoulders and a diagonal slash down his chest
by Alex that made him fall to the ground.

•Every struck of the blade made by Alex was full with anger and frustrations while crying.

•A help responded immediately and Saenz was able to see the shots taken by Alex then his line
of vision went black.

Chapter 30:The Visit

•The two priests visited Alex's grave and had a chitchat.

•Father Jerome remembers how Alex smiled seems so quiet with no worries at all.

•Father Saenz remembers Alex last words that he did not want it.

•They left the grave.

•Joanna and Leo was distance away from two priests, trying to take a shots.

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