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Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897, the daughter of Edwin and Amy Otis

Earhart. Until she was twelve she lived with her wealthy maternal grandparents, Alfred
and Amelia Harres Otis, in Atcheson, Kansas, where she attended a private school. Her
summers were spent in Kansas City, Missouri, where her lawyer-father worked for the
Rock Island Railroad.
In 1909 Amelia and her younger sister, Muriel, went to live with their parents in Des
Moines, Iowa, where the railroad had transferred her father. While in Des Moines,
Earhart saw her first airplane while visiting a state fair. Because it had been only a few
years since the Wright Brothers (Wilbur, 1867–1912; Orville, 1871–1948) made their
first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, young Earhart was not overly impressed with
what she saw at the fair.

Amelia Earhart.
Courtesy of the

Library of Congress

Before she completed high school, Amelia also attended schools in St. Paul, Minnesota,
and Springfield, Illinois. Meanwhile her father was fighting a losing battle against
alcoholism. His failure and the humiliation it caused for her were the root of Amelia's
lifelong dislike of alcohol and desire for financial security.
Amy Earhart left Edwin in Springfield in 1914, taking her daughters with her to live with
friends in Chicago, Illinois, where Amelia graduated from the Hyde Park School in 1915.
The yearbook described her as "A.E.—the girl in brown (her favorite color) who walks

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