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Project Timelines:

The project timelines for the different projects were decided based on the nature of the project –
Consulting and Implementation.

The Consulting Projects included Application Portfolio review, Transition Management, Support
Model and IT Governance. The timelines were prioritized based on the complexity and importance of
the project and the time for consultation of the period. The Application Portfolio Review were allotted
3months timeline as it has implications on strategic fit between Business and IT Goals. Transition
Management requires large scope of study and therefore it needs 1year to complete this complicated
process. Support Model requires 9months for completion as they have role after the after process
services. IT Governance structure and mechanism would be set up based on the 6 month timeline as
it would lead to better structure for implementing IT projects that are more suited as per the business
alignment and would have impact on SIA’s future in the short term as well as long term.

The Implementation projects included Component Management, IT Security & Audit, Testing Services,
Black Box & Altea (L1 Support), Application Incident Management, Customer Management and
Application Minor Enhancements. The different projects were based on the complexity of the project
and implementation time for completion of the project. The length of the project implementation is
based on our experience from similar projects completed earlier and based on the priority of the
project, the timelines have been decided. Due to the importance of the projects, Application Incident
Management and Customer Management, Black Box and Altea (L1 Support) were given a 6 month
timeline for implementation. Testing Services and Application Minor Enhancements would be setup
and fully readied to capacity due to the transition period for knowledge transfer between different
teams that would require a period of 9 months.
Approach to Governance:

 The approach to IT Governance Structure focuses on identifying primary stakeholders for the
inputs of the decision making processes including decision makers and input providers. This
allows SIA to have a cohesive decision making structure that is accountable for the sanction
of new IT Projects and evaluating the budget of existing IT projects.
 SIA has highly mission critical IT Projects and have turnaround projects in conjunction with a
number of support projects that are available. These projects will need Business Monarchy
for the approval and decisions of the Board of Directors and CXOs from SIA.
 IT Duopoly structure will be used in order to take decisions, that will take care of the business
and IT alignment. This structure will be more widely used to understand the impact of IT
structures that have high impact to business alignments.
 IT Monarchy and Business Units gives the inputs for most of the projects in order for the
decision makers to take up the necessary steps.

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