7E For Observation AVOGADROS LAW

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Lesson Author: Topic: Grade 10- Cheerfulness

Apple Grace Marie S. Unit IV Matter and Its Date: February 27, 2019
Sebastian Interactions Time: 8:00-9:00 AM
Module 1 Behavior of Gases
Subtopic: Avogadro’s Law
Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of how gases
behave based on the motion and relative distances between
gas particles.
Learning Competencies S10MTIVa-b-21
The learners should be able to investigate the relationship
between volume and amount of gas at constant temperature
and pressure.
Objectives 1. Investigate the relationship between volume and amount of
gas at constant temperature and pressure.
2. Describe Avogadro’s Law.
3. Solve problems involving volume-amount relationship.
4. Recognize and appreciate some practical applications of
Avogadro’s Law.

Learning Resources Science 10 LM, pp. 384-387

Science 10 TG, pp. 274-275
Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, Erlenmeyer flasks (labelled A,B,& C,
rubber balloons (labelled A,B,& C), baking soda, vinegar,
funnel,manila paper, marker

ELICIT (Access prior knowledge)-5 Minutes
Review and assess students prior knowledge on the following related topics:
1. Gas laws discussed previously (Boyle’s, Charles’, Gay-Lussac’s and combined gas law).
2. Concept of a mole and Avogadro’s number.

ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic)- 5 Minutes

Give the following instructions for the students:
1. Put one teaspoon of baking soda in Rubber Balloon A, B, and C.
2. Pour 5 mL of vinegar in Erlenmeyer Flask A, 10mL in Flask B and 15mL in Flask C.
3. Secure the rubber balloon at the mouth of the Erlenmeyer flask avoiding the baking
soda to get into the flask.
4. Gently pour the baking soda inside the flask and observe what happens to the volume of
the balloon.
5. Measure the diameter of the balloon in three set ups and record these on table similar


SODA(teaspoon) AND BALLOON (cm)
A 1 tsp / 5 mL
B 2 tsp / 10 mL
C 3 tsp / 15 mL

Key Points:
Based on the results of the activity, students should be able to predict what gas makes the
balloon inflated. They should also be able to compare volumes of gases in Rubber Balloon A,
B and C. They should come up with the idea that more baking soda and vinegar molecules
that interacted will produce more carbon dioxide molecules which results in bigger volume
of the rubber balloon.

EXPLORE (Provide students with common experience)- 10 Minutes

Instruct the students to plot their data in a graph similar below:

Call on the assigned group to present their output.

EXPLAIN (Teach the concept)- 15 Minutes
Proceed with the discussion on Avogadro’s Law.

Key Points:
1. Avogadro’s Law states the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of
moles at constant temperature and pressure.
2. Proceed with the mathematical equation of Avogadro’s Law:
V=n, or
V ,
when two conditions of gases are stated:
V1 and V2 ,
n1 n2
Combining the two equations:
V1 ═ V2 or
n1 n2
3. Proceed with sample problems to work on the Board.
3.1. 5.00 L of a gas is known to contain 0.965 mol. If the amount of gas is increased to
1.80 mol, what new volume will result (at an unchanged temperature and pressure)?
3.2. A flexible container at an initial volume of 5.120 L contains 8.500 mol of gas.
More gas is then added to the container until it reaches a final volume of 18.10 L.
Assuming the pressure and temperature of the gas remain constant, calculate the
total number of moles of gas inside the container.

ELABORATE (students apply the information learned)- 10 Minutes

Ask each group to come up with some practical applications of Avogadro’s Law. This should be
through a song, poem or storytelling.

EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concepts?)- 10 Minutes
I. “Fact or Bluff”. Statements will be given and students will whether these are applications of
Avogadro’s law or not.

1. The car tire is becoming bigger as more air is pushed inside. (Fact)
2. An aerosol exploded upon placing it in direct sunlight. (Bluff)
3. A newly bread was fluffy or bigger because of yeast as one of its ingredient. (Fact)
4. The rubber balloon exploded due to more helium inserted on it. (Fact)
5. The pressure cooker cooks and tenderizes meats faster. (Bluff)

II. Solve the following problems on Avogadro’s Law:

1. A 7.25 L sample of nitrogen gas is determined to contain 0.75 mole of nitrogen. How
many moles of nitrogen gas would there be in a 20 L sample provided the temperature
and pressure remains the same.
2. 2. If 0.00810 mol neon gas at a particular temperature and pressure occupies a volume
of 214 mL, what volume would 0.00684 mol neon gas occupy under the same

III. Briefly describe gas law. (5 points)

EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context)-4 Minutes
Come up with an Avogadro’s Device.

DepEd Science 10 Learner’s Material and Teaching Guide
Functional Biology

Prepared by:


Teacher III

Checked by:

OIC, Science Dept.

Asst. Principal/OIC

Noted by:

Principal I
GROUP NO: ___________________

Rubrics for Differentiated Activities (For the ELABORATE Part):

5 4 3 2 1
Concept Concept is Concept is Concept is Concept is Lack of
clearly evident; acceptable; limited; concept;
evident; contains contains insufficient of does not
contains all most of the some of the the necessary contain most
the necessary necessary information necessary
necessary information information information

Cooperation All members Only 7-8 Only 5-6 Only 3-4 Only 2
of the group members of members of members of members of
cooperate the group the group the group the group
well with cooperate cooperate cooperate well cooperate
each other well with well with with each well with
each other each other other each other

Presentation Executes the Executes the Executes the Executes the Executes the
work work work fairly; work work poorly;
competently; adequately; somewhat incompetently; unprepared
well prepared prepared unprepared

5 4 3 2 1
Concept Concept is Concept is Concept is Concept is Lack of
clearly evident; acceptable; limited; concept;
evident; contains contains insufficient of does not
contains all most of the some of the the necessary contain most
the necessary necessary information necessary
necessary information information information

Cooperation All members Only 7-8 Only 5-6 Only 3-4 Only 2
of the group members of members of members of members of
cooperate the group the group the group the group
well with cooperate cooperate cooperate well cooperate
each other well with well with with each well with
each other each other other each other

Presentation Executes the Executes the Executes the Executes the Executes the
work work work fairly; work work poorly;
competently; adequately; somewhat incompetently; unprepared
well prepared prepared unprepared
Silly Sally
(Audrey Wood)
Silly Sally went to town, walking backwards, upside down.
On the way she met a pig, a silly pig. They danced a jig.

Silly Sally went to town, dancing backwards, upside down.

On the way she met a dog, a silly dog. They played leapfrog.

Silly Sally went to town, leaping backwards, upside down.

On the way she met a loon, a silly loon. They sang a tune.

Silly Sally went to town, singing backwards, upside down.

On the way she met a sheep, a silly sheep. They fell asleep.

Now how did Sally went to town,….

sleeping backwards upside down?

Along came Neddy Buttercup, walking forward, right side up.

He tickled the pig who danced a jig.
He tickled the dog who played leapfrog.
He tickled the loon who sang a tune.
He tickled the sheep who fell asleep.
He tickled Silly Sally who woke right up.
Silly Sally tickled Neddy Buttercup
And that’s how Silly Sally get to town
Walking backwards upside down.

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