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Mercia EnviRecover EfW plant


Tier Consult Ltd

Elm House Farm
JOB NO: T/12/1096
REF: CD(RT)01 Tel: 01244 333 080
REV: P3 Fax: 01244 333 081
Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury


1. Introduction

2. Existing Watercourses / Surface Water Drains

3. Drainage Design Philosophy for the Development

4. Programme

5. Appendices
a. Attenuation 1 Calculations
b. Attenuation 2 Calculations

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury


In January 2014 Tier Consult were appointed to undertake the design of the foul &
surface water drainage systems associated with the proposed Mercia EnviRecover EfW
plant in Hartlebury for the purposes of discharging Condition 33) of the planning
consent, which reads as follows:

Notwithstanding the submitted details, no development hereby approved shall

commence until details for surface water run-off limitation, surface water drainage and
foul water drainage to be implemented throughout operation of the development has
been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The
drainage works shall be completed in accordance with the details and timetable agreed.
The surface water drainage channel shall be designed to cope with 1 in 100 year (+30%
for climate change) event. In addition, in designing the surface water drainage scheme
reference should be made to the Wychavon District Council Supplementary Planning
Document that deals with the use, harvesting and disposal of surface water.

The permanent surface water drainage solution would encapsulate 2 key aspects, the
proposed diversion of various existing watercourses and drains crossing the site and
the design requirements for the new foul and surface water drainage provisions for the
proposed development.

The surface water drainage system has been designed to cope with the 1 in 100 year
(+30% for climatic change) event and with reference to the Wychavon District Council
Supplementary Planning Document that deals with the harvesting and disposal of
surface water.

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury


The site is currently drained via a box culvert which traverses the site centrally this
historically passed underneath the old railway lines which previously passed through the
area. Flowing to this central box culvert, from the east and west, are drainage ditch
systems collecting various outlets before discharging back into open ditch. The ditch in
turn outfalls to a headwall at the southern boundary of the site before flowing out below
Oak Drive in a 1200 diameter pipe.

The basic principle for our permanent drainage design is to identify the incoming
discharge points and divert them into a new ditch to be constructed around the
perimeter of the site before utilising the existing outfall pipework below Oak Drive.

Following a review of historical record plans and on site surveys, seven existing points
of discharge have been identified which are listed below and illustrated on Tier
Consult’s Drawing No CL(19)01.

1. Outfall A - 1 No 150mm diameter outfall pipe on the northern boundary of the site
from the adjacent ‘Biffa’ site pond, which has an agreed discharge limit with the
Environment Agency of 300 cubic metres per day.

2. Outfall B - 2 No 225mm diameter outfall pipes at the northeast corner from the
Wienerberger quarry which has a consented discharge limit of 900 cubic metres
per day and Waresley Landfill which has a permitted discharge of 400 cubic
metres per day.

3. Outfall C - 1 No historic 450mm diameter culvert on the eastern boundary of the


4. Outfall D - 1 No 1200mm diameter surface water drain on the eastern boundary

discharging directly to the watercourse outlet headwall situated on the Southern
boundary of the site.

5. Outfall E - 1 No 225mm diameter surface water drain from the adjacent lorry park
situated on the western boundary.

6. Outfall F - 2 No 225 & 1 No 300mm diameter surface water pipes at the

northwest corner of the site.

7. Outfall G - there is a historic treated effluent outfall pipe from the adjacent
sewage treatment works discharging to the central box culvert

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury

a) Permanent Solution for Existing Watercourses / Surface Water Drains

As stated, the proposed permanent solution is to construct a new ditch around the
perimeter of the site and divert flows from the existing outfalls into the ditch as depicted
on drawing CL(19)02.

It should be noted that it has not been possible to identify the catchment areas
associated with the various points of discharge into the ditch and as such the peak flow
within the ditch cannot be calculated.

In order to demonstrate that the perimeter ditch has sufficient capacity to manage flows
entering the site a worst case scenario has been calculated that assumes that all the
incoming pipes that discharge to the ditch are operating at full bore. Although this is
extremely unlikely on the basis that flow from several of the outfalls are limited by
discharge consents, it will demonstrate that the profile of the new perimeter ditch and its
hydraulic capacity is a robust arrangement which can accommodate the theoretical
maximum flows onto the site and therefore caters for the worst case scenario.

The profile of the new perimeter ditch varies along its length and has an average
gradient of 1 in 450 (0.127°), taking a Mannings ‘N’ value of 0.35 and considering the
shallowest cross section of the ditch at the head of the run, which equates to 1.849m2,
the capacity of the ditch has been calculated at 1493 litres/second.

Considering each of the surface water drains discharging to the new ditch (ref drawing
CL(19)12 and CL(19)02) in a pipe full bore condition and a velocity of 1m/second the
maximum discharge to the ditch is as follows;

150 Diameter = 18 litres/second x 1No Pipe = 17 litres/second (Outfall A)

225 Diameter = 40 litres/second x 2No Pipes = 80 litres/second (Outfall B)
450 Diameter = 164 litres/second x 1No Pipe = 164 litres/second (Outfall C)
225 Diameter = 40 litres/second x 2No Pipes = 80 litres/second (Outfall F)
300 Diameter = 71 litres/second x 1No Pipe = 71 litres/second (Outfall F)

It should be noted that Outfall E would discharge flows into perimeter ditch as it leaves
the site boundary. As such this discharge does not contribute to flows within the new
ditch section.

On the basis of the above calculations it can be determined that the section of the ditch
upstream of the culverted section in the south east corner of the site, which caters for all
the pipe flows except the 1200mm diameter drain (Outfall D), has an additional
available capacity of 1,098 litres/second (i.e. an additional capacity of 74%) and as such
can be considered as more than adequate to accommodate the surface water flows.

Downstream of the culverted section, where the existing 1200mm diameter drain will
discharge into the perimeter ditch, the channel is some 475mm deeper with an

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury

increased area of 3.834m2 as a result of its longitudinal fall; as such the ditch at this
location has an increased capacity in the order of 3,971 litres/second.

In relation to Outfall D, the gradient of the existing 1200mm diameter drain has been
calculated at 1 in 939 and as such its capacity has been established as follows;

1200 Diameter = 1147 litres/second x 1No Pipe = 1,392 litres/second (Outfall D)

With all pipes (Outfall A, B, C, D & F) flowing in a full bore condition into the perimeter
ditch, the downstream section of the ditch retains a spare capacity of 2,184
litres/second (i.e. an additional capacity of 55%), far in excess of what is required.

Design rationale for the culverted sections of the perimeter ditch

Preliminary designs looked to utilise an open cut ditch solution along the entire length of
the diverted watercourse however, it has been necessary to culvert the watercourse in 2
locations. Firstly, the section adjacent to the sewerage treatment works has been
proposed as a 600mm diameter pipe. This is because there are various pipes crossing
this area associated with the treatment works as well as the need to maintain an access
road, as such a piped solution was deemed more appropriate. Secondly, in the
Southwest corner, there is a ‘pinch point’ between the site demise and Oak Drive
measuring some 6.5m in width. Due to proximity of existing utility service inspection
chambers, it is also considered likely that various buried utility service apparatus will
also be present in that area and as such we have provided a short 40 metre length of
culvert through this area. The culvert has been purposely been oversized to cater for
flows from the existing 1200 surface water drain in addition to the potential maximum
flows upstream of this section.

Existing foul connections

There is also an existing foul water pumping main crossing the site and a 300mm
diameter treated effluent main. These run to and from the sewerage treatment works
respectively and will require diverting as depicted on drawing No CL(19)02.

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury


The proposed development drainage has been designed as 5 separate systems;

 The Low Level Surface Water (to Attenuation 1)

 The Clean Rain Water System (to Attenuation 1)

 High Level System to Attenuation 1

 High Level System to Attenuation 2

 Foul Drainage

The drainage design philosophy for the surface water drainage system comprises two
separate attenuation systems.

Attenuation System 1, which comprises a below ground tank system will receive flows
from the low level system, the clean water system and the High level System 1 pipe

Attenuation System 2, which comprises an open storage lagoon, will receive flows from
the high level System 2 pipe network

Low Level Surface Water

The low level area directly around the plant facility will be approximately 8m lower than
the current ground levels. Surface water runoff from this area will be discharged to a
series of 600mm diameter surface water drains in order to provide an element of
attenuation and as such significantly reduce the peak pumping rate, to around 20
litres/second, and consequently the size of the pumping facility. All surface water flows
will be pumped via a pumping main to discharge into the buried tank attenuation

The Clean Water System

The clean water system will collect surface water runoff from various roof areas
including the main plant unit and discharge into Attenuation System No 1. This clean
water system will also provide an opportunity for harvesting the water for re-use for
irrigation or grey water usage within the plant.

High Level System to Attenuation 1

This High level system will collect the access road and hard paved areas at ‘ground
level’ predominantly from the east side of the site through a series of kerb drainage,
gullys and channels prior to final discharge into the attenuation tank system.

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury

Attenuation System No 1

Attenuation System No 1 has been amended from the proposed attenuation pond in the
initial scheme (included in the schematic drainage design provided in the planning
application) to a proposed pipework / tank design. The purpose for this was that due to
the levels of the site it was necessary to create an extremely deep pond in order to
provide the gravity fall within pipes for water to reach the pond and for it to provide
sufficient capacity in storm events. There were concerns from Worcestershire County
Council with regard to the aesthetic nature of the pond. There would be ongoing
maintenance issues and in addition potential health and safety aspects of such a deep
pond, especially given the high water levels that would likely be experienced during
significant rainfall events. It was therefore deemed that a buried tank system would
create a better solution whilst allowing an ecological pond to be created above the tank
system that would provide both wildlife and aesthetic value to the site. This solution also
allows for the existing mature oak tree to be retained.

The ecological pond would receive flows from the adjacent paved pedestrian area
discharging flows via trapped gullies and a gravity fed piped system. Incorporated within
the pond would be a high level overflow which would allow the pond to discharge
surface water back into the lower attenuation tanks.

High Level System to Attenuation 2

This High level system will collect surface water run-off from the access road and hard
paved areas at ‘ground level’ predominantly from the west side of the site through a
series of kerb drainage, gully’s and channels of the site prior to final discharge into
attenuation pond.

Attenuation System No 2

Attenuation System 2 has been maintained as a pond with retained deep water areas
for ecological value as well as providing the required storage capacity.

Petrol / Oil Separators

Full retention Petrol/oil separators have been provided immediately downstream of the
surface water attenuation tanks/pond which will treat all flows leaving site prior to final
discharge back into the ditch system.

It should be noted that all surface water flows leaving the site are directed to an existing
grassed open storage lagoon which is situated immediately downstream and adjacent
to Oak Drive.

Foul Drainage

Foul flows from the development will be directed to the existing sewage treatment works
which is situated to the northwest corner of the site.

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury

4. Programme

An indicative construction sequencing programme has been provided that outlines the
main construction stages of the development and illustrates the timing within the
programme when the main drainage related activities will be undertaken.

Mercia EnviRecover EfW Plan, Hartleburyy

Indicative Construction Sequencing Programme

Anticipated Project Timescales
Year 1 2 3

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Construct perimeter ditch and interlinking pipework

Construct/divert existing surface water drainage pipework into ditch

Divert foul pumping main

Construct  storm drain diversion pipework serving  adjacent lorry park

Construct temporary settling lagoon and earthwotks channel

Construct trade effluent discharge pipework

Install perimeter earthwork support system and excavate to reduced levels

Bulk Excavation

Foundations and Floor Slabs

Construct Structural Steelwork

Fit Out and Commissioning

Install Permanent Surface Water Drainage Ponds

Divert Temporary Drainage into Permanent Drainage System


Project No. T/12/1096
Date ‐ 04th Mar 2014
Issue No. 2
Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury



Tier Consult Page 1
Elm House Farm Hartlebury - EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System 1
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Existing Network Details for Storm

PN Length Fall Slope Area T.E. k HYD DIA

(m) (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) (mm) SECT (mm)

1.000 35.510 0.059 601.9 0.046 3.00 0.600 o 600

1.001 37.930 0.063 602.1 0.037 0.00 0.600 o 600
1.002 11.000 0.018 611.1 0.057 0.00 0.600 o 600
1.003 45.290 0.075 603.9 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 600
1.004 16.580 0.028 592.1 0.023 0.00 0.600 o 600
1.005 59.190 0.099 597.9 0.113 0.00 0.600 o 600

2.000 47.410 0.079 600.1 0.079 3.00 0.600 o 600

2.001 48.320 0.081 600.0 0.139 0.00 0.600 o 600

1.006 6.430 0.020 321.5 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 600

3.000 30.730 0.309 99.4 0.051 3.00 0.600 o 225

3.001 10.320 0.120 86.0 0.057 0.00 0.600 o 225
3.002 48.760 0.341 143.0 0.049 0.00 0.600 o 225

1.007 89.610 0.410 218.6 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 375


Name (m) (m) C.Depth (m) (m) C.Depth (mm)
(m) (m)

1.000 1 47.500 46.290 0.610 47.500 46.231 0.669 1500

1.001 2 47.500 46.231 0.669 47.500 46.168 0.732 1500
1.002 3 47.500 46.168 0.732 47.500 46.150 0.750 1500
1.003 4 47.500 46.150 0.750 47.500 46.075 0.825 1500
1.004 5 47.500 46.075 0.825 47.500 46.047 0.853 1500
1.005 6 47.500 46.047 0.853 47.500 45.948 0.952 1500

2.000 7 47.500 46.108 0.792 47.500 46.029 0.871 1500

2.001 8 47.500 46.029 0.871 47.500 45.948 0.952 1500

1.006 9 47.500 45.948 0.952 47.500 45.928 0.972 1500

3.000 10 47.740 46.840 0.675 47.715 46.531 0.959 1050

3.001 11 47.715 46.531 0.959 47.700 46.411 1.064 1050
3.002 12 47.700 46.411 1.064 47.500 46.070 1.205 1050

1.007 13 47.500 45.920 1.205 47.600 45.510 1.715 Pump 1500

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 2
Elm House Farm Hartlebury - EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System 1
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Existing Network Details for Storm

PN Length Fall Slope Area T.E. k HYD DIA

(m) (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) (mm) SECT (mm)

4.000 62.280 0.310 200.9 0.060 3.00 0.600 o 150

4.001 62.370 0.310 201.2 0.025 0.00 0.600 o 225
4.002 19.240 0.095 202.5 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 225
4.003 67.930 0.270 251.6 0.056 0.00 0.600 o 225
4.004 20.760 0.123 168.8 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 225

5.000 14.740 0.060 245.7 0.295 3.00 0.600 o 375

5.001 51.400 0.290 177.2 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 375
5.002 21.000 0.065 323.1 0.295 0.00 0.600 o 375

6.000 47.590 0.096 495.7 0.075 3.00 0.600 o 225

6.001 81.510 0.808 100.9 0.005 0.00 0.600 o 225

1.008 5.320 0.010 532.0 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 600

1.009 5.000 0.050 100.0 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 150


Name (m) (m) C.Depth (m) (m) C.Depth (mm)
(m) (m)

4.000 14 47.500 46.600 0.750 47.500 46.290 1.060 1050

4.001 15 47.500 46.290 0.985 47.500 45.980 1.295 1050
4.002 16 47.500 45.980 1.295 47.510 45.885 1.400 1050
4.003 17 47.510 45.885 1.400 47.600 45.615 1.760 1050
4.004 18 47.600 45.615 1.760 47.600 45.492 1.883 1200

5.000 19 47.500 46.445 0.680 47.500 46.385 0.740 1350

5.001 20 47.500 46.385 0.740 47.500 46.095 1.030 1350
5.002 21 47.500 46.095 1.030 47.600 46.030 1.195 1350

6.000 22 47.700 46.800 0.675 47.500 46.704 0.571 1050

6.001 23 47.500 46.305 0.970 47.600 45.497 1.878 1050

1.008 24 47.600 45.492 1.508 46.650 45.482 0.568 1500

1.009 25 46.650 44.250 2.250 47.500 44.200 3.150 Hydro-Brake® 1500

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 3
Elm House Farm Hartlebury - EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System 1
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Free Flowing Outfall Details for Storm

Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min D,L W

Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm)

1.009 47.500 44.200 0.000 0 0

Simulation Criteria for Storm

Volumetric Runoff Coeff 0.750 Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000
PIMP (% impervious) 100 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 30.000
Areal Reduction Factor 1.000 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000
Hot Start (mins) 0 Run Time (mins) 5760
Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Output Interval (mins) 24
Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500

Number of Input Hydrographs 1 Number of Storage Structures 1

Number of Online Controls 2 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0
Number of Offline Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall Details

Rainfall Model FSR Profile Type Summer

Return Period (years) 100 Cv (Summer) 0.750
Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840
M5-60 (mm) 19.000 Storm Duration (mins) 2880
Ratio R 0.400

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 4
Elm House Farm Hartlebury - EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System 1
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Online Controls for Storm

Pump Manhole: 13, DS/PN: 1.007, Volume (m³): 6.1

Invert Level (m) 45.920

Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s)

0.200 20.0000 2.200 0.0000 4.200 0.0000

0.400 20.0000 2.400 0.0000 4.400 0.0000
0.600 20.0000 2.600 0.0000 4.600 0.0000
0.800 20.0000 2.800 0.0000 4.800 0.0000
1.000 20.0000 3.000 0.0000 5.000 0.0000
1.200 20.0000 3.200 0.0000 5.200 0.0000
1.400 20.0000 3.400 0.0000 5.400 0.0000
1.600 20.0000 3.600 0.0000 5.600 0.0000
1.800 0.0000 3.800 0.0000 5.800 0.0000
2.000 0.0000 4.000 0.0000 6.000 0.0000

Hydro-Brake® Manhole: 25, DS/PN: 1.009, Volume (m³): 5.3

Design Head (m) 1.200 Diameter (mm) 90

Design Flow (l/s) 5.0 Invert Level (m) 45.482
Hydro-Brake® Type Md6 SW Only

Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s)

0.100 2.6 1.600 5.8 5.000 10.3

0.200 3.7 1.800 6.2 5.500 10.8
0.300 3.5 2.000 6.5 6.000 11.3
0.400 3.4 2.200 6.9 6.500 11.8
0.500 3.5 2.400 7.2 7.000 12.2
0.600 3.7 2.600 7.5 7.500 12.7
0.800 4.1 3.000 8.0 8.000 13.1
1.000 4.6 3.500 8.6 8.500 13.5
1.200 5.1 4.000 9.2 9.000 13.9
1.400 5.5 4.500 9.8 9.500 14.2

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 5
Elm House Farm Hartlebury - EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System 1
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Storage Structures for Storm

Tank or Pond Manhole: 25, DS/PN: 1.009

Invert Level (m) 44.250

Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²)

0.000 395.0 2.400 395.0

Manhole Headloss for Storm

Name Headloss

1.000 1 0.500
1.001 2 0.500
1.002 3 0.500
1.003 4 0.500
1.004 5 0.500
1.005 6 0.500
2.000 7 0.500
2.001 8 0.500
1.006 9 0.500
3.000 10 0.500
3.001 11 0.500
3.002 12 0.500
1.007 13 0.500
4.000 14 0.500
4.001 15 0.500
4.002 16 0.500
4.003 17 0.500
4.004 18 0.500
5.000 19 0.500
5.001 20 0.500
5.002 21 0.500
6.000 22 0.500
6.001 23 0.500
1.008 24 0.500
1.009 25 0.500

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 6
Elm House Farm Hartlebury - EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System 1
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Summary of Results for 2880 minute 100 year Summer (Storm)

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0 DVD Status OFF
Analysis Timestep Fine Inertia Status OFF
DTS Status ON

Water Surcharged Flooded Pipe

US/MH Level Depth Volume Flow / Overflow Flow
PN Name (m) (m) (m³) Cap. (l/s) (l/s) Status

1.000 1 46.309 -0.581 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.9 OK

1.001 2 46.268 -0.563 0.000 0.01 0.0 1.7 OK
1.002 3 46.229 -0.539 0.000 0.02 0.0 2.8 OK
1.003 4 46.201 -0.549 0.000 0.01 0.0 2.8 OK
1.004 5 46.144 -0.531 0.000 0.02 0.0 3.3 OK
1.005 6 46.118 -0.529 0.000 0.02 0.0 5.6 OK
2.000 7 46.141 -0.567 0.000 0.01 0.0 1.6 OK
2.001 8 46.099 -0.530 0.000 0.02 0.0 4.4 OK
1.006 9 46.059 -0.489 0.000 0.05 0.0 9.9 OK
3.000 10 46.862 -0.203 0.000 0.02 0.0 1.0 OK
3.001 11 46.562 -0.194 0.000 0.05 0.0 2.2 OK
3.002 12 46.452 -0.184 0.000 0.08 0.0 3.2 OK
1.007 13 46.051 -0.244 0.000 0.10 0.0 13.1 OK
4.000 14 46.649 -0.101 0.000 0.10 0.0 1.2 OK
4.001 15 46.647 0.132 0.000 0.05 0.0 1.7 SURCHARGED
4.002 16 46.647 0.442 0.000 0.05 0.0 1.7 SURCHARGED
4.003 17 46.646 0.536 0.000 0.09 0.0 2.8 SURCHARGED
4.004 18 46.645 0.805 0.000 0.06 0.0 2.3 SURCHARGED
5.000 19 46.645 -0.175 0.000 0.06 0.0 5.9 OK
5.001 20 46.645 -0.115 0.000 0.04 0.0 5.9 OK
5.002 21 46.645 0.175 0.000 0.13 0.0 11.9 SURCHARGED
6.000 22 46.838 -0.187 0.000 0.07 0.0 1.5 OK
6.001 23 46.644 0.114 0.000 0.03 0.0 1.6 SURCHARGED
1.008 24 46.644 0.552 0.000 0.13 0.0 27.1 SURCHARGED
1.009 25 46.643 2.243 0.000 0.36 0.0 5.0 FLOOD RISK

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Drainage Design Philosophy
EfW Plant Hartlebury


Tier Consult Page 1
Elm House Farm Hartlebury EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System No 2
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Existing Network Details for Storm

PN Length Fall Slope Area T.E. k HYD DIA

(m) (m) (1:X) (ha) (mins) (mm) SECT (mm)

1.000 37.940 0.305 124.4 0.240 3.00 0.600 o 300

1.001 16.910 0.070 241.6 0.070 0.00 0.600 o 300
1.002 22.920 0.330 69.5 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 300

2.000 19.340 0.250 77.4 0.058 3.00 0.600 o 225

1.003 25.550 0.060 425.8 0.094 0.00 0.600 o 450

1.004 10.890 0.035 311.1 0.041 0.00 0.600 o 450
1.005 10.320 2.562 4.0 0.000 0.00 0.600 o 150


Name (m) (m) C.Depth (m) (m) C.Depth (mm)
(m) (m)

1.000 1 48.700 47.705 0.695 48.600 47.400 0.900 1050

1.001 2 48.600 47.400 0.900 48.500 47.330 0.870 1050
1.002 3 48.500 47.330 0.870 47.750 47.000 0.450 1050

2.000 4 48.000 47.250 0.525 47.750 47.000 0.525 1050

1.003 6 47.750 46.775 0.525 48.500 46.715 1.335 1350

1.004 7 48.500 46.715 1.335 49.500 46.680 2.370 1350
1.005 7 49.500 46.600 2.750 48.500 44.038 4.312 Pump 1350

Free Flowing Outfall Details for Storm

Outfall Outfall C. Level I. Level Min D,L W

Pipe Number Name (m) (m) I. Level (mm) (mm)

1.005 48.500 44.038 0.000 0 0

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 2
Elm House Farm Hartlebury EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System No 2
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Simulation Criteria for Storm

Volumetric Runoff Coeff 0.750 Foul Sewage per hectare (l/s) 0.000
PIMP (% impervious) 100 Additional Flow - % of Total Flow 30.000
Areal Reduction Factor 1.000 MADD Factor * 10m³/ha Storage 2.000
Hot Start (mins) 0 Run Time (mins) 480
Hot Start Level (mm) 0 Output Interval (mins) 4
Manhole Headloss Coeff (Global) 0.500

Number of Input Hydrographs 0 Number of Storage Structures 1

Number of Online Controls 1 Number of Time/Area Diagrams 0
Number of Offline Controls 0

Synthetic Rainfall Details

Rainfall Model FSR Profile Type Summer

Return Period (years) 100 Cv (Summer) 0.750
Region England and Wales Cv (Winter) 0.840
M5-60 (mm) 19.000 Storm Duration (mins) 240
Ratio R 0.400

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 3
Elm House Farm Hartlebury EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System No 2
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Online Controls for Storm

Pump Manhole: 7, DS/PN: 1.005, Volume (m³): 5.7

Invert Level (m) 46.600

Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s) Depth (m) Flow (l/s)

0.200 4.0000 2.200 4.0000 4.200 4.0000

0.400 4.0000 2.400 4.0000 4.400 4.0000
0.600 4.0000 2.600 4.0000 4.600 4.0000
0.800 4.0000 2.800 4.0000 4.800 4.0000
1.000 4.0000 3.000 4.0000 5.000 4.0000
1.200 4.0000 3.200 4.0000 5.200 4.0000
1.400 4.0000 3.400 4.0000 5.400 4.0000
1.600 4.0000 3.600 4.0000 5.600 4.0000
1.800 4.0000 3.800 4.0000 5.800 4.0000
2.000 4.0000 4.000 4.0000 6.000 4.0000

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 4
Elm House Farm Hartlebury EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System No 2
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Storage Structures for Storm

Tank or Pond Manhole: 7, DS/PN: 1.005

Invert Level (m) 46.600

Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²) Depth (m) Area (m²)

0.000 0.0 0.400 300.0 0.800 300.0

0.200 300.0 0.600 300.0

Manhole Headloss for Storm

Name Headloss

1.000 1 0.500
1.001 2 0.500
1.002 3 0.500
2.000 4 0.500
1.003 6 0.500
1.004 7 0.500
1.005 7 0.500

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

Tier Consult Page 5
Elm House Farm Hartlebury EFW
Saighton Surface Water Drainage
Chester CH3 6EN Attenuation System No 2
Date 14/02/2014 Designed By MCH
File Attenuation Syste... Checked By
CADS Network W.12.4

Summary of Results for 240 minute 100 year Summer (Storm)

Margin for Flood Risk Warning (mm) 300.0 DVD Status OFF
Analysis Timestep Fine Inertia Status OFF
DTS Status ON

Water Surcharged Flooded Pipe

US/MH Level Depth Volume Flow / Overflow Flow
PN Name (m) (m) (m³) Cap. (l/s) (l/s) Status

1.000 1 47.830 -0.175 0.000 0.37 0.0 33.8 OK

1.001 2 47.589 -0.111 0.000 0.72 0.0 43.6 OK
1.002 3 47.456 -0.174 0.000 0.37 0.0 43.6 OK
2.000 4 47.394 -0.081 0.000 0.15 0.0 8.2 OK
1.003 6 47.393 0.168 0.000 0.49 0.0 63.7 SURCHARGED
1.004 7 47.390 0.225 0.000 0.53 0.0 67.0 SURCHARGED
1.005 7 47.389 0.639 0.000 0.05 0.0 4.0 SURCHARGED

©1982-2010 Micro Drainage Ltd

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