Information Technologyenabled Meta-Management For Virtual Organizations

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Int. J.

Production Economics 75 (2002) 127–134

Information technology enabled meta-management for

virtual organizations
Omar Khalil*, Shouhong Wang
Charlton College of Business, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA 02747, USA


Virtual organizations (VO) have recently evolved as a new paradigm of organization design in pursuit of competitive
advantages, and in response to electronic commerce (EC) requirements. The management of VO, called meta-
management, provides a systematic approach to the exploitation of competitive economic advantages for a VO. It
consists of basic activities including analyzing and tracking requirements, allocating satisfiers to requirements, and
adjusting the optimality criteria. Information technology (IT) is the essential foundation for the formation and
management of VO. A framework that describes the enabling role of IT at the three responsibility levels of meta-
management is presented, and future research is suggested. r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Information technology; Virtual organization; Meta-management; Organizational learning; Decision making

1. Introduction Whereas division of labor is designed to

improve the efficiency and effectiveness of produc-
In pursuit of competitive advantages, virtual tivity by manipulating the internal structure of a
organizations (VO) have been crystallized in recent task, a VO works by manipulating relations
years as a new paradigm of organization design between collections of tasks. The management of
[1,2]. A VO is a group of independent firms that VO is called meta-management. Meta-manage-
link together and form a single temporary ment provides a systematic approach to the
company. It operates as a federated collection of exploitation of competitive economic advantages
firms tied together through contractual and other for a VO. It consists of basic activities including
means [3]. In the electronic commerce (EC) age, analyzing and tracking requirements, allocating
many VO have emerged in cyberspace. Enabled by satisfiers to requirements, and adjusting the
information technology (IT), VO replace tradi- optimality criteria [4,5].
tional, unitary business forms with contractual Compared to traditional management, meta-
relationships, and provide management with max- management of a VO has two major distinct
imum flexibility in response to market changes. characteristics. First, a VO must make goals
explicit. Intangible goals, such as subjective loyalty
to the community, are not allowed in the meta-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-508999-8443;fax: +1-
management of VO. Second, the central task in
E-mail addresses: (O. Khalil), meta-management is the maintenance of the (S. Wang). temporary partnerships within a VO. Dynamic
0925-5273/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 5 2 7 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 8 6 - 4
128 O. Khalil, S. Wang / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 127–134

switching from one virtual organization to another can never be separated in exploration of modern
is becoming a standard instrument in the meta- business [8–10]. The unique aspects of EC, which
management toolkit. shift organizations to virtual, are discussed below.
Advanced IT (computing and communication) 1. Organic networked organizations. Successful
has made it possible to manage the complexities of implementation of EC requires a corporate-wide
a VO efficiently and effectively. With IT, the strategy, with ‘‘cross-boundary’’ examination and
processes of making a product or providing service streamlining of processes [11]. The result often
can be differentiated, distributed in different forces greater cooperation between intracompany
places, and executed at different times with departments as well as external partners. Increased
assurance that the whole process can be integrated openness of corporate enterprise networks in the
and controlled effectively [1]. This paper elaborates EC age will fundamentally change the configura-
on meta-management responsibilities, and dis- tions of organization networks [5]. In the past,
cusses the role and challenges of IT in support of network organizations have been almost exclu-
VO. sively formed within a firm. Now, corporations
will increasingly interconnect and form interorga-
nizational networks. One of the most significant
2. A paradigm shift of organizations in the changes for the existing industry structures is that
electronic commerce age critical new organizations such as transaction
guarantors have been created for EC. In the
Scientific management spelled out in 1911 by information age, EC creates fertile soil for network
Frederick W Taylor in his book ‘‘The Principles of organizations. Organizations are able to search
Scientific Management’’ has focused primarily on globally for opportunities and resources, perform
rationalization of the shop floor. This approach only those functions for which the company has an
advocated removing responsibility from craft expert skill, and outsource those activities that can
works by separating it from their purely opera- be performed more economically by others. EC
tional movements and placing organization of facilitates VO and makes them more functional.
work one level above its execution. The next move Supported by EC, VO becomes organic networks,
in the same direction was with operational hybrid arrangements, and value-adding partner-
management, when rationalization and design ships.
were brought one level above the shop floor and 2. Automatic workflow. EC would significantly
planning more global organizational design [6]. change the operational processes in the VO due to
VO goes one step further in this direction. VO its new information technological environment.
push strategic thinking up the ladder of abstrac- Workflow management [12] is considered as a
tion, and further detaches the core of the technique for VO to manage the new technological
enterprise from its concrete operations in the environment. Workflow management is a process
global economy [6]. Organizations will be most followed to reexamine business processes and the
competitive if they simultaneously meet the relationships between business units in the VO.
challenges of global efficiency, local responsive- Workflow management permits the VO to under-
ness, and learning. The real challenge is to design stand the business processes as a whole, and to
an organizational form that is capable of being redesign the business processes for increased
efficient and responsive, and that enables the competitiveness.
transfer of knowledge across locations. For many 3. Lower transaction costs and direct marketing.
firms, the answer is to adopt a VO organizational In general, strategic opportunities of EC can be
design [3]. Being virtual is about finding allies who counted on as a result of the implementation of
can help firms to bolster their weaknesses [7]. VO in two aspects. One is business process
VO have been with us for a long time; however, reengineering through the use of point-of-sale
the issue of VO had not become so important until systems (POS), electronic data interchange (EDI),
EC was introduced years ago. In fact, EC and VO electronic funds transfer (EFT), and Web-based
O. Khalil, S. Wang / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 127–134 129

information systems [13]. The other is electronic [1,17,6,18]. This rejection is a consequence of the
markets [14] in establishing market leadership logical structure of virtual tasks coupled with the
through a focus on superior customer service, explicit switching criteria used by meta-managers
differentiation, innovation, and direct marketing, in global-oriented environments. A VO will not
succeed in expunging affect and caprice entirely,
but they will do a better job of it than conventional
3. Meta-management and managerial requirements organizations. The values informing the decision
in virtual organizations making process are linked to the goals of the
organization. A VO recognizes this linkage ex-
The management of virtually organized tasks is plicitly. Organizations are goal-oriented and as
called meta-management [1,4,5]. According to such could improve their efficiency and effective-
Mowshowitz’s theory, two distinct characteristics ness through the use of meta-management techni-
of meta-management of VOs make meta-manage- ques.
ment unique to traditional management. First, a Accordingly, virtual organizing is essentially a
VO must make goals explicit. Intangible goals, reflective tool for the critical self-examination of
such as subjective loyalty to the community are no one’s own actions. Using it properly, helps us to
longer the important variables in meta-manage- become more aware of our implicit, tacit values
ment of VOs. High productivity and low cost are and goals as they manifest themselves in what we do.
those common goals shared by all the firms The explicit awareness of these goals and values
operating in the virtual organizational environ- enables managers to better assess the options
ment. Second, the central part of meta-manage- available to them for meeting organizational
ment is the maintenance of the temporary needs. Further, it affords an opportunity to
partnerships within a virtual organization. Switch- reformulate or reconfirm goals and values in a
ing from one VO to another is becoming a more deliberate manner [6]. A virtual organizing
standard instrument in the management toolkit. posture would provide the means for critical
In a study of VO management, which is close to reflection, awareness, searching, and learning from
the concept of switching, Strader et al. [15] experience – an ability presently too weak, scarce,
proposed a VO life cycle model. According to and fragile in most organizations and institutions.
their model, a VO goes through four distinct As such, virtual organizing emphasizes five essen-
phases during its life cycle: identification, forma- tial dimensions of human activity: reflective,
tion, operation, and termination. In each of the collaborative, abstractive, creative, and continu-
four phases, decision processes, such as partner ous improvement [6].
evaluation and selection, operation redesign, and The VO creates new management and coordina-
partner termination, are involved and sequentially tion challenges [19,20]. A VO reacts to customers’
related. needs more quickly, brings new products to
In developing a conceptual model of VO, Shao market faster, and changes their contours more
et al. [16] considered four variables as the essential rapidly than other organizations. However, to
dimensions of VO; they are: connectivity, purpose, achieve that potential, the VO must respond to its
technology, and boundary. According to their most serious challenge, coordination. VO incurs
assertion, their model can be used to make higher coordination costs because of numerous
predictions for the stability of VO and creation external and internal relationships that must be
of new forms of VO. Although their model does managed across time and space. Due to the
not provide quantitative measures of these vari- complexity of such relationships, traditional co-
ables in any detail, it supports the concept of meta- ordination and control mechanisms are ineffective.
management of VO in terms of explicit goals and VO would not simply exist without the advanced
dynamic switching. IT that links their parts together [3].
One aspect of meta-management is its tendency Innovation, competency, and collaboration are
to reject pure affect or caprice in decision making critical for organizations to survive and excel in
130 O. Khalil, S. Wang / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 127–134

the rapidly changing global economy. The ability vision since it is very difficult to supervise and
to learn, collaborate, and innovate faster than control its components.
one’s competitors is possibly becoming the only 4. Organizational redesign. If a VO is new, it
sustainable source of competitive advantage in the would be relatively easy to design. Workers who
knowledge-based economy. This requires organi- are comfortable in a traditional workplace may
zations to shift from hiring and retaining a work find such an arrangement difficult to under-
force that produces products to one that primarily stand at first. For organizations creating virtual
manages information [21,22]. sub-units which currently exist in reality, or for
Meta-management is inevitable in the virtual traditional organizations trying to redesign
organizational environment. The meta-manage- some of their components, the use of IT in
ment of a VO involves essential functions that are organization design will be much more difficult.
unique, compared to the traditional management
practices. These functions are: In summary, VO is a new organizational form in
the EC era, and requires a new management
1. New information technology adoption. One of paradigm of meta-management. Table 1 sum-
the major functions of meta-management of marizes these major unique characteristics of
VO is to adopt new IT. Information filtering, meta-management of VO and their alignment with
knowledge acquisition, and case matching are managerial requirements.
examples of what management needs in order
to handle the information overload while
operating in EC environment. Software agents 4. Information technology enabled
and mnemonic instruments can be used to help meta-management of virtual organizations
decrease the information overload. EC support
systems can assist the user to cope with the IT offers additional variables that when com-
information load on the Internet, make semi- bined with considerations of structure, people, and
unstructured decisions involved in the net- tasks, can help design more responsive organiza-
worked organizations, and maintain and im- tions. In fact, IT is the essential foundation for
prove the networked business process. creating and managing VO. IT enables commu-
2. Organizational learning. Corporations need to nication that spans distance, time, and culture,
be organized around information. Finding thereby creating emergent structures and alternate
and applying methodologies to generate and forms of organizational experience. It permits such
use knowledge faster and more effectively is an organizational design to overcome the spatial
becoming a promising new management and temporal dispersion that accompanies
practice. Furthermore, organizational knowl- increased global reach. It facilitates the coordina-
edge in a VO may get lost since the work tion among loosely federated components, over-
force is highly mobile. Thus, managers will come the spatial and temporal barriers that
have to become repositories for organizational characterize conventional organizational struc-
history. Organizations should respond to tures, and promote flexibility. More specifically,
this challenge by factoring in human know- IT applications, such as Web-based information
ledge as a key component of their asset systems, data mining and mass customization
base, and by creating knowledge bases or technology, organizational memory systems, and
repositories that enable workers to shorten groupware supported negotiation and decision
learning curves by sharing each other’s making, shall match and support OV for new IT
experiences. adoption, organizational learning, coordination,
3. Coordination. Managing virtual sub-units of the and organizational redesign. The alignment rela-
VO and ‘‘virtual’’ people within the VO is tionships between VO meta-management func-
another major task of meta-management. A VO tions and IT available to enterprises are fitted into
has to be based on trust and minimal super- a framework as depicted in Fig. 1.
O. Khalil, S. Wang / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 127–134 131

Table 1
Characteristics of meta-management and managerial requirements

Characteristics of virtual organizations Characteristics of meta-management Managerial requirements

Autonomic participants Equality among participants Coordination

Virtual group management
Group decision making

Cooperation is not Maintenance of temporary Policies

permanent in the nature Partnerships Organizational redesign

Common interests Explicit goals Low costs

Performance management

Sharing knowledge Knowledge management Negotiation

beyond information/data Mass customization
management Organizational learning

Electronic communication Global-orientation Automatic workflows

Ubiquitous information
New IT adoption

Fig. 1. IT enabled meta-management of virtual organizations.

In this framework, the meta-management func- focuses on performance management of the entire
tions fit into all three managerial levels in VO: VO, including low transaction costs, workflows
operational, tactical, and strategic level, although automation, and ubiquitous information captur-
there are no cut-lines between these managerial ing. At the middle managerial level, meta-manage-
levels. At the operational level, meta-management ment emphasizes tactics in two aspects: customer
132 O. Khalil, S. Wang / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 127–134

orientation and organizational learning. Mass tion can be found in a variety of industries
customization becomes a prevailing marketing including manufacturing, telecommunications,
practice. Virtual group management, negotiation mass media, and software development. For
among the groups, and knowledge sharing and example, in automobile industry, made-to-order
organizational learning keep the VO active and cars can be delivered to individuals within a
agile. At the top managerial level, meta-manage- relatively short time. With mass customization in
ment facilitates policy formalization, strategic media software, news broadcasters have the ability
decision making, coordination of the participants, to deliver local news to its particular market as
and VO redesign. The following section illustrates well as to a national audience.
how IT can enable these functions of meta- 3. Organizational memory systems (OMS).
management. Supporting organizational learning is another
1. Web-based information systems. Web-based major task of meta-management at the tactical
information systems permit the uniform coupling level. OMS consists of electronic systems for
of transactions within the VO (B2B and B2C), storing both structured and unstructured docu-
making them more responsive and efficient. Web- ments. An OMS integrates, supports, and auto-
based information systems provide the capability mates the acquisition, retention, maintenance,
of buying and selling products and services via search, and retrieval of information in the multi-
computer networks and other electronic means. media environment. Such systems provide a means
Intranets promote communication and informa- by which knowledge from prior experience can be
tion sharing within sub-divisions of the VO. shared widely and applied to current problems.
Extranets extend intranets through providing These systems are widely used for managing
accessibility for VO partners and customers across virtual group activities and negotiation. An
global boundaries. example of an OMS is that a system can be
Web-based information systems make ubiqui- developed and used for complex software devel-
tous information capture, automatic workflows, opment projects in a software company. By
and information sharing possible. This brings tracking group processes and decisions, the system
transaction costs down to zero. More importantly, becomes an important part of the organizational
Web-based information systems create a perfect memory for the software development group.
environment for mass customization and organi- OMS has become a necessary component of
zational learning at the tactical level of meta- information systems for meta-management
management. because of the increasing weight of knowledge
2. Data mining and mass customization technol- work and the capabilities of advanced IT used by
ogy. Customer orientation is a major task at the the VO.
tactical level of meta-management. Data mining 4. Groupware supported coordination and deci-
increase information utilization by notifying in- sion making. The major challenge to effective
dividual customers when new products become global teamwork is to dissolve distance and time
available and by creating customized products and so that people from diverse cultures can work
services. By accumulating knowledge about custo- together profitably. Meta-management at the
mer habits, organizations will be able to identify strategic level defines the common goal, issues
trends and turn consumer statistics into long-term policies, and redesigns the VO. Intensive high-level
customer relationships. Mass customization tech- negotiations and decision making activities are
nology, direct marketing, and software agents involved in coordinating the VO. Groupware
allow businesses to modify products and services systems (e.g., Lotus Notes) can integrate electronic
to suit local needs, while retaining the advantages messaging with screen sharing, group scheduling,
of large-scale production of those products and meeting support, group writing and other applica-
services. IT can help control the introduction of tions. These features support team leadership,
customized features into the production process. facilitate group processes, and extend the team’s
Currently, successful examples of mass customiza- technical and managerial competence. Groupware
O. Khalil, S. Wang / Int. J. Production Economics 75 (2002) 127–134 133

systems facilitate efficient and accurate sharing of IT enabled meta-management of VO discussed

ideas, streamlines processes, negotiation, and con- here poses substantial challenges for both research
current tasks performance. Awareness of the other and practice in the EC field. Addressing these
cultures through learning of appropriate languages challenges opens two new avenues for further
is a primary skill for managers in VO. Language research. First, effective IT enabled meta-manage-
translation software allows the translation from ment requires comprehensive networked VO en-
one language to another, and reduces cultural gaps terprise modeling. In traditional systems modeling
between countries. Collaborative networks based approaches, there is a lack of integration for
negotiation and decision making allow businesses modeling all the aspects of VO, including net-
to form and dissolve relationships at an instant worked organizations, information infrastruc-
notice and thus create new corporate ecology. tures, business process, and meta-management.
Hence, we need methods for modeling VO
enterprises in a uniform paradigm. Second, IT
5. Discussion enabled meta-management will require a new
paradigm of knowledge management. Knowledge
VO can be used in a variety of settings to management support systems can provide the
enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of systems management of VO with means of effective meta-
and motivate managers and participants to reflect management. Knowledge management support
on organizational goals. The essence of VO is the systems are high-level information systems that
systemic ability to switch satisfiers in a decision coordinate these IT enablers for solving ill-struc-
environment of bounded rationality. The systemic tured tasks in the loosely structured OV. Con-
way of doing things is the advantage that VO has ceptualizing and developing knowledge manage-
over the ad hoc approaches to organizational ment support systems will significantly challenge
structuring and restructuring. Inappropriate use of traditional information systems methods and tools.
switching in a computer-based virtual organiza-
tion can generate a continuous stream of require-
ment-satisfier pairs that fail to account for References
changing organizational goals.
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