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Volume 60 / Number 33 / August 15, 2019

Fluor says new NuScale investors paying costs as it seeks to cut stake
Fluor sees growing interest in NuScale
„„ NuScale, are expected to fund cash agreement designed to spur development of
Fluor has second quarter of losses
„„ requirements of NuScale for the rest of a US-built SMR. DOE reimbursed the
Fluor, the majority owner of NuScale Power, 2019. None of the companies have said how company $28 million in the first half of the
said new investors in the small modular reactor much equity the new investors acquired or year, Fluor said.
developer are paying its costs for the remainder how much they will spend to support the NuScale CFO Jay Surina said in an email
of the year. Fluor is seeking additional investors business. May 23 that Fluor would remain the majority
to provide financial support in 2020, Fluor Engineering and construction company owner of NuScale after agreeing to sell a
executives said August 1. Fluor said in its quarterly financial results filed stake to Doosan and Sargent & Lundy.
Fluor CFO Michael Steuert said on a with the US Securities and Exchange However, during the August 1 earnings call
conference call to discuss second-quarter Commission August 1 that it spent $34 million with analysts, Steuert said Fluor is open to
earnings that day that Doosan Heavy in the first half of 2019 on NuScale, after additional investors taking a stake in NuScale
Industries and Sargent & Lundy, which reimbursement of some costs from the US to help “fund requirements beyond 2019.”
recently took an unspecified equity stake in Department of Energy under a cost-sharing (continued on page 7)

UK industry happy with Brexit preparations, but worker movement a concern

The UK nuclear industry is happy with the place” so that the UK nuclear power industry Then-UK Prime Minister Theresa May in March
level of preparations to date for any form of can continue to operate after the country 2017 gave the EU two years legal notice of the
UK exit from the European Union October 31, leaves the EU, even without a deal or UK’s intended March 29 departure from the
but concerns remain that if the country left transition period. group. However, an extension of six months
the EU without a deal or transition period it However, he emphasized that the industry until October 31 was subsequently agreed
could lead to the disruption of movement of had significant concerns about post-Brexit upon, the second such Brexit postponement
nuclear fuel and plant components, as well as transportation “pinch points,” particularly following a 14-day extension in March.
restrictions in the movement of sector around French and UK ports, where Under UK law, unless a revised version of
workers, according to the Nuclear Industry movements of nuclear fuel and plant parts the country’s withdrawal agreement with the
Association UK. could be delayed due enhanced customs and EU is approved by Parliament before October 31,
Peter Haslam, the Head of Policy at the regulatory checks leading to entry backlogs. or the departure is again delayed, then the
NIA UK, said in an interview August 13 that the The UK voted by a majority of 52% to 48% country will automatically leave the EU without
industry was “satisfied that measures are in in a referendum in June 2016 to leave the EU. (continued on page 7)

Wind will replace Duane Arnold output: Alliant Inside this issue
NextEra closing Duane Arnold in 2020
„„ interest in the 647-MW nuclear plant and
Iowa wind farms will replace output
„„ controls 430 MW of net capacity from the unit. ISO-NE winter fuel security plan
An Alliant Energy utility subsidiary will rely on NextEra Energy Resources also owns takes effect after FERC fails to act 3
upgraded wind farms and build additional wind nine wind farms with multiple phases in
FirstEnergy Solutions encounters
generation in Iowa to effectively replace power wind-farm-heavy Iowa with combined
opposition to restructuring plan 4
it will lose once the Duane Arnold nuclear plant capacity of more than 1,000 MW. As part of
in Iowa is shut in September 2020. its deal with Interstate Power & Light, Orano posts $287 million
A spokesman for the Iowa utility NextEra Energy Resources will supply power in net income for first half of 2019 5
subsidiary, Interstate Power & Light, said in an from four Iowa wind farms that will have
Opponents of Ohio nuclear support
interview August 12 that the utility now meets about 340 MW of capacity after a $250 million
bill told to resubmit petition 6
25% of its customer demand in the state project to upgrade and replace turbines is
through an off-take agreement with NextEra complete. Yangjiang-6 in China ready
Energy Resources, which owns the majority NextEra Energy Resources had said in for commercial operation 6
Nucleonics Week August 15, 2019

July 2018 that Duane Arnold would shut because it was increasingly
uneconomic to operate.
IPL had been under contract to purchase power from Duane Arnold
through 2025. But in December the Iowa Utilities Board approved a
settlement in which Interstate Power & Light could end the power
purchase agreement five years early, in 2020, in exchange for a
$110 million buyout payment to NextEra Energy Resources.
No new off-take agreement for power from the nuclear facility
have been signed, meaning Duane Arnold’s closure will not likely be
reversed, a power sector source said in an interview August 13,
speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss contracting matters.
The lack of willingness by market participants to sign such agreements
“speaks to the economic conditions in the Midwest Independent
System Operator market,” the source said.
IPL owns two wind farms in Iowa with a combined capacity of
IPL expands wind generation in Iowa 299 MW and recently brought online two others — Upland Prairie
In its second-quarter earnings report August 1, Alliant discussed its and English Farms — with a combined capacity of 470 MW.
plans to “transition” to cleaner energy resources by 2024 by reducing The utility is expected to bring online four additional wind farms in
its dependency on coal-fired generation to 23% of capacity in 2024 Iowa by the end of 2020, which will bring its wind generation capacity
from 31% at the end of 2018, and boost its use of renewables, mainly in the state to 1,449 MW.
wind, to 33% of capacity in 2024 from 20% at the end of 2018.
It said it expects to see its natural gas-fired capacity, currently at correction
42% of its fuel mix, remain roughly the same in 2024. Nuclear power An earlier version of a story originally published in the August 8 Nucleonics
would go from 9% of capacity in 2005 to 6% in 2018 and zero in 2024 Week incorrectly identified Edwin Lyman of the Union of Concerned Scientists.
after Duane Arnold closes, the company said. The story has been updated to reflect his correct first name and to state that a
The company has said it plans to eliminate coal from its pilot high-assay low-enriched uranium program is in Ohio.
electricity mix by 2050.

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Nucleonics Week August 15, 2019

Alliant Energy is a full or partial owner of nine coal power plants in “patently unjust and unreasonable,” saying it was a windfall for nuclear,
Iowa, totaling 5,003 MW of capacity. coal, and hydropower participants and a waste of consumers’ money.
Iowa’s wind industry represents more than one-third of the state’s The statements also confirmed that Commissioners Cheryl LaFleur
energy capacity — more than 7,300 MW. and Bernard McNamee did not participate in the proceeding,
Although Iowa is a leader in energy generation from wind, coal preventing the five-member commission from having a quorum. One
generation remains the largest source of generation in Iowa at roughly of the commission positions is vacant.
45% of total net electricity generation in 2018, according to data FERC was statutorily required to rule by August 5 on ISO-NE’s
released by the US Energy Information Administration in April. March 25 filing seeking review of the program, according to a notice
Alliant’s chairman, president and CEO John Larsen said in an August 7.
August 6 earnings release that the company’s utilities “had lower earnings Federal Power Act Section 205 tariff filings of the type ISO-NE
year over year driven by lower electric and gas sales due to milder submitted describing the program go into effect automatically, under
temperatures in the second quarter, and timing of income tax expense.” a legal principal known as operation of law, if FERC fails to issue an
But he said that increasing the utilities’ wind generation portfolio order within 60 days accepting or denying the proposed changes. As
and operating efficient gas units at higher capacity rates will “result in requested in ISO-NE’s filing, the new tariff language has a May 28
lower fuel costs for our customers.” effective date.
According to American Wind Energy Association data, Iowa had
8,957 MW of installed wind capacity as of the end of June. Only Texas, Interim fix
with 25,629 MW of wind, has more. The inventoried energy program at issue will compensate
Texas has been the focus of wind investments from dozens of generating resources, during the winters covered by the next two
developers, some national developers such as Duke Energy, but ISO-NE capacity auctions, for up to three days’ worth of electricity
also international wind developers, such as Germany’s E.On and output during periods when the region’s energy security is most likely
Spain’s Iberdrola. to be stressed.
Wind generation in Iowa, on the other hand, is dominated by Des The program was announced after ISO-NE agreed to put forth an
Moines-based regulated utility MidAmerican Energy, NextEra Energy interim market-based solution to address energy security concerns
Resources, and more recently Alliant’s IPL. brought on by increasing reliance on natural gas-fired generation that
MidAmerican, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy, can face pipeline constraints during winter cold spells.
The financial incentives aim to increase generation in the region
beyond what would otherwise occur, and to reduce the likelihood
ISO-NE winter fuel security plan that resources with stored fuel onsite would pursue retirement
takes effect after FERC fails to act before ISO-NE could implement a permanent, market-based solution
A plan that system operator ISO New England proposed to resolve fuel to address the region’s fuel security challenges.
security issues during the 2023-24 and 2024-25 winters has gone into The program will allow participation by oil, coal, nuclear, biomass
effect automatically as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and refuse generators, as well as hydro, pumped storage, electric
said it lacked a quorum to act on the filing. storage and storage coupled with wind or solar. A gas-fired plant
The so-called inventoried energy program provides financial could participate if it had a firm gas delivery contract meeting the
incentives to plants with three days worth of fuel, or equivalent stored program’s requirements.
power, onsite. It drew criticism from a wide range of stakeholders Participating resources will get paid a rate of $82.49/MWh in
ranging from consumer advocates to energy suppliers, who said it exchange for selling a limited amount of inventoried energy forward
would benefit coal and nuclear plants that were already planning to be for the entire winter season from December through February.
operating during peak demand periods in winter.
As such, the proposal may wind up being the first test of the Fair
RATES Act, enacted last year to prevent changes in power rates from
taking effect without review in the event of deadlocks or a lack of a
quorum at FERC.
In accordance with the new law, FERC commissioners filed
statements August 8 explaining their views, shining light on the
continuing divide on grid reliability and resilience issues between
Chairman Neil Chatterjee and Commissioner Richard Glick.
Chatterjee said in his statement that if there had been a quorum
at the time he would have voted in favor of ISO-NE’s proposed tariff
changes as “a just and reasonable short-term solution to help
compensate resources that provide winter energy security and improve
reliability while [ISO-NE] develops a long-term market solution.”
Glick, on the other hand, called the inventoried energy program

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Nucleonics Week August 15, 2019

Resources can also participate in just a spot part of the program, (Nucleonics Week, 11 Jan ‘18, 1).
earning $8.25/MWh by providing electricity on so-called inventoried Under the Fair RATES Act, parties may seek rehearing of the tariff
energy days. changes even in the absence of a FERC order. If FERC does not act
within 30 days of any rehearing requests that may be filed due to a
Reasonably balanced 2-2 split or no quorum, the filing parties may appeal in court.
Inventoried energy days that would trigger a payout are limited to How judicial review under these circumstances would work
days in December, January or February when the average of the high remains an untested question. While there is no order representing
and low temperature is less than or equal to 17 degrees F at Bradley the view of the majority of the commission, the individual statements
International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. of the commissioners will become a part of the record and could be
Under this criterion, there would have been just five inventoried considered as the basis for court review.
energy days this past winter, and 15 in winter 2017-18, according to
data from S&P Global Platts Analytics. Recusals
Chatterjee said his support for the interim program was tied to his Neither LaFleur nor McNamee offered comments with respect to
concern for what ISO-NE calls “misaligned incentives for energy supply the merits of ISO-NE’s proposal.
arrangements.” LaFleur will leave the commission at the end of August with plans
Chatterjee’s statement offered several reasons certain parties to continue some role in the energy sector.
oppose the inventoried energy program, including that its success Questions have been raised since McNamee joined the commission
would be difficult to measure; its costs are too high while there are over whether he could legally vote on grid resilience and fuel security
less expensive alternatives; and its assumptions are flawed. Those matters, given his prior positions at DOE and the role he played in
concerns, however, were reasonably balanced against the need to drafting the grid resilience rulemaking rejected by FERC.
maintain reliability, he said. FERC ethics guidance allows McNamee to participate in certain
Without a quorum, Chatterjee said he was unable to discuss the proceedings with grid resilience implications.
proposal’s complex issues with his colleagues. — Jasmin Melvin, Washington

‘Burning that money’ FirstEnergy Solutions encounters

Glick, in his statement, asserted that ISO-NE had provided no
evidence that the program, estimated to cost as much as $300 million opposition to restructuring plan
in total, would actually improve fuel security or that any improvements A hearing in federal court is scheduled for August 20 on a
would be worth the cost. reorganization plan proposed by bankrupt power provider FirstEnergy
The proposal failed to demonstrate a near-term operational Solutions Corp. that is being opposed by the federal government and a
problem that couldn’t be addressed through existing rules, Glick said. host of non-profit organizations.
But one of the more egregious flaws of the proposal is that facilities FirstEnergy Solutions, owner of the two Beaver Valley units in
accounting for at least a third of eligible capacity already maintain Pennsylvania and the Davis-Besse and Perry plants in Ohio, on July 23
more on-site fuel than called for under the program, he said. submitted an amended reorganization plan in the US Bankruptcy Court
“That means that at least $40 million a year is likely to be spent on for the Northern District of Ohio following the rejection in April of an
resources, such as coal and nuclear generators, that will not change earlier plan. But the federal government, the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel,
their behavior in response to those payments. That is an utter waste of the Environmental Law & Policy Center, and others filed papers in
ratepayers’ money,” Glick said. “Based on the record here, one cannot opposition to the new plan.
help but wonder whether burning that money might contribute as An August 2 filing by US Assistant Attorney General Joseph Hunt
much to fuel security as wasting it on entities that we know will not do and other federal government lawyers objected to the plan “because it
anything differently.” would improperly release and enjoin claims against numerous non-
The inventoried energy program also drew the ire of some Debtors,” court documents said. The plan “contains provisions forcing
consumer groups, state policymakers and energy companies in the United States to ‘settle’ its claims and interests without its
comments previously filed with FERC. consent,” according to the government’s filing.
The new plan would eliminate “non-consensual third-party
Judicial review releases” that had been contained in the rejected plan, FirstEnergy
For example, the consumer group Public Citizen said the program Solutions, or FES, had said in a statement April 18. Those releases had
appeared to be a regional version of the failed notice of proposed been cited by creditors, federal agencies including NRC, and the court
rulemaking on grid resilience that the Department of Energy sent to as an obstacle to approval of the FES plan to emerge from bankruptcy.
FERC in 2017. DOE had sent the proposal to FERC in a bid to support FES entered voluntary reorganization in March 2018 under Chapter
generating plants that had 90 days of fuel on-site, which was seen by 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code. FES had said in April the earlier plan
some market participants at the time as a way to provide financial provided “a clear path forward” for the company to emerge from
support to struggling coal-fired and nuclear plants. bankruptcy in 2018.
FERC unanimously rejected the proposed rulemaking in 2018 The associated FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co., which operates

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Nucleonics Week August 15, 2019

the nuclear plants, is also seeking to exit bankruptcy reorganization on The Ohio legislation created a nuclear generation fund that
the same schedule. provides a $9/MWh credit for nuclear generation up to a maximum
Margrethe Kearney, a senior attorney for the Environmental cost of $150 million a year.
Law & Policy Center, said in an interview August 13 that the hearing The four groups said the support for the nuclear plants could be
before Judge Alan Koschik “could take one day, or it could take terminated or reversed.
three or four days.” “The Debtors’ just-announced decision to continue to operate the
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission joined in the Ohio plants emphasizes the shortcomings in their Plan — it is only by
government’s objection to confirmation of the amended plan, arguing the fragile and impermanent grace of the Ohio legislature that these
in its filing that the amended plan does not comply with the plants are financially viable to operate,” the citizen organizations
Bankruptcy Code “and further contains overly broad language filing said.
concerning the Court’s jurisdiction.” FERC argued that the plan “does “This session of the Ohio legislature may have granted Debtors a
not contain any statement that the Debtors have obtained FERC brief recovery window, but without a clear Plan in place with ‘adequate
approval for changes to any rates over which FERC has jurisdiction.” means’ to cover decommissioning costs, this second chance is
FES and Fenoc assets had been owned by former parent company meaningless. Furthermore, a substantial referendum effort to nullify
FirstEnergy Corp., which is now operating a largely regulated utility the recently passed legislation has already been announced. If the
after shedding the merchant generating assets now owned by FES. referendum is successful, the law and accompanying subsidy would be
The Ohio Consumers’ Counsel said in its filing that the plan eliminated,” the groups said.
“improperly provides for exclusive jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court — Michael McAuliffe, Washington
going forward to the exclusion of any jurisdiction for regulatory bodies
which may currently exist under otherwise applicable law.”
The Consumers’ Counsel filing further stated that “consumers
Orano posts $287 million in net income
could be unjustly subject to higher rates or other adverse impacts for first half of 2019
without any of the government protections they normally would have, Orano reported net income of Eur259 million ($287.48 million) for the
if the Plan limits the ability of federal or state regulators to perform first half of 2019, Eur464 million more than the loss it posted in the first
their duties under applicable non-bankruptcy law. The Plan or the six month of 2018, the company said in its earnings release July 31.
order confirming it must include provisions to prevent any such harm The earnings came despite a 3.5% decrease in revenue to
from occurring.” Eur1.654 billion, compared to the Eur1.713 billion in revenue it reported
in the same period in 2018.
Decommissioning concerns The French nuclear fuel cycle company’s operating income was
Four groups referring to themselves as citizen organizations — also positive, boosted by a Eur102 million increase in front-end
Environmental Law & Policy Center, Ohio Citizen Action, Ohio operating income, from a loss of Eur58 million in 2018 to Eur44 million
Environmental Council, and the Environmental Defense Fund — said in a this year.
joint filing that the debtors “cannot demonstrate that the Plan is feasible, Driving the growth was Orano’s uranium conversion and
as it fails to ensure that the Debtors can meet their environmental enrichment services unit, which generated Eur369 million in revenue,
remediation and nuclear decommissioning obligations.” 28% higher than last year’s Eur288 million, due to an increase in sales.
“The Plan is not feasible because the unfunded decommissioning The front-end business unit benefited from an increase in
obligations of Debtors’ nuclear plants are potentially much larger than enrichment sales volumes and changes to contract terms “related to
the obligations acknowledged in the Plan, and there is significant better prices and a more positive market outlook,” Orano said in the
uncertainty regarding the magnitude of decommissioning costs,” the earnings release.
organizations said. “Debtors currently hold in trust only about half of Operating tests at the new Phillipe Coste plant that converts U3O8
their estimated site-specific costs of decommissioning their nuclear to UF6 are underway, Orano said, “together with first production runs.”
plants. In their June 30, 2019 Operating Report, the Debtors stated they The facility is “being started up gradually with the goal of reaching
had $1.943 billion in their decommissioning trust.” monthly production at the end of year, in line with” its 7,500 metric
“Before it can approve the Plan, the Court should require Debtors tons annual installed capacity.
to put the full amount of site-specific cleanup costs — $3.2 billion — Orano said in the financial statement that Phillipe Coste’s capacity
into a separate, segregated nuclear plant decommissioning trust fund would be increased to 15,000 mt/yr during 2020 and plans to meet
or funds,” the organizations contended. monthly production goals in line the higher throughput in the first half
In April 2018, FES told NRC it would permanently cease operation of of 2021.
its 971-MW Davis-Besse by May 31, 2020; the 1,011-MW Beaver Valley-1 Jacques Peythiueu, senior executive vice president of Orano’s
and the 1,319-MW Perry by May 31, 2021; and 1,008-MW Beaver Valley-2 chemistry and enrichment business, said at a June fuel cycle
by October 31, 2021. Last month FES said it was rescinding its notice of conference that an equipment issue has kept the facility operating at
deactivation of Davis-Besse and Perry after Ohio Governor Mike DeWine only a fraction of its capacity this year.
signed a bill that will provide financial aid for the plants. FES did not Revenue generated by the uranium mining and back-end business
rescind the deactivation notice for Beaver Valley-1 and -2. units fell in the first six months of 2019.

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Nucleonics Week August 15, 2019

Revenue for business activities regarding the back end of the fuel A spokesman for the group said last month it could not release
cycle totaled Eur60 million, compared with Eur151 million for the 2018 the names of members of the group, but said it included energy
first half. Uranium mining revenue was Eur492 million, compared to companies as well as numerous other organizations and individuals
Eur555 million last year. opposed to the new law.
Orano’s order backlog stood at Eur31 billion as of June 30, a slight After months of contentious debate, House Bill 6 was passed by
decrease from the order backlog value of Eur31.8 billion that the the state’s legislature and signed into law by Republican Gov. Mike
company held December 31. DeWine on July 23.
The company said the backlog represented “close to nine years of The bill adds new fees to Ohio electric bills so that the Public Utilities
revenue,” adding that its “order intake for the first half of 2019” was Commission of Ohio and the newly created Ohio Air Quality Development
Eur879 million, “mainly from export contracts signed with Asian and Authority will be able to provide a total of $150 million per year from
American customers.” 2021 to 2027 to FirstEnergy Solution’s 971-MW Davis-Besse and to the
— Oliver Adelman, London 1,319-MW Perry.
The total payments over the seven-year span come to $1.05 billion.
Anyone wishing to submit a petition calling for a referendum
Opponents of Ohio nuclear support against the bill had to register their petition within 90 days of the
bill told to resubmit petition signing of the bill. Once that petition was accepted, the protesting
Language errors in petition summary at issue
„„ group would have to collect 265,774 petition signatures to put HB 6 up
Ohio AG says revised petition due October 21
„„ for a vote in November 2020.
The Ohio attorney general has told a group that is seeking to overturn In a six-page letter on August 12 to Brandon Lynaugh, the founder
the state’s recently approved legislation providing financial support for and owner of lobbying company Battleground Strategies, which is
nuclear plants that they must revise their petition, collect another backing the referendum push, Yost said that he received a summary of
1,000 signatures, and resubmit the petition by October 21 if they want the petition which, he said, he was unable to certify as “a fair and
to get the measure on the ballot in November 2020. truthful summing up of the measure to be referred.”
The group, called Ohioans Against Corporate Bailout, submitted “I have identified numerous instances where the summary is either
their petition to state Attorney General Dave Yost August 12. Yost, inaccurate or contains material omissions of the statutory language.”
a Republican, said August 13 however that the petition contained In the letter he itemized 21 specific errors he said he found in the
21 “errors” in the group’s proposed summary language, and said that summary and said, “I must caution that this is not to be an exhaustive
the errors would require the group to try again. list of all defects in the submitted summary.”
— Jeff Ryser, Houston


Yangjiang-6 in China ready for commercial operation

The 1,086-MW Yangjiang-6 ACPR-1000 reactor in Guangdong province certificates such as the Electric Power Business Permit” from the
in southern China was declared July 24 as being “ready for commercial Chinese government, prior to Yangjiang-6 entering commercial operation.
operation,” Yangjiang plant owner China General Nuclear Corp.’s The company said that commercial operation would start as soon
subsidiary CGN Power Co. Ltd. said in a filing with the Hong Kong Stock as all relevant permits from the authorities had been obtained, but did
Exchange that day. not say when this might be.
CGN Power Co. said in the statement that the group’s board of Construction of Yangjiang-6 started in December 2013 and the
directors confirmed July 24 that “all commissioning work” for the unit unit achieved first criticality June 22. First grid connection took place
had been completed and that Yangjiang-6 was “qualified for June 29, according to CGN.
commercial operation.” The ACPR-1000 pressurized water reactor is a Chinese reactor
The company added that the qualification meant that the “six technology that was originally based on French 900-MW PWR design
planned power generation units” at the Yangjiang nuclear power plant that was sold by France under license to China, but all intellectual
have “fully been put into operation.” The Yangjiang plant has one other property limitations on the technology have now expired.
ACPR-1000, Yangjiang-5, and four CPR-1000s, an earlier version of the The Yangjiang plant is operated by CGN subsidiary China
same reactor design. Guangdong Nuclear Power Group.
However, the company added that the unit still “needed to obtain — Oliver Adelman

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Nucleonics Week August 15, 2019

Fluor ...from page 1 Brexit ...from page 1

The investment by Doosan, a South Korean construction an agreement October 31.
company, requires approval from the interagency Committee on Boris Johnson replaced May as prime minister July 24 and has
Foreign Investment in the United States, which is required to review repeatedly publicly promised to take the UK out of the EU October 31
the national security implications of foreign investments, Steuert under any circumstances, “do or die.”
noted. Once the investment is approved, Fluor may not need to fund The UK and the remaining 27 member states of the EU agreed to
NuScale until early 2020, CEO Carlos Hernandez said on the the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and European Atomic Energy
earnings call. Community, or Euratom, at a summit in Brussels November 25, 2018,
That period of not needing to provide cash for NuScale could as part of a wider withdrawal agreement between the UK and EU,
extend longer, Hernandez said. signed by the prime ministers of each EU member state.
“We have noted a significant increase in investor interest in However, this agreement was subject to the approval of each of
NuScale, and we are pursuing discussions with other investors the EU’s member states, as well as the European Parliament, and the
currently,” Hernandez said. NuScale’s progress in NRC’s design UK Parliament subsequently rejected the deal in three separate votes.
certification process — the regulator has completed three of six A “no-deal” Brexit October 31 would also see the country
stages of the safety review — “gives us a lot of confidence that we’ll immediately leave Euratom, according to the UK government, which
be able to attract investors in the next six months to a year,” he added. has said it interprets the referendum result as also meaning that the
Fluor’s financial results have deteriorated in recent months, as country must leave Euratom at the same time it leaves the EU.
charges have mounted related to engineering and construction Euratom and the Euratom Treaty of 1957 that governs it were
projects on which it is behind schedule or over budget. The company founded to promote nuclear power in Europe. The Euratom Treaty
has also reported delays finalizing new contracts. covers most aspects of nuclear fuel supply in the EU and has other
The company reported a loss of $555 million for the second quarter technical and regulatory functions.
of the year, compared to a profit of $115 million in the second quarter The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said in
of 2018. Fluor said second-quarter revenue fell to $4.1 billion, down a February 14 report to the UK Parliament that “all of the legislation
from $4.9 billion a year earlier. necessary to establish a domestic nuclear safeguards regime in the UK
The company’s loss was driven by a $714 million pre-tax charge is now in place,” noting that this includes legislation and regulations
related to a review of the status of many of the company’s projects which “set out the detailed legal framework for the UK’s new domestic
that showed some would not meet contractual deadlines and others civil nuclear safeguards regime, after withdrawal from Euratom.” The
would likely not be profitable for other reasons, company officials said UK has also concluded a series of bilateral nuclear cooperation
during the call. agreements, including with Canada, South Korea and the US, to replace
Engineering and construction contracts are increasingly existing agreements that Euratom holds with these countries on behalf
transferring financial risks from customers to construction of the UK.
contractors, Fluor Chairman Alan Boeckmann said during the call.
Fluor does not have to accept such risks and must better balance the Nuclear goods need priority
risks in its contracts, he added. Haslam said that the nuclear industry had “concerns about the
practicalities of nuclear movements in and out of ports” after October 31,
Fluor starts strategic review of business in the event of a no-deal Brexit, meaning that the industry is worried that
Fluor is engaging in a review all its businesses to decide whether to nuclear fuel and plant parts could face long delays in arriving at UK
sell or discontinue any of them and has hired investment bank Lazard power plants due to enhanced customs checks.
to advise it, officials said. Fluor withdrew all its financial guidance, He defined nuclear movements as shipments containing nuclear
including expectations for profits and sales, for 2019 in light of the fuel and nuclear power plant components.
review, they said. He added that were such transport “pinch points” to occur, then
The company’s CEO departed the company in May after a first-quarter the nuclear industry would like to see such shipments receive priority
loss that surprised financial analysts. over other goods.
Fluor shares fell almost 27% in trading August 2 on the New York Haslam also said that the UK nuclear industry was concerned that
Stock Exchange, closing at $22.67 a share the day after the earnings the “free movement of [EU] nationals will have an impact” on the
announcement. Like the broader market, the shares have continued to sector. “We need people for Hinkley and power station outages,”
decline, and closed at $18.40 per share August 13. Haslam said.
Shares are down from above $60 a share in October 2018, a decline Hinkley Point C is a 3,200-MW nuclear power plant being built in
of more than 70%. western England by EDF Energy and China General Nuclear Corp. It is
Sargent & Lundy is an electric power engineering and consulting the only nuclear power plant under construction in the UK.
company with nuclear power plant design experience. Doosan has Under European Union rules, citizens of any of the existing 28 EU
been involved in building nuclear plants in South Korea and elsewhere. member states, including the UK, can work legally without requiring a
— William Freebairn, Washington work permit in any other EU country. This could automatically end

© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 7
Nucleonics Week August 15, 2019

October 31, if the UK left the EU without a deal, although Haslam did benefits of Euratom membership.”
note that prior to the original March 29 Brexit date, the UK government She said that the company had a “number of outstanding concerns
had been planning to allow the continued free movement of EU in a no deal scenario,” including the “free movement of labour and
nationals into the UK, even in the event of a no-deal Brexit, until a new travel disruption.”
immigration regime was in place in 2021. He added that the nuclear The EDF Energy spokeswoman did note that “all of the essential
industry hoped this would still be the case if the UK left the EU without actions to keep the UK nuclear industry operating through any form of
a deal October 31. Brexit have been delivered,” adding that EDF Energy would, “like all UK
The UK government is considering introducing a special expedited companies continue to monitor and act on potential risks arising from
employment visa after Brexit to facilitate employment for non-British a no-deal Brexit.”
scientists working in the UK, including in the field of nuclear fusion, Neither Haslam nor EDF Energy specified which ports might be
according to reports earlier this month in the Guardian newspaper and particularly impacted by a no-deal Brexit, but the largest transit ports
on state broadcaster BBC. However, the government has yet to by volume between the UK and France are Dover in southern England
formally announce the details of the program or how many visas would and Calais in northern France.
be included. A spokeswoman for Westinghouse, which is the exclusive supplier
of nuclear fuel to the UK’s 8,493 MW fleet of advanced gas-cooled
‘Significant work remains’: EDF reactors, declined to comment on fuel supply movements in an email
An EDF Energy spokeswoman added in an email August 13 that August 13.
“there remains significant work to do to replicate all of the former — Oliver Adelman, London

© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 8

U.S. Nuclear Waste

Technical Review Board U.S. Nuclear Waste
Professional Staff – Materials Engineer/Scientist Technical Review Board
Professional Staff – Scientists and/or Engineer
The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Board)
was established in the 1987 amendments to the Nuclear The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Board) was
Waste Policy Act (NWPA) to evaluate the technical established in the 1987 amendments to the Nuclear Waste
validity of Department of Energy activities related to Policy Act (NWPA) to evaluate the technical validity of
implementing the NWPA and to provide objective expert Department of Energy activities related to implementing
technical advice on nuclear waste management to the NWPA and to provide objective expert technical advice
Congress and the Secretary of Energy. The Board has a on nuclear waste management to Congress and the
vacancy within its professional staff and is seeking Secretary of Energy. The Board is seeking to hire one or
candidates at both senior and junior levels. For junior more scientists or engineers as (a) member(s) of its
applicants, this will be an opportunity to work with, and Professional Staff to support Board members in their
be mentored by, Board members and senior scientists evaluation of DOE activities related to managing and
and engineers on the staff. Candidates must have a solid disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive
understanding of properties of materials, corrosion of waste. We are seeking candidates at both senior and junior
metals, interim storage, transportation, and geologic levels.
disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive
waste. Applications should be received by September 15, Applications should be received by September 15, 2019.

For more information about the position and how to apply,

For more information about the position and how to please visit the Board’s website:
apply, please visit the Board’s website:

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