Minjar Policies, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

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Minjar Cloud Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Policies, Code of Ethics

and Business Conduct




Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Workplace Policy p. 8

Work Timings p. 9

Leave Policy p. 9

Work from Home Policy p. 12

IT Policy p. 13

Employee Referral Policy p. 14

Company Transport p. 15

Team Outings p. 16

Training p. 17

Personal Loan Advance p. 19

Employment of Married Couples and Family p. 20

Health Insurance, Wedding Gift p. 21

Travel Policy p. 22

Allowances and Incentives p. 25

Separation Process p.26


Minjar maintains certain policies to guide its employees with respect to standards of
conduct expected in areas where improper activities could damage the company's
reputation and otherwise result in serious adverse consequences to Minjar and to
employees involved.


Minjar expects all employees to know and follow the Code of Ethics and Business
Conduct. Employees whose actions at any time violate the standards in this Code will
be subject to disciplinary action, possibly including immediate termination of


If you have a question or concern you can contact your manager, Human Resources
or any member of the Management Team.


Minjar prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports or participates in an

investigation of a possible violation of our Code. If you raise a concern:

• Your communication will be protected to the greatest extent possible.

• Your identity will be protected to the greatest extent possible.
• You do not need to reveal your identity except to the person who you have
raised the issue to.
• Minjar will strive to ensure that your concern is thoroughly addressed.
• Employees in a position of authority cannot stop you; if they try they are subject
to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


Following separation from employment, Minjar does not allow employees to work for
companies that may be considered competitors. This is because our competitors
would benefit greatly from your experience and expertise. It is at Minjar's discretion to
determine whether our proprietary information is intentionally compromised, and if so,
to prosecute fully as per the existing law.

Minjar's non-compete policy is applicable for a period of 12 months from the

employee's relieving date.

Competitors include but are not limited to the following:

• Intuit
• openQ Inc.
• Samsung
• Amazon Web Services

If an employee actively seeks employment with any competitor, not limited to the above
list, they are in violation of Minjar’s Non-Compete Policy and can have their contract
terminated immediately or can be subject to disciplinary action as the Company may
deem fit.


Former Minjar employees will not recruit or hire any Minjar employee for 12 months
from their final date of employment with Minjar without Minjar’s express written

Former employees are recommended to notify Minjar if they expect to work for a
competitor. Minjar will decide whether an opportunity exists for our policy to be
violated, or if we will waive the policy. If it is discovered that a former employee has
violated this policy, they may be subject to legal action.


No employee should discuss with a competitor, partner or any third party acting for a
competitor, any information that violates the standards of Minjar's Propriety
Information policy. Similarly, no employee should accept from a competitor, partner,
or any third party acting for a competitor, information on any subject that could violate
their Propriety Information policy.


You will be employed by Minjar in a capacity in which you will or may receive confidential
information, which is of value to Minjar. You therefore agree to abide by the following terms
and conditions:

a) Your employment creates a relationship of confidence and trust between you and
Minjar with respect to certain information which is of confidential, proprietary or trade
secret nature. For the purposes of this policy, all such confidential, proprietary or
trade secret information will be referred to as "Proprietary Information".

b) Proprietary Information includes without limitation:

• All software developed or licensed by or for Minjar or licensed to Minjar by a
third party, and any documentation or listing pertaining to such software the
term "software" as used in this paragraph refers to software in various stages
of development or any product thereof and includes without limitation the literal
elements of a program (source code, object code or otherwise)

• Product development plans business plans, strategy, internal processes, tools,
non-public financial information, agreements, and customer and employee lists
of Minjar.

• Any information or material not described above which relates to Minjar’s

inventions or technological developments.

• Any information of the type described above which Minjar has a legal obligation
to treat as confidential, or which Minjar treats as proprietary or designates as
confidential, whether or not owned or developed by Minjar.

c) At all times, both during and after your employment with Minjar, you will hold
Proprietary Information in confidence. You will not use, transfer, publish, disclose,
or report Proprietary Information directly or indirectly, except such disclosure to
other Minjar employees or authorized third parties as may be necessary in the
ordinary course of performing your duties for Minjar or otherwise as directed by

A breach of security or confidentiality, or any violation of the Proprietary Information

standards, is regarded very seriously by Minjar and could result in termination of
employment and possible legal action.

For full details on Propriety Information, please review your Employment Contract.


A grievance is defined as a claim by an employee that he or she is adversely affected by

the misinterpretation or misapplication of a written company policy. A grievance procedure
is a means of internal dispute resolution by which an employee may have his or her
grievances addressed.

In Minjar, resolution of grievances is done by following a process.

Grievances are brought to the employee’s immediate supervisor or the HR department

based on the type of the grievance. This may be either an informal (verbal discussion) or
formal process (raising a grievance ticket through Mi Casa, the people portal). The
grievance will be reviewed to determine its validity and to check if it is submitted within a
justified timeframe. A resolution will be achieved based on the necessity and importance
of the situation or will be communicated otherwise with necessary explanations.

Harassment and Discrimination

Minjar will not tolerate any discrimination based on race or religion or any sexual
harassment directed towards colleagues, potential employees, partners, customers,
vendors and anyone else that employees may interact with in an official capacity on behalf
of Minjar.

This extends to social media channels, personal blogs and online behavior in general.

Employees can write to the HR if any complaints/issues.


Minjar expects all employees to maintain professional integrity and not participate in the

• Accept or pay bribes in any circumstance

• Forge travel bills
• Forge reimbursement bills
• Forge information
• Falsify contracts


Violations of the Policy are grounds for dismissal or other disciplinary action, depending
on the circumstances.

Disciplinary action will be taken, not only against individuals who authorize or participate
directly in a violation of the Policy, but also against:

• Any employee who may have deliberately failed to report a violation of the
• Any employee who may have deliberately withheld relevant information
concerning a violation of this Policy
• The violator's managerial superiors, to the extent that the circumstances of the
violation reflect inadequate leadership and lack of diligence

Reporting Violations

Any employee who is requested to engage in any activity, which is or may be contrary to
this Policy will promptly report such information to the manager to whom the individual
reports, or, if the employee was so directed by the manager, then to Human Resources or
any member of the Management Team.

Any employee who receives information that gives the employee reason to believe that
any other employee is engaged in conduct forbidden by the Policy will promptly report
such information to the manager to whom the employee reports or, if the manager is
engaged in such conduct, then to Human Resources or any member of the Management


The Minjar Code of Ethics and Business Conduct will be reviewed periodically and updated
accordingly. Employees will be provided with any updated Code of Ethics and Business



• The purpose of the disciplinary procedure is to ensure that unacceptable conduct

is addressed promptly and appropriately.
• The disciplinary procedure applies to all Minjar employees.


The procedure is based on the following principles:

• Except for gross misconduct, no employee will be dismissed for a first breach of
discipline, unless the seriousness of the offence has caused severe impact to the
• The level of any formal action will be dependent on the seriousness of the
offence and the consequence of the offence.
• The procedure may be invoked when previous support, advice or warnings have
been ineffective or when several minor complaints are made which, taken
together, constitute a breach of discipline.


• The company takes the necessary action to communicate, advice and support its
employees of the Code of Conduct of the company that must be strictly adhered
to and the repercussions that will follow the breach of discipline.
• In case of any breach of discipline adhering to the Code of Conduct of the
company, there will be a scheduled formal case hearing with the convicted
employee. If an investigation is necessary, it will be carried out. The investigation
will include an interview with the employee, any witnesses and others, as well as
the examination of any documentation or historical evidence available.
• The employee should be advised of the conduct expected of them in the future
and of the possible consequences of further problems, if the breach of discipline
is not of huge impact. If necessary, an informal warning will be given by the line
manager to reinforce the advice. A record of an informal warning needs to be
kept on the employee’s personal file and may be used in future proceedings.
• Formal action may only be taken in necessary cases. Below are the types of
action that may be taken based on the extent to which standards have been
breached, precedent, the employee’s general record, position, length of service
and special circumstances which might make it appropriate to adjust the severity
of the penalty.

 Oral Advice
 Oral Warning
 Written Warning
 Suspension
 Termination

The POSH policy at Minjar has been framed based on The Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and is intended
to provide protection against sexual harassment of the staff at workplace and for the
prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto.
The term ‘Sexual harassment’ directs to any one or more of the following unwelcome acts
or behavior (whether directly or by implication) namely:
 physical contact and advances
 a demand or request for sexual favours
 making sexually coloured remarks
 showing pornography
 any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature
The following circumstances, among other circumstances, may amount to sexual
 implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in employment: or
 implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in employment; or
 implied or explicit threat about present or future employment status: or
 interference with work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work
environment; or
 humiliating treatment likely to affect health or safety.

The organization shall:

 Provide a safe working environment at the workplace which shall include safety from
the persons coming into contact at the workplace;
 Organize workshops and awareness programs at regular intervals for sensitizing the
employees with the provisions of the Act and orientation programs for the members of
the internal Committee in the manner as may be prescribed;
 Provide necessary facilities to the Internal Committee for dealing with the complaint
and conducting an inquiry;
 Make available such information to the Internal Committee as it may require having
regard to the complaint made;
 Aid the employee if he/she so chooses to file a complaint in relation to the offence
under the Indian Penal Code or any other law in force;
 Cause to initiate action, under the Indian Penal Code or any other law in force,
against the perpetrator, or if the aggrieved woman so desires, where the perpetrator
is not an employee, in the workplace at which the incident of sexual harassment took

 Treat sexual harassment as a misconduct under the service rules
and initiate action for such misconduct;
 Monitor the timely submission of report; by the Internal Committee.

Recommended action may include:

Disciplinary action for any offenses committed under the POSH guidelines of the
organization may invite the following measures, as per the degree of seriousness of the
 Written apology
 Reprimand
 Warning and censure
 Termination
 Counselling

Note: The Complaints Committee should be headed by a woman and not less than half of
its member should be women. Further, to prevent the possibility of any undue pressure or
influence from senior levels, such Complaints Committee should involve a third party,
either NGO or other body who is familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.


1) Aparna Sharma
2) Suket Gandhi
3) Maqubul Khan
4) Sabitha Reddy
5) Shruthi Menon


The minimum basic working week is 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday. This is
generally based on the company’s official hours of operation, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM or
based on the shift in which the employee will have to work, if part of the 24/7 operations
team. No female employees are to be allowed to work from office after 8:00 PM on any
working day.
As an employee, you are expected to work additional hours as when reasonably necessary
for the effective performance of your job or as business demands necessitate.


The Leave Policy is applicable to all full-time Minjar employees.

Leave can only be availed after completing 6 months of full-time employment or on your
Manager’s discretion.

Leave Application Procedure

• Log in at https://minjar-greenpay.greythr.com
• Select ActionsApplyLeave
• Your request will be sent to your leave approver for approval.
• New hires will receive their Greenpay credentials after their first salary.

Number of Leaves

Leaves as per the company’s leave policy are categorized into:

Earned Leave –

18 days of EL per year is granted to each full-time employee as per policy, which can be
availed for vacation or planned time-offs. All employees must apply leave to their team
lead/manager for earned leaves at least 2 weeks in advance.

Sick Leave –

12 days of SL per year is granted to each full-time employee as per policy, which can be
availed on account of absence from work due to the following reasons:

1. Various medical conditions that demand to stay away from work.

2. Time off for treatment of medical conditions.
3. If you are incapacitated by physical or mental injury.
4. Attending urgent or unforeseen contingencies.
5. Exposure to a communicable disease that may jeopardize the health of others at
Minjar by your presence.

All employees should inform their manager on or before the same day (at least before
8:00AM/2 hours before the shift time) if availing sick leave.

If any employee avails more than 5 days of continuous sick leave, a medical certificate by
a certified medical practitioner must be submitted to the HR department.

Leave Without Pay –

If the employee does not have any leave balance at any given point of time and the
situation warrants him to take the leave, leaves are granted by the company as loss of pay
or as leaves that may be adjusted against the future ELs. Paid leaves based on the
contribution to the company may also be awarded at the management’s discretion.

Wedding Leaves –

Employees can avail wedding leaves up to 3 days during their tenure with Minjar and this
will be separate from the other leave types.

Leave Carry Forward –

Leave carry forward will be permissible only up to a maximum of 10 days every year adding
up to a maximum of 30 days in the course of 3 years or more.

Sick leaves as per the normal policy cannot be carried forward.

Leaves during Internship

Interns can avail only up to 1 leave per month on account of sickness or personal
emergency. An email approval from the manager needs to be taken for any leave availed
and follow LOP as mentioned below.

Leave Encashment –

• Encashment will be allowed only at the time of separation or when the employee
exceeds 30 days of carry forward.
• Leave encashment on basic salary will be limited to 30 days at the time of
separation or any number in excess of 30 days once the maximum carry forward
is reached at the end of the leave year.

Employees cannot:

• Take holidays during the notice period

• Reduce the notice period by using unused leave days

Compensatory Off –

Employees receive a comp-off if they perform official duties over the weekend, on a
public holiday, or during vacation. Work completed over the weekend that is part of an
employee’s weekly tasks does not classify for comp-off.

Comp-off leaves should be applied within a week through Greenpay.

Actions -> Apply -> Leave Grant

Comp offs must be utilized within 2 months of working on a holiday, failing which it will


LOP option is available for all employees and interns, with Manager’s approval. This can
be availed:

When there is no sufficient balance under earned leave

Note: Leaves for interns will be allotted only after they complete their internship and are
converted to full time employees.



Under the provisions of the Maternity Benefits Act, all full-time female employees are
entitled to maternity leave.

a) Maternity leave is for a period 12 weeks/84 days.

b) This benefit can be availed as 6 weeks up to and including the day of delivery and 6
weeks immediately following the day of delivery.
c) Earned leave can be suffixed or prefixed to maternity leave. This must be
communicated to the manager and be approved.
d) The Maternity Benefits Act entitles employees who are ill because their pregnancy, or
have delivered prematurely, to a maximum period of one month in addition to maternity
leave. This benefit will be entitled upon producing medical certificate stating the
conditions of the employee.

Additional Benefits

a) 3 months of unpaid leave in addition to the 12 weeks

a. Possibility of rejoining Minjar if there is an open position.
b) Minjar can offer new mothers a structured return to fulltime work:
a. Work from home
b. Part time hours
c. Flexible timings
The above options will be available on a case by case basis depending on the role
and approval by the manager.


a) To be eligible the employee should have worked for more than 160 days in the 12
months immediately prior to the date of expected delivery.

Applying for Maternity Leaves

a) The employee should apply to the manager for maternity leave before a minimum of 7
weeks prior to the expected date of delivery.
b) It should be supported by a medical certificate confirming the pregnancy and expected
date of child birth.

Maternity Insurance

a) Maternity insurance is covered under our current group insurance policy.

b) You can avail of maternity insurance only after a minimum coverage period of nine
months under the group insurance scheme.
c) Maternity benefit is covered up to Rs. 50,000 for normal birth and Rs. 50,000 for



Minjar provides male employees with paternity leave before or after the birth of their child.

a) Paternity leave is for a maximum period of 5 days.

b) Earned leave can be suffixed or prefixed to paternity leave. This must be
communicated to the manager and be approved.


a) To be eligible the employee should have worked for more than 160 days in the 12
months immediately prior to the date of delivery.

Applying for Paternity Leave

a) The employee should apply to the manager for paternity leave a minimum of 1 month
prior to the date of delivery.

Expectations from Employees

Employees are expected to respect the freedom of responsibility bestowed on them in

terms of availing leaves. If found misusing the opportunity extended by the company,
appropriate corrective actions may be taken by the company.


Minjar provides employees with the benefit of working from home, based on the
individual’s Team Lead’s or Manager’s discretion.

• 1 day per month for all employees

• Up to 1 week in vacation during the year
• Up to 2 weeks in medical emergencies

The benefit of working from home is available only to full-time employees of Minjar. It is
not available to interns.

It is not possible to carry forward the eligible Work from Home days. Working from home
days can only be utilized in a single month.

For anything higher than the above limit of days, special approval needs to be obtained
from HR upon recommendation from the respective Manager.

It is important that concerned team members are notified well in advance when a planned
work from home is availed to ensure that work is planned accordingly.

Work from Home Application

1. Employee emails his/her manager/team lead at least 1 day in advance.

2. The manager/team lead approves or rejects the option to work from home and
communicates the same through email.
3. If the employee does not inform the manager/team lead, the day will be deducted
from their earned leave.
4. It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that the assigned work for the day
is completed and the necessary communication is done with the team.
5. The employee is responsible for arranging the necessary internet connectivity and
phone availability to ensure smooth conduction of work.
6. It is at the discretion of the manager/team lead to evaluate the amount of work
accomplished on the said day and approve or reject the option.


It is Minjar’s IT policy to use only licensed software on all laptops and desktops.

Employees are expected to take good care of the IT assets handed over to them as part
of their employment requirements. Any damage or loss of any of the IT assets assigned
to the employees, that occur due to lack of responsibility will be considered as breach of
contract and the necessary penalties will be imposed on the responsible employee.

Misuse of company assets which may result in the sharing of confidential information due
to carelessness, even if the employee may not be directly involved, may also lead to
appropriate disciplinary action.

It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that they comply with this policy and that their
computers do not have pirated software installed.

If an employee uses peer-to-peer software, downloads pirated files or hacks into accounts,
it is their responsibility. Minjar will not take responsibility for their personal activities.

Software Licensing

Minjar encourages using Open Office and Google Docs for managing documents, and
open source for all the utilities software.

• No pirated software is to be installed on Minjar computers.

• Only Minjar licenses can be used on Minjar computers, no personal licenses.
• P2P softwares are not allowed on Minjar computers.

Virus Protection

• Every computer must have antivirus and firewall software installed.

• If the computer has a virus and is infecting other Minjar computers, the Network
Engineer will take over the machine and format it.

Software Requirements

• If a software is required to carry out work, the same needs to be approved by the
respective team manager.
• Minjar will purchase Microsoft Office license on a need basis


Minjar always welcomes quality talent to work with us.

We want to encourage and reward our employees for helping us find good minds to work
with us. If you refer a candidate who is hired, Minjar will thank you by paying you a
referral bonus.

The policy is as follows:

1. All prospective candidates’ CVs can be mailed to careers@minjar.com.

2. The candidate should be a fresh referral (i.e. not referred to Minjar in the preceding
12 months through any channel).
3. All employee referrals will be considered through the regular recruitment process.
4. The referrer will not be involved in the recruitment process.
5. The referrer will be eligible for a referral bonus. The bonus amount for different
positions is listed below.
6. To be eligible for the referral bonus, the new hire and the referrer must continue
employment with Minjar for a minimum period of 3 months after joining.
7. The referrer will be paid his/her referral bonus at the end of the 3 months
8. If the new hire joins as an intern, then he/she must first complete their 6 months
internship period to be eligible for the referral bonus
9. All Minjar employees are eligible always.


Interns Rs. 10,000

Engineers Rs. 15,000
Senior Engineers Rs. 20,000
Technical Leads Rs. 25,000
Project Managers Rs. 30,000
Management Rs. 50,000


Minjar provides transport service to its employees if they are in night shift or working late.

Female employees will be dropped before male employees.


Employees who work in night shift are provided a shared cab service.

The cab service for non-shift employees, drop to “home only” is available:

• After 8pm

The cab service is not available:

• For personal reasons (shopping, drop to airport, train station, etc.)

• If a cab is used for personal reasons, then it is the employee’s responsibility to pay
for the cab

Personal Use

If an employee requires a cab service for personal reasons, they can inform the security
and pay the cab rate as applicable on reaching the destination.

To Book a Cab:

1. Ask security to book a cab 2 hours before it is needed

2. If the cab needs to be cancelled, this must be done within 1 hour
3. Security will inform the driver of employee addresses
4. Security will inform the driver that female employees must be dropped before male
5. On reaching destination, employee signs cab log book


Minjar’s Team Outing Policy enables teams to plan and budget for their outings.

Team leads/managers can use this policy for events such as:

• Team outings
• Celebrate releases
• Welcoming new joiners to Minjar
• When team members leave Minjar

The budget for team outings is Rs. 1000 per person per quarter. If more than Rs. 1000 per
person per quarter is spent on an outing, the difference can be covered by team members.
How the budget for the team is spent is at the discretion of the team.

This excludes company events such as celebrations at office, annual outing, annual day,

Team Outing Reimbursement Process –

• Fill the General Expenses Reimbursement Form (available in the People Portal)
• Give the form with supporting original bills and approval from the respective
approving authority to the Finance.

• The reimbursement amount will be credited along with the
consecutive month’s salary.
• Reimbursement will not be done for expenses incurred for consumption of liquor.


Minjar is committed to the continuous training and development of its employees to ensure
they have the necessary skills to reach their full potential and contribute to the
achievement of the company’s growth and objectives.

Applicability –

Full-time employees
• External training, professional qualification certificates, or attendance on courses is
available to any full-time employee provided the course benefits the employee’s
professional development and is consistent with Minjar’s career strategy. Full-time
employees and interns
• Any training, workshops or presentations conducted in-house by Minjar employees
or talks by invited external specialists is open to all full-time employees and interns.

1. Identification of Training Needs

Training needs will be identified in the following ways:

• At the recruitment stage. Any immediate training needs will be identified and
discussed by the team lead and will be organized during the first three months of
employment wherever possible.
• During the employee’s induction when the team lead and employee mutually set
the Personal Development Plan.
• During appraisals when training needs will be identified with the following year’s
• At the time of promotion.
• Requests from staff
• Depending on updation of skill matrix bi-annually by the team leads and managers
for each employee.

2. Process

The employee’s manager will be responsible for analyzing training needs identified by any
of the processes above, and will discuss with the employee on the most appropriate way
of addressing these.

• Mentorship from other employees

• In-house expertise to run workshops, presentations, training programs
• Attendance at an external course
• Training employees together (e.g. induction training)
• On the job training, including being allocated specific responsibilities, projects, etc.,
with supervision and feedback

3. Budget

All in-house training and workshops organized by Minjar will be of no cost to employees.

Subject to prior approval, Minjar can sponsor employees attending conferences and
seminars relevant to Minjar and the employee’s work and professional development.

Minjar can contribute to employee professional development in the following ways:

1. Minjar may opt to sponsor an employee’s training up to the following amount,

whichever is lesser: 20% of training fees
• 100% of exam fees, up to Rs.15,000 per person, per year

The funding can be provided in several ways:

• As per the current reimbursement policy, at the end of the course, upon producing
the original receipt and the course completion certificate.
• As per the current advance loan policy, that is paid back under Minjar’s automatic
payroll deduction policy.

If Minjar sponsors an employee’s training, the following condition applies:

• If an employee leaves Minjar within 6 months of completing funded training, the full
amount provided by Minjar must be reimbursed.

External training needs should be discussed with and approved by management before a
request for funding is made.

2. Study Leave
In addition to time to sit an exam, employees studying for exams will be granted paid study
leave immediately before the exam. This is in addition to yearly Earned and Sick leave:
One day’s paid leave per examination paper, assuming not more than 2 papers per year
• If additional leave is needed it can be taken from an employee’s Earned leave

If an employee is attending a course that is not related to their professional development,

and is not funded by Minjar, any leave towards the course can be taken under Earned

Non-Completion or Non-Attendance of Training

If an employee does not attend an agreed training event or take a required exam without
justifiable reason, Minjar can recover payment made towards the training.

4. Evaluation of Training

External employee training will be evaluated in the following ways:

• Team leads will be asked for feedback on improvement or changes in the
employee’s performance in the areas in which they have received the training.
• Training programs that employees attended will be reviewed in the feedback and
appraisal process and will be tracked as progress in the Skill Matrix.

Employees who have attended external training courses may be
expected to give presentations or workshops to their colleagues.


Minjar’s full-time employees can avail up to three month's salary as an advance/loan for
their personal usage i.e. only for wedding expenses or in case of hospitalization.

The availability of the advance/loan is subject to the discretion of the finance department.

General Eligibility

• Loans will be available only to full-time employees of Minjar.

• Loans must be repaid through automatic payroll deduction, within a minimum time
period of 12 months.

Terms and Conditions

1. Repayment
• An agreement with the details of the loan amount availed to be created by
Minjar and signed by both parties.
• Automatic deduction as equal installments through payroll.
• The loan balance is due in full upon termination of employment.

Application Process:

• Application for loan advance can be submitted through Mi Casa, the people


Minjar welcomes married couples working together.

All relationships must remain professional in office. However, if the relationship becomes
an issue, affects the performance of the individuals, the performance or morale of the
team, or puts Minjar at risk, the matter will be addressed and transfers to other roles/teams
etc. will be considered.

Policy for Employing Married Couples

1. The candidate's application goes through Minjar's recruitment process

2. The partner will not be involved in the recruitment process
3. Married couples will not be placed in the same team
4. An employee cannot be managed by or report directly to their partner
5. Married couples will not be placed in a manager / subordinate relationship
6. Employees will not have any input on performance evaluation and feedback of their
7. Employees will not have any input on pay decisions of their partner

8. If there is no alternative to one partner reporting to the other
partner, then it must be made clear to the people involved that any decisions
related to job performance, evaluation, pay and benefits will be handled by another
manager in conjunction with HR to ensure fairness.

Partners or family members of HR and Finance employees will not be employed by Minjar
in any other department due to a potential conflict of interest.


Group Term Life & Accident

Every Minjar employee is covered for a sum of Rs. 20,00,000 in the event of death.

Personal Life & Accident policy provides coverage and security to a person in case of
death, bodily injury due to an accident.

Group Health Insurance

A sum of Rs. 3,00,000 is insured for per employee family (Premium paid by the employee)

This Policy covers hospitalization expenses incurred within the country, due to
illness/disease &/or due to accident during the Policy period.

Any addition deletion of dependent needs to be done

For more details on insurance contact the HR department.


As a token of welcoming a new member to the larger Minjar family, Minjar provides a
wedding gift when an employee is getting married. Employees are required to inform the
HR before 15 days from the day of the wedding for processing the gift. It is to be noted
that, at any point of time, a wedding gift will not be processed if an employee doesn’t inform
the HR within three months of the wedding.


The travel policy applies for domestic and international travel and for business meetings
in Bangalore.

Business Meetings in Bangalore

Food and drink expenses from business meetings can be reimbursed with actuals. The
allowance for a business meal is Rs.500 per head. Alcohol should not exceed 50% of the
total bill.

Travel within Bangalore

Conveyance expenses

• Company taxis should be ordered 1 day in advance.

• If prepaid taxis are used, employees must provide a bill for reimbursement
• In case a bill is not available, the employee can take the approval from their
manager stating the details of the trip and the amount to be claimed.

Travel outside Bangalore

Per Diem

The per diem for travel to all destinations in India is Rs.1500 per day. The project manager
needs to approve exceptions if any.

Minjar provides a hotel allowance of up to Rs.4000 per night while travelling in India. The
best possible price needs to be checked out by the employee or the Admin department
before the booking is done. This can be booked in advance of the trip by the employee
and reimbursed with actuals.

The per diem for international travel is $75 per day (ASEAN/APAC) and $100 per day
(US/EURO). The project manager needs to approve exceptions if any.

The per diem allowance will be paid to cover food expenses and incidental expenses
such as laundry, tips, personal calls, etc. If the employee must incur additional expenses
for official travel, official calls, lunch/dinner for customers, these can be claimed at
actuals with approval.

For international travel, Minjar will provide a cash advance of the per diem of US $1000
for travel tenure more than 15 days. This requires the approval from the project
manager. This requires minimum 2 working days’ notice. The remaining amount will be
provided to the employee on a travel card. The per diem will be transferred to the card
on the last of the month for the following month.

All domestic and international flights can be booked either by Minjar or by the employee
with the approval of the project manager. If the flight is booked by the employee it will be
reimbursed by Minjar.

Minjar provides a hotel allowance of up to US$125 per night for international travel. The
best possible price needs to be checked out by the employee or the Admin department
before the booking is done. This can be booked in advance of the trip by the employee
and reimbursed with actuals.

Per diem is payable for the day in full if the journey commences before 12.00pm, and
50% if journey commences after 12.00pm. Similarly, when the Employee returns to his
office location, full daily allowance is payable if the journey concludes after 1200 hours
and 50% will be payable if the journey concludes before 12.00pm.

In case of a business need to entertain customers, the expenditure can be claimed

separately on actuals with approval from the project manager.

In case of breakfast / meals provided by the hotel, the employee needs to claim a
reduced per diem for such a day deduct 15% for breakfast, 20% for lunch and 40% for

Submission of Bills

It is mandatory to submit all bills to finance within one week of the employee’s return.

If bills are not submitted this will result in any forex/per diem given to employees to be
treated as a cash advance and will be deducted from the following month’s salary.

Health Insurance Cover

• It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that they have adequate health

insurance for the total duration of the stay abroad.
• It is mandatory to purchase at least US$100,000 medical and travel insurance
coverage for travel in APAC and EMEA.
• It is mandatory to purchase at least US$250,000 medical and travel insurance
coverage for travel in the USA.
• Minjar will bear the cost of travel insurance for the employee for the period of travel.
In order to reclaim the cost the insurance policy must be shared with the project
manager, HR and finance.
• Getting insurance coverage is to ensure both employee safety and compliance of
visa requirement.

Treatment of Unusual Expenses

The cost incurred due to loss of ticket / passport, missed flight, no show without
intimation (not travelled on the booked date), change of route due to personal reasons,
expiry of ticket, etc., will be the responsibility of the employee.

Family Travel Policy

The cost for any family member to accompany the employee on a business trip
domestically or internationally is the responsibility of the employee.

If the employee has to travel onsite or to other locations within India for more than 4
months, he or she is eligible to claim for the spouse and children’s (restricted up to 2)
travel cost:
• Only one return trip per year for the employee and family will be sponsored by
Minjar from the date of first travel
• If an employee's stay initially is planned for less than 4 months and extends beyond
4 months, he or she is eligible to reimburse the flight, visa and insurance cost
towards his or her family's travel
• Employees travelling with a spouse and children will not be paid any additional per
diem or allowance during the travel period


The Travel Allowance Form needs to be filled out and submitted by the employee and
the related approvals need to be sought. The fully approved travel allowance needs to be
submitted to Finance for processing 2 weeks before travel.

Mode of payment for travel within Bangalore

Expenses and bills need to be submitted and will be reimbursed to the employee’s salary

Mode of payment for travel allowance

Domestic trips:

• The per diem allowance will be paid in advance of travel

• Additional business expenses need to be submitted along with the bills and will be
reimbursed to the employee’s account

International trips:

• US $200 of the per diem will be provided in advance in cash to the employee
• The per diem will be paid on a monthly basis for the number of travel days for that
particular month
• The initial month’s stipend will be transferred to the employee’s travel card before
the journey
• Additional advances, assuming an employee is staying out of country longer than
one month, will be paid on a monthly basis before the beginning of the next month


Onsite/Customer Site Allowance

If an employee works at a customer site (Bangalore) for a week or more then Rs. 250/day
allowance will be applicable, paid monthly.

Night Shift Allowance

Any employee of Minjar who is expected to perform official duties in the night shift, week
day or weekend (except national/festival holidays declared by the company), will be
eligible for a night shift allowance of Rs. 500 per day, paid monthly.

Food Allowance

Any employee of Minjar who is expected to perform official duties on a weekend or national
festival holiday during day hours, will be eligible for a food allowance of Rs. 200 per day,
paid monthly. This is applicable only if the employee puts in a minimum of 6 hours of work
at office.

The food allowance component will not be applicable for employees
working in the night shift on weekends and holidays. However, we will work to ensure
better quality and availability of food during night shifts.

Indian Public Holiday Allowance

Any employee of Minjar who is expected to perform official duties on a national/festival

holiday declared by the company, will be eligible for a holiday allowance of Rs. 1500 per
day, paid monthly. This allowance is also applicable when the national/festival holiday
mentioned in the Holiday List falls on the weekend.

All the above-mentioned allowances are applicable only when the employee works from
office on any given day.

Note: All current month allowances will be paid in the next month, Please ensure that
your managers/TLs are well informed about your schedule of work on any given day.


We strive relentlessly to retain our employees, there may arise circumstances which may
compel an employee to part with Minjar. While ensuring that an employee is not
inconvenienced in any way during exit, the Company needs to ensure that separation do
not interrupt the normal flow of work.

Along with the letter of resignation which is raised via Email, we expect an employee to
give the Company the notice period as per the terms and conditions of employment i.e. 2
months. The Company may at its discretion allow an earlier release, on payment of notice
pay in lieu of the shortfall in the notice period (Gross salary).

Things to complete on and before your last working date in Minjar

1. Apply all pending earned leaves in the Greenpay portal and get it approved
2. Knowledge transfer (KT) to you colleagues
3. Return all Minjar assets to the concerned person
4. Complete the exit interview with the HR
5. Submit the exit checklist (Collect it from HR)

Full and Final Settlement

The last month’s salary will be transferred at the end of the month if the relieving date is
before 20th. Full and Final Settlement will consist of the salary for number of days worked
on the last month and encashment for your earned leaves (Basic salary) and deductions
if any.

Thank You!


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