Batangas V Romulo

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 152774 May 27, 2004
THE PROVINCE OF BATANGAS, represented by its Governor, HERMILANDO I. MANDANAS, petitioner,
HON. ALBERTO G. ROMULO, Executive Secretary and Chairman of the Oversight Committee on
Devolution; HON. EMILIA BONCODIN, Secretary, Department of Budget and Management; HON. JOSE D.
LINA, JR., Secretary, Department of Interior and Local Government, respondents.
The Province of Batangas, represented by its Governor, Hermilando I. Mandanas, filed the present petition for
certiorari, prohibition and mandamus under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, as amended, to declare as
unconstitutional and void certain provisos contained in the General Appropriations Acts (GAA) of 1999, 2000 and
2001, insofar as they uniformly earmarked for each corresponding year the amount of five billion pesos
(P5,000,000,000.00) of the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for the Local Government Service Equalization Fund
(LGSEF) and imposed conditions for the release thereof.
Named as respondents are Executive Secretary Alberto G. Romulo, in his capacity as Chairman of the Oversight
Committee on Devolution, Secretary Emilia Boncodin of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and
Secretary Jose Lina of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).
On December 7, 1998, then President Joseph Ejercito Estrada issued Executive Order (E.O.) No. 48 entitled
established to "facilitate the process of enhancing the capacities of local government units (LGUs) in the discharge
of the functions and services devolved to them by the National Government Agencies concerned pursuant to the
Local Government Code."1 The Oversight Committee (referred to as the Devolution Committee in E.O. No. 48)
constituted under Section 533(b) of Republic Act No. 7160 (The Local Government Code of 1991) has been tasked
to formulate and issue the appropriate rules and regulations necessary for its effective implementation. 2Further, to
address the funding shortfalls of functions and services devolved to the LGUs and other funding requirements of
the program, the "Devolution Adjustment and Equalization Fund" was created. 3 For 1998, the DBM was directed to
set aside an amount to be determined by the Oversight Committee based on the devolution status appraisal
surveys undertaken by the DILG.4 The initial fund was to be sourced from the available savings of the national
government for CY 1998.5 For 1999 and the succeeding years, the corresponding amount required to sustain the
program was to be incorporated in the annual GAA.6 The Oversight Committee has been authorized to issue the
implementing rules and regulations governing the equitable allocation and distribution of said fund to the LGUs. 7
The LGSEF in the GAA of 1999
In Republic Act No. 8745, otherwise known as the GAA of 1999, the program was renamed as the LOCAL
GOVERNMENT SERVICE EQUALIZATION FUND (LGSEF). Under said appropriations law, the amount
ofP96,780,000,000 was allotted as the share of the LGUs in the internal revenue taxes. Item No. 1, Special
Provisions, Title XXXVI – A. Internal Revenue Allotment of Rep. Act No. 8745 contained the following proviso:
... PROVIDED, That the amount of FIVE BILLION PESOS (P5,000,000,000) shall be earmarked for the Local
Government Service Equalization Fund for the funding requirements of projects and activities arising from the full
and efficient implementation of devolved functions and services of local government units pursuant to R.A. No.
7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That such amount shall
be released to the local government units subject to the implementing rules and regulations, including such
mechanisms and guidelines for the equitable allocations and distribution of said fund among local government
units subject to the guidelines that may be prescribed by the Oversight Committee on Devolution as constituted
pursuant to Book IV, Title III, Section 533(b) of R.A. No. 7160. The Internal Revenue Allotment shall be released
directly by the Department of Budget and Management to the Local Government Units concerned.
On July 28, 1999, the Oversight Committee (with then Executive Secretary Ronaldo B. Zamora as Chairman)
passed Resolution Nos. OCD-99-003, OCD-99-005 and OCD-99-006 entitled as follows:
These OCD resolutions were approved by then President Estrada on October 6, 1999.
Under the allocation scheme adopted pursuant to Resolution No. OCD-99-005, the five billion pesos LGSEF was
to be allocated as follows:
1. The PhP4 Billion of the LGSEF shall be allocated in accordance with the allocation scheme and implementing
guidelines and mechanics promulgated and adopted by the OCD. To wit:
a. The first PhP2 Billion of the LGSEF shall be allocated in accordance with the codal formula sharing scheme as
prescribed under the 1991 Local Government Code;
b. The second PhP2 Billion of the LGSEF shall be allocated in accordance with a modified 1992 cost of devolution
fund (CODEF) sharing scheme, as recommended by the respective leagues of provinces, cities and municipalities
to the OCD. The modified CODEF sharing formula is as follows:
Province : 40%
Cities : 20%
Municipalities : 40%
This is applied to the P2 Billion after the approved amounts granted to individual provinces, cities and
municipalities as assistance to cover decrease in 1999 IRA share due to reduction in land area have been taken
2. The remaining PhP1 Billion of the LGSEF shall be earmarked to support local affirmative action projects and
other priority initiatives submitted by LGUs to the Oversight Committee on Devolution for approval in accordance
with its prescribed guidelines as promulgated and adopted by the OCD.
In Resolution No. OCD-99-003, the Oversight Committee set aside the one billion pesos or 20% of the LGSEF to
support Local Affirmative Action Projects (LAAPs) of LGUs. This remaining amount was intended to "respond to
the urgent need for additional funds assistance, otherwise not available within the parameters of other existing fund
sources." For LGUs to be eligible for funding under the one-billion-peso portion of the LGSEF, the OCD
promulgated the following:
1. LGUs (province, city, municipality, or barangay), individually or by group or multi-LGUs or leagues of LGUs,
especially those belonging to the 5th and 6th class, may access the fund to support any projects or activities that
satisfy any of the aforecited purposes. A barangay may also access this fund directly or through their respective
municipality or city.
2. The proposed project/activity should be need-based, a local priority, with high development impact and are
congruent with the socio-cultural, economic and development agenda of the Estrada Administration, such as food
security, poverty alleviation, electrification, and peace and order, among others.
3. Eligible for funding under this fund are projects arising from, but not limited to, the following areas of concern:
a. delivery of local health and sanitation services, hospital services and other tertiary services;
b. delivery of social welfare services;
c. provision of socio-cultural services and facilities for youth and community development;
d. provision of agricultural and on-site related research;
e. improvement of community-based forestry projects and other local projects on environment and natural
resources protection and conservation;
f. improvement of tourism facilities and promotion of tourism;
g. peace and order and public safety;
h. construction, repair and maintenance of public works and infrastructure, including public buildings and facilities
for public use, especially those destroyed or damaged by man-made or natural calamities and disaster as well as
facilities for water supply, flood control and river dikes;
i. provision of local electrification facilities;
j. livelihood and food production services, facilities and equipment;
k. other projects that may be authorized by the OCD consistent with the aforementioned objectives and guidelines;
4. Except on extremely meritorious cases, as may be determined by the Oversight Committee on Devolution, this
portion of the LGSEF shall not be used in expenditures for personal costs or benefits under existing laws
applicable to governments. Generally, this fund shall cover the following objects of expenditures for programs,
projects and activities arising from the implementation of devolved and regular functions and services:
a. acquisition/procurement of supplies and materials critical to the full and effective implementation of devolved
programs, projects and activities;
b. repair and/or improvement of facilities;
c. repair and/or upgrading of equipment;
d. acquisition of basic equipment;
e. construction of additional or new facilities;
f. counterpart contribution to joint arrangements or collective projects among groups of municipalities, cities and/or
provinces related to devolution and delivery of basic services.
5. To be eligible for funding, an LGU or group of LGU shall submit to the Oversight Committee on Devolution
through the Department of Interior and Local Governments, within the prescribed schedule and timeframe, a Letter
Request for Funding Support from the Affirmative Action Program under the LGSEF, duly signed by the concerned
LGU(s) and endorsed by cooperators and/or beneficiaries, as well as the duly signed Resolution of Endorsement
by the respective Sanggunian(s) of the LGUs concerned. The LGU-proponent shall also be required to submit the
Project Request (PR), using OCD Project Request Form No. 99-02, that details the following:
(a) general description or brief of the project;
(b) objectives and justifications for undertaking the project, which should highlight the benefits to the locality and
the expected impact to the local program/project arising from the full and efficient implementation of social services
and facilities, at the local levels;
(c) target outputs or key result areas;
(d) schedule of activities and details of requirements;
(e) total cost requirement of the project;
(f) proponent's counterpart funding share, if any, and identified source(s) of counterpart funds for the full
implementation of the project;
(g) requested amount of project cost to be covered by the LGSEF.
Further, under the guidelines formulated by the Oversight Committee as contained in Attachment - Resolution No.
OCD-99-003, the LGUs were required to identify the projects eligible for funding under the one-billion-peso portion
of the LGSEF and submit the project proposals thereof and other documentary requirements to the DILG for
appraisal. The project proposals that passed the DILG's appraisal would then be submitted to the Oversight
Committee for review, evaluation and approval. Upon its approval, the Oversight Committee would then serve
notice to the DBM for the preparation of the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) and Notice of Cash
Allocation (NCA) to effect the release of funds to the said LGUs.
The LGSEF in the GAA of 2000
Under Rep. Act No. 8760, otherwise known as the GAA of 2000, the amount of P111,778,000,000 was allotted as
the share of the LGUs in the internal revenue taxes. As in the GAA of 1999, the GAA of 2000 contained a proviso
earmarking five billion pesos of the IRA for the LGSEF. This proviso, found in Item No. 1, Special Provisions, Title
XXXVII – A. Internal Revenue Allotment, was similarly worded as that contained in the GAA of 1999.
The Oversight Committee, in its Resolution No. OCD-2000-023 dated June 22, 2000, adopted the following
allocation scheme governing the five billion pesos LGSEF for 2000:
1. The PhP3.5 Billion of the CY 2000 LGSEF shall be allocated to and shared by the four levels of LGUs, i.e.,
provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays, using the following percentage-sharing formula agreed upon and
jointly endorsed by the various Leagues of LGUs:
For Provinces 26% or P 910,000,000
For Cities 23% or 805,000,000
For Municipalities 35% or 1,225,000,000
For Barangays 16% or 560,000,000
Provided that the respective Leagues representing the provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays shall draw
up and adopt the horizontal distribution/sharing schemes among the member LGUs whereby the Leagues
concerned may opt to adopt direct financial assistance or project-based arrangement, such that the LGSEF
allocation for individual LGU shall be released directly to the LGU concerned;
Provided further that the individual LGSEF shares to LGUs are used in accordance with the general purposes and
guidelines promulgated by the OCD for the implementation of the LGSEF at the local levels pursuant to Res. No.
OCD-99-006 dated October 7, 1999 and pursuant to the Leagues' guidelines and mechanism as approved by the
Provided further that each of the Leagues shall submit to the OCD for its approval their respective allocation
scheme, the list of LGUs with the corresponding LGSEF shares and the corresponding project categories if project-
Provided further that upon approval by the OCD, the lists of LGUs shall be endorsed to the DBM as the basis for
the preparation of the corresponding NCAs, SAROs, and related budget/release documents.
2. The remaining P1,500,000,000 of the CY 2000 LGSEF shall be earmarked to support the following initiatives
and local affirmative action projects, to be endorsed to and approved by the Oversight Committee on Devolution in
accordance with the OCD agreements, guidelines, procedures and documentary requirements:
On July 5, 2000, then President Estrada issued a Memorandum authorizing then Executive Secretary Zamora and
the DBM to implement and release the 2.5 billion pesos LGSEF for 2000 in accordance with Resolution No. OCD-
Thereafter, the Oversight Committee, now under the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,
promulgated Resolution No. OCD-2001-29 entitled "ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. OCD-2000-023 IN THE
Under this resolution, the amount of one billion pesos of the LGSEF was to be released in accordance with
paragraph 1 of Resolution No. OCD-2000-23, to complete the 3.5 billion pesos allocated to the LGUs, while the
amount of 1.5 billion pesos was allocated for the LAAP. However, out of the latter amount, P400,000,000 was to be
allocated and released as follows: P50,000,000 as financial assistance to the LAAPs of LGUs; P275,360,227 as
financial assistance to cover the decrease in the IRA of LGUs concerned due to reduction in land area; and
P74,639,773 for the LGSEF Capability-Building Fund.
The LGSEF in the GAA of 2001
In view of the failure of Congress to enact the general appropriations law for 2001, the GAA of 2000 was deemed
re-enacted, together with the IRA of the LGUs therein and the proviso earmarking five billion pesos thereof for the
On January 9, 2002, the Oversight Committee adopted Resolution No. OCD-2002-001 allocating the five billion
pesos LGSEF for 2001 as follows:
Modified Codal Formula P 3.000 billion

Priority Projects 1.900 billion

Capability Building Fund .100 billion

P 5.000 billion

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the P3.0 B of the CY 2001 LGSEF which is to be allocated according to the modified
codal formula shall be released to the four levels of LGUs, i.e., provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays, as
LGUs Percentage Amount
Provinces 25 P 0.750 billion

Cities 25 0.750

Municipalities 35 1.050

Barangays 15 0.450

100 P 3.000 billion

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the P1.9 B earmarked for priority projects shall be distributed according to the
following criteria:
1.0 For projects of the 4th, 5th and 6th class LGUs; or
2.0 Projects in consonance with the President's State of the Nation Address (SONA)/summit commitments.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the remaining P100 million LGSEF capability building fund shall be distributed in
accordance with the recommendation of the Leagues of Provinces, Cities, Municipalities and Barangays, and
approved by the OCD.
Upon receipt of a copy of the above resolution, Gov. Mandanas wrote to the individual members of the Oversight
Committee seeking the reconsideration of Resolution No. OCD-2002-001. He also wrote to Pres. Macapagal-
Arroyo urging her to disapprove said resolution as it violates the Constitution and the Local Government Code of
On January 25, 2002, Pres. Macapagal-Arroyo approved Resolution No. OCD-2002-001.
The Petitioner's Case
The petitioner now comes to this Court assailing as unconstitutional and void the provisos in the GAAs of 1999,
2000 and 2001, relating to the LGSEF. Similarly assailed are the Oversight Committee's Resolutions Nos. OCD-
99-003, OCD-99-005, OCD-99-006, OCD-2000-023, OCD-2001-029 and OCD-2002-001 issued pursuant thereto.
The petitioner submits that the assailed provisos in the GAAs and the OCD resolutions, insofar as they earmarked
the amount of five billion pesos of the IRA of the LGUs for 1999, 2000 and 2001 for the LGSEF and imposed
conditions for the release thereof, violate the Constitution and the Local Government Code of 1991.
Section 6, Article X of the Constitution is invoked as it mandates that the "just share" of the LGUs shall be
automatically released to them. Sections 18 and 286 of the Local Government Code of 1991, which enjoin that the
"just share" of the LGUs shall be "automatically and directly" released to them "without need of further action" are,
likewise, cited.
The petitioner posits that to subject the distribution and release of the five-billion-peso portion of the IRA, classified
as the LGSEF, to compliance by the LGUs with the implementing rules and regulations, including the mechanisms
and guidelines prescribed by the Oversight Committee, contravenes the explicit directive of the Constitution that
the LGUs' share in the national taxes "shall be automatically released to them." The petitioner maintains that the
use of the word "shall" must be given a compulsory meaning.
To further buttress this argument, the petitioner contends that to vest the Oversight Committee with the authority to
determine the distribution and release of the LGSEF, which is a part of the IRA of the LGUs, is an anathema to the
principle of local autonomy as embodied in the Constitution and the Local Government Code of 1991. The
petitioner cites as an example the experience in 2001 when the release of the LGSEF was long delayed because
the Oversight Committee was not able to convene that year and no guidelines were issued therefor. Further, the
possible disapproval by the Oversight Committee of the project proposals of the LGUs would result in the
diminution of the latter's share in the IRA.
Another infringement alleged to be occasioned by the assailed OCD resolutions is the improper amendment to
Section 285 of the Local Government Code of 1991 on the percentage sharing of the IRA among the LGUs. Said
provision allocates the IRA as follows: Provinces – 23%; Cities – 23%; Municipalities – 34%; and Barangays –
20%.8 This formula has been improperly amended or modified, with respect to the five-billion-peso portion of the
IRA allotted for the LGSEF, by the assailed OCD resolutions as they invariably provided for a different sharing
The modifications allegedly constitute an illegal amendment by the executive branch of a substantive law.
Moreover, the petitioner mentions that in the Letter dated December 5, 2001 of respondent Executive Secretary
Romulo addressed to respondent Secretary Boncodin, the former endorsed to the latter the release of funds to
certain LGUs from the LGSEF in accordance with the handwritten instructions of President Arroyo. Thus, the LGUs
are at a loss as to how a portion of the LGSEF is actually allocated. Further, there are still portions of the LGSEF
that, to date, have not been received by the petitioner; hence, resulting in damage and injury to the petitioner.
The petitioner prays that the Court declare as unconstitutional and void the assailed provisos relating to the LGSEF
in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001 and the assailed OCD resolutions (Resolutions Nos. OCD-99-003, OCD-99-
005, OCD-99-006, OCD-2000-023, OCD-2001-029 and OCD-2002-001) issued by the Oversight Committee
pursuant thereto. The petitioner, likewise, prays that the Court direct the respondents to rectify the unlawful and
illegal distribution and releases of the LGSEF for the aforementioned years and release the same in accordance
with the sharing formula under Section 285 of the Local Government Code of 1991. Finally, the petitioner urges the
Court to declare that the entire IRA should be released automatically without further action by the LGUs as
required by the Constitution and the Local Government Code of 1991.
The Respondents' Arguments
The respondents, through the Office of the Solicitor General, urge the Court to dismiss the petition on procedural
and substantive grounds. On the latter, the respondents contend that the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999,
2000 and 2001 and the assailed resolutions issued by the Oversight Committee are not constitutionally infirm. The
respondents advance the view that Section 6, Article X of the Constitution does not specify that the "just share" of
the LGUs shall be determined solely by the Local Government Code of 1991. Moreover, the phrase "as determined
by law" in the same constitutional provision means that there exists no limitation on the power of Congress to
determine what is the "just share" of the LGUs in the national taxes. In other words, Congress is the arbiter of what
should be the "just share" of the LGUs in the national taxes.
The respondents further theorize that Section 285 of the Local Government Code of 1991, which provides for the
percentage sharing of the IRA among the LGUs, was not intended to be a fixed determination of their "just share"
in the national taxes. Congress may enact other laws, including appropriations laws such as the GAAs of 1999,
2000 and 2001, providing for a different sharing formula. Section 285 of the Local Government Code of 1991 was
merely intended to be the "default share" of the LGUs to do away with the need to determine annually by law their
"just share." However, the LGUs have no vested right in a permanent or fixed percentage as Congress may
increase or decrease the "just share" of the LGUs in accordance with what it believes is appropriate for their
operation. There is nothing in the Constitution which prohibits Congress from making such determination through
the appropriations laws. If the provisions of a particular statute, the GAA in this case, are within the constitutional
power of the legislature to enact, they should be sustained whether the courts agree or not in the wisdom of their
On procedural grounds, the respondents urge the Court to dismiss the petition outright as the same is defective.
The petition allegedly raises factual issues which should be properly threshed out in the lower courts, not this
Court, not being a trier of facts. Specifically, the petitioner's allegation that there are portions of the LGSEF that it
has not, to date, received, thereby causing it (the petitioner) injury and damage, is subject to proof and must be
substantiated in the proper venue, i.e., the lower courts.
Further, according to the respondents, the petition has already been rendered moot and academic as it no longer
presents a justiciable controversy. The IRAs for the years 1999, 2000 and 2001, have already been released and
the government is now operating under the 2003 budget. In support of this, the respondents submitted
certifications issued by officers of the DBM attesting to the release of the allocation or shares of the petitioner in the
LGSEF for 1999, 2000 and 2001. There is, therefore, nothing more to prohibit.
Finally, the petitioner allegedly has no legal standing to bring the suit because it has not suffered any injury. In fact,
the petitioner's "just share" has even increased. Pursuant to Section 285 of the Local Government Code of 1991,
the share of the provinces is 23%. OCD Nos. 99-005, 99-006 and 99-003 gave the provinces 40% of P2 billion of
the LGSEF. OCD Nos. 2000-023 and 2001-029 apportioned 26% of P3.5 billion to the provinces. On the other
hand, OCD No. 2001-001 allocated 25% of P3 billion to the provinces. Thus, the petitioner has not suffered any
injury in the implementation of the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001 and the OCD resolutions.
The Ruling of the Court Procedural Issues
Before resolving the petition on its merits, the Court shall first rule on the following procedural issues raised by the
respondents: (1) whether the petitioner has legal standing or locus standi to file the present suit; (2) whether the
petition involves factual questions that are properly cognizable by the lower courts; and (3) whether the issue had
been rendered moot and academic.
The petitioner has locus standi to maintain the present suit
The gist of the question of standing is whether a party has "alleged such a personal stake in the outcome of the
controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the
court so largely depends for illumination of difficult constitutional questions." 9 Accordingly, it has been held that the
interest of a party assailing the constitutionality of a statute must be direct and personal. Such party must be able
to show, not only that the law or any government act is invalid, but also that he has sustained or is in imminent
danger of sustaining some direct injury as a result of its enforcement, and not merely that he suffers thereby in
some indefinite way. It must appear that the person complaining has been or is about to be denied some right or
privilege to which he is lawfully entitled or that he is about to be subjected to some burdens or penalties by reason
of the statute or act complained of.10
The Court holds that the petitioner possesses the requisite standing to maintain the present suit. The petitioner, a
local government unit, seeks relief in order to protect or vindicate an interest of its own, and of the other LGUs.
This interest pertains to the LGUs' share in the national taxes or the IRA. The petitioner's constitutional claim is, in
substance, that the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001, and the OCD resolutions contravene
Section 6, Article X of the Constitution, mandating the "automatic release" to the LGUs of their share in the national
taxes. Further, the injury that the petitioner claims to suffer is the diminution of its share in the IRA, as provided
under Section 285 of the Local Government Code of 1991, occasioned by the implementation of the assailed
measures. These allegations are sufficient to grant the petitioner standing to question the validity of the assailed
provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001, and the OCD resolutions as the petitioner clearly has "a plain, direct
and adequate interest" in the manner and distribution of the IRA among the LGUs.
The petition involves a significant legal issue
The crux of the instant controversy is whether the assailed provisos contained in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and
2001, and the OCD resolutions infringe the Constitution and the Local Government Code of 1991. This is
undoubtedly a legal question. On the other hand, the following facts are not disputed:
1. The earmarking of five billion pesos of the IRA for the LGSEF in the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999,
2000 and re-enacted budget for 2001;
2. The promulgation of the assailed OCD resolutions providing for the allocation schemes covering the said five
billion pesos and the implementing rules and regulations therefor; and
3. The release of the LGSEF to the LGUs only upon their compliance with the implementing rules and regulations,
including the guidelines and mechanisms, prescribed by the Oversight Committee.
Considering that these facts, which are necessary to resolve the legal question now before this Court, are no
longer in issue, the same need not be determined by a trial court. 11 In any case, the rule on hierarchy of courts will
not prevent this Court from assuming jurisdiction over the petition. The said rule may be relaxed when the redress
desired cannot be obtained in the appropriate courts or where exceptional and compelling circumstances justify
availment of a remedy within and calling for the exercise of this Court's primary jurisdiction.12
The crucial legal issue submitted for resolution of this Court entails the proper legal interpretation of constitutional
and statutory provisions. Moreover, the "transcendental importance" of the case, as it necessarily involves the
application of the constitutional principle on local autonomy, cannot be gainsaid. The nature of the present
controversy, therefore, warrants the relaxation by this Court of procedural rules in order to resolve the case
The substantive issue needs to be resolved notwithstanding the supervening events
Granting arguendo that, as contended by the respondents, the resolution of the case had already been overtaken
by supervening events as the IRA, including the LGSEF, for 1999, 2000 and 2001, had already been released and
the government is now operating under a new appropriations law, still, there is compelling reason for this Court to
resolve the substantive issue raised by the instant petition. Supervening events, whether intended or accidental,
cannot prevent the Court from rendering a decision if there is a grave violation of the Constitution. 13Even in cases
where supervening events had made the cases moot, the Court did not hesitate to resolve the legal or
constitutional issues raised to formulate controlling principles to guide the bench, bar and public. 14
Another reason justifying the resolution by this Court of the substantive issue now before it is the rule that courts
will decide a question otherwise moot and academic if it is "capable of repetition, yet evading review."15 For the
GAAs in the coming years may contain provisos similar to those now being sought to be invalidated, and yet, the
question may not be decided before another GAA is enacted. It, thus, behooves this Court to make a categorical
ruling on the substantive issue now.
Substantive Issue
As earlier intimated, the resolution of the substantive legal issue in this case calls for the application of a most
important constitutional policy and principle, that of local autonomy. 16 In Article II of the Constitution, the State has
expressly adopted as a policy that:
Section 25. The State shall ensure the autonomy of local governments.
An entire article (Article X) of the Constitution has been devoted to guaranteeing and promoting the autonomy of
LGUs. Section 2 thereof reiterates the State policy in this wise:
Section 2. The territorial and political subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy.
Consistent with the principle of local autonomy, the Constitution confines the President's power over the LGUs to
one of general supervision.17 This provision has been interpreted to exclude the power of control. The distinction
between the two powers was enunciated in Drilon v. Lim:18
An officer in control lays down the rules in the doing of an act. If they are not followed, he may, in his discretion,
order the act undone or re-done by his subordinate or he may even decide to do it himself. Supervision does not
cover such authority. The supervisor or superintendent merely sees to it that the rules are followed, but he himself
does not lay down such rules, nor does he have the discretion to modify or replace them. If the rules are not
observed, he may order the work done or re-done but only to conform to the prescribed rules. He may not
prescribe his own manner for doing the act. He has no judgment on this matter except to see to it that the rules are
The Local Government Code of 199120 was enacted to flesh out the mandate of the Constitution. 21 The State
policy on local autonomy is amplified in Section 2 thereof:
Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. – (a) It is hereby declared the policy of the State that the territorial and political
subdivisions of the State shall enjoy genuine and meaningful local autonomy to enable them to attain their fullest
development as self-reliant communities and make them more effective partners in the attainment of national
goals. Toward this end, the State shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure
instituted through a system of decentralization whereby local government units shall be given more powers,
authority, responsibilities, and resources. The process of decentralization shall proceed from the National
Government to the local government units.
Guided by these precepts, the Court shall now determine whether the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000
and 2001, earmarking for each corresponding year the amount of five billion pesos of the IRA for the LGSEF and
the OCD resolutions promulgated pursuant thereto, transgress the Constitution and the Local Government Code of
The assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001 and the OCD resolutions violate the constitutional
precept on local autonomy
Section 6, Article X of the Constitution reads:
Sec. 6. Local government units shall have a just share, as determined by law, in the national taxes which shall be
automatically released to them.
When parsed, it would be readily seen that this provision mandates that (1) the LGUs shall have a "just share" in
the national taxes; (2) the "just share" shall be determined by law; and (3) the "just share" shall be automatically
released to the LGUs.
The Local Government Code of 1991, among its salient provisions, underscores the automatic release of the
LGUs' "just share" in this wise:
Sec. 18. Power to Generate and Apply Resources. Local government units shall have the power and authority to
establish an organization that shall be responsible for the efficient and effective implementation of their
development plans, program objectives and priorities; to create their own sources of revenue and to levy taxes,
fees, and charges which shall accrue exclusively for their use and disposition and which shall be retained by
them;to have a just share in national taxes which shall be automatically and directly released to them without need
of further action;
Sec. 286. Automatic Release of Shares. (a) The share of each local government unit shall be released, without
need of any further action, directly to the provincial, city, municipal or barangay treasurer, as the case may be, on a
quarterly basis within five (5) days after the end of each quarter, and which shall not be subject to any lien or
holdback that may be imposed by the national government for whatever purpose.
(b) Nothing in this Chapter shall be understood to diminish the share of local government units under existing laws.
Webster's Third New International Dictionary defines "automatic" as "involuntary either wholly or to a major extent
so that any activity of the will is largely negligible; of a reflex nature; without volition; mechanical; like or suggestive
of an automaton." Further, the word "automatically" is defined as "in an automatic manner: without thought or
conscious intention." Being "automatic," thus, connotes something mechanical, spontaneous and perfunctory. As
such, the LGUs are not required to perform any act to receive the "just share" accruing to them from the national
coffers. As emphasized by the Local Government Code of 1991, the "just share" of the LGUs shall be released to
them "without need of further action." Construing Section 286 of the LGC, we held in Pimentel, Jr. v. Aguirre,22 viz:
Section 4 of AO 372 cannot, however, be upheld. A basic feature of local fiscal autonomy is the automatic release
of the shares of LGUs in the National internal revenue. This is mandated by no less than the Constitution. The
Local Government Code specifies further that the release shall be made directly to the LGU concerned within five
(5) days after every quarter of the year and "shall not be subject to any lien or holdback that may be imposed by
the national government for whatever purpose." As a rule, the term "SHALL" is a word of command that must be
given a compulsory meaning. The provision is, therefore, IMPERATIVE.
Section 4 of AO 372, however, orders the withholding, effective January 1, 1998, of 10 percent of the LGUs' IRA
"pending the assessment and evaluation by the Development Budget Coordinating Committee of the emerging
fiscal situation" in the country. Such withholding clearly contravenes the Constitution and the law. Although
temporary, it is equivalent to a holdback, which means "something held back or withheld, often temporarily."
Hence, the "temporary" nature of the retention by the national government does not matter. Any retention is
In sum, while Section 1 of AO 372 may be upheld as an advisory effected in times of national crisis, Section 4
thereof has no color of validity at all. The latter provision effectively encroaches on the fiscal autonomy of local
governments. Concededly, the President was well-intentioned in issuing his Order to withhold the LGUs' IRA, but
the rule of law requires that even the best intentions must be carried out within the parameters of the Constitution
and the law. Verily, laudable purposes must be carried out by legal methods. 23
The "just share" of the LGUs is incorporated as the IRA in the appropriations law or GAA enacted by Congress
annually. Under the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001, a portion of the IRA in the amount of
five billion pesos was earmarked for the LGSEF, and these provisos imposed the condition that "such amount shall
be released to the local government units subject to the implementing rules and regulations, including such
mechanisms and guidelines for the equitable allocations and distribution of said fund among local government
units subject to the guidelines that may be prescribed by the Oversight Committee on Devolution." Pursuant
thereto, the Oversight Committee, through the assailed OCD resolutions, apportioned the five billion pesos LGSEF
such that:
For 1999
P2 billion - allocated according to Sec. 285 LGC
P2 billion - Modified Sharing Formula (Provinces – 40%;
Cities – 20%; Municipalities – 40%)
P1 billion – projects (LAAP) approved by OCD.24
For 2000
P3.5 billion – Modified Sharing Formula (Provinces – 26%;
Cities – 23%; Municipalities – 35%; Barangays – 16%);
P1.5 billion – projects (LAAP) approved by the OCD.25
For 2001
P3 billion – Modified Sharing Formula (Provinces – 25%;
Cities – 25%; Municipalities – 35%; Barangays – 15%)
P1.9 billion – priority projects
P100 million – capability building fund.26
Significantly, the LGSEF could not be released to the LGUs without the Oversight Committee's prior approval.
Further, with respect to the portion of the LGSEF allocated for various projects of the LGUs (P1 billion for
1999;P1.5 billion for 2000 and P2 billion for 2001), the Oversight Committee, through the assailed OCD
resolutions, laid down guidelines and mechanisms that the LGUs had to comply with before they could avail of
funds from this portion of the LGSEF. The guidelines required (a) the LGUs to identify the projects eligible for
funding based on the criteria laid down by the Oversight Committee; (b) the LGUs to submit their project proposals
to the DILG for appraisal; (c) the project proposals that passed the appraisal of the DILG to be submitted to the
Oversight Committee for review, evaluation and approval. It was only upon approval thereof that the Oversight
Committee would direct the DBM to release the funds for the projects.
To the Court's mind, the entire process involving the distribution and release of the LGSEF is constitutionally
impermissible. The LGSEF is part of the IRA or "just share" of the LGUs in the national taxes. To subject its
distribution and release to the vagaries of the implementing rules and regulations, including the guidelines and
mechanisms unilaterally prescribed by the Oversight Committee from time to time, as sanctioned by the assailed
provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001 and the OCD resolutions, makes the release not automatic, a
flagrant violation of the constitutional and statutory mandate that the "just share" of the LGUs "shall be
automatically released to them." The LGUs are, thus, placed at the mercy of the Oversight Committee.
Where the law, the Constitution in this case, is clear and unambiguous, it must be taken to mean exactly what it
says, and courts have no choice but to see to it that the mandate is obeyed. 27 Moreover, as correctly posited by the
petitioner, the use of the word "shall" connotes a mandatory order. Its use in a statute denotes an imperative
obligation and is inconsistent with the idea of discretion. 28
Indeed, the Oversight Committee exercising discretion, even control, over the distribution and release of a portion
of the IRA, the LGSEF, is an anathema to and subversive of the principle of local autonomy as embodied in the
Constitution. Moreover, it finds no statutory basis at all as the Oversight Committee was created merely to
formulate the rules and regulations for the efficient and effective implementation of the Local Government Code of
1991 to ensure "compliance with the principles of local autonomy as defined under the Constitution." 29 In fact, its
creation was placed under the title of "Transitory Provisions," signifying its ad hoc character. According to Senator
Aquilino Q. Pimentel, the principal author and sponsor of the bill that eventually became Rep. Act No. 7160, the
Committee's work was supposed to be done a year from the approval of the Code, or on October 10, 1992. 30 The
Oversight Committee's authority is undoubtedly limited to the implementation of the Local Government Code of
1991, not to supplant or subvert the same. Neither can it exercise control over the IRA, or even a portion thereof, of
the LGUs.
That the automatic release of the IRA was precisely intended to guarantee and promote local autonomy can be
gleaned from the discussion below between Messrs. Jose N. Nolledo and Regalado M. Maambong, then members
of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, to wit:
MR. MAAMBONG. Unfortunately, under Section 198 of the Local Government Code, the existence of subprovinces
is still acknowledged by the law, but the statement of the Gentleman on this point will have to be taken up probably
by the Committee on Legislation. A second point, Mr. Presiding Officer, is that under Article 2, Section 10 of the
1973 Constitution, we have a provision which states:
The State shall guarantee and promote the autonomy of local government units, especially the barrio, to insure
their fullest development as self-reliant communities.
This provision no longer appears in the present configuration; does this mean that the concept of giving local
autonomy to local governments is no longer adopted as far as this Article is concerned?
MR. NOLLEDO. No. In the report of the Committee on Preamble, National Territory, and Declaration of Principles,
that concept is included and widened upon the initiative of Commissioner Bennagen.
MR. MAAMBONG. Thank you for that.
With regard to Section 6, sources of revenue, the creation of sources as provided by previous law was "subject to
limitations as may be provided by law," but now, we are using the term "subject to such guidelines as may be fixed
by law." In Section 7, mention is made about the "unique, distinct and exclusive charges and contributions," and in
Section 8, we talk about "exclusivity of local taxes and the share in the national wealth." Incidentally, I was one of
the authors of this provision, and I am very thankful. Does this indicate local autonomy, or was the wording of the
law changed to give more autonomy to the local government units? 31
MR. NOLLEDO. Yes. In effect, those words indicate also "decentralization" because local political units can collect
taxes, fees and charges subject merely to guidelines, as recommended by the league of governors and city
mayors, with whom I had a dialogue for almost two hours. They told me that limitations may be questionable in the
sense that Congress may limit and in effect deny the right later on.
MR. MAAMBONG. Also, this provision on "automatic release of national tax share" points to more local autonomy.
Is this the intention?
MR. NOLLEDO. Yes, the Commissioner is perfectly right.32
The concept of local autonomy was explained in Ganzon v. Court of Appeals 33 in this wise:
As the Constitution itself declares, local autonomy 'means a more responsive and accountable local government
structure instituted through a system of decentralization.' The Constitution, as we observed, does nothing more
than to break up the monopoly of the national government over the affairs of local governments and as put by
political adherents, to "liberate the local governments from the imperialism of Manila." Autonomy, however, is not
meant to end the relation of partnership and interdependence between the central administration and local
government units, or otherwise, to usher in a regime of federalism. The Charter has not taken such a radical step.
Local governments, under the Constitution, are subject to regulation, however limited, and for no other purpose
than precisely, albeit paradoxically, to enhance self-government.
As we observed in one case, decentralization means devolution of national administration – but not power – to the
local levels. Thus:
Now, autonomy is either decentralization of administration or decentralization of power. There is decentralization of
administration when the central government delegates administrative powers to political subdivisions in order to
broaden the base of government power and in the process to make local governments 'more responsive and
accountable' and 'ensure their fullest development as self-reliant communities and make them more effective
partners in the pursuit of national development and social progress.' At the same time, it relieves the central
government of the burden of managing local affairs and enables it to concentrate on national concerns. The
President exercises 'general supervision' over them, but only to 'ensure that local affairs are administered
according to law.' He has no control over their acts in the sense that he can substitute their judgments with his
Decentralization of power, on the other hand, involves an abdication of political power in the [sic] favor of local
governments [sic] units declared to be autonomous. In that case, the autonomous government is free to chart its
own destiny and shape its future with minimum intervention from central authorities. According to a constitutional
author, decentralization of power amounts to 'self-immolation,' since in that event, the autonomous government
becomes accountable not to the central authorities but to its constituency.34
Local autonomy includes both administrative and fiscal autonomy. The fairly recent case of Pimentel v. Aguirre 35is
particularly instructive. The Court declared therein that local fiscal autonomy includes the power of the LGUs to,
inter alia, allocate their resources in accordance with their own priorities:
Under existing law, local government units, in addition to having administrative autonomy in the exercise of their
functions, enjoy fiscal autonomy as well. Fiscal autonomy means that local governments have the power to create
their own sources of revenue in addition to their equitable share in the national taxes released by the national
government, as well as the power to allocate their resources in accordance with their own priorities. It extends to
the preparation of their budgets, and local officials in turn have to work within the constraints thereof. They are not
formulated at the national level and imposed on local governments, whether they are relevant to local needs and
resources or not ...36
Further, a basic feature of local fiscal autonomy is the constitutionally mandated automatic release of the shares of
LGUs in the national internal revenue.37
Following this ratiocination, the Court in Pimentel struck down as unconstitutional Section 4 of Administrative Order
(A.O.) No. 372 which ordered the withholding, effective January 1, 1998, of ten percent of the LGUs' IRA "pending
the assessment and evaluation by the Development Budget Coordinating Committee of the emerging fiscal
In like manner, the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001, and the OCD resolutions constitute a
"withholding" of a portion of the IRA. They put on hold the distribution and release of the five billion pesos LGSEF
and subject the same to the implementing rules and regulations, including the guidelines and mechanisms
prescribed by the Oversight Committee from time to time. Like Section 4 of A.O. 372, the assailed provisos in the
GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001 and the OCD resolutions effectively encroach on the fiscal autonomy enjoyed by the
LGUs and must be struck down. They cannot, therefore, be upheld.
The assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000
and 2001 and the OCD resolutions cannot amend
Section 285 of the Local Government Code of 1991
Section 28438 of the Local Government Code provides that, beginning the third year of its effectivity, the LGUs'
share in the national internal revenue taxes shall be 40%. This percentage is fixed and may not be reduced except
"in the event the national government incurs an unmanageable public sector deficit" and only upon compliance with
stringent requirements set forth in the same section:
Sec. 284. ...
Provided, That in the event that the national government incurs an unmanageable public sector deficit, the
President of the Philippines is hereby authorized, upon recommendation of Secretary of Finance, Secretary of
Interior and Local Government and Secretary of Budget and Management, and subject to consultation with the
presiding officers of both Houses of Congress and the presidents of the liga, to make the necessary adjustments in
the internal revenue allotment of local government units but in no case shall the allotment be less than thirty
percent (30%) of the collection of the national internal revenue taxes of the third fiscal year preceding the current
fiscal year; Provided, further That in the first year of the effectivity of this Code, the local government units shall, in
addition to the thirty percent (30%) internal revenue allotment which shall include the cost of devolved functions for
essential public services, be entitled to receive the amount equivalent to the cost of devolved personnel services.
Thus, from the above provision, the only possible exception to the mandatory automatic release of the LGUs' IRA
is if the national internal revenue collections for the current fiscal year is less than 40 percent of the collections of
the preceding third fiscal year, in which case what should be automatically released shall be a proportionate
amount of the collections for the current fiscal year. The adjustment may even be made on a quarterly basis
depending on the actual collections of national internal revenue taxes for the quarter of the current fiscal year. In
the instant case, however, there is no allegation that the national internal revenue tax collections for the fiscal
years 1999, 2000 and 2001 have fallen compared to the preceding three fiscal years.
Section 285 then specifies how the IRA shall be allocated among the LGUs:
Sec. 285. Allocation to Local Government Units. – The share of local government units in the internal revenue
allotment shall be allocated in the following manner:
(a) Provinces – Twenty-three (23%)
(b) Cities – Twenty-three percent (23%);
(c) Municipalities – Thirty-four (34%); and
(d) Barangays – Twenty percent (20%).
However, this percentage sharing is not followed with respect to the five billion pesos LGSEF as the assailed OCD
resolutions, implementing the assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999, 2000 and 2001, provided for a different
sharing scheme. For example, for 1999, P2 billion of the LGSEF was allocated as follows: Provinces – 40%; Cities
– 20%; Municipalities – 40%.39 For 2000, P3.5 billion of the LGSEF was allocated in this manner: Provinces – 26%;
Cities – 23%; Municipalities – 35%; Barangays – 26%.40 For 2001, P3 billion of the LGSEF was allocated, thus:
Provinces – 25%; Cities – 25%; Municipalities – 35%; Barangays – 15%.41
The respondents argue that this modification is allowed since the Constitution does not specify that the "just share"
of the LGUs shall only be determined by the Local Government Code of 1991. That it is within the power of
Congress to enact other laws, including the GAAs, to increase or decrease the "just share" of the LGUs. This
contention is untenable. The Local Government Code of 1991 is a substantive law. And while it is conceded that
Congress may amend any of the provisions therein, it may not do so through appropriations laws or GAAs. Any
amendment to the Local Government Code of 1991 should be done in a separate law, not in the appropriations
law, because Congress cannot include in a general appropriation bill matters that should be more properly enacted
in a separate legislation.42
A general appropriations bill is a special type of legislation, whose content is limited to specified sums of money
dedicated to a specific purpose or a separate fiscal unit.43 Any provision therein which is intended to amend
another law is considered an "inappropriate provision." The category of "inappropriate provisions" includes
unconstitutional provisions and provisions which are intended to amend other laws, because clearly these kinds of
laws have no place in an appropriations bill.44
Increasing or decreasing the IRA of the LGUs or modifying their percentage sharing therein, which are fixed in the
Local Government Code of 1991, are matters of general and substantive law. To permit Congress to undertake
these amendments through the GAAs, as the respondents contend, would be to give Congress the unbridled
authority to unduly infringe the fiscal autonomy of the LGUs, and thus put the same in jeopardy every year. This,
the Court cannot sanction.
It is relevant to point out at this juncture that, unlike those of 1999, 2000 and 2001, the GAAs of 2002 and 2003 do
not contain provisos similar to the herein assailed provisos. In other words, the GAAs of 2002 and 2003 have not
earmarked any amount of the IRA for the LGSEF. Congress had perhaps seen fit to discontinue the practice as it
recognizes its infirmity. Nonetheless, as earlier mentioned, this Court has deemed it necessary to make a definitive
ruling on the matter in order to prevent its recurrence in future appropriations laws and that the principles
enunciated herein would serve to guide the bench, bar and public.
In closing, it is well to note that the principle of local autonomy, while concededly expounded in greater detail in the
present Constitution, dates back to the turn of the century when President William McKinley, in his Instructions to
the Second Philippine Commission dated April 7, 1900, ordered the new Government "to devote their attention in
the first instance to the establishment of municipal governments in which the natives of the Islands, both in the
cities and in the rural communities, shall be afforded the opportunity to manage their own affairs to the fullest
extent of which they are capable, and subject to the least degree of supervision and control in which a careful
study of their capacities and observation of the workings of native control show to be consistent with the
maintenance of law, order and loyalty."45 While the 1935 Constitution had no specific article on local autonomy,
nonetheless, it limited the executive power over local governments to "general supervision ... as may be provided
by law."46 Subsequently, the 1973 Constitution explicitly stated that "[t]he State shall guarantee and promote the
autonomy of local government units, especially the barangay to ensure their fullest development as self-reliant
communities."47 An entire article on Local Government was incorporated therein. The present Constitution, as
earlier opined, has broadened the principle of local autonomy. The 14 sections in Article X thereof markedly
increased the powers of the local governments in order to accomplish the goal of a more meaningful local
Indeed, the value of local governments as institutions of democracy is measured by the degree of autonomy that
they enjoy.48 As eloquently put by
M. De Tocqueville, a distinguished French political writer, "[l]ocal assemblies of citizens constitute the strength of
free nations. Township meetings are to liberty what primary schools are to science; they bring it within the people's
reach; they teach men how to use and enjoy it. A nation may establish a system of free governments but without
the spirit of municipal institutions, it cannot have the spirit of liberty." 49
Our national officials should not only comply with the constitutional provisions on local autonomy but should also
appreciate the spirit and liberty upon which these provisions are based. 50
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed provisos in the General Appropriations Acts of 1999, 2000
and 2001, and the assailed OCD Resolutions, are declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Associate Justice
On official leave
Chief Justice
On official leave
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, it is hereby certified that the conclusions in the above
decision were reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court.
Acting Chief Justice

1 Section 1, E.O. No. 48.
2 Section 2, id.
3 Section 4, id.
4 Ibid.
5 Id.
6 Id.

7 Id.
8 Infra.
9 Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 7 L.Ed. 2d 633 cited in, among others, Agan, Jr. v. PIATCO, G.R. Nos. 155001,

155547 and 155661, May 5, 2003 and Fariñas v. Executive Secretary, G.R. Nos. 147387 and 152161, December
10, 2003.
10 Agan, Jr. v. PIATCO, supra.

11 Ibid.
12 Id. 13 Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, 384 SCRA 152 (2002).
14 Ibid, citing, among others, Salonga v. Paño, 134 SCRA 438 (1995).
15 Southern Pac. Terminal Co. v. ICC, 219 U.S. 498, 55 L.Ed. 310 (1911) cited in, among others, Viola v. Alunan

III, 277 SCRA 409 (1997); Acop v. Guingona, Jr., 383 SCRA 577 (2002).
16 San Juan v. Civil Service Commission, 196 SCRA 69 (1991).
17 Section 4, Article X.
18 235 SCRA 135 (1994).
19 Id. at 142.
20 Rep. Act No. 7160 was signed into law by then President Corazon C. Aquino on October 10, 1991. It took effect

on January 1, 1992.
21 Section 3, Article X reads:

Sec. 3. The Congress shall enact a local government code which shall provide for a more responsive and
accountable local government structure instituted through a system of decentralization with effective mechanisms
of recall, initiative, and referendum, allocate among the different local government units their powers,
responsibilities, and resources, and provide for the qualifications, election, appointment and removal, terms,
salaries, powers and functions and duties of local officials, and all other matters relating to the organization and
operation of local government units.
22 336 SCRA 201 (2000).
23 Id. at 220-221. (Emphasis supplied.)
24 Per OCD-99-005, 99-006, 99-003.
25 Per OCD-2000-023 and 2001-029.

26 Per OCD-2002-001.
27 Quisumbing v. Manila Electric Co., 380 SCRA 195 (2002).
28 Codoy v. Calugay, 312 SCRA 333 (1999).
29 Section 533 of Rep. Act 7160 reads in part:

Sec. 533. Formulation of Implementing Rules and Regulations. (a) Within one (1) month after the approval of this
Code, the President shall convene the Oversight Committee as herein provided for. The said Committee shall
formulate and issue the appropriate rules and regulations necessary for the efficient and effective implementation
of any and all provisions of this Code, thereby ensuring compliance with the principles of local autonomy as
defined under the Constitution.
(c) The Committee shall submit its report and recommendation to the President within two (2) months after its
organization. If the President fails to act within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, the recommendation of the
Oversight Committee shall be deemed approved. Thereafter, the Committee shall supervise the transfer of such
powers and functions mandated under this Code to the local government units, together with the corresponding
personnel, properties, assets and liabilities of the offices or agencies concerned, with the least possible disruptions
to existing programs and projects. The Committee shall, likewise, recommend the corresponding appropriations
necessary to effect the said transfer.
30 Pimentel, The Local Government Code of 1991: The Key to National Development, p. 576.
31 The Committee Report No. 21 submitted by the Committee on Local Governments of the Constitutional

Commission, headed by Commissioner Jose N. Nolledo, proposed to incorporate the following provisions:
SEC. 6. Each government unit shall have the power to create its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees
and charges subject to such guidelines as may be fixed by law.
SEC. 7. Local governments shall have the power to levy and collect charges or contributions unique, distinct and
exclusive to them.
SEC. 8. Local taxes shall belong exclusively to local governments and they shall, likewise, be entitled to share in
the proceeds of the exploitation and development of the national wealth within their respective areas. The share of
local governments in the national taxes shall be released to them automatically.
33 200 SCRA 271 (1991).
34 Id. at 286-287. (Citations omitted.)
35 Supra at note 22.

36 Id. at 218.
37 Id. at 220.
38 The provision reads in part:

Sec. 284. Allotment of Internal Revenue Taxes. Local government units shall have a share in the national internal
revenue taxes based on the collection of the third fiscal year preceding the current fiscal year as follows:
(a) On the first year of the effectivity of this Code, thirty percent (30%);
(b) On the second year, thirty-five percent (35%); and
(c) On the third year and, thereafter, forty percent (40%).
39 Per OCD Res.-99-005, 99-006, 99-003.
40 Per OCD-2000-023 and 2001-029.
41 Per OCD-2002-001.

42 Philippine Constitutional Association v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506 (1994).

43 Ibid, citing Beckman, The Item Veto Power of the Executive, 31 Temple Law Quarterly 27 (1957).
44 Id.
45 Mendoza, From McKinley's Instructions to the New Constitution: Documents on the Philippine Constitutional

System, pp. 67-68.

46 Paragraph (1), Section 11, Article VII of the 1935 Constitution reads:

Sec. 11(1). The President shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus or offices, exercise general
supervision over all local governments as may be provided by law, and take care that the laws be faithfully
47 Section 10, Article II thereof.
48 Sinco, Philippine Political Law, 10th ed., pp. 681-682.

49 Ibid.
50 San Juan v. Civil Service Commission, supra.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

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