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Import csv file to xlsx

To import this back into Microsoft Excel 2007, click on Data, then click the From Text button
in the Get External Data menu. This will bring up the Text Import Wizard.

In the first step, make sure you have Delimited set as the first option. You can also select which
row you would like to start from. In this example, I’m doing the whole thing starting with the
first row.

In the second step, make sure you check the box next to Comma. (See screenshot for an
example.) This will then show your data in columns at the bottom. If you click the check next to
Space, it will divide the address column into two lines, in this example. Sometimes this can be
helpful when you are trying to break down data during the import, as some programs tend to
lump data together.

The third step simply lets you choose the format of the data, such as numbers, text, or dates.
After you’ve done that, just click Finish and the data will be imported into your spreadsheet.
Depending on how big the .CSV file is, the import process could be instantaneous or take several
minutes. I’ve seen giant database exports pulled into Excel that took a while to load, but they still
worked just fine.

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