Subject: Insurance Policy For Crew: 1050 Caribbean Way Miami Florida, 33132

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Crew Member's ID: 349117 Crew Member's Name: PUTRA, DEWA PUTU ADNYANA

Date of Birth: December 7, 1978 Nationality: Indonesia Company: Royal Caribbean

Joining Ship: In Port: SOUTHAMPTON Position: BARTENDER

Subject: Insurance Policy for Crew

Dear Honorable Consul;

Thank you for receiving my correspondence in regards to insurance coverage for our valued crew
members. Royal Caribbean Ltd. covers its crew members in compliance with the MLC Maritime
Convention Agreement (2006). We are in full compliance with this Convention and have the
appropriate coverage for our crew (seamen) through the The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship
Assurance Association (Europe) Limited., which insures our vessels. This insurance coverage is
from the first entry into the United Kingdom until the crew member embarks their vessel including
the transit period to the vessel. The coverage is for medical emergencies and repatriation expenses.
Our policy coverage is listed below from our terms and conditions and our representatives in each
United Kingdom territory will work on our behalf to remain in compliance with United Kingdom

Excerpt from the insurance policy as requested by the Consulate.


If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Thanking you in advance

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami Florida, 33132
The Managers
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.
90 Fenchurch Street

T +44 (0)20 7283 4646

F +44 (0)20 7621 9761

Certificate Number
Date of Issue
8th February 2019

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. as Operators
RCL Cruises Ltd. as Bareboat Charterers
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line A/S as Subsidiary of Operator
Independence of the Seas, Inc. as Owners
c/o RCL Cruises LTD
Building 3, The Heights
Surrey KT13 0NY
United Kingdom

Ship Gross Tonnage Port of Registry IMO

INDEPENDENCE OF THE SEAS 155,889 Nassau 9349681

Period Noon GMT 20th February 2019 to Noon GMT 20th February 2020
We hereby certify that the applications made by or on behalf of the Member(s) named above for entry for insurance in
The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited (the "Association") for the ship specified
above have been accepted and that the name(s) of the Member(s) named above has/have been entered in the Register
of Members of the Association.

This Certificate of Entry and the Rules of the Association together form the contract of insurance between the Member(s)
named above and the Association, and the cover provided by that insurance to the Member(s) named above shall be as
specified in this Certificate of Entry and in those Rules of the Association and the cover afforded to each entered ship
shall continue until such ship is sold or lost, or the ship withdrawn or the cover is otherwise terminated in accordance with
the Rules of the Association in force at the time of that withdrawal or termination.

Attention is drawn to Rule 5L & Rule 7 concerning the exclusion of the Insurance Act 2015 to the extent that it applies to
this insurance.

This Certificate of Entry is evidence only of the contract of indemnity insurance between the above named Member(s)
and the Association and shall not be construed as evidence of any undertaking, financial or otherwise, on the part of the
Association to any other party.

In the event that a Member named above tenders this Certificate of Entry as evidence of insurance under any applicable
law relating to financial responsibility, or otherwise shows or offers it to any other party as evidence of insurance, such
use of this Certificate of Entry by such Member is not to be taken as any indication that the Association thereby consents
to act as guarantor or to be sued directly in any jurisdiction whatsoever. The Association does not so consent.

Save as specified herein, words used in this Certificate of Entry shall have the same meaning as that given to them in the
Rules of the Association.

The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited. Registered in England No 22215. Registered Office as above.
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. Registered in England No. 02920387. Registered Office as above. 1 of 7
The Managers
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.
90 Fenchurch Street

T +44 (0)20 7283 4646

F +44 (0)20 7621 9761

This insurance is subject to the Rules of the Association and the terms and conditions specified or referred to

Wreck Removal Cover

Cover is provided for costs or expenses relating to the removal of wreck in accordance with Rule 2, Section 15.
(CL 9243)

Oil Pollution Limit

The Association's aggregate liability for any and all claims in respect of oil pollution is limited, in accordance with Rule
5B(ii), to US$1,000 million any one event.
(CL 8137)

Passenger/Seamen Limit

The Association's aggregate liability for any and all claims is limited, in accordance with Rule 5B(iii), to US$2,000
million any one event in respect of liability to Passengers and to US$3,000 million any one event in respect of liability to
Passengers and Seamen.
(CL 8527)

War Risks P&I Excess Cover Clause

Entry subject to the War Risks P&I Excess Cover Clause (see Rules Addendum for Owners).
(CL 8226)

Paperless Trading Endorsement

Entry subject to Paperless Trading Endorsement (see Rules Addendum for Owners).
(CL 529)


The Member is automatically an associated member of ITOPF.

(CL 4186)

Officers Subject to Rules

Cover includes claims arising under Rule 2, Sections 2 and 3 (Injury, Illness and Death) to officers subject to the
Association's Rules and Members terms of entry.
(TR 8889)

Medical Malpractice

Cover hereunder is extended to include Medical Malpractice in respect of ship's doctors, dentists and nurses without
deductible, up to a limit of US$ 1 million any one event.

This cover is subject always to the Owners providing the Doctor, Dentist or Nurse with an Indemnity wording in a form
approved by the Managers of the Association.
(TR 6918)

Italian seamen

Italian seamen covered in accordance with Italian law, without deductible.

The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited. Registered in England No 22215. Registered Office as above.
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. Registered in England No. 02920387. Registered Office as above. 2 of 7
The Managers
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.
90 Fenchurch Street

T +44 (0)20 7283 4646

F +44 (0)20 7621 9761

This insurance is subject to the Rules of the Association and the terms and conditions specified or referred to

(TR 4260)

RDC & FFO Exclusion

Subject always to Rule 5D, the Association shall not be liable for any loss, damage, liabilities, costs and expenses set out
under Rule 2 Sections 10 and 11 against which the Member would be insured if the entered ship were at all times fully
insured on Hull Policies on terms not less wide than the Nordic Marine Insurance Plan 2013 and which would have been
recoverable under such policy had the Member complied with the terms and conditions thereof. Any subsequent material
amendments to be notified to the Association.

Special terms and conditions:

Notwithstanding the exclusion of liability arising out of collision with another ship ("RDC") contained in this
Certificate of Entry, where RDC is not covered under the Ship's Hull insurance solely by reason of the
Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause - Cl. 380, the P&I cover will cover four-fourths (4/4) of the Member(s)
liability arising out of collision with another ship ("RDC") pursuant to Rule 2, section 10(A).

Notwithstanding the exclusion of liability for loss of or damage to any fixed or floating object by reason of
contact between the ship and such object ("FFO") contained in this Certificate of Entry, where FFO is not
covered under the Ship's Hull insurance solely by reason of the Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause - Cl.
380, the P&I cover will cover liability for loss of or damage to any fixed or floating object by reason of contact
between the ship and such object ("FFO") pursuant to Rule 2, section 11.
(TR 16239)

Loss Record Review

This policy extends from 20th February 2019 to 20th February 2020. The Association agrees to offer renewal for a further
12 months from 20th February 2020 to 20th February 2021 on the basis of expiring Mutual Premium rating, terms and
conditions, subject to the Association's Rules applicable to the relevant policy years and amendments thereto, and any
changes in the Association's 2020 policy year International Group reinsurance arrangements. The renewal offer for the
2020 policy year will be further subject to the incurred claims on the 2019 policy year being no higher than $US 9,375,000
as calculated by the Association as at 1st December 2019
(TR 16296)

The Member's recovery from the Association shall be subject to the following deductibles:
$US 250,000 from all claims, including all fees, costs and expenses any one event , except for oil pollution claims arising
in Alaskan and Californian waters where a nil deductible shall apply.

In consideration thereof the Member undertakes to reimburse to the Association any sums which would not have been
recoverable save for this exception.
(DD 15839)

Notwithstanding the above deductibles, E.S.A. claims for Italian seamen are payable without deductible, subject to there
being no more than 10 Italian seamen on board at any one time
(DD 2225)

The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited. Registered in England No 22215. Registered Office as above.
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. Registered in England No. 02920387. Registered Office as above. 3 of 7
The Managers
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.
90 Fenchurch Street

T +44 (0)20 7283 4646

F +44 (0)20 7621 9761

This insurance is subject to the Rules of the Association and the terms and conditions specified or referred to

Passenger Extension Cover


This entry is to cover the Owner(s) named above as Member for the risks set out in Part I and subject to the terms,
conditions, limitations and exclusions set out:

(i) in Parts I, II and III below; and

(ii) in the Certificate of Entry and the Rules, except to the extent they are inconsistent with Parts I. II and III below.


(A) General Terms and Conditions of Cover

Pursuant to Rule 3 and Rule 4, Section 3 of the Association's Rules ("The Rules"), it is hereby agreed that the cover
afforded to the above named Member(s) in respect of the above-named ship ("the entered ship") includes the Risks set
out in Section B below, subject always to:

(1) The Association's Rules except to the extent that they are expressly modified by this endorsement, ("this insurance"),

(2) Sections C to F below.

(B) Risks Covered

This insurance covers, subject to A above the following risks:

Off Ship Risks

Compensation paid in respect of Liability for loss of life, personal injury or illness of passengers and loss or damage to
passengers' baggage or personal effects howsoever arising to the extent that such costs or expenses are not recoverable
under Rule 2, Section 1C.

Extended to include liability to passengers during transfer to and/or from airport and cruise terminal.

(C) Other Terms and Conditions

(1) This insurance excludes all liability, losses, costs and expenses insurable under a full entry in the Association, in
accordance with the Rules of that Association current at the time such liability, loss, cost or expense arises.

(2) This insurance is subject to the Radio Active Contamination Exclusion Clause MM1083d.

(3) The cover provided under Section B above excludes liabilities, losses, costs and expenses where the claim involves
transportation which is owned, leased or operated by the Member, for example, aircraft, buses, trains and other modes of

(4) The Association shall determine in its absolute discretion in respect of the cover provided by this insurance when the
event shall be deemed to have occurred and whether liabilities, losses, costs or expenses covered under this insurance in
whole or in part shall be deemed to have arisen out of one or several events.

The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited. Registered in England No 22215. Registered Office as above.
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. Registered in England No. 02920387. Registered Office as above. 4 of 7
The Managers
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.
90 Fenchurch Street

T +44 (0)20 7283 4646

F +44 (0)20 7621 9761

This insurance is subject to the Rules of the Association and the terms and conditions specified or referred to

(5) For the purposes of this insurance a "passenger" is a person contracted for a cruise on the entered ship.

(6) Excluding claims in respect of cash, valuables or object of a rare or precious nature.

(7) Excluding claims incurred by the assured when the Assured is the owner and/or operator and/or provider of the shore
location, and/or shore based facility, property, equipment, activity, expedition or tour, the use of, or participation I, which
gives rise to such claims.

(8) Excluding any deposit or payment refunded to passengers or any other benefit provided in lieu of such refund.

(9) Excluding any deposit or payment that would have been earned by and/or paid to the Assured, but for a casualty to
the entered ship.


Notwithstanding Rule 5(E) cover provided under Part I includes liabilities, costs or expenses which would otherwise be
excluded by Rule 5(E). Unless otherwise agreed in writing, such cover shall be subject to all other terms and conditions of
the entered ship and shall be provided upon and subject to the following terms and conditions:

(A) This extension is subject to the Notice of Cancellation Automatic Termination of Cover and Five Powers War
Exclusion Clause as follows:

1. Cancellation
This extension of cover may be cancelled by either the Association or the Owner giving 7 days notice
(such cancellation becoming effective on the expiry of 7 days from midnight of the day on which notice
of cancellation is issued by or to the Association). The Association agree however to reinstate cover, if
required, at terms to be agreed between the Association and the Owner, prior to the expiry of such notice of

2 Automatic Termination of Cover

Whether or not notice of cancellation has been given this extension of cover shall terminate automatically
2.1 upon the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war or not) between any of the following:
United Kingdom, United States of America, France, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China;
2.2 in respect of any ship in the event of such ship being requisitioned either for title or use.

3 Five Powers War Exclusion

This extension of cover excludes
3.1 loss damage liability or expense arising from
3.1.1 the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war or not) between any of the following: United
Kingdom, United States of America, France, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China;
3.1.2 requisition either for title or use.

(B) However, in no case shall this extension cover loss, damage, liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or
contributed to by or arising from any chemical, biological, bio-chemical or electromagnetic weapon.


The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited. Registered in England No 22215. Registered Office as above.
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. Registered in England No. 02920387. Registered Office as above. 5 of 7
The Managers
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.
90 Fenchurch Street

T +44 (0)20 7283 4646

F +44 (0)20 7621 9761

This insurance is subject to the Rules of the Association and the terms and conditions specified or referred to

Subject to Rule 3C, the Association's aggregate liability for any and all claims under Part I, including the costs of
defending and investigating the claim, shall be limited to $US 50,000,000 each entered ship any one event.


The Member's recovery from the Association under this insurance shall be subject to a deductible of $US 100,000,
including all fees costs and expenses, any one event.
(TR 15897)

The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited. Registered in England No 22215. Registered Office as above.
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. Registered in England No. 02920387. Registered Office as above. 6 of 7
The Managers
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.
90 Fenchurch Street

T +44 (0)20 7283 4646

F +44 (0)20 7621 9761

This insurance is subject to the Rules of the Association and the terms and conditions specified or referred to

Passenger Liability Regulation War


Entry subject to the Athens 2002 PLR Extension Clause (see Rules Addendum for Owners).
(CL 16142)

Christopher Brown
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd.

The United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited. Registered in England No 22215. Registered Office as above.
Thomas Miller P&I (Europe) Ltd. Registered in England No. 02920387. Registered Office as above. 7 of 7

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