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Name: L.G.L.

St. Anthony’s College

Age: 97 San Jose, Antique
Nursing Department
Sex: F
CC: Right sided weakness

Physician: Dr. P.

Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects or Adverse Nursing
Reactions Responsibilities

 Inhibits platelet
aggregation by  Treatment of  Contraindicated
Generic Name:  Antiplatelet blocking ADP patients at risk with allergy to CNS: headache, *Check the
 Adenosine receptors on platelets, for ischemic dizziness, weakness, physicians order.
Clopidogrel bisulfate diphosphate clopidegrel, active
preventing clumping events – recent syncope, flushing
(ADP) pathological *Follow the 10 rights
of platelets. MI, recent
Brand Name: receptor bleeding such as GI: Nausea, GI distress, of medications.
antagonist CVA, peptic ulcer or constipation, diarrhea,
Plavix * Assess for allergy
peripheral intracranial GI bleed
Dosage: artery disease haemorrhage. to clopidogrel,
 Treatment of  Use cautiously GU: Nephrotoxicity bleeding disorders,
75mg 1 tab patients with with bleeding recent surgery, peptic
acute coronary Other: Increased ulcer, hepatic
disorders, recent
Route: syndrome bleeding risk
surgery hepatic impairment.
NGT impairment.
*Provide frequent
Frequency: small meals if GI
upset occurs (not as
OD common as with
*provide comfort
measures and arrange
for analgesics if
headache occurs.

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