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In the dimly lit dungeon.

A naked young man is alone and hears the surroundings from behind.

Of course it is nothing other than suicidal acts such as invasion without even wearing clothes rather
than equipping to such a hinterland.

However, I did not want him to be in such a situation.

An adventurer who discovered the dungeon that no one would have handled yet by chance, he
thought of exploring even one level for the purpose of the study of its depth.

But he was still in battle and immature, knowledge of traps was inadequate.

Still I could not go against the first temptation and stepped on foot.

As a result, he inadvertently actuated the trap of all equipment cancellation, plus the trap of
metastasis, and had no possessions and was forced into a desperate situation where his current
position was unknown anyhow.

Originally the magic of metastasis takes time to activate.

As a result, things that are used for traps usually can not be transferred far away.

So it was only now to know that it was somewhere in that dungeon.

... Although things do not turn around because things are understood.

What I can do for the young man now was only simple remedial magic and attack spells I
remembered in a few words, and simplified item appraisal magic which is essential for adventurers.
There is also no armor to protect yourself in equal condition to a round back.

If you met a monster in this situation, it is probably the worst ending to have been waiting.

Besides, there is also a low possibility that people will soon come to the dungeon that will not be

In other words, it was nothing to expect from help, but was forced to escape by oneself.

Anyway, you must find something that will be a weapon or armor. Fortunately he thought that there
must be something because it is a dungeon that has not been fished, he thought.
Indeed, the idea was right.

The pristine treasure box was settled in a small room where I went a little.

There is no sign of a monster. There is no trap ... perhaps. It will not be any more than this, as it is
the worst situation any more. So thinking sweetly, approaching the treasure box with a small stroke,
open the lid.

Fortunately, no trap was set in the treasure box. However, as he saw the contents he screamed and
jumped back behind.

The inside of it was a girl who was cramped with limbs cramped, no matter how you looked ...
because it was a hind leg even if you could call a little girl.

It is terribly close. It's as thought of asleep, but I can not see the breath. ... I wonder if he is dead.

However, it was too beautiful for that. The skin has warmth as if it were alive.

Try and cast a magic of appraisal.

Surprisingly, it turned out that "this" is armor.

... and not just protective gear.

Any armor we saw so far - including the thick plate armor that heavy knight equips it and the ones
equipment that you found in the dungeon depths that your senior adventurers were wearing -
including more Defense power is "high".

It was so high that not only mere physical defense but also all kinds of resistance such as magic
resistance and disease tolerance could not be had.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that if equipped with this it would be able to survive any
other monster no matter what the other party would be.

Just one, if you are going to raise faults.

The wearer was forced to look for this equipment during equip ... that is, it was to become a figure
of a young woman who never goes to her age.

... Although I understand that there are no options in this place, he has hesitated a little.

It would have been a substitute that we would normally take it home without equipping it, sell it at a
high price and then live another day to live.

But now it was obvious that we had to wear this equipment to live and escape from this dungeon.

Rather, by attaching this equipment, you will be able to escape almost surely unless it is trapped.

Still, I was not able to decide immediately that myself being a man will be in the form of a little girl.

After a brief mindset, he decided to wear.

Take "equipment" out of the treasure box.

Equipment with the warmth of human skin as it looked was just like human skin.

That face was very pretty, and smooth blonde looked very nice.

When turning over the body as if it is punipu, there is a straight cut in the back side.

Squeezing the throat and putting it in the "equipment" from the terrible feet.

A little slimmed inner side swallows your legs as you slide.

I put both feet in each place to put in.

From the fingertips to the thighs of the feet are tightened tightly inside the muffled inside.

Even when seen from the outside, there is no apparent change in the legs of "equipment". However,
the puffed legs of the equipments are moved as you moved with your own will. Indeed, this eye will
show us that this little girl will be gone.

Continue to slide your hands. Hold one garment firmly all the way in as long gloves as you want.

Then the fuselage is automatically swallowed.

The front half that was naked is tightly fitted.

At the same time, one thing in the crotch is dragged into the crown and narrow tube, and something
also invades into the buttocks hole. I can not help thinking of that feeling.

With this, from the neck to the bottom is the young girl itself. When it is a head only man, it is very

After breathing out a little, hold the head of "Equipment" with a hand that has never been short and

Put your head in a gap that opens to the end of the term.

The view is closed in the dark with the sound of stinking.

I will screw the head into the open space. I confirmed that the whole face was wrapped perfectly
and opened my eyes.

It is spreading with tears for a while but I can see it as usual.

After blinking and blinking several times, confirm the body again.

A slightly inflated chest in the stomach puffupu.

Arm and legs on puffs that will not make you feel fine dust such as muscles.
When you touch your face with that hand, you can feel the cheeks that came out. I can not see
because there is no mirror, but I have a face that I am floating on now I wonder why the face of a
young woman who saw it before she saw it was there.

"Oh, ah ..."

When I try to speak out, a lovely voice suitable for that appearance is emitted from my throat.

I got too embarrassed about that reality and I was lazy.

Turn the short arm back and twist the open cuts and close it.

When I felt that the sensation of the air that was hit was changed to what passed through the skin of
a young woman, I realized that it was completely sealed.

There is only one nude girl there. What is different from the previous one was that she looked naked,
but actually she was wearing equipment.

You can realize that the tightening of the skin of the whole body that is felt throughout is surely

But on the other hand, the skin of the young woman also communicated the sensation, so the
feeling of being naked remained.

My face gets hot from shame.

Whatever, I can escape safely with this. The next is better if weapons that can handle something.

Thinking so, it was when I fell lightly on my head, I reworked my mind and approached the entrance
of the small room to go for the search of neighborhood while enduring tightening of the body and

Unexpectedly, my feet shine brilliantly.

It was late when I noticed it was gone. Some traps only reacted to unidirectional intrusions.

The field of vision is dyed white, and something's sense extends to the body.

However, if there is this "equipment", most traps will not fall into a crisis situation. Yes, he thought.

Light fits and visibility returns.

At the same time I felt a sense of incongruity in my mouth.

I tried to touch my mouth with my hands, I found that something was caught.

I try to spit out why I can not breathe at all.

What is in the mouth is a material that is a little elastic, supposed to be round and slippery.

A certain thing was recalled from its shape and the external feel.

While feeling a bad feeling, in a panic, check the status of your body.
Clothes are being put on the body naked to the end.

If it was ordinary clothes, it might have been a pleasant thing.

But what I was wearing was a so-called rompers, with a frill with a design of ribbon, in some places
of a thin, pale, soft touch fabric ...... put on a baby.

Long sleeves cover the wrist, snapped to open in the crotch, white legs are wearing legs extending
from it.

And in its crotch is hidden in tights and rompers, but also from the mass and bulb shape and the
feeling of funfubu, this is also wearing a baby ... there was no doubt that a diaper exists .

Then, the thing that is made mouthful is probably a pacifier.

It was a bad hobby trap. No, those who had put this "equipment" in the treasure box here must have
taken it.

In fact, it may be said that the complete set of clothes "suits you" to your present figure.

Still it was a bit too big to say baby, I was ashamed of nothing more than anything.

So, I had to remove it soon.


However, from the beginning, the pacifier can not come off from the mouth all the time, and there is
no sign that it will break a piece even if you dress clothes.

I could not even remove the snap of the crotch because I could not open it.

This equipment is cursed ... I can be convinced. The fact made him blue.

Even though clothes are still embarrassing, even if one hundred steps can be handed over, pacifier
was a problem.

As long as this is there, you can not cast a spell.

In other words, it was impossible to use attack spells which are his only attack means on the back
waist or appraisal magic to determine whether it is a dangerous item or not.

Dokdok, and the heart beats fast bell.

It seems that it seems that it is headed towards difficult directions to escape.

If that is the aim of those who made this dungeon ...?


If you think so, you will suddenly lose the strength of your feet and you will be in a state of four-fold

As I looked at, something signs emerged around the crotch clothing.

I could not understand the meaning of that sign, but I understood that it is because of the fact that it
is hard for the legs to get out of power and not stand.

... Its appearance is as if it is a baby who can only do hi-hi.

"Fu! Wow!"

I try to get up somehow, it will only be like a baby fawn, and it will not last long.

In the end I seemed to have to do a hi - hi.

You should get the strongest armor, escape the dungeon, but even now it has become even harder.

The tears begin to ooze from the eyes. When I found an unspoiled dungeon, it was floating as if it
was getting rich quickly, but it's not going to be such a thing.

Where he is not seeing, the sign of the clothes shone again.

Then, irrespective of his intention, liquid leaks out from the streaks of the groin of the young girl's
skin that covers him ... and so on.

Even if you try to stop in a hurry, it will rather accelerate the ejection of liquid.

Leaking liquid ... The urine is absorbed by the diaper wrapped in romper and tights.

He now has no way to remove it that gets wet and heavy.

"Uoo ... ぅうぅ..."

I can not stand crying any longer, I will spill the tears with POPPORO.

Drooling dropped out from the edge of the mouth's pacifier as well.

Even if you look from anywhere, he can only cry in the dungeon that is disproportionate to that

The baby's body wrapping her body keeps tightening him all the time, and infant wears covering it
keep forcing him to act as a baby.

... The monsters who noticed crying from around were quietly gathering.

In the hinterland of the dungeon where nobody's help can be expected, the escape play of despair
has just begun.

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