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Probably the most famous story in the Bible about unexpected kindness is the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Jesus told this story to show us what it looks like to love people who are hurting.

It’s easy to feel a little guilty when we read this story.

At one time or another, we have all passed by somebody in need.
The needs of people around us, even in our church or small group, can be so overwhelming that it’s paralyzing.
And we ask the question, “What am I supposed to do?”

There are three responses that we can do.

You can keep your distance

This was the example the priest gave us in the story.
He simply avoided the problem altogether.
He didn’t even want to know what the problem was.
This is what I call the lifestyle of avoidance.
We tell ourselves, “Don’t get too close to people; you may have to help them. You may get your hands dirty.”
That was the priest’s problem: he was too “holy” to be helpful.
He didn’t want to be stained by the stuff of life.
When we live a lifestyle of avoidance, we try to keep all our relationships superficial. If we can keep everyone
at arm’s length, we can pretend we don’t see their pain and their needs.
If we don’t get involved, we can avoid getting hurt or inconvenienced.

You can be curious but uninvolved

The Levite, who was the second man to walk by the injured man, demonstrated this response.
The Bible says he “went over and looked at the man” before passing him by.
In a way, this response is even worse. In the first attitude we “see” the problem from a distance and pretend it
isn’t there.
In this response, we acknowledge the need through our curiosity, but we don’t do anything to help.
When we do this we’re simply saying, “Sorry, I can’t be bothered. I’ve got more important things to do.”

You can get close enough to care

Of course, this is the Good Samaritan.
He went above and beyond to help the inured man at his own expense.
The Bible tells us, “Our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in
Mercy takes action where others take off.
Mercy isn’t afraid to get its hands dirty.
And Jesus calls every one of his followers to have the attitude of the Good Samaritan.

Jesus deliberately chose a Samaritan to be the hero in this story, because the Jews hated the Samaritans.
Mercy isn’t just about helping people you like or helping people who are just like you.
Mercy is about helping people no matter who they are, what they look like, or where they come from.

Today, you may wished to choose how to respond, it's either you keep your distance and pretend you didn't
know what is happening around, you can be curious but not involved and you can get enough to the people in
need enough to lend a helping and caring hand....

Make your choice today....

“My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true
love, which shows itself in action” 1 John 3:18

The last few days we’ve been looking at what the Parable of the Good Samaritan can teach us
about demonstrating mercy to those who are hurting.
We’ve seen that we must see the needs around us and sympathize with people’s pain.

The Good Samaritan also teaches us we must seize the moment.

Don’t wait, don’t delay, and don’t procrastinate.

Do what you can at that moment.

Love is not so much something you feel as it is something you do.

The Samaritan took action.

He stooped down and got on the injured man’s level.

He didn’t act superior. He used what he had: wine to disinfect and oil to soothe the wounds.

It was the best medication of the day.

The Samaritan probably used his own clothes to bandage this guy’s wounds.
After all, he’s not a doctor.
He didn’t have a medicine cabinet with him.
He just served. He did the best he could with what he had.

Don’t wait for better conditions.

When God calls you to minister to somebody, do it now.
When you see a need, meet it now.

To seize the moment, you must be willing to take a risk, though.

You must be willing to be interrupted.
To be a servant you must move against your fears.
Imagine the fears the Samaritan may have faced: “What if the robbers are still in the area?
What if this is all a trap? What if he rejects my help? What if I can’t really help him?”

We often don’t want to get involved with other people’s pain and brokenness because, quite
frankly, it reminds us of our own.
But mercy moves in spite of fear.

Mercy touches the untouchable and loves the unlovable.

“Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s
hand for that person. Don’t tell your neighbor, ‘Maybe some other time’ or
‘Try me tomorrow’ when the money’s right there in your pocket” Proverbs

All of us want things to go our way all the time, but we have to admit that life doesn’t work
like that.
Hard times come.
Relationships are damaged.

Financial worries plague us.

There are even times of war.
Yes, the clouds and the storms really do come.

Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble.”

But the good news is, He didn’t stop there.

He also said, “Take heart. I have overcome the world.”

Yes, trouble is a fact of life.
But Jesus has given us a means of finding victory – the real victory – even in hard times.

Won’t you allow Him to provide all you need to face the good times and the bad?

He’s willing and able to provide triumph, even when things look the darkest.
Put your trust in Jesus Christ and you’ll find the ability, not only to endure your trials, but to
be stronger because of them.

"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been
approved, he will receive the crown of life." - James 1:12

Ever been in a really tough situation where life just seems to bounce you around like a ping
pong ball?
Have you ever cried out, “Lord, will it ever end?”
Well, in case you haven’t noticed, it doesn’t.
But the good news is that with each faith-testing experience, our ability to deal with these
trials and tribulations becomes better and our faith grows stronger!

In this scripture, God compares our faith to a most precious and beautiful metal– gold.
But when mined, this precious metal doesn’t look very precious.

It’s dirty and black.

So, how does gold become beautiful?

A refiner takes the gold and carefully melts it in a melting pot – slowly raising the
temperature – but never to the point where it boils.
As it melts, slowly the impurities rise to the surface and he will scoop away the dross leaving
a beautiful pot of gold, ready to become your next ring or bracelet.

Here’s the amazing part.

The refiner knows his job is done when he can look into the melting pot and see a reflection
of himself.

The only way gold will become more precious is when it’s placed on the fire!

In the same way, the impurities of our lives must be exposed to the fire so that the Lord can
scoop up the filth that shows itself when we get hot!!
Notice, though, that He’ll never allow us to boil!
And then, when it’s all said and done, He can look upon us and see the beauty of His

Let’s not despise the trials we’re facing today – on the contrary – let’s embrace them!
The Lord is using these things to prepare us to do great things for Him!

Respond to the Lord by saying, “What do you want me to learn from this today, Lord?” And
watch how the Lord blesses you through the fire!

"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that
perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and
honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 1:7

Raising kids was no simple task.

As you can imagine, my husband and I often warned them not to do something wrong or harmful.

For example, when they were young and would go running around a busy street, we’d shout, “Stay on
the pathway, or the cars may hit you!” or when they intend to touch anything, 'Don't touch that it
would gonna hurt you or make you sick"
It wasn’t to be overbearing or controlling parents.
It wasn’t because we didn’t care about them – the opposite, actually.
We warned them because we loved them – tough love!

Jesus does the same thing when talking about the afterlife.
And God is pretty straight forward in His warning: there are only two destinations, heaven or hell.

When you die where will you be?

This sounds harsh, especially in our all-inclusive “politically correct” modern society.

But it’s out of Jesus’ love for you and for me that He speaks so plainly about such a controversial
It’s a little tough love that challenges us to examine our hearts, our lives and our faith – our eternity is
on the line!

But it doesn’t stop there.

For the Christian, Jesus asks us to remember our unbelieving friends, colleagues, family and
Just as Jesus had compassion on us, He wants us to communicate God’s love to others.

So, what about you?

Do you think about the people in your life who don’t personally know the forgiveness and eternal
assurance that comes from faith in Christ?

Maybe you don’t know how to approach a subject so personal like faith, religion, or God. Start small.
Start by simply loving them as they are. Spend time with them, offer to pray for them when they share
a problem or a concern with you and look for opportunities to share how God’s love has impacted
your life.

We share Christ because we want others to experience the eternal assurance we have through faith in
We share because we are thankful for Jesus’ tough love that never gave up on us.
We share out of love and compassion, in the same way that Jesus did.
So who will you share this ultimate love with today?

I pray, that you would...

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of
heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 7:21

“If the first half of life is all about success” – finding it, achieving it, and making a name for
ourselves; “then the second half is about significance,” author Bob Buford states.
Do these questions sound familiar: Does my life matter? What’s the purpose of all this

The challenge for many, especially men facing midlife, is searching for significance.
The problem, however, tends to be with where we’re looking.
When we look for significance in the wrong places, we can wrestle with feelings of
disillusionment, emptiness and frustration at where our lives have taken us.

The good news is, this “midlife crisis” doesn’t have to end in un-fulfillment and restlessness.
Life’s halftime can be an opportunity for self-reflection and reorientation making life’s
second half far better than the first.

So what’s the key to discovering the meaning of life and ultimate significance?
It’s a relationship with God.
Whether you call yourself a Christian or not, take a moment to reflect on your priorities.

Has career or money become the driving force behind your life?

Maybe it’s the search for pleasure in the hopes of finding value and meaning.
In the end, all of these pursuits will never truly satisfy.
It’s only through a relationship with Christ that you will discover true joy, fulfillment and
ultimate significance.

If your priorities have gotten out of sync, ask God by His power to re-orient your priorities
back to Him.
Because the more you look to God for significance, the more you’ll discover just how
significant life’s second half can be!

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God
and keep His commandments, for this is this duty of all mankind.”
Ecclesiastes 12: 13
When the criminal hanging next to Jesus on the cross asked Jesus to remember him, Jesus
replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise” Luke 23:43
With his response, Jesus was also giving us four characteristics of salvation that we can trust
and believe in.

First, he said “today.” That means salvation is immediate.

The moment you ask Jesus Christ to save you, it is done.
When you die, you either go straight into the presence of God or you go straight into
separation from God.

Second, salvation is certain.

He said, “Today you will.”

Not “You might,” not “I hope.” Not “Let me think about it.” When God says, “You will,”
you will.
When you accept Christ, you can be certain of your salvation.

Third, salvation is a relationship.

He said, “You will be with me.”

Salvation is not a religion.

It’s not rules or regulations or rituals.
Salvation is a relationship.
That relationship doesn’t begin when you get to Heaven.
It begins here on Earth. Jesus Christ wants to be your best friend, and he wants to talk to you
all the time.
God made you for a relationship with him!

Fourth, Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

Heaven is a real place, and it is forever.

There were two criminals crucified with Jesus, one on either side.
Jesus gave them the choice of salvation, and he gives you the same choice.

He’s not going to force you to love him.

He’s not going to force you to trust him, and he’s not going to force you to accept Heaven.
There are two responses.
One of those criminals rejected Jesus, and the other turned to him in faith.
You can make the same choice.

“This is the hour to receive God’s favor; today is the day to be saved!” 2
Corinthians 6:2

My mom has been in heaven since I was a kid.

It’s no surprise that many times while talking with my dad, the subject turns to eternity.
“I wonder what it’s going to be like,” he says aloud.

Even though he is a long time follower of Christ, this topic raises questions.
It can still seem like a mystery.
After all, how can the finite human language possibly describe the indescribable?
How do we wrap our minds around eternity?

Jesus explains it this way – heaven is like a home with many dwelling places, or many rooms.
For the follower of Jesus, there will be a room for you. Here we see a picture of Jesus
becoming the ultimate servant – preparing our place in heaven, preparing our home.
Jesus is saying that heaven is like a home.

It’s the ultimate home: free from stress, relational drama, and endless ‘to-do’ lists.
Our heavenly home will be one of rest and of peace, prepared personally for those who trust
in Him.

Most importantly, heaven will be about our heavenly Father, Jesus explains.

This is a Father offering us security.

A Father we can count on.

Many people haven’t had a good relationship with their biological father.
Some may have never even known him.

Some may have greatly feared him, while others may have felt their love never pleased him.
The type of Father Jesus is describing might be difficult to imagine, but heaven is going to be
like the perfect home with the perfect Father.
In heaven, we will finally experience the world the way that God intended – free from
brokenness, pain and disappointment with a Father who is strong, loving, fair, dependable
and kind.

If we have been hurt or let down by people or life’s circumstances – look to Jesus.
If our earthly father, or anyone has failed or disappointed us – look to Jesus.

Because for those who trust in Him, the best is yet to come!

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told
you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” John 14: 1-2

When your world is falling apart, it’s so easy to focus on the pain, the problems, the pressure, and the
It’s the natural response and don't be so guilty about it.
But the biblical response is to turn your focus to God’s love.

Even though you’re mad at God, you need to remind yourself how much he loves you.
Focus on his unconditional love.
Remember that you can’t make God stop loving you.
You can complain, yell at him, and scream at him, but he will still love you forever.

You can see this biblical approach in Jeremiah’s life in the book of Lamentations.
He starts out focused on his pain.
He was consumed by the devastation around him.
It filled his thoughts and made him bitter and depressed.

If you want to change your life, you have to change your thoughts.
And that is the exact thing that Jeremiah did.
We see the mental switch in the next few verses: “Yet hope returns when I remember this one thing:
The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The
Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.”

You don’t know God is all you need until God is all you’ve got.
But that’s all you need, because God will take care of you.

We make dumb mistakes when we start doubting God’s love.

We start to think, “I know better than God, and I’m going to start choosing to do things my way rather
than following God’s way.”
Or we think God is a cosmic killjoy who looks for ways to make our lives miserable.

We need to change our thinking.

We need to remember, “The Lord is merciful and will not reject us forever. He may bring us sorrow,
but his love for us is sure and strong. He takes no pleasure in causing us grief or pain”

God loves you.

Same as He loves me.

He is not the strict parent that you couldn’t please.

He is not the imperfect parent with weaknesses and faults who messed up.
He is God — the eternal, all-knowing, infallible God who created you to love you and will never
leave you.

So when you feel like you’ve lost everything, stop focusing on what has been lost
and start focusing on what’s left: God and his love for you.

The thought of my pain, my homelessness, is bitter poison. I think of it

constantly, and my spirit is depressed. Yet hope returns when I remember
this one thing: The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as
the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have, and so in him I
put my hope” Lamentations 3:19-24

There’s a limit to human love.

It wears out.
It dries up.
It is tiring.

That’s why we need to have God’s love in all our relationships for it to be able to last.
God’s love never wears out.
God’s love is patient, persistent, and persevering.

Isn’t it good news to know that God never gives up on us?

No matter what we do, his love never gives up.

It’s wide enough to include everybody, and it’s long enough to last forever.
God will never love us any more than he does right now.
But he also will never love us any less than he does right now.

He loves us on your good days.

He loves us on our bad days.
His love is not conditioned by our response.

God is love, and his love is given freely.

It cannot be earned, and it is not deserved but is given.
Accept his love and worship him, knowing that his love is long enough to last for all time.

Today, allow God to love you and ask God to be in the center of all your relationship be it in
the office, be it with your best friends, be it in your family.
Let God's love overflow and spread like wildfire...

Lord, today we open our hearts to you, our mind and our life.
Be in the center of our relationship, reign into our hearts and let your face shines through us.
Everyday is a battle, every person is an object of your love, help us sees through you, helps
us speaks through you, help us understand through you and help us love untiringly,
unconditionally same as how you persistently had loved us.

Let this day be a start where we can show love compassionately and we can show to our
brothers and sisters that your love and the love that we have has no boarder and would last for
all time.

In Jesus name we pray... Amen!

"I know that your love will last for all time, that your faithfulness is as
permanent as the sky” Psalm 89:2

Love can be absolutely exhausting.

Don’t let anyone fool you.
The kind of love that really makes a difference in this world will zap everything out of you.

Sometimes you just don’t feel like you have any more love to give.
Maybe you’re in a people-intensive job, such as teacher, salesman, or waitress, and you come
home and think, “I just can’t face another need, another problem, or another heartache.
” So you just shut down.

Or you need to show love to a particular person who is demanding, selfish, and never returns
your love.
And you just think to yourself, “I’m done. No more.”

While that’s perfectly natural and perfectly human, it’s not the standard of love God calls us
to in the Bible.
What the word of God is saying is, "Love never gives up."

How can you have that kind of persistent love for another person?
You get refueled.

When my kids were young, I remember taking the family to a nearby air show.
It was so impressive to see how they would hook up a tanker to a jet in flight to refuel. I’ll
never forget that.

But, can you imagine someone flying a jet saying, “I don't need to refuel!”
The jet would crash and burn. In a long distance flight, a jet has to refuel.

To give the kind of persistent love that God wants you to give, you have to refuel your love
Look around at society, and you’ll see it’s littered with debris from relationships that have
crashed and burned because people didn't refuel their love.

How do you refuel your love tank?

You start by letting God love you. “We love because he first loved us” 1 John 4:19 .
When you’re worn out, tired, and can’t imagine showing love to anyone else, remember that
God loved you so much that he sent his Son to die for you.

Now that’s real fuel.

That’s what keeps you going when you want to quit.

Today, let me encourage you look around, there are a lot of people who needs love, a love
that overflows and is coming from God.

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures
through every circumstance” 1 Corinthians 13:7

When I was growing up, one of the things that impressed me about my dad was his big hands.
I have big hands now, but my dad had huge hands!

When he would do carpentry, the hammer just looked so small in his hands.
Our heavenly Father has really big hands too.

He’s got the whole world in his hands!

How big are God’s hands?

God’s hands are big enough to bless you.

Jesus often touched people in order to bless them.
He would lay his hands on people and bless them.
He does the same for you.

God’s hands are scarred to never forget you.

In Heaven, the only scars will be on Jesus.
Do you think God can ever forget you?
He has a constant reminder in his nail-scarred hands.

God’s hands are strong enough to keep you eternally secure.

We are secure always take note of that and we will be eternally secure.

Once we put our life in God’s hands, nobody can snatch us out.

You may wonder, “Can’t you just jump out?”

How big do you think God’s hands are?

You’re never going to get to the edge of his hands.

Every aspect of our life is in his hands.

When my kids were little, I used to stand at the edge of the pool in the water and say, “Trust me. Jump to me.”
They were always afraid.

And my kids might be wondering is she strong enough to catch me?

Are her hands slippery?
What happens if she doesn’t catch me?

But finally they would get up enough faith to jump into my arms, and of course I would catch them.
Then they’d want to do it a hundred more times!

Our Father is waiting for us to jump today.

He’s saying, “Trust me. I can be trusted. I’m working behind the scenes. And I can handle anything you give

Don’t you want God’s hand to be on your life?

Don’t you want your life to be in God’s hands?
You can at all times trust him with your life and your future.

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish .... My Father, who has
given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my
Father’s hand” John 10:28-29

Change is always a choice.

Nobody can force us or talk to us to change into something.
We will not change until we decide want to.

Yet change is also wholly dependent on God.

We can’t become the flourishing, loving creatures we were made to be by sheer effort alone.
We choose to change, and God gives us the power to change.
Then gradually, over time, we do change, putting on the new self that God envisioned for us
before the world was created.

Do you know what the word transformation is in Greek?

It’s the Greek word metamorphosis.

Scientists use this word to describe the way a tadpole—a creature that can live only in the
water—changes into a frog that can breathe on land.
Putting on the new self is as radical as growing lungs that can breathe the rich, clean air of
God’s realm.

Today let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think, the way you
respond and the way you react..
Let him give you the motivation to change and the will to change.

God is ready to transform you into the image of our creator, all you have to do is accept him
as your personal savior, build a relationship with Him and let Him work in your life and
change you.

And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the
image of its Creator. —Colossians 3:10

I keep a diary of what is going on in my life.

I sometimes look back on that and gain new insight on what I was going through back then.

I have become more adept at interpreting God’s leading and plan for me as I further
experience life and receive what He has done.

By looking back on what we have been through and seeing the hand of God there, we can
have greater comfort and encouragement for what we are going through now or even what
lies ahead.
As I gain new insight into my personality and the Lord’s working into my issues and
problems, I realize how small they really are compared to my Lord’s holiness and greatness.

Concentrating on Christ and what He has done will lift us up better and more completely than
anything else we could ever do. It has taught me to look beyond myself and concentrate on

We look at God’s Word as a mirror to ourselves, into our souls, not to see us, but to see God
working in us.

When we only see ourselves, we see sin, brokenness, failure, self-seeking inclinations, and
wrong attitudes.

We must see God’s interests and not our own; then our devotions and journals become tools
for us to mature in the faith.
Christ will become more real in us, as our problems become less.

Today, look beyond yourself and your capacity and focus on how great GOD is in your life...

"He must become greater; I must become less." - John 3:30


For over 200 years, biblical values were the accepted moral standard for the majority of
Of course that didn’t mean that people always lived up to them.
They didn’t and still don’t – because no one is perfect.

But it was the accepted standard. Today things are very different.
And while this causes fear among many Christians who have watched a society radically
change, God isn’t surprised.
In fact, God’s Word speaks straight to the heart of the morality battle in our country and
around the world.

Don’t forget, God reminds us:

You are aliens.
You are strangers.
You are foreigners in the nations in which you live.
For followers of Jesus, our primary citizenship is in the kingdom of God.
This world is but a short stop on the way to heaven.

And because of that, we will not always agree with everything culture has to offer.
We will not always be in-sync with the majority of popular worldviews.
And that’s ok – because our eternal citizenship is not in this world.

So how do we navigate the tension created when popular culture contradicts our Biblical

We focus on living a life that pleases God rather than culture.

This doesn’t mean we judge, condemn and hate, but instead we live lives of purity, goodness
and love according to the teachings of the Word of God.
In doing so, our lives will reflect Jesus.

And who knows?

Some may see genuine goodness and want to have what we have.
Then we’ll see how our “passing through this world” has purpose and meaning.

‘Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep

away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. Be
careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if
they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and
they will give honor to God when He judges the world.’ 1 Peter 2: 11-12

What is truth and where can we find it? Truth is not found in man-made philosophy or
ideology, but in a person—the person of Jesus Christ.

And for those of us searching for truth in an ‘everything goes,’ politically correct society, we
need the truth now more than ever. But where do we start looking?

God gives us two promises when it comes to finding truth:

Jesus is truth: The truth of God is revealed in Jesus, through the Bible.

The more we read God’s Word, trust it and apply it to our everyday lives, the more we begin
to discover the truth that is Christ Jesus.

Truth brings Freedom: Freedom from what?

Freedom from being a slave to sin, shame and guilt caused by our mistakes.

It’s a freedom from being enslaved to our selfish desires.

It’s a freedom that allows us to live in truth, believe the truth, and demonstrate the truth to

But how do we demonstrate the truth that we’ve discovered in Jesus when so many cultural
norms seem to contradict God’s Word?

By focusing on Jesus.

See how searching for truth and living in truth comes full circle? It’s all about looking to
Jesus and letting the Holy Spirit free us from areas of sin, bondage and ideologies of this

In other words: The Spirit guides us, directs us (through God’s Word) and empowers us to
become more like Jesus.

And when that happens, we will experience incredible freedom from our pasts, our sins, and
even the ideologies and pressures of society today.

That’s the Truth!

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

History, as we know it, will be culminated by the second coming of Jesus Christ.
He will return and establish His kingdom on earth, overcome the Antichrist and the forces of
evil, and bring justice and peace.

That’s almost too much to fathom, isn’t it?

The great enemy of God and man will be abolished.

As it is written in the Word of God, “Then comes the end…He must reign until He has put all
enemies under His feet.
The last enemy that will be abolished is death.”

What a great day it will be for all of Jesus’ followers!

No more death. No more tears.

No more grief.
And no more separation from God and those we loved.

When you say the Lord’s Prayer,

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,”

you’re actually praying for Jesus to come again and establish His kingdom.
To experience God’s will on earth as it is in heaven means no more death.

Jesus is the first to conquer death.

Then His followers will do the same.

What a day that will be!

"...there shall no longer be any death...the first things have passed away." -
Revelation 21:4

The book of Revelation can be a bit unsettling, can’t it?

It speaks of some pretty scary images before the return of Jesus Christ.

The whole period conjures up scenes of plagues, giant horsemen with rather crude names,
and souls trembling in fear.
Jesus even promised that this time He would come as a lion, not a lamb.

For those who have not accepted Christ, there is a legitimate reason to be fearful of the return
of Christ.

There’s fear that you haven’t done enough, because the fact is you haven’t done enough.
Unless you have been perfect, you have not done enough.

And sure enough when that time comes, and Christ returns again, it will be a time of dread
and fear.
Because there will be the realization that you have missed out on the incredible gift of
salvation that God offers in Jesus Christ.

So, why is it the Christian has no dread of the rapture?

It is because we know that Christ has borne our sins.

He has taken upon Himself the judgment that we deserve; because of His sacrifice we will be
spared those horrid consequences.

Instead of the dread of His return, there is actually a longing for it to happen.

When you think of Christ’s second coming, is it dread or joy?

Fear or faith?

" And in as much as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes
judgment, so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many
will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those
who eagerly await Him." - Hebrews 9:27-28

Throughout the years, there are many Christian songs that have come and gone.
Many were really good and touched many lives, but maybe they were here just for a season.
Then, there are those songs that are timeless.

Is any hymn more beloved than Amazing Grace?

The lyrics do seem to sum up a Christian’s journey of redemption, the divine grace of God,
and the promise of eternal life.

With its simply-stated definition of eternity: “When we’ve been there 10,000 years…we’ve
no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun,” it is no wonder that it is sung at
many funerals.

You can better understand how the lyrics are able to capture the true meaning of God’s
amazing grace when you realize just how the hymn came to be written.

An Anglican priest, John Newton, used the hymn to reflect on his earlier service as captain of
a slave ship.
He could think of nothing more evil than those deeds, and was amazed God would provide
such grace despite his wretched past.
Note the passion in his words:

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come;
‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

I hope you’ll claim that grace today. It’s there for the taking.

"Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: 'Who am
I, O LORD God, and what is my family that you have brought me this
far?" - 1 Chronicles 17:16

One of the difficulties we all have is getting into the practice of having prayer and quiet time
with the Lord on a regular basis.
It’s often hard to do in this fast-paced world in which we live.
But it’s not impossible.

Find a place that’s easy to get to and a place that you enjoy and feel comfortable each time
you go.

You may have a quiet spot in your home, or perhaps it would work better to get to the office
early and close the door.

For some, it’s a walk in the park, because you may have found that you can pray best when
you’re enjoying outdoors.
And, for those of you who travel a lot, you may have more trouble finding a routine place.
But what could be more private than a hotel room?

Each person has a different place that feels right, but the important thing is to find a place that
works for you.

Then, decide on a plan for your quiet time.

Maybe you can start with a devotional that helps get your spiritual juices flowing.

After that, ponder on what it says and then look up the Scripture from which the devotion is
taken and read from the Bible, think about the words, and think about God.
And then, begin to pray.

If you don’t know where to begin, look at Jesus’ model prayer, not to recite, but just to help
you focus.
And then, just listen for the voice and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

After a while, this will become like second nature to you and spending time with the Lord
will not only fuel you for the day, but you’ll find that without it, your day just isn’t complete.

The main thing is to find what works for you and begin enjoying the blessing you will receive
by being alone with God.

I can promise you that there’s nothing like it.

Not only will you enjoy communing with your Lord, but you will begin to hear God speak to
you in ways you’ve never heard before.
Know why?

It’s because you’ve given Him the chance to speak because you’re still!
“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
"In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house,
went away to a secluded place and was praying there." - Mark 1:35


Have you ever heard anyone say, “I believe everything in the Bible, literally?”
Well, if you have, that person is probably misguided.
Why is that?

There is a big difference in saying that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and saying that
every word should be taken literally.

Take a look at the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount:

Jesus said, “If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out, and throw it from you; for it’s
better for you to lose one of the parts of your body than for your whole body to be thrown
into hell.”

Jesus was not actually urging us to pluck our eyes out.

He was talking about the seriousness of sin, and how we must repent of sin, lest we wind up
in hell.

But, if every word Jesus uttered is taken literally, every one of us must immediately gouge
out both eyes!

Remember that Jesus taught in parables, metaphors and allegories.

He used these devices to make the broader spiritual point.

Does that water down Scripture?

Absolutely not.

Jesus was simply using memorable illustrations to communicate perfect truth.

And that’s where the guidance of the Holy Spirit comes in to play; to help us distinguish
between literal truth and a parable, thereby allowing us to understand the rich truths of our

"When He was alone, the Twelve and the others around Him asked Him
about the parables. He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has
been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables
so that they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but
never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!" - Mark

What does it mean to be great?

Probably the most common way that the world defines greatness is through accomplishments.
You might go back into ancient history and think about Alexander the Great, because he
conquered the known world by the time he was 33 years old, and then wept that there were
no more worlds to conquer.

Or you may think about Thomas Edison with over a thousand patents to his name.
Or consider Einstein and his amazing discoveries in quantum physics.

Others might say real greatness is all about power. In Jesus’ time, Caesar Augustus was
considered truly great because of all the power he held.
In the modern world, you might look at United States Presidents because, after all, there is no
position more powerful in the world than that!

Or is there?

Actually anyone can become great.

Perhaps not in the world’s definition – perhaps not even in your own definition. Jesus tells us
“…whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to
be first among you shall be slave of all.”

Jesus – the greatest man to ever exist says He didn’t come to be served;
He came to serve, even to the point of trading His life for our salvation.

What, you might ask?

What’s so great about serving others?
There was a time even in our American history when servants were considered just plain

Well, let me tell you – the greatest man was also the greatest servant.
And that is what He calls us to do.

No self-accomplishment, nothing you can conquer, no patent or scientific discovery, no

worldly power, not even a President – nothing in this earthly world can be considered truly
great in the eternal. Follow the footsteps of Jesus.

Serve your fellow man.

That’s the only lasting road to true greatness.
"Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all." - Mark 10:43b-


Why is it so hard to love?

Even sitting in a Church meeting we can look at other people and judge them, think thoughts
that are not right.

We can instead of looking with a smile and kindness, give a look that does not give love
towards someone.

Sometimes we think if we are more serious or hard on something that those actions are love.
Sometimes the most spiritual thing a serious minded Disciple can do is smile.

The world is full of people that are angry, hurt, sad, depressed, without joy or hope.
When we show love to another person we are giving them the light of the world.

I remember watching a man walking that seemed to have joy in his face, he stopped to open
the door for an old person and even keep it open for the next people, as he did this action he
did it as a servant with love.

It seemed like he was not probably a believer but here is someone showing kindness and love
to strangers where many Christian believers would not.
The world needs to hear us preach and teach to them the Good News of Jesus.
But they also need to see it in our actions and deeds of love.

Love is patient, love is kind, love does envy, or boast, love is not rude. Love is not self-
seeking or easily angered and it keeps no memory of wrong.
It never delights in evil.
But rejoices in truth.
Love always protects, always trusts, love always hopes and persevere.
Love never fails.
Love gave His only begotten Son.

Those who believe in him will not perish, but they will live forever. God is love. St. Mark the
Ascetic said, "The forgiveness of insults is a sign of true love, free from hypocrisy.
For thus the Lord also loved this world." It is easy to talk about Christian Discipleship but to
walk in the way of love is the way of Christ. Jesus Christ did everything in love, he put others
first and not himself. He focused on the needs of others and not himself. True disciples are
those who are constantly thinking of others how to bless and serve other believers and the lost
world (Mark 9:35)

When we become this servant of all to mankind, God will continually fill us with his Spirit.
If we keep to ourselves in what is comfortable and safe we will never be broken for others.
God wants us to be broken so his life can be shared.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these
is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13


Here’s an interesting fact.

Did you know that most people make decisions to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ during
their teen years?
Also, it’s during the teen years that most believers make decisions to serve the Lord in full
time ministry.

Of all the age groups in our society, teens are most susceptible to peer pressure.
No other age group cares more about what others their age think and believe.
So, teenage Christians potentially have the greatest opportunity for reaching and impacting
other teens – because they spend a lot of time together and know the struggles and issues that
teens wrestle with.

A local pastor tells of a teenager at his church who is responsible for leading dozens of his
friends to Christ.
How does he accomplish this great ministry?

Well, it’s actually pretty simple.

He invites his friends from school to come to church with him.

Many accept the invitation, begin attending regularly, and become involved in the many
activities the church provides for the youth.
This teen is a great missionary by simply bringing his friends to church and then letting the
teachers and pastors take it from there.
In explaining the young man’s amazing success at witnessing to his friends, the pastor says
simply, “No one ever told him that witnessing was supposed to be hard!”

There’s a song that says, “You’re the only Jesus some will ever see.”

Think about that for a moment.

It’s a pretty sobering thought, isn’t it?

Who do your friends see in you?

"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?
And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And
how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?" - Romans 10:14

There’s a story about a man named Rusty who had brutally killed several people and, as a
result, sat on death row.
While awaiting his fate, he became a Christian and immediately began to grow in Christ.
He sent letters to the families of his victims, apologizing for his actions and asking for their

About a year later, one of the families arranged to visit with him.

You can imagine the tension and fear as Rusty faced the family of one of the victims.
And you can imagine Rusty’s surprise when the father said,
“For years, I hated you. But when I came to understand that Christ has forgiven me of all my
sins, I knew I had no choice but to forgive you. We’re here today to let you know that we
forgive you.”**

Now, my friends, that is not natural.

That is supernatural—the supernatural power of Jesus.

It is a spirit that is distinct to Christianity—the willingness to forgive others that do not

deserve our forgiveness at all.
That’s exactly what God does for us.
He forgives us through the cross even though we are completely undeserving.

Believing this brings us peace with God.

And this peace gives us a desire to be at peace with others—through forgiveness.

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have
against one another." - Colossians 3:13a

Real love- what is it?

How do we find it?
How do we hold onto it?

Our culture is absolutely obsessed with the search for love.

Just look at the lyrics of today’s chart topping songs – they’re always about finding love or
losing love.
And the rumor is, if you find the real love music sings of and movies depict – then you’ll be
happy. Love, romantic love = happiness.

But what if there was a love greater than one based solely on emotions, attraction, and even
What if there was a love more powerful and more enduring?

A love not based on circumstances or feelings, but based on commitment and certainty.
There is – it’s called God’s love.
And it is very real.

Jesus makes it very clear that this real love is available to us.
It’s unlike anything we will find in the movies, in another person or even in the most heart
wrenching love song on the radio – because God’s love will never fade or change.

When we experience this kind of love, it changes us.

God’s love changes how we love others.

You know that person at work, school or in your family that you just can’t stand?
When we know the assurance of God’s love for us, God gives us a love powerful enough to
love others, even those we don’t like.

And that is a kind of love is worth finding.

“This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son
into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we
loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for
our sins.” 1 John 4: 9-10

God is LOVE. What do you think when reading that statement?

Some may agree; others may not. Maybe thoughts of injustice, brokenness and pain come to mind.

More than ever, the search for love has become the focal point of music, media and even culture – but are we
sure we really understand God’s love?

Let’s take a deeper look.

What kind of “love” are we talking about? It’s not a romantic love or like the love of a friend.

It’s a love where God is the source. To fully understand this love, we must first discover who God is.

So who is God?

How can we get to know the God of the Universe on a personal level?

We look at His Son.

We look at Jesus, the image of the invisible God.

It’s through Jesus that we can receive the love of God – the only perfect, lasting, real love that satisfies the
desires of our hearts.

It’s a love that won’t fade, change or lose interest – it’s real love that God alone can give.

And it starts at the cross.

When we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, rising three days later and proving Himself to be God
– we can put our trust in Him.

We literally entrust our lives into His hands because He loved us enough to take our place on the cross.

It’s a sacrificial love like no other.

Augustine wrote, “Our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee.”

Where have you been searching for love and acceptance, but still turning up empty?

In work, family, a relationship?

Maybe it’s time to look at Jesus. Only Jesus offers this sacrificial love that we don’t deserve and could never

Be honest – is your heart ‘restless,’ never really satisfied from romance, friendship, entertainment or work?
Wouldn’t you like to finally find “rest” (fulfillment, joy) that comes from knowing God’s love?

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John


What would you do if forced to choose between politically correct pressure and what’s right?
What would you do if that decision could cost you your job, your reputation or even your

Three young men faced this exact dilemma when asked to choose between their faith or the
politically correct cultural trends.
The story began when the King of Babylon built a huge statue of himself and required that
everyone bow before it.

Well, this caused quite a dilemma for three young Jewish men.
Even though they were faithful citizens to the king, to bow before his statue would disobey
It would be idolatry – a breaking of the 2nd commandment.
So they refused.

The king gave them a choice: bow or be killed in a fiery furnace.

Look at their response: “Our God is so powerful that He can save us … but even if He does
not, we will not bow to your idol.”
Talk about a picture of incredible faith!
This is real faith!
And this is key: They were respectful, but firm; they could not deny their faith even when
facing death.

The ultimate religious liberty is to realize that Christ has set us free from enslavement to sin,
fear and politically correct pressure to fit-in.
And yes, amazingly, God did intervene to save Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego even as
they were thrown into the furnace.

The bravery and faith of three young men temporarily changed the life of a king and an entire

So, what would you do if forced to choose between what’s popular and what’s right?
Hold onto the freedom you have in Christ and choose Him even in the face of negative
opinions and negative consequences.

Because you never know the impact of living out your faith with love and respect.
So what will you choose – faith or fitting-in?
Loyalty to Christ or political correctness?

May we all follow the great example of these three courageous Jewish men of faith.
“I will give you one more chance to bow down and worship the statue I
have made when you hear the sound of the musical instruments. But if you
refuse, you will be thrown immediately into the blazing furnace. And then
what god will be able to rescue you from my power?” (Babylonian King to
three Jewish men). Daniel 3:15


It’s a story of courage, integrity, and incredible faith.

Daniel, a Jewish captive living in Babylon (modern day Iraq) rose to great prominence,
becoming an advisor to the king.
Later, after the Persians (modern day Iran) conquered Babylon, Daniel’s wisdom and
influence lead him to a similar position alongside the king of Persia.
Well, it didn’t take long for the other advisors to become jealous of Daniel’s influence
(especially because he was a foreigner).

Knowing that Daniel was fully devoted to God and prayed three times a day, they convinced
the king to issue a month-long decree that outlawed prayer to anyone other than the king.
The advisors knew that Daniel would put God before the king’s decree and therefore be
killed – death by hungry lions.
But in an incredible miracle, God intervened.
God protected Daniel from death, which in turn caused the king of Persia to proclaim the
greatness of Daniel’s God throughout his empire!

So, what does this have to do with us today?

While identifying as a follower of Jesus isn’t always popular, it rarely results in this level of
persecution – at least for those of us in the West.
But it does demonstrate what our response should be when it comes to popular culture and
We may lose our job, our friends or our status, but Daniel’s example inspires us to be faithful.

It’s about submission.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to submit to Christ above all else– it means trusting
Christ with our lives.
At the same time, we are also to submit to worldly institutions like educators, laws and
government– unless it means violating your conscious and God’s will, as shown in Scripture.
So what would you do if forced to choose between God and government?

Daniel chose to obey God over government when government commanded that he betray his
What courage! What faith!
What an example for us all!
“So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into
the lions’ den. The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve
continually, rescue you!”
Daniel 6: 16


Jesus, the Word, 100% God, stepped out of heaven, took on the flesh of humankind, and
entered our world.
With this huge step of becoming flesh, we see that Jesus willingly set aside His divine rights.

To be clear, Jesus did not suffer from any type of divine identity crisis.
He was very clear on who He was and is.
Yet, Jesus did not hold onto this equality with God the Father, but made Himself nothing.
Literally, He emptied Himself of His divine rights to take on the form of mankind.

He took on the limitations of space and time, and in some cases limitations of knowledge and
power, so that He could identify with us.

Now, to follow Jesus, to experience God at work in and through us, we must also be willing
to give up our ‘rights’.
If we are not very, very careful, these ‘rights’ will create an actual barrier between us and
They will become a weight that holds us back.

If we look through the gospels, we see Jesus challenging people who want to follow Him to
give up specific ‘rights’ or ‘blessings’.•
He asked them to set aside or leave behind family, occupations, homes, money, safety,
security and comfort.
His challenge was clear: if they decided to follow Him, it could cost them everything…but
they would gain eternity with Him.

Would you accept the challenge?

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his
glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." -
John 1:14

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