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Stella Fresky W.



International Class

Disaster Management

A Serious disruption of community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic

or environmental losses and impact, which exceeds the ability of the community to operate using
its own resources (UNISDR about Disaster).
Events or sequences of events that threaten and disrupt the lives and livelihoods of people caused
by natural factors and / or non-natural factors and human factors that result in human casualties,
environmental damage, property losses, and psychological impacts (Law 24 / 2007 About
Mindset perspective: disaster is something given. There is no room for humans to make any
effort. disasters arise because of interactions between natural phenomena and human attitudes.
Open space to carry out disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), a consequence of the inability to manage risk or disaster risk
R = H x V / C, where
R = Risk / risk (probability of potential danger becoming a disaster)
H = Hazard / potential danger, threat
V = Vulnerability / vulnerability
C = Capacity / Capacity
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) can be done by reducing R, through understanding the
dynamics of H, reducing V and enlarging C. Conception of DRR, H = Natural phenomena such
as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, etc., as for V / C = Response / human attitude , such as
spatial policies, development approaches, education, human settlements, culture, etc.

Kemenristekdikti Central Market

1. Produce computational Indonesian human resources with DRR insight through the
implementation of higher education. PT is one of the most strategic doors to change
2. Building the capacity of disaster science and technology through:
- HR Setup
- Provision of sanitation and research infrastructure
- Organizing disaster education higher education
3. Produce and manage knowledge (knowledge management) through disaster applied

Increasing science and technology-based preparedness and PT

1. Education and Teaching
a. Mainstreaming DRR issues in the learning curriculum at PT.
b. Implementation of disaster related study programs (vocational, S1, S2, S3),
especially in areas with high vulnerability.
- Master Program in Disaster Science, Unsyiah
- Disaster risk management master's program, Bung Hatta University, etc.
- Disaster Management Magister Study Program, UGM.
c. Development of innovative learning resources / methods (e-learning, experiential
learning, training / simulation, etc.).
d. Establishment of disaster preparedness student activities unit
e. Establishment of disaster preparedness student activities unit
2. Implementation of Community Service
a. Dissemination / mobilization of research and study results to stakeholders (central
government / regional government) and the community.
b. Thematic Built Village Program (disaster alert), especially in disaster-prone areas
c. Implementation of disaster-based community service programs.
d. Training for knowledge of the capacity of disaster management apparatus in the
3. Research / Research Implementation
a. Strengthening PT Research Capacity in disaster-prone areas.
 Development of Center of excellence in disaster prone areas / regions (Aceh,
Yogyakarta, Sulawesi, Mataram, etc.
 Provision of adequate research facilities and infrastructure.
 Construction of Disaster Research Centers at PT.
b. Research assignments in accordance with the conditions of vulnerability in the PT
area (for understanding hazard dynamics, mitigation efforts, and strengthening
capacity and decreasing in the area).
4. Lintas Aspect Tridharma PT
- Use of the University Forum for Disaster Risk reduction (FPT-PRB).
- Strengthening capacity with PT affected by disasters (disaster affected
universities), such as: Untad Unram Unsyah, so that they can share experiences
and learning from disasters in each region.
- Formulate a University Disaster Framework and conduct ranking in order to
maintain a consistent effort by PT preparedness towards disaster resilient

Representative of the address of the Disaster Management Agency, Lieutenant General of the
Indonesian BPBD.
 6 Presidential instructions on disaster management.
 Plant trees all over the place. Not how many trees are planted but how many are growt.
This message is addressed to everyone.
 Reducing the use of plastic waste.
 Every facility owned by the government or the private sector is expected to be able to
mitigate disasters.
 Let us make Indonesia better.
 Recognize threats
 Prepare a strategy
 Take care of nature, so nature can take care of us.

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