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Parental“Involvement in their Children’s Education at Kamil Muslim College”

Education is a three legged stool made up of teachers, students “and parents and every child
has two main educators in life; the teachers and the parents. Thus, parental contribution in
child’s academic life from a preliminary phase has a remarkable outcome on educational
attainment and endures to do so into youth and maturity. Children whose parents are involved
in their academic performance have greater educational accomplishment; not only the
children gain to the maximum in assessments but they are more geared towards commencing
school and likelihood of graduating. Hence, parental involvement enhances children’s
academic” performance.

Moreover, at Kamil Muslim College the students are eminent with a number of factors that
hinders “their academic performance such as absenteeism, truancy, having low self-esteem,
indiscipline, violent behavior, substance abuse and so forth. The administrators and teachers
are often challenged with student’s low performance. Moreover, this research proposal will
examine what is parental involvement and how it contributes to the children’s academic
success especially in high school. It will also study the importance of parental involvement in
their children’s academic performance and it look at some factors that are hindrance in
parental” involvement.

Schools focus widely on parental contribution in children’s learning hence; this subject plays
a crucial role to students, educators and parents. “Parental involvement in children’s
education is given great importance since parents involvement will enhance children to score
better grades, they will have better attendance to school, their motivation to learning and self-
esteem will increase, there will be a decrease in substance abuse and violent behaviour, their
study time and watching television time will be monitored”(Kumar, 2018).

Moreover, “parental involvement is matter of concern as most parents are unaware of means
of providing their children with academic guidance and support. Some parents do not know
how to monitor out of school activities for instance, setting limits to watching television
programs and so forth. Thus, conducting this research is quite essential as it will explore what
can be done to encourage more parental participation and contribution in their
Kamil Muslim College was established in 1970 as a “Junior Secondary School with only
Form 3 and later went up to Form 7. In 1974 the first set of Form 7 (Year13) sat for their
external” exam. Kamil Muslim College is located near to Southern Cross Foods which was
named as Nestle before. The school is almost 2km away from Ba town and is in the Valele

Kamil Muslim College is a “multicultural and a multi-religious school with a roll of 680
students and 47 teachers and 5 ancillary staff. For this study students of higher levels are
chosen as participants as they sit for external exams. Thus, students, parents and teachers
from Years 10, 12 and 13 with mixed ethnicity will be randomly picked and surveyed
through interviews and” questionnaires.

The “study aims to find the impacts, benefits and importance of parental participation in”
their children’s education.

The objectives of this research are to:

 Find out the positive impacts of parental involvement on their child’s education.
 Discover“the academic performance of the students whose parents are both; actively
involved and non-actively involved in their education”.
 Determine the impacts on those children who are supported by single parent due to
divorce cases where either single parent is supporting or guardians are supporting with
the help of social welfare.
 Explore the “factors that would encourage increased parental involvement in secondary”

 What is the importance and benefits of parental involvement in their children’s academic
 What are the positive impacts of “parental involvement in their child’s” education?
 What can be done to“encourage increased parental involvement in secondary”schools?

That“student’s performance deteriorates and they are not keen to learning when parents are
not involved in their”education


Parental contribution plays an important part in a child’s life. “Thus researchers highlight the
importance of parent’s involvement in their child’s learning process which offers many
opportunities for success”. “It is seen that children want their families to be more
knowledgeable partners about schooling which will help in combating barriers and leading to
academic” success (Khan, 1996).

Furthermore, “when illiterate parents want to be involved in their children’s education, they
are faced with many difficulties. “Outstandingly, the research findings on the involvement of
illiterate parents appeared to be limited, in contrast with the results of our literature search on
the topic of parental involvement in children’s education in general, which was very
extensive. However, we have found some good practices to foster the involvement of
illiterate parents in their” (Kumar, 2018) children’s education.

Nonetheless, children do extremely well “even more when their parents help them at home
with their homework, attend school sponsored events, and volunteer at their” children’s
schools. This research shows “that today’s parents are often preoccupied with the distractions
and demands of daily life.” “Burdened by low-income, inflexible work hours and language
barriers, some parents are unable to attend school activities or participate in the schooling of
their children on a regular basis. Students are a critical component for successful school,
family, and community involvement and can create a barrier for partnerships when they fail
to fulfill their duty” (Mahuro, Hungi, 2016). Students are often responsible for delivering
information and communicating with their parents regarding school programmes, activities,
and events

In addition, theorists suggest that “socio economic status can have a negative impact on
parental involvement. The home environment plays an important role in parental
involvement”, “Davis-Kean, P. and Sexton, H., R., (2009). Researchers also conceptualized
parental involvement as having multiple dimensions whereby they say cooperation between
home and school can be a reinforcement of learning; the home environment plays a major
role to learning, Chen, W.B. and Gregory, A., (2010). Jackman, A. and Marshall, I., (2015),
also highlights on Vygotsky’s work whereby he states that learning takes place in cultural

Academic excellence at school has become a challenge for students, parents and teachers.
Since education is a three legged stool every group is required to put in equal efforts in
producing academic excellence at school. Parents play a very important role in shaping
child’s academically since the students spend early childhood with parents where Parents are
the first teachers and the attitudes of students develop from childhood where their interest in
education enables them to succeed in life. “Children whose parents are involved in their
academic performance have greater educational accomplishment; not only the children gain
to the maximum in assessments but they are more geared towards commencing school and
likelihood of graduating. Hence, parental involvement enhances children’s academic


 A mixed-“method research will be used which will embrace of qualitative and
quantitative research. The very important aim of mixed methods research is to tackle a
given research scope from any related position, correctly using previous research or
more than one type of exploratory view”. “This integrated tactic widens the
conceptual and analytical framework since it arrests not only the important dominant
qualities though, the cultural perceptions and social norms.”
 This study is going to be a extensive research that will be carried out at Kamil Muslim
College which is located in Western Division in Ba and is like two kilometers away
from Ba Town.
 The participants “out of 680 students, 46 teachers and 6 ancillary staff; for this study
students of higher levels from Kamil Muslim College are to be chosen as participants,
as they sit for external exams. 20 students from Year10, 20 Students from Year 12, 20
students from Year 13, 10 teachers and 20 parents will participate and all will be of
mixed ethnicity.”
 Mixed method approaches both quantitative method and qualitative methods are to be
employed in order to analyze the finding and to come to a conclusion.

The advantages of using the mixed method approach are that mixed method employs both
approaches simultaneously to create a research outcome stronger than either method
individually. The combined quantitative and qualitative methods enable exploring more
complex aspects and relations of the human and social world.


 Survey
 “Group discussion with parents in the “Talanoa Session””
 Questionnaires will be distributed to students and parents
 Teachers and students are to be interviewed


Once “the Principal has given an accordance to conduct the survey (which has been given
and attached in the Appendix), students and teachers will be well-versed about the survey and
an assurance on privacy shall be given. Only keen participants will be entertained. The
students will be given consent forms and those parents who want to participate will inform
their children. If any party wishes to withdraw in between may do so. Questionnaires will be
distributed, interviews will be conducted, group discussion will commence after the approval
from the parents and the principal.”

Data “analysis is a critical component of confirming data integrity is the precise and suitable
examination of research outcomes. Thus, for this study the findings will be tabulated, bar
graphs and pie charts will also be in use to highlight more on the findings. For a lucid
analysis of the data colour coding and keys would be provided.”

In “order to seek permission for the research at Kamil Muslim College I will design a letter to
the school Principal stating the reason for the research (which I have done). Any data
collected will be kept highly confidential. Participant’s names will not be released. No
participant will be forced to take part in the research. Any data collected will be used for the
project only. The principal will be highlighted about the findings.”

Date Activity/Exercise to be completed.

25/06/19 – 30/06/19 Research Proposal

02/07/19 – 07/07/19 Introduction

10/07/19 – 21/07/19 Literature Review

25/08/19 – 04/09/19
07/09/19 – 10/09/19 Ethics Obligation
15/09/19 – 20/09/19 Collection of Data
28/09/19 – 10/10/19
14/10/19 – 18/10/19 Recommendations
20/10/19 – 24/10/19 Conclusion
24/10/19 – 27/10/19 Submission

Adri Menheere, Edith H. Hooge. (2016), 'Parental involvement in children’s education:A

review study about the effect of parental involvement on children’s school education with a
focus on the position of illiterate parents', Parental involvement in children’s education,Vol.
6, no .1, pp. 144-157.

Chen, W. B. and Gregory, A., 2010, ‘Parental Involvement as a Protective Factor During the
Transition to High School’, The Journal of Education Research, vol 103, no.1, pp. 53-62.

Davis-Kean, P. and Sexton, H. R., 2009, ‘Race differences in Parental Influences on Child
Achievement: Multiple Pathways to Success’, Merrill – Palmer Quaterly, vol 55, no.3, pp.

G.M.Mahuro, N. Hungi. (2016), 'Parental participation improves student academic

achievement: A case of Iganga and Mayuge districts in Uganda', Uganda Cogent Education,
Vol 2, no. 1, pp. 22-44.

Jackman, A., and Marshall, I. 2015, ‘Parental Involvement, Student Active Engagement and
the ‘Secondary Slump’ Phenomenon – Evidence from a Three Year Study in a Barbadian
Secondary School’, International Education Studies, vol 8, no.7, pp. 84-96.

Khan, M. B. (1996), 'Parental Involvment in Education: Possibilities and Limitations', The

school Community Journal, vol 6, no.1 , pp. 57-64.

Kumar, J. S. (2018),'Influence of Parent’s Education on Parental Academic', Journal of

Advances Scholarly Researches in Allied Education, vol 15, no. 5 , pp. 114-119.

Masa Durisic and Mila Bunijevac. (2017),'Parental Involvement as a Important Factor for
Successful Education" , C.E.P.S Journal, vol 7, no. 3 , pp. 137-152.

Ronel Mondragon Sapungan,Gina Madrigal Sapungan. (2014),'Parental Involvement in

Child's Education: Importance, Barriers and Benefits', Asian Journal of Management
Sciences & Education,Vol. 3(2) , pp. 42-48.

Vaioleti, T. M. (2006). Talanoa Research Methodology: A Developing Position On Pacific

Research. Waikato Journal of Education. vol-12 , pp. 22-34
Questionnaire for Parents
Thank you for answering the questionnaire.
Questionnaires for Students

1. Which Year are you in?


2. Do you like coming to school?


3. “How do you get through your studies when you are stuck at home? Who helps

4. Do you come from single parent family? How“often do you get assistance from
parents at home?”

5. “Do your parents take a feedback on your studies on a daily basis?”


6. “How do they involve themselves in your education?”


7. “Do they involve themselves enthusiastically or you force them to be part of your

8. “Have they attended all the Parents Teachers Interview up till now? How did they
react on your academic performance?”

9. Does your“parent monitor your leisure and study time?”


10. “Are you rewarded by your parents when you bring good grades in exams?”

Thank you for answering the questionnaire.

Interview Questions for Teachers

1. For how long have you been in the teaching field?

2. Which levels do you teach?

3. “Do you think parental involvement is advantageous to students? If yes then

4. “Students whose parents are actively involved in their education; how is their
attendance to school?”
5. “What is your general view about student’s behavior and moral conduct whose
parents are involved in their education?”
6. “What are some reasons students give when they come to school late, with
incomplete notes or un-attempted homework?”
7. “Do children take pride in their work and do they have high self esteem?
8. “What kind of relationship do teachers have with parents?”
9. “According to a teachers point of view what methods do you think can encourage
students’ progress in school?”
10. “Are there any school activity to develop and maintain partnerships with families
and school?”
11. “Does the school categorize parents and give importance according to financial
“Thank you for answering the questions.”

“Interview Questions for Students”

1. “Do you think your parents should be involved in your education? Explain?”
2. “Are your parents educated? Explain how you feel when they come to your
3. “Do your parents assist you at home in your studies? If yes explain how?”
4. “What are your parent’s expectations about your studies?”
5. “Who do you find more approachable your teachers or your parents?”

6. “Do you get daily assistance from your parents in your studies?”
7. “Do you ever have family time and discussion about your studies at home? And
how often?”
8. “How often do your parents visit your school regarding your performance?”
9. “Are you supervised during study time at home?”
10. “Do you think parental involvement is a hindrance to your education or it is a

“Thank you for the Interview.”

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