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Painting and Sculpture Senakulo- a passion play which depicts the death of Jesus

Artistic paintings were introduced to the Filipinos in the 16th Christ.

century when the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines. The Santacruzan- reenact Saint Helena’s finding of the True Cross
Spaniards used paintings as religious propaganda to spread and serves as an expression of devotion to the Virgin Mary.
Catholicism throughout the Philippines. These paintings, Comedia- s courtly love between a prince and princess of
appearing mostly on church walls, featured religious figures different religions.
appearing in Catholic teachings. The purpose of the paintings Comedia- s courtly love between a prince and princess of
from 16th to 19th centuries was to aid the Catholic Church. different religions.
Weaving- Philippine weaving involves many threads being Duplo- a forerunner of the balagtasan. The performances
measured, cut and mounted on a wooden platforms. The consist of two teams; the Dupleras or Belyakas ( young
threads are dyed and weaved on a loom. During Spanish women) and Dupleros or Belyakos ( young men)
colonization, Filipinos used a fabric called nipis to weave Karagatan- comes from the legendary practice of testing the
white clothing. These were weaved with decorative, flower mettle of young men vying for a maidens hand.
designs. Dance
Architecture - The Bahay Kubo, or nipa hut, another Banga --Tribe: Kalinga
architectural form made of impermanent materials has a style -"Banga" literally mean pots. This dance illustrate the languid
that has lasted through the years. grace of a tribe otherwise known as fierce warriors.
Archeology -Diggings in many parts of the Philippines have Bendayan -- Origin: Benguet Province, Northern Luzon
yielded rich artifacts. Battings has unearthed enormous - is a circle dance of the Benguet of Mountain Province. Long
amounts of Philippine and Asian pottery and porcelain. The known, it is a dance to celebrate the arrival of successful head
Calatagan excavations alone represent a milestone in the hunters.
history of Philippine archeology. Lumagen / Tachok --Tribe: Kalinga
Pottery - Native Filipinos created pottery since 3500 years -is performed to celebrate happy occasions like the birth of a
ago. They used these ceramic jars to hold the deceased. They first-born baby boy, a wedding, or a budong (peace pact), the
used anthropomorphic design and had pot covers shaped like Kalinga Festival Dance (Tachok) is performed.
human heads. Manmanok --Tribe: Bago
(Music) - rondalla, a native string band which again best - is a courtship dance which is an imitation of two mating
typifies the blending of many influences that go into fowls.
cultivation of an indigenous art form Ragsaksakan -- Tribe: Kalinga
Literature and Theater - portrays the Kalinga tribal women as they balance baskets
Tanaga – short poems consisting of four lines with seven atop their head and walk carefully along the mountainous
syllables each that rhyme at the end of each line. rice terraces to not wander off the path through the morning
Ladino Poems – were natives of first Tagalog versifiers who fog.
saw print: highly literate in both Spanish and the vernacular. Salidsid ---Tribe: Kalinga
Corridos- were widely read during Spanish Period that filled -is the Kalinga courtship dance, performed by a male and
the popular’s nee for entertainment. female (and thus is sometimes called the "cayoo" dance). The
Awit – these were also widely read during the Spanish period dance starts when each of the dancers are given a pice of
as entertaining, edifying and reading manner in the leisure cloth called ayob or allap.
time. The structure is rendered dodecasyllabic quatrains. Talip- is a courtship dance that approximates those of the
Dramas fowls
Moriones- refers to the helmets of participants dressed as Tarektek -- Tribe: Benguet
Roman Soldiers. Found only on the island of Marinduque, it is -two tareketek woodpeckers vie for the attention of three
down during Holy Week females.
Panunuluyan- it depicts Joseph and Mary search for a room Uyaoy / Uyauy -- Tribe: Ifugao
at the inn in Bethlehem. This Ifugao wedding festival dance is accompanied by gongs
Pangangaluluwa- a pratice formerly widespread during All and is performed by the affluent to attain the second level of
Saint’s Day. the wealthy class. Wealthy people (Kadangyan) who have
Salubong- a ritual performed in the early morning of Easter performed this dance are entitled to the use of gongs at their
Sunday a few hours after the Easter Vigil and before the death
Easter Mass, dramatizing the meeting between the
resurrected Jesus and his mother.
Binaylan- tells the story of a hen, the hen’s baby and a hawk. Singkaban or Bamboo Art of Bulacan - is the art of shaving
The hawk is said to control a tribe’s well being and is killed by bamboo into artful creations that can be used as décor for
hunters after attempting to harm the hens baby. arches or for the home
Traditional Filipino dances are Tinikling and Binasuan and The Bul-ul of Ifugao- A Bul-ul is a carved wooden figure used
others. to guard the rice crop by the Igorot of northern Luzon
Tinikling- use two long bamboo sticks rapidly and in rhythm, Okir Design of Maranao- Okir is the term for geometric and
clap sticks for dancers to artiscally and daringly try to avoid flowing designs which are often based on an elaborate leaf
getting their feet caught between them. and vine pattern and folk motifs
Singkil dance- is identifiable with the use of umbrellas and silk The Torogan of Maranao- is a type of house indigenous to
clothing. Maranao communities which is a symbol of high social status.
Art in the Past The Hagabi of Ifugao- is a long wooden bench placed under
The Darangen is an ancient epic song that encompasses a the eaves in the stoned-paved yard that surrounds the house.
wealth of knowledge about the Maranao people who live in Pabalat or Borlas de Pastillas of Bulacan-are wrapped with
the Lake Lanao region of Mindanao. decorative wrappers known as pabalat or borlas de pastillas.
Juan Luna’s Spoliarium- The painting features a glimpse of The Puni or Palm leaf folding of Bulacan-Puni refers to the
Roman history centered on the bloody carnage brought by art of coconut leaf weaving.
gladiatorial matches.
Amorsolo’s Antipolo Fiesta - This oil painting on canvas
depicts a rural scene where a group of people is shown
celebrating fiesta in Antipolo.
Tolentino’s U.P. Oblation -The Oblation is the masterpiece of
first National Artist for Sculpture Guillermo Tolentino. In
1935, Guillermo was commissioned by then University
President Rafael Palma to craft the monument that would
express the in visual form the second stanza of Jose Rizal’s
“Mi Ultimo Adios” (“Last Farewell”). The original Oblation was
unveiled in 1939 in Ermita, Manila by Gregoria de Jesus de
Nakpil, widow of hero Andres Bonifacio.
The Manunggul Jar of Palawan - is a National Treasure of the
Philippines. A secondary burial jar, it was found in Chamber A
of the Tabon Cave.It was found by Robert Fox and Miguel
Philippine Museums
National Museum of the Philippines - is a government
institution in the Philippines and serves as an educational,
scientific and cultural institution in preserving the various
permanent national collections featuring the etnographic,
anthropological, archeological and visual artistry of the
Sculpture is the most familiar art forms among Filipinos
The Higantes of Angono, Rizal - The body of the traditional
higante are made of bamboo and colorful cloth and its faces
of paper mache.
The Taka of Paete Laguna - Taka refers to paper mache made
using carved wooden sculpture used as a mold. Taka was
pioneered by a Paete local Maria Piday.
The Giant Lantern Festival of Pampanga - The festival
features a competition of giant lanterns.
Saniculas Cookie Mold Carvings of Pampanga- are arrowroot
cookies that have the image of St. Nicholas molded on it. St.
Nicholas is also known as “the healer”.

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