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My seventeen birthday was Misordering. My seventeenth birthday Should be in
the best of my childhood. was the best of my ordinal number.
The date was 16th, April. NO CHANGE.
I awoke early in the NO CHANGE.
My room was decorated in Grammar. My room was decorated That was: Singular.
my favorite colors, that in my favorite colors, Those were: Plural.
was pink and black. those were pink and
After I got dressed, I went NO CHANGE.
I had to pass the dining NO CHANGE.
room on my way to the
So I saw all my birthday Preposition. So I saw all of my Must put
presents piled high on the birthday presents piled preposition “of”
table. high on the table. before noun.
I rushed into the kitchen, NO CHANGE.
and my mother greeted me
a big kiss and hug.
I begged her to let me open NO CHANGE.
one present.
But she said I had to wait Preposition. But she said I had to wait Must put
until later, when all my until later, when all of my preposition “of”
friends, uncles and aunts friends, uncles and aunts before noun.
would arrive. would arrive.
The day seemed endless NO CHANGE.
while I waited.
At last, my friends, uncles NO CHANGE.
and aunts arrived in the
late afternoon.
Then, my mother said I NO CHANGE.
could open my presents.
I tore into each colorfully NO CHANGE.
wrapped present.
But I was disappointed NO CHANGE.
because each package
contained only a piece of
paper with one word
written on it.
My mother knew I liked Misordering. My mother knew I liked Must put “it” to
puzzles, so she said that puzzles, so she said that refer the puzzle.
this was a puzzle I had to this was a puzzle I had to
figure out. figure it out.
I looked at all the words Preposition. I looked at all of the Must put
and realized that my real words and realized that preposition “of”
present was in the garage. my real present was in the before noun.
When I ran out there, I saw Misordering. When I ran out there, I The thing is
my beautiful new thing, saw a new beautiful unknown yet and
that was a motorcycle. thing, that was a the adjective is
motorcycle. reversed.
I was thrilled and told them NO CHANGE.
all that I would never forget
this wonderful day.

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