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for Science Class 3

Class 3 | Science Olympiad Preparation | Worksheet #3
Max Time Allowed: 30 min

Based on the life cycle, choose the odd one out.

A. Bee
B. Moth
C. Praying Mantis
D. Fruit fly
Q.2) At which stage(s) does/do a mosquito have to stay in water?
A: Egg
B: Larva
C: Pupa
D: Adult

A. A only
B. D only
C. A and B
D. A, B and C
Q.3) Study the things below in Table 1.

Which of the following from Table 2 can be added to Group X and Group Y in Table 1?

A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Q.4) Priya placed 4 objects into a tank of water. The picture below shows the results of her
Which one of the following comparisons is correct?

A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Where would you put a mirror in the Venn diagram ?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
F. 6
G. 7
Q.6) Is it true that hot water may freeze faster when a pan of cold water and
a pan of hot water of equal mass are placed in a freezer compartment.

A. True
B. False
Mahika classified 6 objects into two groups using the classification
chart below .

Which of the following OPTIONS from the table could be the most
suitable headings for groups P and Q ?

A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Q.8) Radha draws 20 ml of air using a 50 ml syringe from a football. What
would be the expected amount of air in the syringe ?

A. 20 ml
B. 30 ml
C. 50 ml
D. 70 ml
Q.9) We are able to see objects because they _______________ light into our

A. refract
B. reflect
C. shine
D. transmit
Q.10) We are able to see the moon because it _______________

A. gives out light

B. is a glowing star
C. reflects light from the sun
D. reflects light from the earth
Q.11) Which of the following beverages is obtained from the leaves of a plant?

A. Coffee
B. Lassi
C. Tea
D. Cold drink
The diagram below shows 3 varieties, A , B and C , of the same species
of fish which live amongst water plants in a river.
Another specie of fish which preys on A, B and C is introduced into the
river .

Which variety would be most likely to decrease in number ?

A. Variety A
B. Variety B
C. Variety C
D. Not possible to tell
Q.13) Do the correct matching

Choice Match
A Food that cannot be eaten raw 1 Apple
B Food that is digested very easily 2 Fish
C Food that can be eaten raw 3 Onion
D A modified stem that we eat 4 Cooked food
Q.14) In an experiment, two similar plants and of similar size were placed in two similar glass

The roots of Plant 2 were cut off whereas the roots of Plants 1 are kept intact. The two
plants were placed near the window in the same location.

After a week, the amount of water left in both flasks was recorded.

What according to you, would be the aim of the experiment?

A. if roots absorb water

B. if the stem absorbs water
C. If plants respond to stimulus
D. if water with nutrients helps plants to grow healthily
Q.15) In an experiment, a student prepared 2 similar potted plants as shown in the diagram.
He painted all the leaves of Plant 2 black.

For one week, he gave the same amount of water to both the plants each day. After one
week, what do you think would he observe?

A. Both plants were growing normally

B. Both plants died
C. Plant 1 was growing normally but plant 2 died
D. Plant 2 was growing normally but plant 1 died
Answer Key
Q.1) Praying Mantis
Q.2) A, B and C
Q.3) Option 2
Q.4) Option 2
Q.5) 2
Q.6) True
Q.7) Option 3
Q.8) 20 ml
Q.9) reflect
Q.10) reflects light from the sun
Q.11) Tea
Q.12) Variety C
Q.13) Fish
Cooked food
Q.14) if roots absorb water
Q.15) Plant 1 was growing normally but plant 2 died

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