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Decoro, Jan Christopher D.


Project Proposals:

1. Guessing Game
This program is a number guessing game. It works like this- the user will have the chance
to guess what is on the programmer’s mind. It will take him n times to guess the programmer’s
chosen number. The chosen number depends on the programmer’s chosen range. This program
will use loop (do-while), primarily. It will also use random number generator functions as a
function for choosing the programmer’s number. Then, the guessing game starts. The program
will ask for the user’s name (or other information I want to ask). After asking, the user will try to
guess what the number is. If the guess is wrong, the program will tell the user if the number is
higher or lower. Then, the user will have n chances to guess. The lesser the number of entering a
guess number, the better. The game ends after the user hits the right number.

2. RPG Game

The game is based on the story of Skyrim with few revisions, and ends on the part where
the hero kills his first dragon.

The game works like this: the program will ask for the user’s name. Then asks the
desired race of the user, each race have a different starting health and level. Afterwards it give a
brief instruction of the mechanics of the game. Then, the program will print a 2d array(the
dimensions will depend on the likeness of the programmer). This will serve as the whole map of
the game. The user will have to choose if he/she wants to move in any direction until he/she
faces the boss.

References: lkrlactuan resources

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