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IEEE|IPM Chapter

What according to you are the skill sets you possess that will benefit this
chapter and why do you think we should consider you?

1. I have got a keen interest in the latest trends of technology and I also try to have a tap
on the latest news about new products. In addition to this I have got a good
networking skills with people which could help the IEEE to get experts, and also the
students around Indore to join the workshop and seminar
2. With regards to work given, I am quite flexible and will be able to contribute by
doing any kind of work given by the team coordinator. When it comes to working I
am a responsible person, and the person I had worked with has appreciated my work.
I have worked in the participation verticle in UDAAN, Logistics vertical in Atharv,
and the Hospitality vertical in Ranbhoomi.
3. Being the part of the team is itself an achievement and I won't be disrespecting or
misusing this opportunity by skipping away from the responsibilities given by the
senior core.
4. Many of my school friends are studying in various colleges of Indore, (i.e. SGSITS,
Devi Ahilya, IPS Academy) I can use this to market the event and workshops and get
a greater participation in workshops from the institute

For me working with the team is not merely to get any position of responsibility but I see it in
terms of my self-fulfilment. This will give me a chance to build a network from which I can
connect to the technology experts, and get mentorship while also bringing out the benefits
to the student community of the institute. IEEE has got a potential to boost up the portfolio
of the students, only it is required to realise its importance.

Design an event(a seminar, a workshop) which you think is relevant to our

chapter. You are free to decide the domain and then the subject. You are
expected to chalk down the details, for instance the schedule, the course
outline, the speaker, the budget, the maximum capacity in terms of the
number of students.

I would like to propose an introductory workshop on Lean & Six Sigma. I believe that the
knowledge with respect to this will definitely become a good resume point for the students
and will be helpful in their life ahead. The price of six-sigma certification outside is huge, so
organising a workshop will be helpful to the students to get a basic idea of the subject.
We can schedule it at the time when there is not any clash of the dates with the quizzes,
midterm, end-terms of the students. Preferably the workshop should have to be conducted
within the first two weeks of the term beginning as at that time there's no pressure and
students will willing to join the workshop. The workshop should be certificate based, a
digital certificate will be given to every student who will register with IEEE and pass a small
test consisting of the questions from the workshop. The registration fee will not be marked
too high, and will be decided by considering the student’s willingness to pay in mind.

How to get students to the workshop: I would like to propose a change in the structure
with respect to the participation. We will be inviting the registered students as well as the
non-registered students. However, the certificate will be given only to the students who has
paid the registration fee and has taken a test.
Non-registered students will also be allowed to take the test and check their result. However,
they will get the certificate only after getting registered and paying the required fee amount

Course outline: The workshop should be at an introductory level

 Objective
 Overview of Six Sigma
 What is Six Sigma
 Why is it important for a B-school student?
 What Sigma and Six Sigma
 History of Six Sigma
 Objective and Application area of Six Sigma
 Difference between Lean and Six Sigma
 Six Sigma Production System(In Motorola)

The Speaker:
The speaker should be a working executive in any of the company or a professor from any of
the recognised institute. To be honest, I haven’t got any contact or the names of the speaker
to be invited. However, the basic parameter for the selection would be:

1. A master black belt

2. The experience in the respective field
3. Qualification
4. Industry
5. His/her availability at the time when the workshop is to be conducted
6. Companies in which he/she has worked with
All the above parameters are important to create an ethos which could definitely be helpful to
attract the students.
While searching I came across some linked profiles from Indore which could be our
prospective speakers for the workshop. However, a further is necessary before deciding as
whom to invite

The budget will mainly consist of the following:
 Booking tickets. Coming as well as returning
 Meals
 Posters
 Logistics, in terms of pens, bottles, notebooks
 Printed reading material for a ready reference (this can also be distributed by email)

The number of students required to be registered should be such that the whole cost of the
event is recovered along with the profits which could be used for the future events like
quizzes or guest lectures.

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