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Test 2, Module 2 group A

Student: _________________________________ Class: ______________

I Complete the sentences with the correct personality adjective. The first letter of the
word is given.
1) Our new P.E. teacher is very relaxed and friendly. He’s an e_________________ person.

2) Patrick is very c____________. He always does well in tests.

3) Mrs Brown is really u_____________. She never wants to talk to anyone.

4) Don’t leave money on the table. Some people are d________________.

5) Ted is making me crazy. Now he’s happy and five minutes later angry. I can’t stand
m___________ people.

6) He's very r_______________. You can't always count on him to do what he says he'll do.

/ 6 points
II Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in comparative and
superlative. You can add other words if necessary.

I went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was_____________ (small) the
one in the photograph in the brochure. I think it was ________________ (small) room in the
hotel. The weather was terrible too. It was ________________ (cold) in England. The beach
near the hotel was very dirty – it was _______________(dirty) all the beaches on the island.
The food was ___________________ (expensive) I expected and I didn’t have enough money.
One day I went shopping in a big department store and I broke a vase. It was ______________
(expensive) vase in the whole shop. But _____________(bad) thing of all was that I lost my
passport and I couldn’t go back home. It was ______________ (horrible) holiday in all my life.

/ 8 points

III Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use “(not) as…..
as” comparison.

1) Jack’s English is worse than Sonia’s.

Jack’s English ____________________________ Sonia’s.

2. David’s bag is 3 kg. Nick’s bag is 5 kg.
David’s bag ______________________________ Nick’s bag.
3) Tim’s story was funnier than Ben’s story.
Ben’s story _______________________________ Tim’s story.
4) Science fiction films and soap operas are very exciting.
Science fictions are ___________________________ soap operas.
5) The book was better than the film.
The film ____________________________________ the book.
6) Chinese is more difficult than French.
French isn’t _________________________________Chinese. / 6 points
IV Make suggestions, using the information below and respond to suggestions. Use
different way of suggesting each time.
1) play tennis/ Saturday morning 3) look round the shops/ tomorrow?
2) visit the Sydney Art Gallery/ Tuesday morning? 4) have a picnic/ weekend?
____________________________________________________ / 4 points
V Complete the sentences with too much, too many, a lot of, not enough
1) I ate________________ cakes and felt sick later.
2) I _________________________ (not earn) money to buy that car.
3) Elizabeth is popular. She's got _______________ friends.
4) You spend ______________ time at the computer. You should play outside more often
5) There’s______________________ smoke in here; I can’t breathe.
6) There _______________ (not) people to play a match, so everybody went home.
/ 6 points
VI Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs with get.
1) Hurry! We don’t want to miss the train! Let’s ____________________.
2) Staying warm and getting rest will help you ____________________ your cold.
3) What time do you usually ___________________ in the mornings?
4) I really like my classmates. We all ____________________ each other.
5) I have got too much work to do. I'd better ___________________ it.
/ 5 points

TOTAL: / 35
0-7 (1); 8-15 (2); 16-22 (3); 23-29 (4); 30-35 (5)
Test 2, Module 2 group B
Student: _________________________________ Class: ______________
I Complete the sentences with the correct personality adjective. The first letter of the
word is given.
1) Ralf is c__________________ that he will win the match. He’s trained a lot.
2) If your homework is difficult, you can ask Helen. She’s always very h______________ and
she’ll explain it to you.
3) Susan is the most c________________ person I’ve ever met. She’s always smiling and
telling jokes.
4) My sister is always very u______________. Nothing in her room is in the right place. It’s a
total mess.
5) Lucy went hiking last year. She is very a____________________. She often goes to new
6) Max is very u__________________ sometimes. He says some very cruel things.
/ 6 points
II Anna and her family are looking for a new house. Complete their dialogue with the
correct form of the adjectives in comparative and superlative. You can add other words if
Dad: The detached house in the suburbs is spacious; it’s got three bedrooms, a huge fitted
kitchen, an attic, a basement, a garden … Anna: There’s a___________( big) flat for sale
upstairs on the third floor. Why don’t we buy that? Dad: Because it’s
______________________ (expensive) and it isn’t big enough. Anna: Why do you want to
move to the suburbs? The centre’s got shops and it’s____________ (interesting) part of town!
Dad: It’s a lot __________________(quiet) in the suburbs. Life is ___________________
(good) there. Anna No, it isn’t. It’s_________(bad)! It’s too far from all my friends. There’s
nothing to do there.
Mum: Why don’t we buy the country cottage! It isn’t as expensive as the house and people are
_____________(friendly) in the country. It’s the ______________(nice) place to live.
/ 8 points
III Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use “(not) as…..
as” comparison.
1) July is hotter than May.
May _______________________________July.
2). Chemistry is more difficult than drawing.
Chemistry isn’t ___________________________ drawing.
3) Rebecca is 1.68 m and Sophie is 1.69 m.
Sophie _________________________________ Rebecca.
4) Max is more confident than David.
David __________________________________ Max.
5) The students from grade 8 were noisier than students from grade 7.
The students from grade 8 ____________________________________ students from grade 7.
6) Josh is better at football than Nick.
Nick ___________________________________________ Josh. / 6 points
IV Make suggestions, using the information below and respond to suggestions. Use
different way of suggesting each time.
1) have a barbecue/ Sunday afternoon? 3) visit Sydney Opera House/ Monday morning?
2) see the new film/ after dinner? 4) go to the theatre? Tuesday evening?
____________________________________________________ / 4 points
V Complete the sentences with too much, too many, a lot of, not enough
1) I don’t like people who ask _________________ many questions
2) Please, don’t put _______________sugar in my coffee; I don’t like it too sweet.
3) There _______________ (not) bread for the sandwiches. We can’t make them.
4) ______________ snow falls in winter in this area.
5) There is ____________________ noise in this room for me to work.
6) I _________________________ (not have) chocolate to share round everyone..
/ 6 points
VI Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs with get.
1) I hate to _______________________ early in the morning.
2) When I __________ the bus, it was full and I had to stand up.
3) Jo and I used to be friends but we don’t __________each other now. We had a big argument.
4) He ______________________ his bike and rode down the road.
5) I There were so many people in the doorway that we could hardly ________________.
/ 5 points
0-7 (1); 8-15 (2); 16-22 (3); 23-29 (4); 30-35 (5) TOTAL: / 35 points
3. An orange is sweeter than a lemon.
A lemon isn’t ……………………………………………. an orange.
4. Terry is 1.70 cm tall. Jason is 1.70 cm tall too.
Terry is …………………………………………… Jason.
5. Chinese is more difficult than French.
French isn’t …………………………………………. Chinese.
7. Chemistry is more difficult than drawing.
Chemistry isn’t ………………………………………………… drawing.
8. Jane’s car is Mercedes, but Sue’s car is Opel.
Sue’s car isn’t ………………………………………. Jane’s car.
9. July is hotter than May.
May isn’t ……………………………………… July.

Too much/ many, not enough

There’s______________________ smoke in here; I can’t breathe.
4) I know I talk ________________. I should talk less.
6 _________________money can be bad for football players who are still in their 20s.
10) There weren’t _______________ people to play a match, so everybody went home.
I can’t help you. I have _____ problems right now.
People spend _____ time one their mobile phones
There were _______________ people at the concert and we couldn’t see anything.
Please, don’t put _______________(too much) sugar in my coffee; I don’t like it too sweet.
I don’t like people who ask _________________(too) many questions.
We don’t have __________________(enough) time to have another coffee; we need to leave
There isn't _______________bread for the sandwiches.
There are________________things in that cupboard.
There are ___________(too many) students in the classroom.
There's ______________water in the bath.
London has ______________(a lot of) beautiful buildings
We spent ________________ (a lot of) money to redecorate the house.
Children spend ______________ (a lot of) time on social media platforms.
______________(A lot of) people like to swim at night.
______________(A lot of snow) falls in winter.
There are ___ (a lot of) books that I want to read.
_____________(A lot of) computers are needed at schools.
Liverpool has _____________ (a lot of) great nightclubs.

1) We are getting ...................... at the next station. (off)
2) I hate to get ....................... early in the morning.
3) He got ........................... his bike and rode down the road. (on)
4) I have got too much work to do. I'd better get ....................... it. (down to)
5) He and his neighbors get ...................... well. (on with) ????
6) don’t___________ my mother – in- law. She’s always telling me what to do and she is really
7) Hurry! We don’t want to miss the train! Let’s ____________________. (get on)
8) Staying warm and getting rest will help you ____________________ your cold.
(get over)
9) What time do you usually ___________________ in the mornings?
10) 7. I really like my classmates. We all ____________________ each other (get on well)
11) When I __________ the bus, it was full and I had to stand up. (got on)
12) Jo and I used to be friends but we don’t _________________ (get on with) each other now.
We had a big argument.

Use the words in brackets to change the sentences so that they are true
for each speaker.
1 Ivy: ‘The flat isn’t as near the city centre as the house.’ (than)
‘The flat ¡s nearer the c¡ty centre than the house.’
2 Dad: ‘The centre isn’t as noisy as the suburbs.’ (than)
3 Ivy: ‘The suburbs are more interesting than the centre.’ (as)
4 Ivy: ‘It’s easier to get to school from the house in the suburbs.’
5 Ivy: ‘The country is as boring as the suburbs.’ (most)
6 Mum: ‘The flat is nicer than the cottage.’ (as)
7 Ivy: ‘The house isn’t very far from the shops.’ (too)
8 Dad: ‘The centre is too quiet.’ (enough)
8 CD2.12 In pairs, decide where you think Ivy and her parents are
Group B
The detached house in the suburbs is the ____________(most spacious); it’s got three
a huge fitted kitchen, an attic, a basement, a garden …
Ivy: There’s a_______________( bigger) flat for sale upstairs on the third floor. Why don’t we
buy that?
Dad Because it’s ______________________ (the most expensive) and it isn’t big enough.
Ivy Why do you want to move to the suburbs?
The centre’s got shops and … it’s the
most interesting part of town!
Dad And the noisiest too. It’s a lot quieter in
the suburbs. Life is better there.
Ivy No, it isn’t. It’s worse! It’s too far from all
my friends. There’s nothing to do there.
Mum Why don’t we buy the country cottage!
It isn’t as expensive as the house and
people are friendlier in the country.
It’s the nicest place to live.
Ivy No, it isn’t. It’s even more boring than the

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