Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II

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Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II

Chapter 1


Fathers have the image of strength that everyone admires. They are the foundation of

every homes. Fathers play a significant role in families, and their relationships with their

children influence youths’ well-being across several domains, including academic success

(Gordon, 2016), psychological health (Hofferth, 2006), and future educational and

occupational attainment (Tillman, 2007). Fathers engage in multiple care-taking roles within

families such as spending quality time with their children, providing financial support, and

serving as moral support. (Lamb & Tamis-LeMonda, 2004). This is the normal picture and

functions that our creative mind ever imagine for the post of our homes but not everyone

experienced the normal setting of the family.

Just like what Siddharta Gautama said that the cause of the suffering are endless

desires. Fathers weigh all the responsibilities to support the wants and need of his family but

we know virtually nothing, however, about disabled fathers. this group has been marginalised

within all the relevant bodies of research. Recent reviews of research on fathering (Lewis

2000; Marsiglio et al. 2000; O’Brien 2005; Burgess 2007). Our eyes never laid on the core of

every house, we forgot that fathers need assistance, love and support. For fathers build a

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II

remark that they are born to be the strongest and bravest in the family that we set aside their

personal needs and wants.

The recorded figure of fathers with disability (PWD) in the 2000 CPH was 356,551

persons, which was 1.23 percent of the household population (Philippine Statistic Authority

2013). Their children can be engaged in some issues and there will be a big burden to their

hearts. What more with the father’s who are disabled and labeled by the society. The

capability to be a father is being judged, doubted and being limit.

Disabled people often get teased just for existing.They also suffer from psychological

challenges due to the way society view the disabled. When a parent has a disability, it affects

the entire family, some focuses mostly on the negative impact of disabled parents on their


The researchers aim to identify their struggles in the path they are walking, their ways to

survive and how they can surpass all the challenges that life may brings.

Research Questions

1.What are the struggles of the participants in their community?

2.What are the ways of survival of the participants?

3.How do the participants manage all the criticism and discrimination they have experienced?

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II


This study is about the struggles of disabilities people. Initially the field focused on the

disable fathers, where disability was considered a social construct. Its purpose is to expand

the concept of diversity in democratic society and what are the possible solutions for this

problem Also, it can help to disseminate the message to other people to stop belittling the

capability of a crippled fathers.

For the parents, this research can help fathers who are dealing with disabilities. Can

serve as their guide to know how hard it can be to be crippled.

For the students, this research can serve as an eye opener on how hard it is to be

labeled as a crippled fathers.

For the future researchers, this research can serve as a basis for the future studies and if

ever they will conduct the same study.

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II



A qualitative method will be used to Know the life of the Crippled Fathers. This kind of

method focus on interpretative, naturalistic approach to its subject matter, another is that it

helps the researchers to get an in-depth understanding of most interaction, actions or drives by

many formal approaches of a student’s (Joubish et. al 2011). Hence, the researchers are aiming

to get an accurate result from the respondents, who emphasizes objective and subjective (for

the respondents).


The respondents of the study will be all crippled fathers in Magalang, Pampanga; the

study involves 6 fathers. This study will be conducted in Rodolfo V. Feliciano Memorial High

School for school year 2018-2019 North District of Magalang, Pampanga.


Qualitative data will be collected using a self-made questionnaire in knowing the life of the

crippled fathers, there will be three questions that will be asked and will be validated by their

research teacher which are the following:

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II

1. How does your family treat you?? Or the community as well?

2. How are you as a father despite of your situation?

3. Have you’ve been criticized by the people around you?

4. What criticisms have you experienced?

5. Aside from criticisms,what else are you struggling with your community

6. What do you do to provide for family

7. What do you do when someone criticize you?


As an initial action, to know the Life of the Crippled Fathers. The researchers will send a

letter to the participant’s informing them about the study and asking permission to administer

the necessary procedure.

The data of this study will be collected using house to house interview. After obtaining

informed consent, the researchers will conduct an interview consisting of seven questions and

will explain that they may cease participation at any time. We will use recorder to record the

precise thoughts of the participants. After the completion of the interview the participants will

be asked if they have any question and will thank them for their cooperation. The gathered data

will be organized and systematically arranged.

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II



1. How does your family treat you?? Or the community as well?

Participant 1:

Participant 2:

Participant 3:

“ Ung pamilya ko tinatrato akong espesyal kahit na may ganito akong kalagayan, pero yung sa

comunity parang basurero na di nirerespeto at laruan sa kanilang kaligayahan.”

English : “My family treat me special eventhough I have this kind of disability but my community

treat me as a beggar who doesn’t deserve to be respected and a toy for their happiness.”

Participant 4 :

“ Normal naman”

English “”They treat me as a normal

Participant 5 :

“ Parang pabigat ako sakanila kapag inaasikaso nila ako pero sa ano okay naman”

English : “ I feel useless every time they are taking care of me but to my community they treat

me as a normal””

Participant 6 :

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II

“Okay naman, parang wala lang. Okay lang naman din””

2. How are you as a father despite of your situation?

Participant 1 :

Participant 2 :

Participant 3 :

“Okay naman din ako bilang tatay pero mahirap dahil sa kondisyon ko”

I’m fine as a father but it became hard because of my condition

Participant 4 :

“Kinakaya ag lahat”

Trying to surpass eveyrthing

Participant 5 :

“Nahihirapan syempre”

It’s difficult for me

Participant 6 :

“Siguro okay naman kase binigay ko naman lahat”

I think it’s fine for I gave everything”

3. Have you’ve been criticized by the people around you?

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II

Participant 1 :

Participant 2 :

Participant 3 :

Participant 4 :

Participant 5 :

Participant 6 :

A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II



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A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II


A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

Senior High School in Magalang Stand Alone II


A Frail Foundation : Unveiling the Lives of the Crippled Fathers

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