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2D Symbols

Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Version 2014 R1 (10.1)

June 2014

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2 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

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2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 3

4 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide
Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Documentation Set ................................................................................................................................. 9
Documentation Comments ................................................................................................................... 12
Smart 3D and Oracle ............................................................................................................................ 12
What's New in 2D Symbols Reference Data ........................................................................................ 12

2D Symbols Reference Data ..................................................................................................................... 13

Bracket Symbols ....................................................................................................................................... 15

2S Brackets ........................................................................................................................................... 15
3S Trimmed Brackets ........................................................................................................................... 21
3S Lapped S1 Brackets ........................................................................................................................ 26
3S Lapped S1S2 Brackets .................................................................................................................... 31
3S Lapped S1S2S3 Brackets ............................................................................................................... 37
3S Lapped S1S3 Brackets .................................................................................................................... 38
3S Lapped S2 Brackets ........................................................................................................................ 40
3S Lapped S2S3 Brackets .................................................................................................................... 45
3S Lapped S3 Brackets ........................................................................................................................ 47
4S Brackets ........................................................................................................................................... 49
5S Brackets ........................................................................................................................................... 50
2S Flanged Brackets ............................................................................................................................. 51
3S Flanged Brackets ............................................................................................................................. 52

Flange Contours for Brackets .................................................................................................................. 55

Standard Bracket Flange Contour ........................................................................................................ 55

Chamfers .................................................................................................................................................... 57
Double Sided Chamfer .......................................................................................................................... 57
Single Sided Chamfers ......................................................................................................................... 57

Collars and Clips ....................................................................................................................................... 59

Non-Tight Clips ..................................................................................................................................... 59
Tight Collars .......................................................................................................................................... 63

Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners .............................................................................................. 73

Corner Features for Members .................................................................................................................. 79

Member Cross Sections............................................................................................................................ 89

Cross Section Symbol 2L...................................................................................................................... 90
Cross Section Symbol BUBoxFM ......................................................................................................... 93
Cross Section Symbol BUC .................................................................................................................. 95
Cross Section Symbol BUCan .............................................................................................................. 97
Cross Section Symbol BUCone ............................................................................................................ 99

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 5


Cross Section Symbol BUEndCan...................................................................................................... 100

Cross Section Symbol BUFlat............................................................................................................. 102
Cross Section Symbol BUI.................................................................................................................. 103
Cross Section Symbol BUIHaunch ..................................................................................................... 105
Cross Section Symbol BUITaperWeb ................................................................................................. 107
Cross Section Symbol BUIUE............................................................................................................. 109
Cross Section Symbol BUL................................................................................................................. 111
Cross Section Symbol BUT ................................................................................................................ 113
Cross Section Symbol BUTube .......................................................................................................... 114
Cross Section Symbol C (MC) ............................................................................................................ 116
Cross Section Symbol CS................................................................................................................... 118
Cross Section Symbol HSSC (Pipe) ................................................................................................... 119
Cross Section Symbol HSSR.............................................................................................................. 120
Cross Section Symbol HW.................................................................................................................. 121
Cross Section Symbol HWWF ............................................................................................................ 123
Cross Section Symbol L ...................................................................................................................... 124
Cross Section Symbol Rect ................................................................................................................ 126
Cross Section Symbol RectC.............................................................................................................. 128
Cross Section Symbol RectCWF ........................................................................................................ 129
Cross Section Symbol RectWF........................................................................................................... 131
Cross Section Symbol RS................................................................................................................... 132
Cross Section Symbol S ..................................................................................................................... 133
Cross Section Symbol ST ................................................................................................................... 135
Cross Section Symbol T (MT) ............................................................................................................. 136
Cross Section Symbol W (M) .............................................................................................................. 138
Cross Section Symbol Wedge ............................................................................................................ 140
Cross Section Symbol WedgeWF....................................................................................................... 141

Profile Cross Sections ............................................................................................................................ 143

Cross Section Symbol B ..................................................................................................................... 143
Cross Section Symbol BUL2............................................................................................................... 145
Cross Section Symbol BUL3............................................................................................................... 147
Cross Section Symbol BUT ................................................................................................................ 149
Cross Section Symbol C_SS .............................................................................................................. 150
Cross Section Symbol C_SType......................................................................................................... 151
Cross Section Symbol EA ................................................................................................................... 153
Cross Section Symbol FB ................................................................................................................... 154
Cross Section Symbol HalfR............................................................................................................... 156
Cross Section Symbol I ....................................................................................................................... 157
Cross Section Symbol I_SType .......................................................................................................... 159
Cross Section Symbol P ..................................................................................................................... 160
Cross Section Symbol R ..................................................................................................................... 162
Cross Section Symbol SB ................................................................................................................... 163
Cross Section Symbol SqTu ............................................................................................................... 164
Cross Section Symbol T ..................................................................................................................... 165
Cross Section Symbol T_SType ......................................................................................................... 165
Cross Section Symbol UA................................................................................................................... 167

6 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Edge Features .......................................................................................................................................... 169

Profile End Cuts ....................................................................................................................................... 175

Welded Web Cuts ............................................................................................................................... 175
Clip Web Cuts ..................................................................................................................................... 184
Cutback Web Cuts .............................................................................................................................. 185
Snip Web Cuts .................................................................................................................................... 186
Edge Reinforcement Web Cuts .......................................................................................................... 189
Flange Cuts ......................................................................................................................................... 190

Member End Cuts .................................................................................................................................... 197

Along-Axis Web Cuts for Members ..................................................................................................... 197
Web-penetrated Center Cuts ....................................................................................................... 198
Web-penetrated Top Cuts ............................................................................................................ 203
Web-penetrated Bottom Cuts ....................................................................................................... 211
Web Non-penetrated Cuts ............................................................................................................ 219
Along-Axis Flange Cuts for Members ................................................................................................. 220
Flange-penetrated Center Cuts .................................................................................................... 220
Flange-penetrated Top Cuts ........................................................................................................ 224
Flange-penetrated Bottom Cuts ................................................................................................... 236
Flange Non-penetrated Cuts ........................................................................................................ 244
Web Cuts for Split Members ............................................................................................................... 248
Flange Cuts for Split Members ........................................................................................................... 253
Mitered Web Cuts for Members .......................................................................................................... 254
Mitred Flange Cuts for Members ........................................................................................................ 255
Free-end Web Cuts for Members ....................................................................................................... 256
Free-end Flange Cuts for Members .................................................................................................... 258

Slots .......................................................................................................................................................... 261

Slot A ................................................................................................................................................... 261
Slot C .................................................................................................................................................. 263
Slot C2 ................................................................................................................................................ 274
Slot I .................................................................................................................................................... 275

Sketched Features................................................................................................................................... 283

Openings .................................................................................................................................................. 285

CircleOpening ..................................................................................................................................... 285
OvalOpening ....................................................................................................................................... 286
RectangleOpening .............................................................................................................................. 286
SketchOpening.................................................................................................................................... 286
SquareOpening ................................................................................................................................... 287
TriangleOpening.................................................................................................................................. 287

Structural Manufacturing ........................................................................................................................ 289

Manufacturing Requirements for Profile Cross Sections .................................................................... 290
Manufacturing Requirements for Member Cross Sections ................................................................. 291
Bevel ................................................................................................................................................... 292
Bevel1 (I-Type).................................................................................................................................... 292
Bevel2 (V-Type) .................................................................................................................................. 293

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 7


Bevel3 (V-Type) .................................................................................................................................. 293

Bevel4 (X-Type) .................................................................................................................................. 293
Bevel5 (Y-Type) .................................................................................................................................. 293
Bevel6 (X-Type with Chamfer) ............................................................................................................ 293
Bevel7 (X-Type with Chamfer) ............................................................................................................ 294
Bevel8 (X-Type with Chamfer) ............................................................................................................ 294
Bevel9 (X-Type with Chamfer) ............................................................................................................ 294
Bevel10 ............................................................................................................................................... 294
BevelA ................................................................................................................................................. 295
BevelB ................................................................................................................................................. 295
BevelParam......................................................................................................................................... 296
FeatureTab1........................................................................................................................................ 296
Grind ................................................................................................................................................... 296
Knuckle ............................................................................................................................................... 297
Margin ................................................................................................................................................. 297
PartCenterLL ....................................................................................................................................... 297
PartDirC .............................................................................................................................................. 298
PartDirCL ............................................................................................................................................ 298
PartDirCR ............................................................................................................................................ 298
PartDirL ............................................................................................................................................... 299
PartDirLL ............................................................................................................................................. 299
PartDirLLFlangeRR ............................................................................................................................. 299
PartDirR .............................................................................................................................................. 300
PartDirRR ............................................................................................................................................ 300
PartDirRRFlangeLL ............................................................................................................................. 300
PMFeature .......................................................................................................................................... 301
Shrinkage ............................................................................................................................................ 301
SMPlateTab ........................................................................................................................................ 301
UnSpecBevel ...................................................................................................................................... 302
WeldTab1 ............................................................................................................................................ 302

Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 303

8 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

This document is a reference data guide for the Intergraph SmartTM 3D 2D Symbols task. The
purpose of this document is to describe the reference data delivered with the software for this task.
Reference data includes both catalog data and specification data. Catalog data includes the parts
that you place in the model, such as piping components and equipment. Specification data
includes the rules that govern how those parts are placed and connected.

Documentation Set
Intergraph SmartTM 3DDocumentation is available as Adobe PDF files. The content is the same as
the online Help. To access these PDF documents, click Help > Printable Guides in the software.
The documentation set is divided into four categories:
 Administrative guides contain information about installing, configuring, customizing, and
 User's guides provide command reference and how-to information for working in each task.
 Reference data guides define the reference data workbooks. Not all tasks have reference
 ISOGEN guides.

Administrative Guides
Intergraph SmartTM 3D Installation Guide - Provides instructions on installing and configuring the
Project Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the databases, creating
permission groups, backing up and restoring project data, assigning access permissions to the
model, defining and managing locations for Global Workshare, and version upgrade.
Global Workshare Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the software and the databases to
work in a workshare environment.
Interference Checking Guide - Provides information on installing, configuring, and using the
interference detection service.
Integration Reference Guide - Provides information about installing, configuring, and using Smart
3D in an integrated environment.
Interpreting Human Piping Specifications - Provides information about how to interpret human
piping specifications so that you can create the corresponding piping specification in the software.
Design and Data Exchange with PDMS - Provides information about how to export model data
from Smart 3D to PDMS and from PDMS to Smart 3D. Specific guidelines relating to best
practices and known limitations of the export functionality are also included.
Export to Plant Design System (PDS) User's Guide - Provides information about how to export
model data from Smart 3D to PDS. Specific guidelines relating to best practices and known
limitations of the export functionality are also included.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 9


Point Cloud Reference - Provides information for referencing point cloud files provided by point
cloud vendors in Smart 3D.
Troubleshooting Reference Guide - Provides information on how to resolve errors that you might
encounter in the software by documenting troubleshooting tips, error messages, and To Do List
Plant Design System (PDS) Guide - Provides all information needed to use PDS with Smart 3D.
Topics include referencing active PDS projects in Smart 3D, exporting PDS data and importing
that data into Smart 3D, and converting PDS reference data to Smart 3D reference data.
Intergraph SmartTM 3D Programmer's Guide - Provides information about custom commands,
naming rules, and symbol programming. If you install the Programming Resources, this document
is delivered to the [Product Folder]\Programming\Help folder.

User's Guides
Catalog User's Guide - Provides information about viewing, editing, and creating reference data
and select lists (codelists).
Civil User's Guide - Provides information about routing trench runs in the model.
Common User's Guide - Provides information about defining workspaces, manipulating views,
and running reports.
Compartmentation User's Guide - Provides instruction for placing volume objects such as
compartments and zones in the model.
Electrical User's Guide - Provides information about routing electrical cable, cableway, cable tray,
and conduit.
Equipment and Furnishings User's Guide - Provides information about placing equipment.
Geometry Analysis and Repair User's Guide - Provides instructions for importing and exporting
model data, checking the data against a defined set of requirements, and repairing the data.
Grids User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating coordinate systems, elevation grid planes,
vertical grid planes, radial cylinders, radial planes, grid arcs, and grid lines.
Hangers and Supports User's Guide - Provides instructions on placing piping, duct, and cableway
supports in the model.
Hole Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing, reviewing, and approving
holes in a structure.
HVAC User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing HVAC duct.
Molded Forms User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing hull, bulkheads, major openings,
stiffeners, and other major structural components in the model.
Orthographic Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing
orthographic drawings.
Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing
piping isometric drawings.
Piping User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing pipe and placing valves, taps, and pipe
Planning User's Guide - Provides instructions about defining the assembly hierarchy (production
bill of material) by creating blocks and assemblies and by specifying the assembly sequence.

10 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Reports User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing spreadsheet reports.
Space Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing space objects such as areas,
zones, interference volumes, and drawing volumes in the model.
Structural Analysis User's Guide - Provides instructions for defining loads, load cases, load
combinations, and the importing and exporting of analytical data.
Structural Detailing User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating, detailing, and maintaining
the structural members of a model.
Structural Manufacturing User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating and maintaining
manufacturing objects such as templates, jigs, and margins.
Structure User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing structural members, such as beams,
columns, slabs, openings, stairs, ladders, equipment foundations, and handrails.
Systems and Specifications User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating systems and
selecting the available specifications for each system type.

Reference Data Guides

2D Symbols User's Guide - Provides command reference information and procedural instructions
for creating 2D symbols used to represent collars, clips, profiles, brackets, and other items.
2D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about the two-dimensional symbols
used in all tasks.
Civil Reference Data Guide - Provides information about trench straight features, turn features,
reference data.
Compartmentation Reference Data Guide - Provides information about compartmentation
reference data.
Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about reports reference data.
Electrical Reference Data Guide - Provides information about electrical cable, cableway, cable
tray, and conduit reference data.
Electrical 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the cable tray and conduit 3D
symbols that are available.
Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide - Provides information about equipment
reference data.
Equipment 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the equipment, equipment
component, design shapes, and design aides 3D symbols that are available.
Hangers and Supports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hangers and supports
reference data.
Hangers and Supports 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the hanger and
support 3D symbols that are available.
Hangers and Supports SmartPart Symbols Reference - Provides information about the hanger
and support SmartPart symbols that are available.
Hole Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hole reference data.
HVAC Reference Data Guide - Provides information about HVAC reference data.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 11


HVAC 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the HVAC 3D symbols that are
Reference Data Guide - Provides instructions about the Bulkload utility, codelists, and the
reference data common to several disciplines.
Piping Reference Data Guide - Provides information about piping reference data including piping
specifications, piping specification rules, piping parts, and piping symbols.
Piping 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the piping 3D symbols that are
Space Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about space management
reference data.
Structure Reference Data Guide - Provides information about structural reference data.
Structure 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the stair, ladder, footings, and
equipment foundation 3D symbols that are available.
Structural Reference Data Overview - Provides an overview of the marine mode structural
reference data library.

Symbol Keys Reference Guide - Provides information about the symbol keys for isometric
drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN.

Documentation Comments
We welcome comments or suggestions about this documentation. You can send us an email at:
Documentation updates for supported software versions are available from (

Smart 3D and Oracle

Throughout the software and documentation, there are references and options pertaining to
Oracle databases. Intergraph SmartTM 3D plant mode supports Oracle, but marine mode and
material handling mode do not. Please remember that when using marine mode or material
handling mode, always select the SQL option when given a choice between Oracle and SQL.

What's New in 2D Symbols Reference Data

The following changes have been made to the 2D symbols reference data.
Version 2014 R1 (10.1)
 Added information on Structural Manufacturing requirements for profile and member cross
sections. For more information, see Manufacturing Requirements for Profile Cross Sections
(on page 290) and Manufacturing Requirements for Member Cross Sections (on page 291).

12 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

2D Symbols Reference Data


2D Symbols Reference Data

The 2D Symbols utility is delivered with the software and is used to create symbols representing
profile cross-sections, brackets, slots, collars, end cuts, detailing features, and manufacturing
features in the Molded Forms and Structural Detailing tasks; member cross-sections in the
Structure task; and facilitate using these symbols in a modeling environment.
This document describes all of the 2D symbols that are delivered with the software. The symbol
library is delivered to the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data Product
Directory]\SharedContent folder
You can create your own custom symbols using the 2D Symbols utility. To learn how to create 2D
symbols, refer to the 2D Symbols User's Guide.
Two sets of 2D symbols are delivered: default and marine library. The default set
contains basic symbols suitable for prototyping. The marine library set provides a more complete
set of marine symbols.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 13

2D Symbols Reference Data

14 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Bracket Symbols
Bracket symbols are delivered in two locations:
 [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets folder. Within the Brackets
folder, the folder hierarchy is further organized by the number of supports and by whether the
bracket is trimmed or lapped.
 [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Brackets folder. Within the Brackets folder, the folder
hierarchy is further organized by the number of supports.

In This Section
2S Brackets.................................................................................... 15
3S Trimmed Brackets .................................................................... 21
3S Lapped S1 Brackets ................................................................. 26
3S Lapped S1S2 Brackets............................................................. 31
3S Lapped S1S2S3 Brackets ........................................................ 37
3S Lapped S1S3 Brackets............................................................. 38
3S Lapped S2 Brackets ................................................................. 40
3S Lapped S2S3 Brackets............................................................. 45
3S Lapped S3 Brackets ................................................................. 47
4S Brackets.................................................................................... 49
5S Brackets.................................................................................... 50
2S Flanged Brackets ..................................................................... 51
3S Flanged Brackets ..................................................................... 52

2S Brackets
2S brackets have two supports. Brackets can be trimmed or lapped to one or both supports.
The following 2S bracket symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\2S folder.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 15

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

2SBracketLinear Linear free edge

2SLT Trimmed to supports

2SLT_wScallop Linear free edge

Trimmed to supports
Corner scallop

2SLL_1Lap Linear free edge

Support 1 is lapped

2SLL_1Lap_wScallop Linear free edge

Support 1 is lapped
Corner scallop

16 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

2SLL_2Lap Linear free edge

Both supports are

2SLL_2Lap_wScallop Linear free edge

Both supports are
Corner scallop

2SCT Curved free edge

Trimmed to supports

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 17

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

2SCT_wScallop Curved free edge

Trimmed to supports
Corner scallop

2SCL_1Lap Curved free edge

Support 1 is lapped

2SCL_1Lap_wScallop Curved free edge

Support 1 is lapped
Corner scallop

18 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

2SCL_2Lap Curved free edge

Both supports are

2SCL_2Lap_wScallop Curved free edge

Both supports are
Corner scallop


The following 2S bracket symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data

Folder]\SharedContent\Brackets\2S folder.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 19

Bracket Symbols

Name Parameters



20 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Parameters


3S Trimmed Brackets
3S trimmed brackets have three supports. Brackets are trimmed to all three supports.
3S trimmed bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Trimmed folder.

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Linear free edge


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 21

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCT Curved free edge


3SCT Curved free edge

Corner scallop

22 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Offset from Support 1, with Radius on the Free Edge

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Linear free edge

FlangeOutFillet with radius at
Support 3
(Name in the catalog is

3SLT Linear free edge

FlangeOutFilletScallop with radius at
Support 3
(Name in the catalog is
3SLTOff Corner scallop

3SLT Linear free edge

FlangeInFillet with radius at
Support 3, offset
(Name in the catalog is
to clear the flange

3SLT Linear free edge

FlangeInFilletScallop with radius at
Support 3, offset
(Name in the catalog is
to clear the flange
FlangeInFilletScallop) Corner scallop

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 23

Bracket Symbols

Offset from Flange of Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Linear free edge


3SLT Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCT Curved free edge


3SCT Curved free edge

Corner scallop

24 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Set Back from Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Linear free edge


3SLT Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCT Curved free edge


3SCT Curved free edge

Corner scallop

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 25

Bracket Symbols

Trimmed to Flange of Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Linear free edge with

ToFlange radius at Support 3

3SLT Linear free edge with

ToFlangeScallop radius at Support 3
Corner scallop

3S Lapped S1 Brackets
3S lapped S1brackets have three supports. Brackets are lapped to Support 1.
3S lapped S1 bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Lapped\Sup1 folder.

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1 Linear free edge


26 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS1 Curved free edge


3SCLS1 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 27

Bracket Symbols

Offset from Support 1, with Radius on the Free Edge

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1 Linear free edge with

FlangeInFillet radius at Support 3,
offset to clear the

3SLLS1 Linear free edge with

FlangeInFilletScallop radius at Support 3,
offset to clear the
Corner scallop

3SLLS1 Linear free edge with

FlangeOutFillet radius at Support 3

3SLLS1 Linear free edge with

FlangeOutFilletScallop radius at Support 3
Corner scallop

28 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Offset from Flange of Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1 Linear free edge


3SLLS1 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

Set Back from Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1 Linear free edge


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 29

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS1 Curved free edge


3SCLS1 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

30 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

3S Lapped S1S2 Brackets

3S lapped S1S2 brackets have three supports. Brackets are lapped to Support1 and Support2.
3S lapped S1S2 bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference
Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Lapped\Sup1Sup2 folder.

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge


3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 31

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

Offset from Support 1, with Radius on the Free Edge

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

FlangeInFillet with radius at
Support 3, offset to
clear the flange

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

FlangeInFilletScallop with radius at
Support 3, offset to
clear the flange
Corner scallop

32 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

FlangeOutFillet with radius at
Support 3

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

FlangeOutFilletScallop with radius at
Support 3
Corner scallop

Offset from Flange of Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 33

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge


3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

34 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Set Back from Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge


3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 35

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

Trimmed to Flange of Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

ToFlange with radius at
Support 3

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

ToFlangeScallop with radius at
Support 3
Corner scallop

36 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

3S Lapped S1S2S3 Brackets

3S lapped S1S2S3 brackets have three supports. Brackets are lapped to all three supports.
3S lapped S1S2S3 bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference
Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Lapped\Sup1Sup2Sup3 folder.

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2S3 Linear free edge


3SLLS1S2S3 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS1S2S3 Curved free edge


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 37

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SCLS1S2S3 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

3S Lapped S1S3 Brackets

3S lapped S1S3 brackets have three supports. Brackets are lapped to Support1 and Support3.
3S lapped S1S3 bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference
Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Lapped\Sup1Sup3 folder.

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S3 Linear free edge


38 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S3 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS1S3 Curved free edge


3SCLS1S3 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 39

Bracket Symbols

3S Lapped S2 Brackets
3S lapped S2 brackets have three supports. Brackets are lapped to Support2.
3S lapped S2 bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Lapped\Sup2 folder.

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS2 Linear free edge


3SLLS2 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS2 Curved free edge


40 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SCLS2 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

Offset from Support 1, with Radius on the Free Edge

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS2 Linear free edge

FlangeInFillet with radius at
Support 3, offset to
clear the flange

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

FlangeInFilletScallop with radius at
Support 3, offset to
clear the flange
Corner scallop

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 41

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS2 Linear free edge

FlangeOutFillet with radius at
Support 3

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

FlangeOutFilletScallop with radius at
Support 3
Corner scallop

Offset from Flange of Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS2 Linear free edge


3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

42 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SCLS2 Curved free edge


3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

Set Back from Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS2 Linear free edge


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 43

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS1S2 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS2 Curved free edge


3SCLS1S2 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

44 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Trimmed to Flange of Support 3

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS2 Linear free edge

ToFlange with radius at
Support 3

3SLLS2 Linear free edge

ToFlangeScallop with radius at
Support 3
Corner scallop

3S Lapped S2S3 Brackets

3S lapped S2S3 brackets have three supports. Brackets are lapped to Support2 and Support3.
3S lapped S2S3 bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference
Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Lapped\Sup2Sup3 folder.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 45

Bracket Symbols

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS2S3 Linear free edge


3SLLS2S3 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

3SCLS2S3 Curved free edge


46 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SCLS2S3 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

3S Lapped S3 Brackets
3S lapped S3 brackets have three supports. Brackets are lapped to Support3.
3S lapped S3 bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\3S\Lapped\Sup3 folder.

Offset from Support 1

Name Description Parameters

3SLLS3 Linear free edge


3SLLS3 Linear free edge

Corner scallop

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 47

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SCLS3 Curved free edge


3SCLS3 Curved free edge

Corner scallop

48 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

4S Brackets
4S brackets have four supports. Brackets can be trimmed or lapped to Support1 and Support2,
but are trimmed to Support3 and Support4.
The following 4S bracket symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\4S folder.

Name Description Parameters

4SLT Linear free edge

Trimmed to
Offset from
Support 3

4SCLT Linear free edge

OffsetFromFlangeScallop with radii at
Support3 and
Support 4
Trimmed to
Offset from flange
Support 3
Corner scallops

The following 4S bracket symbol is delivered in the [Reference Data

Folder]\SharedContent\Brackets\4SNew folder.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 49

Bracket Symbols

Name Parameters


5S Brackets
5S brackets have four supports. Brackets can be trimmed to all supports.
The following 5S bracket symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Brackets\5SNew folder.

Name Parameters


50 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Parameters


2S Flanged Brackets
2S flanged brackets have two supports and a flange on the linear free edge.

2S flanged bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\Flanged\StdFlange\2S folder.

Name Description Parameters

BUTRibConn Used with a BUT

section as Support 2
Trimmed to supports

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 51

Bracket Symbols

3S Flanged Brackets
3S flanged brackets have three supports and a flange on the linear free edge.

3S flanged bracket symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Brackets\Flanged\StdFlange\3S folder.

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Trimmed to supports


3SLT Trimmed to supports


52 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Bracket Symbols

Name Description Parameters

3SLT Trimmed to supports


3SLLS2 Lapped to Support 2


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 53

Bracket Symbols

54 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Flange Contours for Brackets

Flange contour symbols are used with flanged bracket symbols. Flange contour symbols are
delivered in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Flange Contours folder.

Standard Bracket Flange Contour

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 55

Flange Contours for Brackets

56 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


The chamfer symbols are delivered with the software in the SharedContent share in the
[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Web Cuts and [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Chamfer folders.

Double Sided Chamfer

Single Sided Chamfers


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 57



58 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Collars and Clips

Collar and clip symbols are delivered in two locations:
 [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Collars folder.
 [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Collars folder.

In This Section
Non-Tight Clips ...............................................................................59
Tight Collars....................................................................................63

Non-Tight Clips
Clips are open on at least one side of the slot.
The following clip symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine
Library\Collars folder.

Name Cross- Selection Logic in Parameters

Sections the Rules

ClipAA_SM All Clip A

SlotA or Slot C
Profile height 
200mm (EA, UA, FB,
Profile height 
180mm (B)

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 59

Collars and Clips

Name Cross- Selection Logic in Parameters

Sections the Rules

ClipAAC_BT All Default selection for

(curved top) all cross-sections
ClipAAC_ST Clip C
(straight top)
SlotA or Slot C
Profile height 
100mm (EA, UA, FB,
Profile height 
180mm (B)

ClipAAC_BT_Left EA Collar
25 < SlotAngle < 65
Available in ClipC

ClipAAC_ST_S EA 0.1 < SlotAngle < 25

Available in ClipC

60 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Collars and Clips

Name Cross- Selection Logic in Parameters

Sections the Rules

ClipAAC_ST_Left Collar
SlotAngle < 0.1
Available in ClipC

ClipAAC_ST_S_Left Collar
0.1 < SlotAngle < 25
Available in ClipC

ClipAB_SM EA Available in ClipB


The following clip symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Collars

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 61

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Clip BA

Clip AB
Clip BB

Clip AAC
Clip BAC

62 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Clip ABC
Clip BBC

Tight Collars
Collars are welded around all sides of the slot.
The following collar symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine
Library\Collars folder.

Name Cross- Selection Logic in the Parameters

Sections Rules

CollarAIT_SM EA CollarNoSnipe
UA Tight
Slot I

CollarACT_SM EA CollarOneSnipe
UA Tight
Slot C
CollarBCT_SM B



2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 63

Collars and Clips

Name Cross- Selection Logic in the Parameters

Sections Rules

CollarACT_A EA CollarOneSnipe
UA Tight
Slot C
CollarBCT_A B (SlotXC_LT_PAT)

CollarFCT_A FB

CollarACT_A2 EA CollarOneSnipe
UA Tight
Slot C
CollarBCT_A2 B (SlotXC_LT_PAT2)

CollarFCT_A2 FB

CollarBCT_A3 B CollarOneType
Available when

64 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Collars and Clips

Name Cross- Selection Logic in the Parameters

Sections Rules

CollarTCT_A BUT CollarOneSnipe

(right side)
BUTL2 Tight
Slot C2
(left side)

Collar_Scallop BUT ScallopWithCollar


Collar_LongScallo BUT LongScallopWithCollar


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 65

Collars and Clips

Name Cross- Selection Logic in the Parameters

Sections Rules

CollarTCT_A2 BUT CollarOneSnipe

(right side)
BUTL2 Tight
EA Slot C2
(left side)


CollarTCT_A3 Available when Slot =

and CollarOrder = Primary
Available when Slot =
CollarTCT_B3 SlotTC2_T_PAA_STR
and CollarOrder =

CollarAAT_SM EA CollarTwoSnipes
UA Tight
Slot A
CollarBAT_SM B



The following collar symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Collars

66 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Collar AIT

Collar FIT

Collar TIT

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 67

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Collar TsIT

Collar ACT

68 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Collar BCT

Collar FCT

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 69

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Collar AAT

Collar BAT

70 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Collar FAT

Collar TAT

Collar TsAT

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 71

Collars and Clips

Name Parameters

Collar LAT

72 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners

The following corner feature symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data Product
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Corner Features and [Reference Data Product
Folder]\SharedContent\Corner Features folders.

Name Description Parameters

Crack Arrest Available in

as an optional item.

Crack Arrest Along Available in

Corner SmartGeneralCorner
as an optional item.
Use when the Corner
feature needs a cut
along the corner.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 73

Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners

Name Description Parameters

Drain Hole Hole placed on Collar

as a Corner feature.

Scallop Often placed as a

child of a welded web
Default is 50mm

Scallop Along Corner Available in

Use when the Corner
feature needs a cut
along the corner.

74 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners

Name Description Parameters

Snipe Often placed as a

child of a clip.
Default is 15mm

Snipe Along Corner Available in

Use when the Corner
feature needs a cut
along the corner.

Snipe On Collar Snipe applied on

Collar as a corner

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 75

Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners

Name Description Parameters

Long Scallop Often placed to avoid

gaps and seams.
When a part crosses
a slot gap, rules
calculate values to
clear the slot gap.

Long Scallop Along Available in

Corner SmartGeneralCorner.
Use when the Corner
feature needs a cut
along the corner.

Long Scallop With Seam Available in

Auto selected when a
seam is near a Corner
feature location within
15mm from the
otherwise default
corner feature edge.

Offset Radius Placed as a child of

an end cut with a gap
 15mm.

76 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners

Name Description Parameters

Offset Radius Obtuse Placed as a child of

an end cut with a gap
> 15mm.

Offset Radius with Placed as a child of

Straight Part an end cut with a gap
> 15mm.

Offset Radius Obtuse Placed as a child of

with Straight Part an end cut with a gap
 15mm.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 77

Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners

Name Description Parameters

Scallop With Collar Placed as a child of


Long Scallop With Seam This smart item is

With Collar available in the
drop-down of a corner
feature selection to
support the corner
feature with the seam
functionality. This
creates a corner
feature with a collar.

Long Scallop With Collar This smart item is

available in
drop-down of a corner
feature selection and
it creates a long
scallop corner feature
with a collar.

78 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Corner Features for Members

The following corner feature symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data Product
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Corner Features and [Reference Data Product
Folder]\SharedContent\Corner Features folders.

Name Description Parameters

Arc Corner Relief Provides a minimal fit-up

clearance at a corner of the
bounding edge. When the
bounded object is within the
bounding object, the corner
feature may only be placed at
the inside corner. When the
bounded object extends
outside the bounding object,
the corner feature may also
be placed on the outside

Corner To Far Face Clears material from the

Edge Relief bounding edge and around
one corner. It is typically
applied to the inside corner to
relieve the outside corner.
The reverse is also possible.
This feature is applicable
when the bounded object
extends outside the
bounding object.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 79

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Cross Section Scallop Provides clearance around

the fillet between the
bounding face and bounding

Cross Section Scallop Provides a constant

Along Corner clearance around the fillet
between the bounding face
and bounding edge. The
cutting direction follows the
path of the bounding object.

80 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Cross Section Snipe Provides clearance around

the fillet between the
bounding face and bounding

Cross Section Snipe Provides a constant

Along Corner clearance around the fillet
between the bounding face
and bounding edge. The
cutting direction follows the
path of the bounding object.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 81

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Edge Hook Relief Disconnects the bounded

object from the inside of the
bounding edge.

Edge To Face Rathole Provides welding access to

the back side of the bounded
flange or web.
This feature is applicable
when there is no bounding

82 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Face To Inside Rathole Provides welding access to

the back side of the bounded
flange or web and
disconnects the member
from the inside of the
bounding edge

This feature is applicable

when the inner surface of the
bounded flange/web is at or
is inside the inner surface of
the bounded edge

Face To Inside Rathole 2 Provides welding access to

the back side of the bounded
flange or web and
disconnects the member
from the inside of the
bounding edge.

This feature is applicable

when the inner surface of the
bounded flange/web is
outside the inner surface of
the bounded edge.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 83

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Fillet Ellipse Trims the bounded part along

the bounding fillet.

In Out Hook Relief Clears all material from the

bounding edge and in the
vicinity of both corners.

84 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Inside Face Rathole Provides welding access to

the back side of the bounded
flange or web.
This feature is applicable
when the inner surface of the
bounded flange/web is at or
is inside the inner surface of
the bounded edge

Inside Face Rathole 2 Provides welding access to

the back side of the bounded
flange or web.
This feature is applicable
when the inner surface of the
bounded flange/web is
outside the inner surface of
the bounded edge.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 85

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Outside Hook Relief Disconnects the bounding

object from the bounded
edge and the inner surface of
the bounding edge, while
leaving it connected to the
outside face.
This feature is applicable
when bounded object
extends outside the
bounding object.

Short Edge Rathole Provides welding access to

the back side of the bounded
flange or web.
This feature is applicable
when the inner surface of the
bounded flange/web is
significantly outside the inner
surface of the bounded edge.

86 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Corner Features for Members

Name Description Parameters

Two Edge Rathole Provides welding access to

the back side of the bounded
flange or web and disconnect
the member from the inside
of the bounding edge.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 87

Corner Features for Members

88 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Member Cross Sections

Member cross-section symbols are used in the Structure task.
All section tables delivered with the software use a specific set of cross-section symbols. Some
section tables use all the cross-section symbols in the set; some tables only use a subset of the
cross-section symbols. Each cross-section symbol has its own set of properties. When looking at
a section table workbook, you can determine the cross-section symbol that is being referenced by
that particular sheet by looking at the SymbolDefinition entry at the top of the sheet.
The cross-section symbols are delivered with the reference data software in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\CrossSections folder. You can create your own custom cross-section
symbols, sometimes referred to as arbitrary sections, using the 2D Symbols utility that is delivered
with the software.
The software uses the simple physical representation of the cross-section symbol to display the
member geometry in the model. You can change the display representation using the Selected
Aspects option of Format > View.
The delivered symbols contain a detailed physical representation. This representation is available
only for marine models, and is not used for plant and materials handling models.
The delivered symbols also contain a production physical representation. This representation is
available only for marine models in the Structural Manufacturing task, and is not used for plant and
materials handling models.
For more information, see Cross-Section Symbol Representations in the 2D Symbols User's

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 89

Member Cross Sections

In This Section
Cross Section Symbol 2L .............................................................. 90
Cross Section Symbol BUBoxFM .................................................. 93
Cross Section Symbol BUC ........................................................... 95
Cross Section Symbol BUCan ....................................................... 97
Cross Section Symbol BUCone ..................................................... 99
Cross Section Symbol BUEndCan ................................................ 100
Cross Section Symbol BUFlat ....................................................... 102
Cross Section Symbol BUI ............................................................ 103
Cross Section Symbol BUIHaunch ................................................ 105
Cross Section Symbol BUITaperWeb ........................................... 107
Cross Section Symbol BUIUE ....................................................... 109
Cross Section Symbol BUL ........................................................... 111
Cross Section Symbol BUT ........................................................... 113
Cross Section Symbol BUTube ..................................................... 114
Cross Section Symbol C (MC) ....................................................... 116
Cross Section Symbol CS ............................................................. 118
Cross Section Symbol HSSC (Pipe) .............................................. 119
Cross Section Symbol HSSR ........................................................ 120
Cross Section Symbol HW ............................................................ 121
Cross Section Symbol HWWF ....................................................... 123
Cross Section Symbol L ................................................................ 124
Cross Section Symbol Rect ........................................................... 126
Cross Section Symbol RectC ........................................................ 128
Cross Section Symbol RectCWF ................................................... 129
Cross Section Symbol RectWF ..................................................... 131
Cross Section Symbol RS ............................................................. 132
Cross Section Symbol S ................................................................ 133
Cross Section Symbol ST .............................................................. 135
Cross Section Symbol T (MT)........................................................ 136
Cross Section Symbol W (M)......................................................... 138
Cross Section Symbol Wedge ....................................................... 140
Cross Section Symbol WedgeWF ................................................. 141

Cross Section Symbol 2L

The 2L cross section symbol defines double-angle sections and uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.

90 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.

Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length, pound
per foot (lb/ft).
Area - Type the cross-sectional area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or
square millimeters.
Depth - Type the depth for the section (longer legs). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
d - Type the other depth for the section (shorter legs). The depth is defined in inches or
bf - Type the width of a single angle. The width is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the width of the entire section. The width is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - Type the outside perimeter of the section.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches or millimeters.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches or millimeters.
kdesign - Type the distance from outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
bb - Enter the back-to-back spacing on the section.
CentroidY - Type the centroid location along the y-axis. The location is defined in inches or
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 91

Member Cross Sections

bb Configuration - Specifies which legs of the angles are placed back-to-back. Type 0 for equal
leg angle. Type 1 to place the long legs back-to-back. Type 2 to place the short legs back-to-back.

lsg - Specify the bolt gage for the long side when there is one bolt row. For more information, see
Member Cross Sections.
lsg1 - Specify the gage distance to the first bolt row on the long side when there are two bolt rows.
lsg2 - Specify the gage distance between the first and second bolt rows on the long side when
there are two bolt rows.
ssg - Specify the bolt gage for the short side when there is one bolt row.
ssg1 - Specify the gage distance to the first bolt row on the short side when there are two bolt
ssg2 - Specify the gage distance from the first bolt row to the second bolt row on the short side
when there are two bolt rows.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

92 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUBoxFM

The BUBoxFM symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Top Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Top Flange Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
Bottom Flange Width - Type the width of the bottom flange.
Bottom Flange Thickness - Type the thickness of the bottom flange.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the web.
Offset Left Web Top - Type the offset distance for the top left web.
Offset Right Web Top - Type the offset distance for the top right web.
Offset Left Web Bot - Type the offset distance for the bottom left web.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 93

Member Cross Sections

Offset Right Web Bot - Type the offset distance for the bottom right web.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical about the x-axis depends on
dimensional values.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical about the y-axis depends on
dimensional values.
Symmetries about the x- and y-axes are defined by design properties only. The Flange
Width Extension (top and bottom) property is not a design property; therefore, the symmetry
calculation is not affected by this property. This non-affect can cause discrepancies between the
symmetry of the cross-section graphic and the IsSymmetricAlongX and IsSymmetricAlongY
properties when non-zero width extensions are defined.

94 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUC

The BUC symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Top Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Top Flange Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
Bottom Flange Width - Type the width of the bottom flange.
Bottom Flange Thickness - Type the thickness of the bottom flange.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the web.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 95

Member Cross Sections

Offset Web Top - Type the offset distance for the top web.
Offset Web Bot - Type the offset distance for the bottom web.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical about the x-axis depends on
dimensional values.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical about the y-axis depends on
dimensional values.

96 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUCan

The BUCan symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Tube Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the main tube plate.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 97

Member Cross Sections

Tube Diameter - Type the diameter of the main tube.

Diameter Start - Type the cone diameter at the can start.
Diameter End - Type the cone diameter at the can end.
Length Start Cone - Type the start cone length. You can also enter any negative number to
indicate this length should be 1/3 of the total length.
Length End Cone - Type the end cone length. You can also enter any negative number to
indicate this length should be 1/3 of the total length.
Cone 1 Thickness - Type the plate thickness for the cone closest to the start of the member.
Cone 1 Material - Type the plate material for the cone closest to the start of the member.
Cone 1 Grade - Type the plate material grade for the cone closest to the start of the member.
Cone 2 Thickness - Type the plate thickness for the cone closest to the end of the member.
Cone 2 Material - Type the plate material for the cone closest to the end of the member.
Cone 2 Grade - Type the plate material grade for the cone closest to the end of the member.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

98 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUCone

The BUCone symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Cone Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the cone plate.
Diameter Start - Type the cone diameter at the start.
Diameter End - Type the cone diameter at the end.
Length Start Cone - Type the start cone length. You can also enter any negative number to
indicate this length should be 1/3 of the total length.
Length End Cone - Type the end cone length. You can also enter any negative number to
indicate this length should be 1/3 of the total length.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 99

Member Cross Sections

Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol BUEndCan

The BUEndCan symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.

100 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Tube Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the main tube plate.
Tube Diameter - Type the diameter of the main tube.
Diameter Cone - Type the cone diameter.
Cone Length - Type the start cone length. You can also enter any negative number to indicate
this length should be 1/3 of the total length.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 101

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUFlat

The BUFlat symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.

102 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.

ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol BUI

The BUI symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Top Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 103

Member Cross Sections

Top Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

104 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUIHaunch

The BUIHaunch symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Top Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Top Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Bottom Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Bottom Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Length Start - Type the distance from the start of the member to where the haunch transition
should start. You can enter any negative number to specify the distance be 1/3 of the member
Depth Start - Type the web depth at the start of the member.
Depth End - Type the web depth at the end of the member.
Depth Haunch - Type the web depth at the haunch.
Length End - Type the distance from the end of the member to where the haunch transition
should end. You can enter any negative number to specify the distance be 1/3 of the member
Transition Gradient Start - Type the slope of the start transition.
Transition Gradient End - Type the slope of the end transition.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 105

Member Cross Sections

Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.

CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical about the x-axis depends on
dimensional values.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
Symmetries about the x- and y-axes are defined by design properties only. The Flange
Width Extension (top and bottom) property is not a design property; therefore, the symmetry
calculation is not affected by this property. This non-affect can cause discrepancies between the
symmetry of the cross-section graphic and the IsSymmetricAlongX and IsSymmetricAlongY
properties when non-zero width extensions are defined.

106 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUITaperWeb

The BUITaperWeb symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Top Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Top Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 107

Member Cross Sections

Bottom Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.

Bottom Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
Depth Start - Type the web depth at the start of the member.
Depth End - Type the web depth at the end of the member.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical depends on dimensional values.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
Symmetries about the x- and y-axes are defined by design properties only. The Flange
Width Extension (top and bottom) property is not a design property; therefore, the symmetry
calculation is not affected by this property. This non-affect can cause discrepancies between the
symmetry of the cross-section graphic and the IsSymmetricAlongX and IsSymmetricAlongY
properties when non-zero width extensions are defined.

108 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUIUE

The BUIUE symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Top Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Top Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Bottom Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Bottom Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
Depth Start - Type the web depth at the start of the member.
Depth End - Type the web depth at the end of the member.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 109

Member Cross Sections

CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical about the x-axis depends on
dimensional values.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
Symmetries about the x- and y-axes are defined by design properties only. The Flange
Width Extension (top and bottom) property is not a design property; therefore, the symmetry
calculation is not affected by this property. This non-affect can cause discrepancies between the
symmetry of the cross-section graphic and the IsSymmetricAlongX and IsSymmetricAlongY
properties when non-zero width extensions are defined.

110 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUL

The BUL symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Bottom Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Bottom Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
Depth Start - Type the web depth at the start of the member.
Depth End - Type the web depth at the end of the member.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 111

Member Cross Sections

Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
lsg - Specify the bolt gage for the long side when there is one bolt row.
lsg1 - Specify the gage distance to the first bolt row on the long side when there are two bolt rows.
lsg2 - Specify the gage distance from the first bolt row to the second bolt row on the long side
when there are two bolt rows.
ssg - Specify the bolt gage for the short side when there is one bolt row.
ssg1 - Specify the gage distance to the first bolt row on the short side when there are two bolt
ssg2 - Specify the gage distance from the first bolt row to the second bolt row on the short side
when there are two bolt rows.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetrical about the y-axis depends on
dimensional values.

112 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUT

The BUT symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Top Flange Width - Type the width of the top flange.
Top Flange Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the top flange.
Web Thickness - Type the thickness of the top flange.
Depth Start - Type the web depth at the start of the member.
Depth End - Type the web depth at the end of the member.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 113

Member Cross Sections

Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol BUTube

The BUTube symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.

114 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
Tube Thickness - Type the plate thickness of the tube plate.
Tube Diameter - Type the diameter of the tube.
CentroidX - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 115

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol C (MC)

The C cross-section symbol defines channel sections and uses the following properties. The C
symbol is also used for MC cross-sections.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-sectional area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or
square millimeters.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the flange width for the section. The width is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
bf - Type the flange width for the section. The width is defined in inches or millimeters.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches or millimeters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches or millimeters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidX - Type the centroid location along the x-axis. The location is defined in inches or

116 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

eo_x - Type the shear center location along the x-axis. The location is defined in inches or
xp - Type the horizontal distance from the designated edge of member to its plastic neutral axis
(PNA). The distance is defined in inches or millimeters.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant in LRFD Specification Equation E3-1.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 117

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol CS

The CS cross section symbol defines solid round sections and uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-sectional area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or
square millimeters.
Depth - Type the depth of the section.
Width - Type the width of the section.
Perimeter - Type the outside perimeter distance for the section.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

118 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol HSSC (Pipe)

The HSSC cross section symbol defines circular, hollow structural sections and uses the following
properties. The HSSC symbol is also used for Pipe cross-sections.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when labeling members. The section
name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth of the section.
Width - Type the width of the section.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
tnom - Type the nominal wall thickness of the section.
tdes - Type the design wall thickness of the section.
D_t - Type the ratio of the diameter to the thickness.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 119

Member Cross Sections

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol HSSR

The HSSR cross section symbol defines rectangular, hollow, structural sections and uses the
following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches and
square millimeters.
Depth - Type the overall depth of the section.
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
tnom - Type the nominal wall thickness of the section.
tdes - Type the design wall thickness of the section.
b_t - Type the width to thickness ratio of the section.
h_t - Type the height to thickness ratio of the section.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.

120 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol HW

The HW symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Angle - Define the angle.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 121

Member Cross Sections

Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

122 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol HWWF

The HWWF symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Angle - Define the angle.
Flange Right Width - Define the flange width on the right side.
Flange Left Width - Define the flange width on the left side.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 123

Member Cross Sections

CentroidX - Type the horizontal distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

Cross Section Symbol L

The L cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.

124 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

d - Type the overall depth (longer leg) for the section. The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
bf - Type the overall width (shorter leg) for the section. The width is defined in inches or
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches or millimeters.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches or millimeters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
xp - Type the distance from the designated edge of angle to its plastic neutral axis (PNA) along the
local x-axis.
yp - Type the distance from the designated edge of angle to its plastic neutral axis (PNA) along the
local y-axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Rxy - Type the radius of gyration about the local z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
lsg - Specify the bolt gage for the long side when there is one bolt row.
lsg1 - Specify the gage distance to the first bolt row on the long side when there are two bolt rows.
lsg2 - Specify the gage distance from the first bolt row to the second bolt row on the long side
when there are two bolt rows.
ssg - Specify the bolt gage for the short side when there is one bolt row.
ssg1 - Specify the gage distance to the first bolt row on the short side when there are two bolt

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 125

Member Cross Sections

ssg2 - Specify the gage distance from the first bolt row to the second bolt row on the short side
when there are two bolt rows.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

Cross Section Symbol Rect

The Rect symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.

126 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidX - Type the horizontal distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 127

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol RectC

The RectC symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Angle - Define the angle.
Setback - Define the setback. This value is defined in meters.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.

128 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidX - Type the horizontal distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

Cross Section Symbol RectCWF

The RectCWF symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 129

Member Cross Sections

Angle - Define the angle.

Setback - Define the setback. This value is defined in meters.
Flange Right Width - Define the flange width on the right side. This valve is defined in meters.
Flange Left Width - Define the flange width on the left side. This valve is defined in meters.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidX - Type the horizontal distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

130 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol RectWF

The RectWF symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Flange Right Width - Define the flange width on the right side. This valve is defined in meters.
Flange Left Width - Define the flange width on the left side. This valve is defined in meters.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 131

Member Cross Sections

Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

Cross Section Symbol RS

The RS cross section symbol defines rectangular solids and uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches and
square millimeters.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - Type the outside perimeter distance for the section.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.

132 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol S

The S cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 133

Member Cross Sections

Width - Type the flange width for the section. The width is defined in inches.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the overall depth for the section.
bf - Type the overall width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
Fy3p - Type the maximum yield for the compact web for the section.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
Wno - Type the normalized warping function. The function is defined in square inches or square
Sw - Type the warping statical moment. The moment is defined in in4 or mm4.
Qf - Type the first moment of area for the flange.
Qw - Type the first moment of area for the web.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

134 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol ST

The ST cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches.
Width - Type the flange width for the section. The width is defined in inches.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidY - Type the distance to the centroid along the local y-axis. This distance is defined in
inches or millimeters.
yp - Type the distance from the designated edge of angle to its plastic neutral axis along the local

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 135

Member Cross Sections

Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol T (MT)

The T cross-section symbol uses the following properties. The T symbol is also used for MT

136 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches.
Width - Type the flange width for the section. The width is defined in inches.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
yp - Type the distance from designated edge of angle to its plastic neutral axis along the local
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 137

Member Cross Sections

gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol W (M)

The W symbol uses the following properties. The W symbol is also used for M cross-sections.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique within the section standard.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in inches.
Width - Type the flange width for the section. The width is defined in inches.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in inches.

138 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
Fy3p - Type the maximum yield stress for the section.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
Wno - Type the normalized warping function. The function is defined in square inches or square
Sw - Type the warping statical moment. The moment is defined in in4 or mm4.
Qf - Type the first moment of area for the flange.
Qw - Type the first moment of area for the web.
gf - Type the bolt gage for the flange.
gw - Type the bolt gage for the web.

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 139

Member Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol Wedge

The Wedge symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.
Angle Right - Define the angle on the right side of the web.
Angle Left - Define the angle on the left side of the web.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.

140 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member Cross Sections

CentroidX - Type the horizontal distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

Cross Section Symbol WedgeWF

The WedgeWF symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. The section name must be unique within the section
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is used when
translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Group Id - Type the material group identification for the section.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 141

Member Cross Sections

Angle Right - Define the angle on the right side of the web.
Angle Left - Define the angle on the left side of the web.
Flange Right Width - Define the flange width on the right side.
Flange Left Width - Define the flange width on the left side.
Unit Weight - Type the weight of the section. The unit weight is defined in mass per length pound
per foot (lbm/ft).
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section.
Depth - Type the depth for the section. The depth is defined in meters
Width - Type the width for the section. The width is defined in meters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
d - Type the depth for the section.
bf - Type the width for the section.
tw - Type the web thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
tf - Type the flange thickness for the section. The thickness is defined in meters.
kdesign - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the
rolled shape or the equivalent distance on the welded section.
kdetail - Type the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet of the rolled
shape or the equivalent distance on welded section.
CentroidX - Type the horizontal distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
CentroidY - Type the vertical distance from the designated member edge to the centroidal axis.
Ixx - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x-axis.
Zxx - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Sxx - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Rxx - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Iyy - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y-axis.
Zyy - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Syy - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Ryy - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
J - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Cw - Type the warping constant for the section.
ro - Type the polar radius of gyration about the shear center.
H - Type the flexural constant for the section.

142 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Profile Cross Sections

Profile cross-section symbols are used in the Molded Forms and Structural Detailing tasks.
The profile cross section symbols are delivered with the software in the [Reference Data
Directory]\SharedContent\Profile Xsections folder. You can create your own custom symbols
using the 2D Symbols utility that is delivered with the software.

In This Section
Cross Section Symbol B ................................................................ 143
Cross Section Symbol BUL2 ......................................................... 145
Cross Section Symbol BUL3 ......................................................... 147
Cross Section Symbol BUT ........................................................... 149
Cross Section Symbol C_SS ......................................................... 150
Cross Section Symbol C_SType ................................................... 151
Cross Section Symbol EA.............................................................. 153
Cross Section Symbol FB .............................................................. 154
Cross Section Symbol HalfR ......................................................... 156
Cross Section Symbol I ................................................................. 157
Cross Section Symbol I_SType ..................................................... 159
Cross Section Symbol P ................................................................ 160
Cross Section Symbol R ................................................................ 162
Cross Section Symbol SB.............................................................. 163
Cross Section Symbol SqTu .......................................................... 164
Cross Section Symbol T ................................................................ 165
Cross Section Symbol T_SType .................................................... 165
Cross Section Symbol UA ............................................................. 167

Cross Section Symbol B

The B bulb angle profile cross section symbol (B.sym) uses the following symbol parameters.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 143

Profile Cross Sections

Each symbol parameter is defined and given a default value in the symbol file. Each occurrence of
a symbol bulkloaded into the catalog can be assigned different parameter values.

1 TCR - Top corner radius

2 FL - Flange length

3 Slope - Slope of the bottom of the bulb flange.

4 WL - Web length

5 CR - Corner radius

6 FR - Fillet radius of the bulb flange

7 WT - Web thickness

IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

144 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUL2

The BUL2 profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 145

Profile Cross Sections

Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetric depends on the Flange Offset (FO)

146 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUL3

The BUL3 profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 147

Profile Cross Sections

Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, whether or not the cross-section is symmetric about the x-axis depends on the
Flange Offset (FO) value.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

148 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol BUT

See Also
Cross Sections (see "Member Cross Sections" on page 89)

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 149

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol C_SS

The C_SS profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.

150 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

Cross Section Symbol C_SType

The C_SType profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 151

Profile Cross Sections

Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

152 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol EA

The EA profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 153

Profile Cross Sections

Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

Cross Section Symbol FB

The FB profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.

154 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 155

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol HalfR

The HalfR profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.

156 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol I

The I profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 157

Profile Cross Sections

Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

158 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol I_SType

The I_SType profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 159

Profile Cross Sections

Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol P

The P profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.

160 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 161

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol R

The R profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.

162 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

Cross Section Symbol SB

The SB profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The section name
must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 163

Profile Cross Sections

Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local

Cross Section Symbol SqTu

164 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

See Also
Cross Sections (see "Member Cross Sections" on page 89)

Cross Section Symbol T

See Also
Cross Sections (see "Member Cross Sections" on page 89)

Cross Section Symbol T_SType

The T_SType profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 165

Profile Cross Sections

Description - Type a short description if needed.

Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.
Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is True.

166 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile Cross Sections

Cross Section Symbol UA

The UA profile cross section symbol uses the following properties.

Section Name - Type the section name. This name appears when you label members. The
section name must be unique across the catalog.
Short Name - Type the short name for the section.
Alternate EDI Name - Type the Electronic Data Interchange name for the section. This name is
used when translating sections through CIMsteel. This property is currently not used.
Description - Type a short description if needed.
Area - Type the cross-section area for the section. The area is defined in square inches or square
Depth - Type the depth for the section (Web Length). The depth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Width - Type the breadth for the section. The breadth is defined in inches or millimeters.
Perimeter - The outside perimeter distance for the section.
CentroidX - Type the location of the centroid along the local x-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
CentroidY - Type the location of the centroid along the local y-axis. The location is defined in
inches or millimeters.
Moment of Inertia about X (Ixx) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local x- axis.
Moment of Inertia about Y (Iyy) - Type the moment of inertia for the section's local y- axis.
Warping Statical Moment (Sw) - Type the warping statical moment for the section.
Elastic Section Modulus about X (Sxx) - Type the section modulus for the section's local x-axis.
Elastic Section Modulus about Y (Syy) - Type the section modulus for the section's local y-axis.
Torsional Moment of Inertia (J) - Type the torsional moment of inertia for the section.
Warping Constant (Cw) - Type the warping constant for the section.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 167

Profile Cross Sections

Flexural Constant (H) - Type the flexural constant for the section.
Polar Radius of Gyration about Shear Center (ro) - Type the polar radius of gyration about the
shear center.
Radius of Gyration about X axis (Rxx) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local x-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Y axis (Ryy) - Type the radius of gyration for the section's local y-axis.
Radius of Gyration about Principle XY (Rxy) - Type the radius of gyration about the local
z-axis. The radius is defined in inches or millimeters.
Plastic Section Modulus about X (Zxx) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
Plastic Section Modulus about Y (Zyy) - Type the plastic section modulus for the section's local
IsHollow - Specify if the cross-section is hollow or not. For this cross-section, the default value is
IsSymmetricAlongX - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local x-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.
IsSymmetricAlongY - Specify if the cross-section is symmetrical along the local y-axis. For this
cross-section, the default value is False.

168 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Edge Features
Edge feature symbols are delivered in the SharedContent share in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Edge Features folder.

Name Description Parameters

Ellipse Available in CutEdge as

an optional item.

Ellipse Along Edge Available in CutEdge as

an optional item.
Use when Edge feature
needs a cut along the

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 169

Edge Features

Name Description Parameters

Half Round Available in CutEdge as

a default item.

Half Round Along Edge Available in CutEdge as

an optional item.
Use when the Edge
feature needs a cut along
the edge.

MushRoom Available in CutEdge as

an optional item.

170 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Edge Features

Name Description Parameters

MushRoom Along Edge Available in CutEdge as

an optional item.
Use when Edge feature
needs a cut along the

Scallop Available in CutEdge as

an optional item.
Wide Scallop

Scallop Along Edge Available in CutEdge as

an optional item.
Use when the Edge
feature needs a cut along
the edge.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 171

Edge Features

Round Available in catalog, but

not available in SML
Edge feature rules.

Circular Available in OffEdge as a

default item.

Oval Available in OffEdge as a

default item.

Flat Oval Available in catalog, but

not available in SML
Edge feature rules.

WaterStop1 Available in WaterStop

172 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Edge Features

BendFeature_Cut_01 Available when

ProfileKnuckleType =

InsertPlate1 Available when

ProfileKnuckleType =
(Plate inserted in edge
feature created when
ProfileKnuckleType =

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 173

Edge Features

174 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Profile End Cuts

Web cut and flange cut symbols are used with profile stiffeners.
End cut symbols are delivered in the following locations:
 Web cuts are in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Web Cuts and
[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Web Cuts folders.
 Flange cuts are in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Flange Cuts
and [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Flange Cuts folders.

In This Section
Welded Web Cuts ...........................................................................175
Clip Web Cuts .................................................................................184
Cutback Web Cuts ..........................................................................184
Snip Web Cuts ................................................................................185
Edge Reinforcement Web Cuts ......................................................189
Flange Cuts ....................................................................................189

Welded Web Cuts

Used when the assembly connection EndCutType is Welded.

Name Cross- Description Parameters

WebAndFlangeWelded All

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 175

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

SnipTopCornerLeft EA Welded to WebLeft of
the bounding profile

SnipTopCornerRight EA Welded to WebRight of

the bounding profile

SnipTopCornerLeft_ER FB For edge

Welded to WebLeft of
the bounding profile

SnipTopCornerRight_ER FB For edge

Welded to WebRight of
the bounding profile

CopeBUTLeft BUT Welded to WebLeft of

the bounding profile

176 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

CopeBUTRight BUT Welded to WebRight of
the bounding profile

CopeBulb B

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 177

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

Cope_AngleRight UA

CopeTopCornerSnipe BUT

178 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

WebCut_C2Spline All

WebCut_C3RBulb B

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 179

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

WebCut_C3Left BUT Welded to WebLeft of
the bounding profile

WebCut_C3Right BUT Welded to WebRight of

the bounding profile

WebCutI_C3Left I Welded to WebLeft of

the bounding profile

180 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

WebCutI_C3Right I Welded to WebRight of
the bounding profile

End-to-end profiles
Name Cross- Description Parameters
WebCut_OffsetInside All

WebCut_OffsetOutside All

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 181

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

WebCut_C1AlligatorEnd All

Lapped end cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters
SeamAngleCase1_2 EA Used for lapped end
cuts where the profile
UA laps its bounding
B object.

182 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters

SeamAngleCase2_FB_2 FB Used for lapped end
cuts where the profile
laps its bounding

WebCut_Bend Plate All Used for manual profile

knuckle with either
Extend or Split and
Extend manufacturing

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 183

Profile End Cuts

Clip Web Cuts

Used when the assembly connection EndCutType is Clip.

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Clip All Welded

184 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Cutback Web Cuts

Used when the assembly connection EndCutType is Cutback.

Name Cross-Sections Description Parameters


StraightSnip All

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 185

Profile End Cuts

Snip Web Cuts

Used when the assembly connection EndCutType is Snip.

Name Cross-Sections Description Parameters


Snip All

SnipWithFlange EA

186 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross-Sections Description Parameters


SnipNoNose All

SnipRadius All

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 187

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross-Sections Description Parameters


FreeEndWebCut FB

SnipBeyondBoun All

188 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Edge Reinforcement Web Cuts

Used only for flat-bar profile cross-sections used as Edge Reinforcements.

Name Cross-Sections Description Parameters

SM_WeldedER FB Edge reinforcement is
center-mounted on the edge of a
parent plate. The edge
reinforcement acts like the flange
of a BUT, and the parent plate
acts like the web of a BUT.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 189

Profile End Cuts

Flange Cuts

Name Cross- Web Cut Parameters

Sections Type Used
FlangeCutSniped All Clip

FlangeCutSnipedAngle All Snip

190 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Web Cut Parameters

Sections Type Used
FlangeCutStraight All Welded

FlangeCutStraightAngle EA Welded
UA Bracketed

FlangeCutStraightBulb B Welded

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 191

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Web Cut Parameters

Sections Type Used
FlangeCutStraightACope EA Welded
(FlangeCut_W1) UA Bracketed

FlangeCutStraightCope All Welded

(FlangeCut_W4) Bracketed

FlangeCutStraightBCope B Welded
(FlangeCut_BW1) Bracketed

192 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Web Cut Parameters

Sections Type Used
FlangeCutBackAngle UA Welded
(FlangeCut_W1) EA Bracketed

FlangeCutBackBUT BUT Welded

(FlangeCut_W4) BUTL2 Bracketed

FlangeCutBackBulb B Welded
(FlangeCut_BW1) Bracketed

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 193

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Web Cut Parameters

Sections Type Used
FlangeCutSnipWeld All Welded

FlangeCut_W4AlligatorEnd All Welded

FlangeCut_W4AlligatorPCEnd (end-to-end)

FlangeCut_BF1 Bulb (BPL) Used for all the

bulb cross
(free end)

194 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Profile End Cuts

Name Cross- Web Cut Parameters

Sections Type Used
FlangeCut_OffsetInside All Welded
FlangeCut_OffsetOutside (end-to-end)

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 195

Profile End Cuts

196 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Member End Cuts

End cut symbols for members are delivered in the following locations:
 Web cuts are in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Web
Cuts\Members folder.
 Flange cuts are in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Marine Library\Flange
Cuts\Members folder.

In This Section
Along-Axis Web Cuts for Members ................................................197
Along-Axis Flange Cuts for Members .............................................220
Web Cuts for Split Members...........................................................248
Flange Cuts for Split Members .......................................................253
Mitered Web Cuts for Members......................................................254
Mitred Flange Cuts for Members ....................................................255
Free-end Web Cuts for Members ...................................................256
Free-end Flange Cuts for Members ...............................................258

Along-Axis Web Cuts for Members

Creates a web cut for a member bounded by the axis curve of the bounding member.
There are separate web cuts for member assembly connections and generic assembly

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 197

Member End Cuts

Web-penetrated Center Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Web_F All Valid boundaries and

orientations present only a
face to the bounding object.


Axis_WebTB_F All Valid boundaries and

orientations present only a
face to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is an H-beam or
WebTB_F similar.

Axis_Web_T_F All Valid boundaries and

orientations present only a
face to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is a channel with
WebT_F the flanges up.

Axis_WebB_F All Valid boundaries and

orientations present only a
face to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is a channel with
WebB_F the flange down.

198 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Web_ All Valid boundaries and

TE_F_BE orientations present a face,
a top edge, and a bottom
edge to the bounding

Web_TE_F_BE_ Rolled Use for an exact fit when

Ellipse sections with both top and bottom
top and bounding edges have a
bottom fillet.
Valid boundaries and
orientations present a face,
a top edge, and a bottom
edge to the bounding

Web_TE_F_BE_ Rolled Use for an exact fit to the top

EllipseTop sections with edge only when it has a
top flange fillet.
Valid boundaries and
orientations present a face,
a top edge, and a bottom
edge to the bounding

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 199

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Web_TE_F_BE_ Rolled Use for an exact fit to the

Ellipse sections with bottom edge only when it
bottom flange has a fillet.
Valid boundaries and
orientations present a face,
a top edge, and a bottom
edge to the bounding

Axis_Web_ All Valid boundaries and

F_BE orientations present a face
and a bottom edge to the
bounding member.


Web_F_BE_ All Use for an exact fit to the

Ellipse bottom edge when it has a
Valid boundaries and
orientations present a face
and a bottom edge to the
bounding member.

200 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Web_ All Valid boundaries and

TE_F orientations present a face
and a top edge to the
bounding member.


Web_TE_F_ All Use for an exact fit to the top

Ellipse edge when it has a fillet.
(generic) Valid boundaries and
orientations present a face
and a top edge to the
bounding member.

Axis_Web_TF_T_ All Valid boundaries and

E_F orientations present a face,
top edge, and top face to the
bounding member.


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 201

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Web_ All Valid boundaries and

F_BE_BF orientations present a face,
bottom edge, and bottom
face to the bounding

Axis_Tube_00 Tube to Tube Tubular member is bounded

to another tubular member
(except on-member

Axis_Web_Tube Standard Standard member is

member to bounded to tubular member:
Tube bounded members web is
cut by the bounding
member edge as shown.

202 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Web-penetrated Top Cuts

All web cuts are available for both member assembly connections and generic assembly

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Top face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Snipe Top face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 203

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Square Flange All Valid boundaries and

Relief Top orientations present a
face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Square Flange All Valid boundaries and

Relief Web Top orientations present a
Cut Snipe face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

204 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Square Along All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Top face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Square Along All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Web Top Cut face and a top edge to the
Snipe bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 205

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Outside Web face and a top edge to the
Top bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Outside Web face and a top edge to the
Top Snipe bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

206 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Top Snipe All Valid boundaries and

Outside orientations present a
face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Top Snipe All Valid boundaries and

Outside orientations present a
Setback face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 207

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Outside Snipe All Valid boundaries and

Top Offset orientations do not
present a top edge to the
bounding member.

Snipe Face All All

Relief Top

208 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Hook Face All All

Relief Top

Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Inside Web Top face and a bottom edge to
the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 209

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Top Outside All Valid boundaries and

Hook Flange orientations present a
Relief face and a bottom edge to
the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Top Snipe Standard Standard member is

OutSide _Tube member to bounded to a tubular
Tube member. This web cut is
applicable to members
with a top flange such as
T, and also for members
without a top flange such
as L.

210 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Web-penetrated Bottom Cuts

All web cuts are available for both member assembly connections and generic assembly

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Snipe Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 211

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Square Flange All Valid boundaries and

Relief Bottom orientations present a
face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Square Flange All Valid boundaries and

Relief Web orientations present a
Bottom Cut face and a bottom edge
Snipe to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

212 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Square Along All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Square Along All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Web Bottom face and a bottom edge
Cut Snipe to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 213

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Outside Web face and a bottom edge
Bottom to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Outside Web face and a bottom edge
Bottom Snipe to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

214 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Bottom Snipe All Valid boundaries and

Outside orientations present a
face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Bottom Snipe All Valid boundaries and

Outside orientations present a
Setback face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 215

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Outside Snipe All Valid boundaries and

Bottom Offset orientations present a
face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Snipe Face All All

Relief Bottom

216 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Hook Face All All

Relief Bottom

Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Inside Web face and a bottom edge
Bottom to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 217

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Bottom Outside All Valid boundaries and

Hook Flange orientations present a
Relief face and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Bottom Snipe Standard Standard member is

Outside_Tube member to bounded to a tubular
Tube member. This web cut is
applicable to members
with a bottom flange
such as L and also to
members without bottom
flange such as T.

218 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Web Non-penetrated Cuts

There are separate web cuts for member assembly connections and generic assembly

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Web_Straight All


Axis_Web_Flush All


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 219

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Web_Cope_Ext All Selected only when

BraceType =
and the cut is
between Brace and
Bounded of the
Parent Assembly
Connection (which
creates the Child

Along-Axis Flange Cuts for Members

Flange-penetrated Center Cuts
There are separate web cuts for member assembly connections and generic assembly

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_F All Valid boundaries and

orientations present only a
face to the bounding object.


220 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_ All Valid boundaries and

FlangeTB_F orientations present only a
face to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is an H-beam or

Axis_ All Valid boundaries and

FlangeT_F orientations present only a
face to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is a channel with the
flanges up.

Axis_ All Valid boundaries and

FlangeB_F orientations present only a
face to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is a channel with the
flange down.

Axis_Flange_ All Valid boundaries and

TE_F_BE orientations present a face, a
top edge, and a bottom edge
to the bounding member.


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 221

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_ All Valid boundaries and

F_BE orientations present a face
and a bottom edge to the
bounding member.


Axis_Flange_ All Valid boundaries and

TE_F orientations present a face
and a top edge to the
bounding member.


Axis_Flange_ All Valid boundaries and

TF_TE_F orientations present a face,
top edge, and top face to the
bounding member.


222 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_ All Valid boundaries and

F_BE_BF orientations present a face,
bottom edge, and bottom
face to the bounding

Axis Flange Standard Standard member is

_Tube member to bounded to a tubular
Tube member. The bounded
member's flange is cut by the
bounding member edge.

Axis_Flange_ All Selected only when

Variable_Bevel BraceType = InsetMember
and the cut is between Brace
and Bounded of the Parent
Assembly Connection.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 223

Member End Cuts

Flange-penetrated Top Cuts

All web cuts are available for both member assembly connections and generic assembly

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Top face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Snipe Top WL face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

224 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Snipe Top FL face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Sqr Flange All Valid boundaries and

Relief Top orientations present a
face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 225

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Sqr Flg Rlf All with no left Valid boundaries and
Outside Snp flange orientations present a
Top WL face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Sqr Flg Rlf All with left Valid boundaries and
Outside Snp and right orientations present a
Top FL flanges face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

226 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Sqr Alg All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Top face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Sqr Alg Flg All with no left Valid boundaries and
Rlf Outside Snp flange orientations present a
Top WL face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 227

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Sqr Alg Flg All with left Valid boundaries and
Rlf Outside Snp and right orientations present a
Top FL flanges face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flg Rlf OutSide orientations present a
Top face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

228 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Edge Hook All with no left Valid boundaries and

Flg Rlf OutSide flange orientations present a
Snp Top WL face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Edge Hook All with left Valid boundaries and

Flg Rlf OutSide and right orientations present a
Snp Top FL flanges face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 229

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Top Snipe All with no left Valid boundaries and

Outside WL flange orientations present a
face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Top Snipe All with left Valid boundaries and

Outside FL and right orientations present a
flanges face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

230 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Top Snipe All with no left Valid boundaries and

Outside flange orientations present a
Setback WL face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

Flg Top Snipe All with left Valid boundaries and

Outside and right orientations present a
Setback FL flanges face and a top edge to the
bounding member. The
bounding member is still
valid if it has a bottom

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 231

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Outside All with no left Valid boundaries and

Snipe Top flange orientations do not
Offset WL present a top edge to the
bounding member.

Flg Outside All with left Valid boundaries and

Snipe Top and right orientations do not
Offset FL flanges present a top edge to the
bounding member.

232 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Snipe Face All All

Relief Top

Flg Hook Face All All

Relief Top

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 233

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Inside Top face and a bottom edge to
the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

Flg Top All Valid boundaries and

Outside Hook orientations present a
Flange Relief face and a bottom edge to
the bounding member.
The bounding member is
still valid if it has a top

234 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Top Snipe Standard Standard member is

OutSide member to bounded to a tubular
_Tube_FL Tube member. The bounded
member's left side flange
is cut.

Flg Top Snipe Standard Standard member is

OutSide member to bounded to a tubular
_Tube_WL Tube member. In this case, no
left side flange exists for
the bounded member, so
the web-left is used as a

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 235

Member End Cuts

Flange-penetrated Bottom Cuts

All web cuts are available for both member assembly connections and generic assembly

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

Flg Inside Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Snipe Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

236 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Sqr Flange All Valid boundaries and

Relief Bottom orientations present a
face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

Flg Sqr Flg Rlf All with no left Valid boundaries and
Outside Snp flange orientations present a
Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 237

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Sqr Alg All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

Flg Sqr Alg Flg All with no left Valid boundaries and
Rlf Outside Snp flange orientations present a
Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

238 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flg Rlf OutSide orientations present a
Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

Flg Edge Hook All with no left Valid boundaries and

Flg Rlf OutSide flange orientations present a
Snp Bottom face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 239

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Bottom All with no left Valid boundaries and

Snipe Outside flange orientations present a
face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

Flg Bottom All with no left Valid boundaries and

Snipe Outside flange orientations present a
Setback face and a bottom edge
to the bounding
member. The bounding
member is still valid if it
has a top edge.

240 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Outside All with no left Valid boundaries and

Snipe Bottom flange orientations do not
Offset present a top edge to
the bounding member.

Flg Snipe Face All All

Relief Top

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 241

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Hook Face All All

Relief Top

Flg Edge Hook All Valid boundaries and

Flange Relief orientations present a
Inside Bottom face and a top edge to
the bounding member.
The bounding member
is still valid if it has a
bottom edge.

242 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Flg Bottom All Valid boundaries and

Outside Hook orientations present a
Flange Relief face and a top edge to
the bounding member.
The bounding member
is still valid if it has a
bottom edge.

FlgBottom Standard Standard member is

Snipe member to bounded to a tubular
OutSide_Tube_ Tube member. The right side
FR flange is cut as shown.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 243

Member End Cuts

Flange Non-penetrated Cuts

There are separate web cuts for member assembly connections and generic assembly

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_Flush_LR All with left

and right


Axis_Flange_Flush_R All with no left



Axis_Flange_Straight_ All with left

Setback_LR and right


244 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_Straight_ All with no left

Setback_R flange


Axis_Flange_Sniped_ All with left

Setback_LR and right


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 245

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_Sniped_ All with no left

Setback_R flange


The following smart items are for cases in which the bounding member is a tube and the
bounded member is a standard member. These cases do not use the 8193 edge ID in the symbol

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_Straight_ All with left

Setback_Tube_LR and right

246 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_Straight_ All with no left

Setback_Tube_R flange.

Axis_Flange_Sniped_ All with left

Setback_Tube _LR and right

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 247

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


Axis_Flange_Sniped_ All with no left

Setback_Tube_R flange.

Web Cuts for Split Members

Creates end-to-end web cuts for collinear members. End cuts are applied to both the bounded and
bounding members.
Different web cut shapes are possible by changing the answers to user-questions on the
Selection tab in the assembly connection Properties dialog box.

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrSplitWeb_NoA All A web cut is placed

ngle perpendicular to the
member axis at the
seam location.

248 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

AngleWebSqFl an offset towards
bounded and angular to
the member axis.
Flanges can have a
different seam angle.

MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

AngleWebSqFl_2 an offset towards
bounding and angular to
the member axis.
Flanges can have a
different seam angle.

MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

AngleWebBevelFl an offset towards
bounded and angular to
the member axis.
Flanges have a seam
angle equal to that of
the web.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 249

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

AngleWebBevelFl an offset towards
_2 bounding and angular to
the member axis on
bounded. Flanges have
a seam angle equal to
that of the web.

MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

AngleWebAngleFl an offset towards
bounded and angular to
the member axis.
Flanges can have a
different seam angle.
The cutting plane is
inclined to the member
axis, and the angle of
the inclination can be
changed using the
cutVang parameter.

MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

AngleWebAngleFl an offset towards
_2 bounding and angular to
the member axis.
Flanges can have a
different seam angle.
The cutting plane is
inclined to the member
axis, and the angle of
the inclination can be
changed using the
cutVang parameter.

250 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

DistWebDistFl an offset towards
bounded, and slope is
controlled through
offsets at top and
bottom points of the

MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

DistWebDistFl_2 an offset towards
bounding, and the slope
is controlled through
offsets at top and
bottom points of the

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 251

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

OffsetWebOffsetFl an offset and angular to
the member axis on
bounded. The web, top,
and bottom flanges can
have different offsets
from the original seam.

MbrSplitWeb_ All A web cut is placed at

OffsetWebOffsetFl an offset and angular to
_2 the member axis on
bounded. The web, top,
and bottom flanges can
have different offsets
from the original seam.

252 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrSplitWeb_Tub Circular A cut is placed at the

e sections seam location.

Flange Cuts for Split Members

Placed on flanges of members connected end to end and collinear.
A flange cut is placed only when the answer for SplitEndToEndCase is NoAngle.

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrEndFlg_Straight All with left and Places a

_LR right flanges. straight cut.

MbrEndFlg_Straight All with no left Places a

_R flange. straight cut.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 253

Member End Cuts

Mitered Web Cuts for Members

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrMiterWeb All Places a miter straight

end cut.

MbrMiterWeb_S All Places a straight center

S cut and a sniped cut at
top and bottom so that
the flanges of bounding
and bounded do not

MbrMiterWeb_S All Places a straight cut and

B a sniped cut at bottom so
that the bottom flanges of
bounding and bounded
do not meet.

254 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrMiterWeb_S All Places a straight cut and

T a sniped cut at top so
that the top flanges of
bounding and bounded
do not meet.

MbrMiterWeb_T Circular Places a miter cut for

ube sections circular cross-sections.

Mitred Flange Cuts for Members

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrEndFlg_ All with left and Places a miter cut on

StraightSetback_L right flanges. the flange.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 255

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrEndFlg_ All with no left Places a miter sloped

StraightSetback_ flange. cut on the flange.

Free-end Web Cuts for Members

These web cuts are placed at the end of an unsupported member.

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrWeb_FreeSnipeT All Places a sniped

op web cut with slope
inward at the top of
the flange.

256 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrWeb_ All Places a sniped

FreeSnipeBottom web cut with slope
inward at the
bottom of the

MbrWeb_FreeAngled All Use when

Cut EndcutType is
Welded in the
Properties dialog
Places a sniped
web cut. The cutting
plane direction is
inclined towards the
member axis.

MbrTube_FreeEndCu Circular Places a sniped

t sections end cut for tubes.
The sketching
plane can be

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 257

Member End Cuts

Free-end Flange Cuts for Members

These web cuts are placed at the end of an unsupported member.

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrFree_Flange_ All with left and Places a straight flange

Straight_LR right flanges cut.

MbrFree_Flange_ All with no left Places a straight flange

Straight_R flange cut.

258 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Member End Cuts

Name Cross- Description Parameters


MbrFree_Flange_ All with left and Places a sniped flange

Sniped_LR right flanges cut.

MbrFree_Flange_ All with no left Places a sniped flange

Sniped_R flange cut.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 259

Member End Cuts

260 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Slot (also called penetration) symbols are delivered in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\MarineLibrary\Penetrations and [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Penetrations folders.

In This Section
Slot A ............................................................................................. 261
Slot C ............................................................................................. 263
Slot C2 ........................................................................................... 274
Slot I ............................................................................................... 275

Slot A
Slot A class penetrations are not connected to their cross-sections.

Name Cross-Sections Selection Logic Parameters

Supported in the Rules

SlotAA_SM EA None

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 261


Name Cross-Sections Selection Logic Parameters

Supported in the Rules

SlotBA_SM B None

SlotFA_SM FB None

262 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross-Sections Selection Logic Parameters

Supported in the Rules

SlotTA_SM T None

Slot C
Slot C class penetrations are connected to their cross-sections.

Web Left Connection

Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters
Sections in the Rules

SlotAC_L_AAT_DTR EA Non-tight
UA Profile height >
125 mm

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 263


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotAC_L_PAT_DTR EA Non-tight


264 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotBC_L_AAT_DTR B Non-tight

SlotBC_L_LAT_STR B Non-tight
Profile height 
120 mm

SlotBC_L_LTT_STR B Tight

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 265


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotBC_L_PAT_DTR B Non-tight

SlotBC_L_PAT_STR B Tight

266 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotFC_L_AAT_DTR FB Non-tight

SlotFC_L_PAT_DTR FB Non-tight

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 267


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules


SlotL2C_L_AAT_DTR BUTL2 Non-tight

Profile height >
150 mm

268 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotL2C_L_PAT_DTR BUTL2 Non-tight

SlotL2C_L_PAT_DTR2 BUTL2 Tight

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 269


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotTC_L_AAT_DTR BUT Non-tight

Profile height >
150 mm

SlotTC_L_PAT_DTR BUT Non-tight

270 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules


Top Connection
Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters
Sections in the Rules

SlotTC_T_PAA_STR BUT Non-tight

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 271


Web Left and Top Connection

Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters
Sections in the Rules

SlotAC_LT_AAA EA Non-tight

SlotAC_LT_PAA EA Non-tight

272 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotAC_LT_PAT EA Tight

(all use SlotAC_LT_PAT)

SlotBC_LT_PAT B Tight

(all use SlotBC_LT_PAT)

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 273


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotFC_LT_PAT FB Tight

(all use SlotBC_LT_PAT)

Slot C2
Slot C2 class penetrations are connected to the top of the flange of their cross-sections.

Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotL2C2_T_PTT_STR BUT Tight


(all use

274 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Slot I
Slot I class penetrations are connected to the left and right sides of the web of their cross-sections.

Web Left and Web Right Connection

Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters
Sections in the Rules

SlotAI EA Available in
catalog, but not
available in
current selection
of SML Slot


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 275


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotAI_LR_AAAA_STR EA Non-tight
UA Profile height >
125 mm


276 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotBI_LR_AAAA_STR B Non-tight

SlotFI Available in
catalog, but not
available in
current selection
of SML Slot


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 277


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotFI_LR_AAAA_STR FB Non-tight


278 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotL2I_LR_AAAA_STR BUTL2 Non-tight


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 279


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules

SlotTI_LR_AAAA_STR BUT Non-tight

Web Left, Web Right, Connection and Top Connection

Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters
Sections in the Rules



280 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Name Cross- Selection Logic Parameters

Sections in the Rules




2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 281


282 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Sketched Features
The sketched feature symbols are delivered with the software in the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Sketched Features folder.

Name Description Parameters

Obround Feature Has no smart rule to

Available when placing an

Oval Feature Has no smart rule to

Available when placing an

Rectangle Feature Has no smart rule to

Available when placing an

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 283

Sketched Features

Name Description Parameters

Round Feature Has no smart rule to

Available when placing an

Square Feature Has no smart rule to

Available when placing an

284 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


The opening symbols are delivered with the software in the [Reference Data Product
Directory]\SharedContent\Openings folder. You can create your own custom opening symbols
using the 2D Symbols utility that is delivered with the software.

In This Section
CircleOpening ................................................................................ 285
OvalOpening .................................................................................. 286
RectangleOpening ......................................................................... 286
SketchOpening .............................................................................. 286
SquareOpening .............................................................................. 287
TriangleOpening ............................................................................ 287


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 285





286 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide




2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 287


288 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


Structural Manufacturing
The structural manufacturing symbols are delivered with the software in the [Reference Data
Product Directory]\SharedContent\StructManufacturing folder. You can create your own custom
symbols using the 2D Symbols utility that is delivered with the software.

In This Section
Manufacturing Requirements for Profile Cross Sections ............... 290
Manufacturing Requirements for Member Cross Sections ............ 291
Bevel .............................................................................................. 292
Bevel1 (I-Type) .............................................................................. 292
Bevel2 (V-Type) ............................................................................. 293
Bevel3 (V-Type) ............................................................................. 293
Bevel4 (X-Type) ............................................................................. 293
Bevel5 (Y-Type) ............................................................................. 293
Bevel6 (X-Type with Chamfer)....................................................... 293
Bevel7 (X-Type with Chamfer)....................................................... 294
Bevel8 (X-Type with Chamfer)....................................................... 294
Bevel9 (X-Type with Chamfer)....................................................... 294
Bevel10 .......................................................................................... 294
BevelA............................................................................................ 295
BevelB............................................................................................ 295
BevelParam ................................................................................... 296
FeatureTab1 .................................................................................. 296
Grind .............................................................................................. 296
Knuckle .......................................................................................... 297
Margin ............................................................................................ 297
PartCenterLL ................................................................................. 297
PartDirC ......................................................................................... 298
PartDirCL ....................................................................................... 298
PartDirCR....................................................................................... 298
PartDirL .......................................................................................... 299
PartDirLL ........................................................................................ 299
PartDirLLFlangeRR ....................................................................... 299
PartDirR ......................................................................................... 300
PartDirRR....................................................................................... 300
PartDirRRFlangeLL ....................................................................... 300
PMFeature ..................................................................................... 301
Shrinkage ....................................................................................... 301
SMPlateTab ................................................................................... 301
UnSpecBevel ................................................................................. 302
WeldTab1....................................................................................... 302

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 289

Structural Manufacturing

Manufacturing Requirements for Profile Cross

All profile cross sections must support the IJUAXSectionMfgProperties and
IJUAXSectionMatlProperties virtual interfaces.

IJUAXSectionMatlProperties …

IJUAXSectionMfgProperties OriginKeyPoint

The Shear Center is the point at which a shear force can act without producing any twist in the
section. The centroid of a cross section shape is the arithmetic mean (average) position of all the
points in the shape.
Shear Center and Centroid are both required properties to unfold a profile part in Structural
Manufacturing. Shear Center gives the axis information about which the profile is untwisted. The
Centroid gives the axis about which the profile is unbent.
OriginKeyPoint, XDirectionKeyPoint and YDirectionKeyPoint values are used only in Structural
Manufacturing to interpret the location of Centroid and Shear Center. Centroid and Shear Center
locations should be given correctly relative to these key points.
The following example shows how to define a cross section centroid with respect to key points
defined in Cross Section work sheet:

Any of the following rows are correct for the previous figure:

290 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Structural Manufacturing

OriginKeyPoint XDirectionKeyPoint YDirectionKeyPoint Centroid_X Centroid_Y

1 23 13 15 75

13 15 1 15 25

23 15 1 75 35

Manufacturing Requirements for Member Cross

All member cross sections must have CrossSectionType information.
Valid Cross Section Type strings:
 BulbFlat
 Channel
 FlatBar
 IBar
 TeeBar
 EqualAngle
 UnequalAngle
 RectangleTube
 SquareTube
 RoundTube
 RoundBar
 SquareBar
 HalfRound.

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 291

Structural Manufacturing

Member cross sections are not required to support IJUAXSectionMfgProperties or

IJUAXSectionMatlProperties virtual interfaces.
Cardinal Point 10 must be defined in the member cross section symbol at the centroid location.
Cardinal Point 15 must be defined at the Shear Center location.
If the member has a flange, it must support the IStructFlangedSectionDimensions virtual interface
with the following properties:
 d = Web Depth
 tw = Web Thickness
 tf = Flange Thickness
 bf = Flange Width
If the member, such as round tubes, rectangular tubes, Half Round, and so on, does not have a
flange, it must support the IStructCrossSectionDimensions virtual interface.
 Depth = Web Depth
 tdes = Thickness
 tnom = Thickness
This property is read-only if the tdes property does not exist.


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)

Bevel1 (I-Type)

292 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Structural Manufacturing

Bevel2 (V-Type)

Bevel3 (V-Type)

Bevel4 (X-Type)

Bevel5 (Y-Type)

Bevel6 (X-Type with Chamfer)

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 293

Structural Manufacturing

Bevel7 (X-Type with Chamfer)

Bevel8 (X-Type with Chamfer)

Bevel9 (X-Type with Chamfer)


294 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Structural Manufacturing


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 295

Structural Manufacturing



See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)

296 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Structural Manufacturing


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 297

Structural Manufacturing




298 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Structural Manufacturing


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 299

Structural Manufacturing


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)


See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)

300 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

Structural Manufacturing




See Also
Structural Manufacturing (on page 289)

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 301

Structural Manufacturing



302 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


2 C
2D Symbols Reference Data • 13 Chamfers • 57
2S Brackets • 15 CircleOpening • 285
2S Flanged Brackets • 51 Clip Web Cuts • 184
Collars and Clips • 59
3 Corner Features for Members • 79
Corner Features for Plates and Stiffeners •
3S Flanged Brackets • 52 73
3S Lapped S1 Brackets • 26 Cross Section Symbol 2L • 90
3S Lapped S1S2 Brackets • 31 Cross Section Symbol B • 143
3S Lapped S1S2S3 Brackets • 37 Cross Section Symbol BUBoxFM • 93
3S Lapped S1S3 Brackets • 38 Cross Section Symbol BUC • 95
3S Lapped S2 Brackets • 40 Cross Section Symbol BUCan • 97
3S Lapped S2S3 Brackets • 45 Cross Section Symbol BUCone • 99
3S Lapped S3 Brackets • 47 Cross Section Symbol BUEndCan • 100
3S Trimmed Brackets • 21 Cross Section Symbol BUFlat • 102
Cross Section Symbol BUI • 103
4 Cross Section Symbol BUIHaunch • 105
4S Brackets • 49 Cross Section Symbol BUITaperWeb • 107
Cross Section Symbol BUIUE • 109
Cross Section Symbol BUL • 111
5 Cross Section Symbol BUL2 • 145
5S Brackets • 50 Cross Section Symbol BUL3 • 147
Cross Section Symbol BUT • 113, 149
A Cross Section Symbol BUTube • 114
Along-Axis Flange Cuts for Members • 220 Cross Section Symbol C (MC) • 116
Along-Axis Web Cuts for Members • 197 Cross Section Symbol C_SS • 150
Cross Section Symbol C_SType • 151
Cross Section Symbol CS • 118
B Cross Section Symbol EA • 153
Bevel • 292 Cross Section Symbol FB • 154
Bevel1 (I-Type) • 292 Cross Section Symbol HalfR • 156
Bevel10 • 294 Cross Section Symbol HSSC (Pipe) • 119
Bevel2 (V-Type) • 293 Cross Section Symbol HSSR • 120
Bevel3 (V-Type) • 293 Cross Section Symbol HW • 121
Bevel4 (X-Type) • 293 Cross Section Symbol HWWF • 123
Bevel5 (Y-Type) • 293 Cross Section Symbol I • 157
Bevel6 (X-Type with Chamfer) • 293 Cross Section Symbol I_SType • 159
Bevel7 (X-Type with Chamfer) • 294 Cross Section Symbol L • 124
Bevel8 (X-Type with Chamfer) • 294 Cross Section Symbol P • 160
Bevel9 (X-Type with Chamfer) • 294 Cross Section Symbol R • 162
BevelA • 295 Cross Section Symbol Rect • 126
BevelB • 295 Cross Section Symbol RectC • 128
BevelParam • 296 Cross Section Symbol RectCWF • 129
Bracket Symbols • 15 Cross Section Symbol RectWF • 131
Cross Section Symbol RS • 132
Cross Section Symbol S • 133

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 303


Cross Section Symbol SB • 163 N

Cross Section Symbol SqTu • 164
Non-Tight Clips • 59
Cross Section Symbol ST • 135
Cross Section Symbol T • 165
Cross Section Symbol T (MT) • 136 O
Cross Section Symbol T_SType • 165 Openings • 285
Cross Section Symbol UA • 167 OvalOpening • 286
Cross Section Symbol W (M) • 138
Cross Section Symbol Wedge • 140
Cross Section Symbol WedgeWF • 141
Cutback Web Cuts • 185 PartCenterLL • 297
PartDirC • 298
PartDirCL • 298
D PartDirCR • 298
Documentation Comments • 12 PartDirL • 299
Documentation Set • 9 PartDirLL • 299
Double Sided Chamfer • 57 PartDirLLFlangeRR • 299
PartDirR • 300
E PartDirRR • 300
PartDirRRFlangeLL • 300
Edge Features • 169
PMFeature • 301
Edge Reinforcement Web Cuts • 189
Preface • 9
Profile Cross Sections • 143
F Profile End Cuts • 175
FeatureTab1 • 296
Flange Contours for Brackets • 55 R
Flange Cuts • 190
RectangleOpening • 286
Flange Cuts for Split Members • 253
Flange Non-penetrated Cuts • 244
Flange-penetrated Bottom Cuts • 236 S
Flange-penetrated Center Cuts • 220 Shrinkage • 301
Flange-penetrated Top Cuts • 224 Single Sided Chamfers • 57
Free-end Flange Cuts for Members • 258 Sketched Features • 283
Free-end Web Cuts for Members • 256 SketchOpening • 286
Slot A • 261
G Slot C • 263
Slot C2 • 274
Grind • 296
Slot I • 275
Slots • 261
K Smart 3D and Oracle • 12
Knuckle • 297 SMPlateTab • 301
Snip Web Cuts • 186
M SquareOpening • 287
Standard Bracket Flange Contour • 55
Manufacturing Requirements for Member Structural Manufacturing • 289
Cross Sections • 291
Manufacturing Requirements for Profile
Cross Sections • 290 T
Margin • 297 Tight Collars • 63
Member Cross Sections • 89 TriangleOpening • 287
Member End Cuts • 197
Mitered Web Cuts for Members • 254
Mitred Flange Cuts for Members • 255

304 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide


UnSpecBevel • 302

Web Cuts for Split Members • 248
Web Non-penetrated Cuts • 219
Web-penetrated Bottom Cuts • 211
Web-penetrated Center Cuts • 198
Web-penetrated Top Cuts • 203
Welded Web Cuts • 175
WeldTab1 • 302
What's New in 2D Symbols Reference Data
• 12

2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide 305


306 2D Symbols Marine Mode Reference Data Guide

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