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Int. J.

Cancer: 121, 2357–2363 (2007)

' 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Targeting NOX, INOS and COX-2 in inflammatory cells:

Chemoprevention using food phytochemicals
Akira Murakami* and Hajime Ohigashi
Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Biological, biochemical and physical stimuli activate inflammatory phenomena progress in a concerted fashion toward re-epitheliali-
leukocytes, such as macrophages, resulting in induction and syn- zation and healing resolution.
thesis of proinflammatory proteins and enzymes, together with
free radicals, as innate immune responses. On the other hand, In pathogenic conditions, most of the above mentioned proc-
chronic and dysregulated activation of some inducible enzymes, esses are shared, though they are sustained and exaggerated in a
including NADPH oxidase (NOX), inducible nitric oxide synthase dysregulated manner. Further, genetic alterations are frequently
(iNOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, have been shown to play piv- associated in cases of chronic and pathogenic inflammation. It has
otal roles in the development of certain inflammatory diseases also been well documented that infection with microorganisms is
such as oncogenesis. While the use of synthetic agents, especially closely related to inflammation-derived carcinogenesis.2 Thus, the
those targeting molecules, is an attractive and reasonable use of synthetic drugs or natural compounds able to suppress
approach to prevent carcinogenesis, it should be noted that tradi- inflammatory processes is considered to be a reasonable approach
tional herbs and spices also exist along with their active constitu- to prevent inflammation-associated carcinogenesis.3 In fact, non-
ents, which have been demonstrated to disrupt inflammatory sig-
nal transduction pathways. In this mini-review, the molecular steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, have
mechanisms of activation or induction of NOX, iNOS and COX-2, received considerable attention for their ability to not only miti-
as well as some food phytochemicals with marked potential to reg- gate inflammatory responses, but also potentially prevent cancer
ulate those key inflammatory molecules, are highlighted. For incidence in humans, based on the results of several independent
example, 10 -acetoxychavicol acetate, which occurs in the rhizomes epidemiologic surveys that demonstrated a negative association of
of the subtropical Zingiberaceae plant, has been shown to attenu- NSAID use with the occurrence of many types of cancer.4 On the
ate NOX-derived superoxide generation in macrophages, as well other hand, traditional remedies with natural compounds derived
as lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 from herbs, spices, medicinal plants, and others have also been
production through the suppression of iNOS and COX-2 synthesis,
respectively. Notably, this phytochemical has exhibited a wide noted as reliable, particularly in their local regions. Those are typi-
range of cancer prevention activities in several rodent models of cally low-priced and readily available, however, their modes of
inflammation-associated carcinogenesis. Herein, the cancer pre- actions are widely ambiguous. Thus, both anti-inflammatory drugs
ventive potentials of several food phytochemicals targeting the and natural compounds are considered to have marked potentials
induction of NOX, iNOS and COX-2 are described. for clinical cancer prevention trials.
' 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
NADPH oxidase
Key words: NOX; iNOS; COX-2; curcumin; resveratrol; acetoxy-
chavicol acetate; zerumbone; chemoprevention; NFjB Following stimulation from proinflammatory stimuli, activated
leukocytes generate superoxide anion (O2 2 ) from NADPH oxidase
(NOX). A representative biological phenomenon regarding O2 2
generation through NOX is the respiratory burst of neutrophils
Inflammation is a pathophysiological phenomenon known to be and macrophages. NOX comprises a catalytic subunit, gp91phox,
involved in numerous diseases, while it is notable that a consider- and regulatory proteins, including small GTPase RAC1/2,
able proportion of chronic inflammatory diseases overlap with the p22phox, p47phox, p40phox and p67phox. RAC is associated in a
onset and development of cancer. For example, mechanistic con- constitutive manner with the cellular membrane, as are gp91phox
nections between ulcerative colitis/Crohn’s disease and colorectal and p22phox, which are collectively termed flavocytochrome
cancer, reflux esophagitis/Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal car- b558, while others are located in the cytoplasm in a resting state.
cinoma and hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma have been Among those partner proteins, phosphorylation of p47phox has
reported.1 In the process of nonpathologic inflammation, e.g., been recognized as a critical step for stimuli-induced activation
wound healing, platelets are known to release several mediators and assembly of this oxidase, as well as several kinases, including
that tightly regulate vascular permeability and recruit fibrinogen, protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms (bII, d, f), but not a or bI,5
leading to the formation of fibrin clots. These activities also
induce and produce chemotactic factors, including platelet-derived
growth factor, transforming growth factor-b, and interleukin-1b,
which lead to the activation of stromal cells that are responsible Abbreviations: ACA, 10 -acetoxychavicol acetate; ARE, AU-rich ele-
for the release of a cocktail of proteases, such as the matrix metal- ment; BITC, benzyl isothiocyanate; COX, cyclooxygenase; eNOS, endothe-
lial NOS; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; iNOS, inducible NOS;
loproteinase (MMP) superfamily that can virtually degrade the JNK, c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MAPK, mito-
extracellular matrix. Concurrently, neutrophils and monocytes are gen-activated protein kinase; MAPKAPK2, MAPK-activated protein kinase
maturated and recruited, then infiltrate inflamed tissue as part of 2; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; nNOS, neuronal NOS; NO, nitric oxide;
the innate immune machinery, and are well known as biological NOS, nitric oxide synthase; NOX, NADPH oxidase; NSAID, non-steroidal
sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS), prostaglandins (PGs), anti-inflammatory drug; ONOO-, peroxynitrite; O2 2 , superoxide anion; PG,
inflammatory cytokines, and chemokines, as well as others. ROS, prostaglandin; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; PKC, protein kinase C;
ROS, reactive oxygen species; TLR, toll-like receptor.
which include free radicals, are chemically unstable molecules Grant sponsor: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan.
able to modify, denature and decompose biological components Hajime Ohigashi’s current address is: Faculty of Biotechnology, Fukui
such as lipid membranes, proteins, and DNA. Further, PGE2 has Prefectural University, Japan.
been demonstrated to induce angiogenesis and plays a notable role *Correspondence to: Division of Food Science and Biotechnology,
in the growth of fibroblasts, as well as endothelial and epithelial Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan.
Fax: 181-75-753-6282. E-mail:
cells. On the other hand, cytokines and chemokines are systemati- Received 28 June 2007; Accepted after revision 27 August 2007
cally activated and released into neighboring tissues in a coordi- DOI 10.1002/ijc.23161
nated manner, after which they circulate in the bloodstream for Published online 24 September 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.
further activation of the immune system. All of these biological

Publication of the International Union Against Cancer


FIGURE 1 – Structures of promising food phytochemicals with cancer preventive potential.

though another research group has proposed the involvement of It is also notable that phorbol ester-induced O2
2 generation plays
PKCa and bII.6 In addition, activation of extracellular signal- a major role not only in the tumor promotion stage, but also the
regulated kinase (ERK)1/2, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase initiation stage, as demonstrated in some in vitro studies.21,22
(MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt, but not Unfortunately, there are few reports regarding the molecular
that of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK)1/2,7 has been shown to mechanisms underlying the suppressive effects of food phyto-
be involved in NOX activation.7 chemicals on O2 2 generation. Nakamura et al. suggested that ben-
In some pathological conditions, NOX and related enzymes are zyl isothiocyanate (BITC, Fig. 1), a well-known sulfur-containing
over-expressed. For example, a significant upregulation of compound present in cruciferous plants, attenuated phorbol ester-
gp91phox in the livers and kidneys, but not xanthine oxidase, was induced O2 2 generation in differentiated HL-60 cells, presumably
noted in a rat model of chronic renal failure.8 In addition, experi- by disrupting the electron transport system of flavocytochrome
ments with gp91phox-knockout mice have shown that they were b558, whereas it did not have an effect on PKC b translocation
less susceptible to renal artery clipping-induced hypertension and into the cellular membrane.23 BITC was also shown to suppress
also indicated that the formation of O2 2 by NOX containing endo-
infiltrated leukocyte-induced oxidative stress in mouse skin.24
thelial gp91phox accounts for reduced NO bioavailability, which Thus, food phytochemicals in combination with natural or syn-
may lead to the development of renovascular hypertension and en- thetic compounds may be able to scavenge O2 2 more efficiently to
dothelial dysfunction.9,10 However, it is also important to note that exert antioxidative activity, which is supported by our recent
a deficiency in genes coding the NOX units severely affects the results.24
innate immune functions of phagocytes and, as a result, becomes
part of the etiology of chronic granulomatous disease.11 Inducible nitric oxide synthase
Several phytochemicals have been reported to suppress NOX
activation and resultant O2 2 generation. Genistein (Fig. 1), an iso-
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is an enzyme that catalyzes the
flavone present in soybeans and possibly one of the earliest phyto- conversion of L-arginine into L-citrulline with stoichiometric for-
chemicals studied, attenuated phorbol ester-induced O2 2 genera-
mation of nitric oxide (NO), a gaseous radical. NOS is classified
tion in differentiated HL-60 cells.12 On the basis of structure- into subfamilies according to the location of expression in the
activity relationship studies, the presence of a 40 -hydroxy group was body and manner of expression, namely, constitutive or inducible.
suggested as an important moiety, though its purpose and action Constitutive NOS is detected in neuronal tissues (nNOS) and vas-
mechanism are unclear. Thereafter in 1996, using the same experi- cular endothelial cells (eNOS), whereas inducible NOS (iNOS) is
mental system, we reported that 10 -acetoxychavicol acetate (ACA, expressed in a variety of cell types under both normal and patho-
Fig. 1), a phenylpropanoid found in the essential oils of Alipinia logical conditions, including macrophages, microglial cells, kera-
galanga (Zingiberaceae), was a more potent suppressor of O2 2
tinocytes, hepatocytes, astrocytes and vascular endothelial and
generation.13 Also, Wei et al. reported that double applications of epithelial cells. With infectious and proinflammatory stimuli,
14 iNOS protein is highly induced to produce NO in a micromolar
phorbol ester to mouse skin led to excessive ROS production. Ji
and Marnett15 designated these 2 application stages as ‘‘priming’’ range, whereas NO generation from nNOS and eNOS enzymes is
(the first stage, illustrated by leukocyte recruitment, maturation, constant and within the nanomolar range.
and infiltration of inflammatory leukocytes into inflamed lesions) Various NOS forms have essential roles in the maintenance of
and ‘‘activation’’ (the second stage, illustrated by ROS production homeostasis, e.g., regulating blood vessel tone (eNOS), and pro-
from accumulated leukocytes). It is important to note that ACA viding neurotransmitter and neuromodulator (nNOS) functions in
was able to specifically block the activation stage of the double nonadrenergic and noncholinergic nerve endings. On the other
application model in mouse skin.16 In addition, we demonstrated hand, numerous reports have implicated that sustained and/or
that auraptene17 and nobiletin,18 both citrus constituents, and zer- excess NO generation, most of which is attributable to iNOS
umbone (Fig. 1),19 the major component of Zingiber zerumbet, expression, often occurs in pathogenic conditions. In particular,
have similar properties, which were demonstrated in that mouse iNOS has drawn considerable attention for its critical functions in
skin model. Further, the components of ginger and mioga ginger inflammation-related diseases.25–28 However, the processes by
have been reported to have remarkable potentials for suppressing which NO generation leads to disease onset remain to be fully elu-
O22 generation in leukocytes. cidated. Nonetheless, it is essential to point out that NO couples
2 0
with O2
2 to form peroxynitrite (ONOO ) in a diffusion-dependent contains an AU-rich element (ARE) in its 3 -untranslated region,
manner that is extremely reactive, as compared with NO or O2 2 which has some critical roles in the stability of its mRNA.56 Sev-
alone, while NO has also been shown to have a chemical potential eral reports of different cell types have shown that activation of
to cause DNA damage by nitration, nitrosation and oxidation. p38 MAPK leads to the stabilization of COX-2 mRNA. Next, a
It is important to note that NO and hypoxia confer tolerance to substrate for p38 MAPK, i.e., MAPK-activated protein kinase 2
tumor cells toward glucose starvation in a 50 -AMP-activated pro- (MAPKAPK-2), induces phosphorylation of certain candidate pro-
tein kinase-dependent manner.30 NO is also reported to induce teins, such as HSP27,57 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
MMP and vascular endothelial growth factor, which in turn acti- A0,58 and Hu antigen R,59 which bind to AREs, thereby contribut-
vate tumor cell invasion and metastasis.31,32 Along a similar line, ing to a rapid synthesis of COX-2 protein. In macrophages, LPS-
Okada et al. presented an interesting finding that NO was involved triggered induction and activation of signal transduction pathways
in the acquisition of metastatic properties of benign tumors in a lead to transcriptional activation of the COX-2 gene.
model of inflammation-based tumor progression.33 Intriguingly, Members of the toll-like receptor (TLR) family, particularly
Sawa et al. also demonstrated that nitrosative stress-derived 8- TLR4, are now recognized as central receptors for LPS.60 TLR4
nitroguanosine is highly redox-active, which results in the genera- has several associated proteins, such as MD2 and Myd88, which
tion of O2 2 from various NADPH-dependent reductases, including are required for full activation, after which it stimulates various
cytochrome P450 reductase and all isoforms of NOS.34 protein kinases, including PI3K and phosphoinositide-dependent
A great number of phytochemicals have been shown to suppress kinase (PDK). The phosphorylated protein kinase B (Akt) in turn
iNOS induction. The first report may have been by Brouet and activates IkappaB (IjB) kinase (IKK), which is composed of a, b
Ohshima, who showed that curcumin (Fig. 1) suppresses lipopoly- and g subunits, and phosphorylates IjB protein,61 leading to its
saccharide (LPS)-induced iNOS expression in macrophages.35 degradation. Since IjB is a suppressive protein that binds to the
That was supported by findings indicating that the most down- NFjB transcription factor in a normal state, LPS-induced IjB
stream target of this compound may be NFjB, a master regulator degradation results in activation of this particular transcription
for inducing numerous inflammatory and oncogenes.36,37 Indeed, factor for COX-2 mRNA induction. It is also essential to under-
oral administration of this compound at a dose of 92 ng/g of body stand that NFjB-targeted genes include the IjB gene, and this
weight attenuated LPS-induced iNOS mRNA expression in sub- negative feedback mechanism causes NFjB-induced COX-2
ject livers.38 However, the upstream target of curcumin remains to expression to be both intermediate and transient.
be identified. In addition, Camacho-Barquero et al. reported that For full induction of COX-2, which is recognized as the third
disruption of the p38 MAPK pathway, but not of JNK, was associ- stage, at least in macrophages, several NFjB-targeted genes play
ated with the ameliorative effects of curcumin in chronic experi- major roles.62 Two of these genes are CCAAT enhancer-binding
mental colitis in rats.39 protein beta (C/EBPb) and delta (C/EBPd), which form b/b
Tsai et al. found that resveratrol (Fig. 1), a grape phytoalexin, homodimer and b/d heterodimer, both of which have crucial parts
suppressed LPS-induced iNOS mRNA expression in macro- in late and continuous COX-2 expression.62 In parallel, LPS insult
phages,40 which was followed by several other investigations.41,42 of macrophages leads to activation of the protein kinase A (PKA)
Lin et al. also published a pioneering work that showed that cer- pathway, in which PKA targets cAMP-responsive element-bind-
tain food phytochemicals, such as EGCG (Fig. 1), have a pro- ing protein (CREB), another major transcription factor for the
nounced ability to suppress iNOS expression.43 Thereafter, a num- COX-2 gene.63 It is also interesting to note that COX-2-generated
ber of reports supported those findings,44–46 including those that PGE2 binds to its receptors (EP1-EP4)64 for activation of adenylyl
showed their in vivo and ex vivo efficacy.47,48 In addition, a recent cyclase and thereby increases the level of intracellular cAMP. As
study noted that induction of endothelium-dependent vasodilation mentioned above, this leads to activation of PKA and, thus, CREB
was an intriguing property of EGCG, which was implied to be pri- transcriptional activity. Collectively, these form a positive feed-
marily based on rapid activation of eNOS by a phosphatidylinosi- back loop in PKA-mediated COX-2 expression.
tol 3-kinase-, PKA- and Akt-dependent increase in eNOS activ-
ity.49 Allyl ITC and BITC have also been indicated as a notable Resveratrol is a well-known compound that regulates both
for iNOS suppression in macrophages.50,51 Further, genistein is COX-1 and COX-2.65 This agent has been shown to have a
believed to exert iNOS suppressive profiles via inhibition of tyro- marked potential for suppressing several stimuli (phorbol ester,
sine kinase,52 while zerumbone has shown potent suppressive LPS, H2O2, okadaic acid, ceramide, etc.) that induce NFjB activa-
activities toward iNOS expression in macrophages.53 tion, which leads, at least in part, to COX-2 expression.66 Subbara-
maiah et al. reported that overexpression of protein kinase C-a,
ERK1, and c-jun led to a significant increase in COX-2 promoter
activity, while resveratrol inhibited those molecules.67 Recently, a
Cyclooxygenase-2 unique characteristic of this compound was revealed by Szewczuk
Cyclooxygenase (PGH2 synthase, COX) donates 2 oxygen mol- et al., who found that it inactivates COX-1 via a peroxidase-medi-
ecules to arachidonic acid to form PGG2 by peroxidation, which ated mechanism with concomitant oxidation of resveratrol.68 On
in turn is reduced to PGH2. This leads to the formation of PEG2, a the other hand, resveratrol induced nuclear localization of COX-2
bioactive prostanoid, via concerted activation of PGE synthase with co-localization of Ser15-phosphorylated p53, which, in turn,
(PGES). COX is the molecular target for analgesic and antiinflam- triggered apoptosis in human breast cancer cells.69 There is a lim-
matory remedies that have been used for hundreds of years. It is ited number of reports regarding the in vivo efficacy of resveratrol
well known that the COX enzyme consists of at least 2 isoforms, to suppress COX-2, though Kundu et al. showed that it attenuates
COX-1 and COX-2, the latter of which has been cloned as a v-src- phorbol ester-induced COX-2 expression as well as NFjB activa-
inducible gene.54 In humans, the expression of COX-1 is constitu- tion in mouse skin.70
tive in many normal tissues at relatively stable levels and believed The suppressive efficacy of curcumin for COX-2 expression has
to have some housekeeping functions, such as production of PG also attracted the attention of a large number of researchers. One
precursors for thromboxane in platelets,55 which is vital for the of the first groups to report a marked ability of curcumin to sup-
regulation of blood flow. In contrast to COX-1, COX-2 protein is press COX-2 expression is Dannenberg and coworkers, who found
only slightly expressed in most normal mammalian tissues in that it decreased chenodeoxycholate- and phorbol ester-mediated
response to physical, chemical and biological stimuli, including induction of COX-2 in several gastrointestinal cell lines.71 Their
UV light exposure, dioxin and LPS insult. findings were later supported by other similar studies of colon can-
COX-2 mRNA expression is regulated during at least 3 distin- cer cells,72 leukocytes from healthy volunteers,73 Kupffer cells,74
guishable stages in a complex manner. The earliest occurring non-small cell lung carcinoma cells,75 microglial cells76 and mac-
induction mechanism is related to the finding that COX-2 mRNA rophages.77 Of note, topical application of curcumin attenuated


Compounds Organs (ref.) Proposed target molecules1 (ref.) Cancer prevention clinical trials (ref.)

Curcumin Skin (81), tongue (82), esophagus (83), NOX (89), iNOS (36), COX-2 (72) Phase I (90)
stomach (84), small intestine (85), colon (86),
liver (87), mammary gland (88)
Resveratrol Skin (66), esophagus (91), small intestine (92), NOX (89), iNOS (41), COX-2 (66) No data
colon (93), mammary gland (94)
EGCG Skin (95), stomach (96), small intestine (97), iNOS (44), COX-2 (47) Successful in pilot study of
colon (98) prostate cancer prevention (99)2,
Phase IIa (100)2
BITC Skin (24), small intestine (101), lung (102) NOX (24), iNOS (51), COX-2 (103) No data
Genistein Skin (104), stomach (105), mammary gland NOX (13), iNOS (53), COX-2 (108) Phase I (109, 110)
(106), prostate (107)
ACA Skin (14), tongue (111), esophagus (112), NOX (14), iNOS (80), COX-2 (80) No data
colon (113), liver (114)
Zerumbone Skin (20), colon (80) NOX (54), iNOS (80), COX-2 (80) No data
1 2
Selected from NOX, iNOS and COX-2. Green tea polyphenol mixture.


Phytochemical Typical findings (ref.)

Curcumin Scarcely absorbed, yet detected in colorectal tissues of cancer patient (reviewed in Ref. 115)
Resveratrol Intact structure and its glucuronides detected in sera from healthy human subjects who consumed red wine (116)
EGCG Subjected to intensive metabolism factors, such as glucuronidation, sulfation, methylation and ring fission,
with maximum serum concentration of 1 lM (117)
BITC N-acetyl-S-(N-benzylthiocarbamoyl)-L-cysteine detected in human urinary samples (118)
Genistein May produce equol, an estrogen-like polyphenol (reviewed in Ref. 119)
ACA Unknown
Zerumbone Unknown

phorbol ester-induced COX-2 protein expression in mouse skin,78 CONCLUSION

whereas contrasting findings showed that it increased COX-2
expression when given without a COX-2-inducer.77 The food phytochemicals highlighted in this article have been
shown to have notable cancer preventive effects in various rodent
In addition, we showed that zerumbone attenuates COX-2 carcinogenesis models (Table I). In addition, as mentioned above,
expression in macrophages,53 mouse skin following topical appli- they are able to suppress NOX, iNOS and COX-2 through multi-
cation,19 and colonic mucosa in rodents with oral feeding, accom- ple molecular mechanisms. However, it remains to be determined
panied by decreased PGE2 formation and COX-2 repression.79 in most cases if the suppression of such proinflammatory mole-
The molecular mechanism by which zerumbone suppresses COX- cules by these compounds is the only factor that accounts for their
2 protein expression is suggested to be unique.80 Further, that chemopreventive activities in experimental animals. For example,
report showed that even though abrogation of LPS-induced COX- it is interesting to consider the selective COX-2 inhibitor cele-
2 mRNA expression occurred, zerumbone did not demonstrate coxib, which seems to occasionally exhibit cancer preventive ac-
any suppression of the transcriptional activation of NFjB, AP-1 tivity in a COX-2-independent manner.115 However, issues related
and CREB. These findings raise the possibility that zerumbone to the metabolism and bioavailability of these phytochemicals
suppresses COX-2 mRNA expression via a posttranscriptional have not been fully addressed (Table II). Multifaceted approaches
mechanism. In fact, zerumbone accelerated the spontaneous deg- for determining the modes of chemopreventive actions will be in-
radation of COX-2 mRNA in that study, whereas it was virtually dispensable and important to elucidate cancer preventive agents
inactive for suppressing p38 MAPK activation. with reasonable modes of action and low levels of toxicity.

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