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RUBRIC FOR ETHICS VIDEO & PRESENTATION : Name: _____________________________________________

Poor Fair Satisfactory Good Excellent


Organization 1 2 3 4 5
Is missing at least two of Is missing one of the Has an objective, Has a clear delineation Objective, methodology,
the following: objective, following- obejective, methodology, materials and between objective, materials and assessment
methodology, materials, methodology, materials, assessment, but the materials, methodology & are very clear. The flow and
and assessment and assessment. boundaries between them assessment. transitions between the
are unclear. sections is smooth and
enhances the audience

Content 1 2 3 4 5
Did not include anything in Did not include much in the Mentions topic and briefly Mentions topic and its Demonstrates
the way of content or a way of content or a topic. explains its significance. significance. Uses the topic knowledgeable command
topic. throughout the discussion. of the topic throughout the
Offers explanations and discussion. Discusses the
insights that link back to the topic and its significance.
topic. Offers explanations and
insights that enhance the
understanding of the topic

Delivery 1 2 3 4 5
Did not make eye contact Had lots of unnecessary Spent the majority of the Had good delivery, Had confidence and
with the audience, had lots movement. Eye contact delivery with adequate eye maintained good eye mastery in the delivery of
of extra movement, with the audience was very contact, but there were contact with the audience. the topic that completed
slouched, held hands limited. noticeable periods of and enhanced the delivery.
behind back, etc. uncertainties.

Creativity 1 2 3 4 5
The video is not creative, The video has little The video is creative The video is edited very The total creativity, flow,
does not have a smooth creativity and there was a enough with a smooth flow well displaying a good flow editing,music and
flow in the presentation. It little smooth in the flow of of its presentation. It is in the presentation. The background are
is badly edited and the presentation. It is edited a edited enough and the editing is good as well as outstanding.
background music and text little and the music and music and background text the background music and
are inappropriate. background text are a bit are adequate. text is good.

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