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Summary of Chapter# 2

Under Control
Training and Honing Your Emotional Abilities


DATE: 31/5/2019

Under Control
Training and Honing Your Emotional Abilities
On January 15, 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 began its route from New York City to Charlotte,
North Carolina. Captain Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger III was flying the aircraft with his first
officer Jeff Skiles and it was a routine flight for him as he has flown 1000s of flights in his career.
When the plane reached on 3000 feet above the ground, both the captains noticed a flock of birds
flying towards them and before they could do anything, the birds collided with the engine which
damaged both the engines which created a frightening sound which was worse than the
This was the first ever experience of Sullenberger and he took immediate emergency actions
which was need of the hour and he took a major decision in order to save the 115 passengers on
board by safely landing the plane in the r Hudson river. The whole event is known as the “Miracle
on the Hudson”.
The whole event of taking an immediate action and safely landing the aircraft in the river was due
to Captain Sullenberger’ s emotional intelligence because due to chaotic situation he still remained
focused on the task and not let the situation to distract him.

Years of Preparation

Captain Sullenberger was the former Air Force pilot, spent thirty years as a commercial aircraft
pilot, aircrafts accidents investigator, and an instructor of the flight crew who instruct them on how
to respond to such crises. The whole event that took place in which the Captain safely landed the
whole aircraft in the river was due to two of his abilities that he gave credit to: self-awareness and
self-management. The two of these abilities he believed helped him to overcome such crucial
situation by taking such a decision which saved hundreds of lives. He further added that all the life
hardships he faced was preparing him for this event by keeping him focused.

Ask and Reflect

Emotional Intelligence comes with self-awareness. The best way of being self-aware is by asking
questions to ourselves before reacting to emotional situations. The type of questions which one
should ask from itself that would help himself to stay in perimeter by broadening your view and by
looking from the perspectives of others.

Use your emotional vocabulary

Emotional vocabulary works in a simple way, i.e. by describing your feelings. The more specific
one will be in describing its feelings, the faster the root cause of that feeling (pain) would be
identified and would be treated well.
Focus on controlling your thoughts

The ability to self-manage oneself will help to control emotions. If one learns to control his
emotions not only it will help to control oneself but also it would built a sense of determination
and endurance which would help to achieve goals. Once learnt of controlling emotions, it will help
to identify when they are getting out of control. Below are the following methods to have self-
a. Pause
One of the most important factor of all the emotional tools. The tool pause helps you to first analyze the
situation and then respond accordingly. This act should be done on regular basis so that one can built a habit
of first being paused before reacting.
b. Volume
The second emotional tool. The tool teaches one to keep its tone soft because the partner whom one is
having conversation will respond in the same way in which one keeps its tone.
c. Mute
The third emotional tool which teaches to be in mute mood if one is amid of emotional conversation
instead doing a counter argument.
d. Record
The fourth emotional tool which teaches to have concentration when listening to someone instead of
replying which eventually helps to build better understanding.
e. Rewind
The fifth emotional tool which teaches that if the discussion gets emotionally charged up, don’t forget
or leave it, try to rewind it and discuss it when the people engaged in that conversation are cooled down.
f. Fast-forward
The sixth emotional tool teaches to not to take quick decisions based on the current emotions instead
hold back and think forwardly about the impact of the decision one will effect on short term and long term
bases and then accordingly respond to current situation.
e. Trailer
The seventh emotional tool teaches to act according to the “the five minute rule” which lets one to do
the most difficult also which one resist to do at first. The tools tells that in order to do such task, one should
push itself first to engage in the task for five minutes and eventually the follow will start and one would
complete the whole task.

The three-second trick that can save one’s relationship

The three second trick helps the one from saving his relationship and not to regret later. The
following are the three questions that one should ask before speaking up:
1. Does this need to be said?
2. Does this need to be said by me?
3. Does this need to be said by me now?
If one practices these questions regularly till it becomes a habit which will surely help to not make
one to regret later.
Never make a permanent decision based on the temporary emotions

Managing Moods
We should always look for our negative behavior and properly harnessing them will prove fruitful
for one. Though negative emotions can sometimes help if they are being directed correctly

1. Use negative emotions as a catalyst for change

It’s been observed that sometimes being in a negative emotion is fruitful, as it encourages sometimes to
slow down and lets one to focus on subtle details which one usually skips when being in a positive emotion.
Negative emotions helps to become more skeptical instead of being gullible but it wholly depends on one
that how he drives the negative emotions.

2. Use negative emotions to achieve heightened focus

Whirling negative emotions in positive action one must know how to channelize its negative emotions.
The way of that doing this is to first train the mind by keeping a positive mindset.

Six Ways to Build Emotional Intelligence

Through research it has been found out that if one engage itself in their favorite recreational
activities, it can lead to increase in emotional stability. The following are the six surprising ways:

1. Watch movies
The genre of the movie place an impact on our emotions. After watching the movie one should ask
itself that how did the movie affected him and why?
2. Listen to music
Music place a great impact on our emotions. While listening to a song one should observe that how the
music is affecting his emotions?
3. Read
Reading a fiction can helps to stretch your imagination by understanding the feelings and motivation of
the character in the story which being stated in the story which will help to build empathy in one’s life.
4. Engage in sports and exercise
Studies have shown that the emotional intelligence and physiological skill usage has been observed
more in athletes due to which they have more positive attitude for physical activities.
5. Write
According to the researches, it’s been proved that writing more and more about one’s stressful or
traumatic event will eventually help to increase emotional health.
6. Travel
Travel increases the emotional stability of an individual which encourages in mental growth.

Slowly but surely

One must train its emotional abilities by identify its emotional powers and steering them in the
right direction so that they can give benefits but that can’t be learnt all of a sudden because it
requires patience to master the mental and emotional skills. The best way to do is to focus on one
or two methods at a time and then gradually move forward.

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