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Code 10000002623e (prev.

code 710 2557) Revision C Page 1 (15)

Courier 6 and Courier 5

SL Slurry Analyzers

Connection to third party automation systems

Connection to third party automation systems
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1. About this document....................................................................................................................................3

2. The overall register map ..............................................................................................................................4

3. User definable analyzer data .......................................................................................................................5

3.1 Analyzer state values (R) ...................................................................................................................6
3.2 Analyzer numerical values (R) ...........................................................................................................6
3.3 Factory default settings ......................................................................................................................8

4. Sample measurement control commands (W) ........................................................................................10

5. User operated state variables (W).............................................................................................................13

6. Measurement variables (W) .......................................................................................................................15

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1. About this document

This document provides information for connecting a Courier analyzer system to
a third party automation system. Courier analyzer can be connected to any
automation system using either Modbus/TCP or Modbus/RTU protocol.

This document describes the register maps available in Courier slurry

applications for 18 sample lines.

All bit descriptions for the status bytes are given in the Description of Courier
state variables document.

Note, Tip, and Warning signs used in this document:

This sign stands for information especially worth noticing.

f This sign stands for information including extra advice.

a This sign stands for information of extreme importance.

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2. The overall register map

In the following register maps, all register references are given in the
reference format, for example 4:00001.

In the following sections, the letters R and W in the heading indicate,

whether the automation system reads from (R) or writes to (W) the
registers presented there.

Table 1. Overall register map of analyzer data

Register Type Description
4:00001 - 4:00005 W Sample measurement control commands
4:00009 - 4:00010 W User operated state variables (device group 18)
4:00101 - 4:00200 W Input for measurement variable values
4:01201 - 4:02100 R User definable analyzer data
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3. User definable analyzer data

Users have 450 different variable definitions available for register area 4:01201
- 4:02100. Each definition has a variable definition and scaling limits. The
variable definition can represent a real numerical value or discrete data
representing analyzer status bytes (groups of 8 state variables).

The first row in the data definition parameters shows the register address, and
the assigned variable identification. The second row is used for variable
identification input. The third row is for scaling low limit and the fourth row for
scaling high limit value.

If the identification represents a numerical value, and the scaling limit fields are
empty, or the lower limit is greater than or equal to the higher limit value, the
value is stored to the registers in floating point format, which occupies two
consecutive registers in the register area.

If the definition represents status bytes (groups of 8 state variables), they are
stored so that the first byte definition occupies the destination register high byte
(register bits 08-15) and the second definition the low byte (register bits 00-07).
Scaling limits are not applicable. At least the high byte definition must be given.
Full list of available status bytes, and state bits is given in document Description
of Courier State Variables. If the status byte is not available, the byte is filled
with the corresponding byte of the parameter ‘Invalid state byte value’.

The example below is a part of the factory default values for the data definition

Register 4:01280 contains

– state variable byte B4/1/2 in the high byte
– state variable byte B4/1/1 in the low byte
Registers 4:01281 and 4:01282 contain current value of
the analysis variable 1 of the sample line 1 in floating-point format
Registers 4:01283 and 4:01284 contain current value of
the analysis variable 2 of the sample line 1 in floating-point format

1280:B4/1/2, B4/1/1 1281:S1A1 1283:S1A2

B4/1/2, B4/1/1 S1A1 S1A2
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3.1 Analyzer state values (R)

The automation system can read any of the analyzer status data defined in the
document Description of Courier 6SL state variables document.

The state values are defined as two state variable bytes: Bg1/d1/n1, Bg2/d2/n2.
The first value goes to register high byte and the second to register low byte.

The correspondence between the status bytes and register bits is show in the
following table:
Table 2. Status byte in registers

Bit # Meaning
00 Bit 1 of Bg2/d2/n2
01 Bit 2 of Bg2/d2/n2
02 Bit 3 of Bg2/d2/n2
03 Bit 4 of Bg2/d2/n2
04 Bit 5 of Bg2/d2/n2
05 Bit 6 of Bg2/d2/n2
06 Bit 7 of Bg2/d2/n2
07 Bit 8 of Bg2/d2/n2
08 Bit 1 of Bg1/d1/n1
09 Bit 2 of Bg1/d1/n1
10 Bit 3 of Bg1/d1/n1
11 Bit 4 of Bg1/d1/n1
12 Bit 5 of Bg1/d1/n1
13 Bit 6 of Bg1/d1/n1
14 Bit 7 of Bg1/d1/n1
15 Bit 8 of Bg1/d1/n1

3.2 Analyzer numerical values (R)

The following numerical data from the analyzer can be made available to the
automation system:

SmAn Analysis value n of process sample m

SmPn Parameter variable value n of process sample m.

SmFR Process sample m primary flow rate.

Gn Global parameter variable n value.

Mn Measurement variable n last calculated value.

MnMIN Measurement variable n statistics minimum value.

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MnMAX Measurement variable n statistics maximum value.

MnAVG Measurement variable n statistics average value.

MnSLEN Measurement variable n statistics level length in seconds.

Jn Manual numeric variable n value.

JnSOURCE Source of value of manual numeric variable n:

0 = System (at initialization),
1 = PCS Display,
2 = Analyzer Management Station.

The values can be given as floating-point numbers or scaled integers.

It is recommended to use floating-point numbers.

Floating-point format

In floating-point format, the data are saved in two consecutive registers. Only
the register is shown in the register area definition parameters for each data

If the numerical value is invalid, the respective registers are set to invalid
floating-point value. This value can be given as a parameter of the analyzer.
Factory default setting is –9999.

Scaled integer format

For scaled integers, the factory set range is 0 - 32000. The pre-set high limit
can be set to match the requirements of the automation system. The maximum
value is 215-1 = 32767.

The scaling range can be given separately for each value as a parameter of the

If the value of a numerical value is invalid, the corresponding register is set to a

invalid integer value. This value can be given as a parameter of the analyzer.
Factory default value is 32768.

If your automation system requires using scaled integers, make sure that
the scaling is done exactly the same way both in the analyzer system and
in the automation system.
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3.3 Factory default settings

The used area factory default settings for these register references are shown
in Table 3.
Table 3. Factory default register map for analyzer data
Register Nbr of Description
reference registers
4:01262 1 Status of process sample 18 (B5/18/2, B5/18/1)
4:01263 1 Status of process sample 17 (B5/17/2, B5/17/1)
… …
4:01279 1 Status of process sample 1 (B5/1/2, B5/1/1)
4:01280 1 Status of the analyzer (B4/1/2, B4/1/1)
4:01281 2 Value of the analysis variable 1 for sample line 1 (S1A1)
4:01283 2 Value of the analysis variable 2 for sample line 1 (S1A2)
4:01285 2 Value of the analysis variable 3 for sample line 1 (S1A3)
4:01287 2 Value of the analysis variable 4 for sample line 1 (S1A4)
… …
4:01303 2 Value of the analysis variable 12 for sample line 1 (S1A12)
4:01305 2 Value of the analysis variable 1 for sample line 2 (S2A1)
4:01307 2 Value of the analysis variable 2 for sample line 2 (S2A2)
… …
4:01711 2 Value of the analysis variable 12 for sample line 18 (S18A12)

The factory setting is done for 18 sample lines and twelve analyses. If there are
fewer sample lines or analyses in your system, the value saved in the extra
register references is set to the value of parameter ‘Invalid flp-value’.

If a register contains no data definition, the contents are set to the value of
parameter ‘Value for not used registers’.

Over the register reference range, you can set the individual numerical values in
any order. This makes it possible to set the references to correspond the
definitions in the automation system. It also is easy to change the settings when
new sample lines are added or other modifications are made either to the
Courier analyzer or the automation system.

Table 4. Contents of status of the analyzer

Bit # State Meaning of bit value 1

00 4/1/1 Analyzer started
01 4/1/2 Analyzer status is normal
02 4/1/3 Analyzer status is warning
03 4/1/4 Analyzer status is alarm
04 4/1/5 PCS maintenance switch on

If analyzer is not started, the other bit values cannot be interpreted.

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Table 5. Contents of process sample status word

Bit # State Meaning of bit value 1

00 5/n/1 Sample in use
01 5/n/2 Sample status is normal
02 5/n/3 Sample status is warning
03 5/n/4 Sample status is alarm
04 5/n/5 Sample bypass state on
05 5/n/6 Sample composite sampling not executable
06 5/n/7 Sample not measurable
07 5/n/8 Sample X-Ray measurement active
08 5/n/9 Sample measurement results not OK
09 5/n/10 Sample analysis values not OK

If sample is not in use, the other bit values cannot be interpreted. In the
parameters the sample status register contents is defined as B5/n/2, B5/n/1.
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4. Sample measurement control commands (W)

To control the sample measurements, the automation system can remotely
write the commands to the dedicated Modbus registers. The register range and
commands are shown in Table 6.

For each sample measurement control command, there is a command bit in the
Modbus register:
measurement request (MEAS RQST)
cancel measurement request (MEAS CAN)
bypass mode on (BPASS ON)
bypass mode off (BPASS OFF)

Each group of four bits represents one sample. To give a command, the
automation system changes the state of the respective bit from 0 to 1. In order
for the command to be effective, the bit state must remain as 1 for at least 30
seconds. Thereafter the command bit state must be 0 for at least 30 seconds
before the same remote command can be given again.

The Courier analyzer does not modify the states of the sample
measurement control command bits.

Table 6. Register map for the external command data

Register reference Bit # Command
4:00001 00 Sample line 1 MEAS RQST
4:00001 01 Sample line 1 MEAS CAN
4:00001 02 Sample line 1 BPASS ON
4:00001 03 Sample line 1 BPASS OFF

4:00001 04 Sample line 2 MEAS RQST

4:00001 05 Sample line 2 MEAS CAN
4:00001 06 Sample line 2 BPASS ON
4:00001 07 Sample line 2 BPASS OFF

4:00001 08 Sample line 3 MEAS RQST

4:00001 09 Sample line 3 MEAS CAN
4:00001 10 Sample line 3 BPASS ON
4:00001 11 Sample line 3 BPASS OFF
4:00001 12 Sample line 4 MEAS RQST
4:00001 13 Sample line 4 MEAS CAN
4:00001 14 Sample line 4 BPASS ON
4:00001 15 Sample line 4 BPASS OFF

4:00002 00 Sample line 5 MEAS RQST

4:00002 01 Sample line 5 MEAS CAN
4:00002 02 Sample line 5 BPASS ON
4:00002 03 Sample line 5 BPASS OFF
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Register reference Bit # Command

4:00002 04 Sample line 6 MEAS RQST
4:00002 05 Sample line 6 MEAS CAN
4:00002 06 Sample line 6 BPASS ON
4:00002 07 Sample line 6 BPASS OFF

4:00002 08 Sample line 7 MEAS RQST

4:00002 09 Sample line 7 MEAS CAN
4:00002 10 Sample line 7 BPASS ON
4:00002 11 Sample line 7 BPASS OFF

4:00002 12 Sample line 8 MEAS RQST

4:00002 13 Sample line 8 MEAS CAN
4:00002 14 Sample line 8 BPASS ON
4:00002 15 Sample line 8 BPASS OFF

4:00003 00 Sample line 9 MEAS RQST

4:00003 01 Sample line 9 MEAS CAN
4:00003 02 Sample line 9 BPASS ON
4:00003 03 Sample line 9 BPASS OFF

4:00003 04 Sample line 10 MEAS RQST

4:00003 05 Sample line 10 MEAS CAN
4:00003 06 Sample line 10 BPASS ON
4:00003 07 Sample line 10 BPASS OFF

4:00003 08 Sample line 11 MEAS RQST

4:00003 09 Sample line 11 MEAS CAN
4:00003 10 Sample line 11 BPASS ON
4:00003 11 Sample line 11 BPASS OFF

4:00003 12 Sample line 12 MEAS RQST

4:00003 13 Sample line 12 MEAS CAN
4:00003 14 Sample line 12 BPASS ON
4:00003 15 Sample line 12 BPASS OFF

4:00004 00 Sample line 13 MEAS RQST

4:00004 01 Sample line 13 MEAS CAN
4:00004 02 Sample line 13 BPASS ON
4:00004 03 Sample line 13 BPASS OFF

4:00004 04 Sample line 14 MEAS RQST

4:00004 05 Sample line 14 MEAS CAN
4:00004 06 Sample line 14 BPASS ON
4:00004 07 Sample line 14 BPASS OFF

4:00004 08 Sample line 15 MEAS RQST

4:00004 09 Sample line 15 MEAS CAN
4:00004 10 Sample line 15 BPASS ON
4:00004 11 Sample line 15 BPASS OFF
4:00004 12 Sample line 16 MEAS RQST
4:00004 13 Sample line 16 MEAS CAN
4:00004 14 Sample line 16 BPASS ON
4:00004 15 Sample line 16 BPASS OFF
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Register reference Bit # Command

4:00005 00 Sample line 17 MEAS RQST
4:00005 01 Sample line 17 MEAS CAN
4:00005 02 Sample line 17 BPASS ON
4:00005 03 Sample line 17 BPASS OFF

4:00005 04 Sample line 18 MEAS RQST

4:00005 05 Sample line 18 MEAS CAN
4:00005 06 Sample line 18 BPASS ON
4:00005 07 Sample line 18 BPASS OFF
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5. User operated state variables (W)

The Courier analyzer state variable group 18 is reserved for up to 32 user
operated state variables. To set the variables, you can use either the Modbus
registers or Courier Status Manager application in the Analyzer Management
Station. The dedicated register reference range is shown in Table 7.

The automation system writes the user operated state variable values in
these registers. The Courier analyzer does not change these values, but
they affect the values of the analyzer state variables in the state variable
device group 18.

Table 7. Register map for the user operated state variable data
Register reference Bit # User operated state variable in device group 18
4:00009 00 User operated state variable 1
4:00009 01 User operated state variable 2
4:00009 02 User operated state variable 3
4:00009 03 User operated state variable 4
4:00009 04 User operated state variable 5
4:00009 05 User operated state variable 6
4:00009 06 User operated state variable 7
4:00009 07 User operated state variable 8
4:00009 08 User operated state variable 9
4:00009 09 User operated state variable 10
4:00009 10 User operated state variable 11
4:00009 11 User operated state variable 12
4:00009 12 User operated state variable 13
4:00009 13 User operated state variable 14
4:00009 14 User operated state variable 15
4:00009 15 User operated state variable 16
4:00010 00 User operated state variable 17
4:00010 01 User operated state variable 18
4:00010 02 User operated state variable 19
4:00010 03 User operated state variable 20
4:00010 04 User operated state variable 21
4:00010 05 User operated state variable 22
4:00010 06 User operated state variable 23
4:00010 07 User operated state variable 24
4:00010 08 User operated state variable 25
4:00010 09 User operated state variable 26
4:00010 10 User operated state variable 27
4:00010 11 User operated state variable 28
4:00010 12 User operated state variable 29
4:00010 13 User operated state variable 30
4:00010 14 User operated state variable 31
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Register reference Bit # User operated state variable in device group 18

4:00010 15 User operated state variable 32
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6. Measurement variables (W)

The automation system can give numeric values to the analyzer by writing the
data to registers 4:00101 - 4:00200. The data can be in floating-point (one value
uses 2 registers), or integer format (one register).

The given data can be used as input data to measurement variables. In the
measurement variable parameters the register area is referenced to as ‘Input
address’ 1-100 corresponding to the registers 4:00101 - 4:00200. Measurement
variable parameters must be defined according to the format of the data: Use
linearization table for value conversion to floating point format, when integer
values are used, or no linearization, when floating point values are used.

The design team of Outotec is committed to ensure the quality and usefulness of this manual
and the COURIER analyzer system. Your comments, recommendations and suggestions will
help make our continuous effort more effective.

Please take few moments to write your comments either directly on the form provided or on a
photocopy of it.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for choosing the COURIER analyzer system.

Outotec, Analyzers
Fax to: FAX: INT + 358 205 292998

or mail to: P.O. Box 84, FI-02201 Espoo, Finland

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Attn: Manager, Analyzer Sales Support


Analyzer Serial Number:

Manual: Courier 6 and Courier 5

SL Slurry Analyzers
Connection to third party automation systems
Code 10000002623e (prev. code 710 2557) Revision C

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