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Claire Jane V.

12 STEM D – Our Lady of Mercy
Term Paper #1

1. What are the common violations against human dignity?

There are many violations of human dignity that we can think of. One of them is
humiliation. Humiliation is an act of humiliating someone in various ways. It can be by
spreading false accusations and it can cause loss of self-respect, dignity and pride. An example
of it is bullying. Objectification is also one of the common violation against human dignity. This
means that a person is treated like an object or a thing and his/her rights are not really practiced.
Like how women are used as objects based on their sexual attributes usually seen on magazines.
Last is Degradation where a person is treated poorly as if they didn’t matter. These are the
common violations against human dignity.

2. What is the difference between being “dignified” and being treated with dignity?

Being dignified is on yourself. It is how we act, move, and speak to show we are worthy
of respect. That is why some of honorable person are usually describe like so. While on the other
hand, being treated with dignity starts on other people and to you to other people as well. It is
treating people with courtesy and kindness. On how we respect their rights and decisions, giving
them chance to speak their mind and listen and taking consideration what they have to say. It is
also being sensitive to people's needs and doing one's best for them.

3. How is work connected to our sense of dignity?

Work is connected to our sense of dignity by means of action. Just like what being
dignified means, it always starts on ourselves. What we do, how we act in front of others or how
we treat others are sometimes the basis of our dignity. We all want our image to be clean and be
treated with respect. That is why we live in what should be shown. We act strong and with poise
so people will think that we deserve to be treated with respect. But on other people, sometimes
they neglect it because their personal reasons.

4. Who deserve to be treated with dignity? Are some people more deserving than others?
Why or why not?

Everybody in this world deserve to be treated with dignity. After all, dignity of human
person is inherent. We cannot just take it away from a person because it will violate the person.
We all know that dignity is inviolable. Even though other people did some acts that can make
them unworthy of their dignity, we are all created in the image and likeness of God. For Him, we
are all equal. What is more important is no matter what, we will always do what is right and
humane to others. He himself forgives these people, why don’t we forgive them to. After all,
there are always room for change.

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