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School rules!

Which rules at your school do you agree with and which ones do you
think are unfair?

Why is it important for students to have rules at school?

Doing our best!

Just imagine that your partners at school would have a good behaviour. It
would end up in an ideal atmosphere to learn.

I have studied in two different schools and one of them has a lack of rules.

Let’s start with my first school. There are only ten classrooms in total.
Because of this we didn’t have many rules. We were dangerously free
students. We sometimes didn’t know to behave. We could do almost what
we wanted. I don’t agree with that lack of rules because, in my opinion,
children need to have limits. It’s unfair since we didn’t learn moral values
like knowing how to behave.

If I talk about my current school, there are some rules I agree with and
others I don’t agree with. Nowadays, teenagers live the whole day
checking their phones and they have lost their concentration on other

In my school, mobile phones are forbidden. I fully agree with this rule. We
don’t need them. If you need to learn something, ask to the teachers, and
if you want to “chat”, talk with your classmates.

I think coherent rules are needed for the students are for the people in
general. The main rule everywhere should be: respect. What do you think?

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