A COSMIC VISION From The Bhagavad Gita

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from The Bhagavad Gita

With Father Line (FL), His Emerging Localized Realm-being (Elrb),
and a narrator.

Oct 22, 2018

The following took place some five-thousand years ago in India at the end of the Copper Age,
just prior to our Iron Age. Father Line called Himself Lord Krishna, the etrb, Arjuna, and the
narrator, Vyasa. The cultural flavor was different than now. People were more into precarious
spiritual drama – flailing their arms around in adoration one moment, and piously groveling in
the dust the next. Jim Varney’s comic skit on Indian stereotypes shows what I mean. I edited the
text a bit to sit better with present Western culture without conditioning its significant content.
The Bhagavad Gita is the most published book in history.


Elrb: Father Line, Your words concerning the Supreme Secret of Self, given for my refinement,
have dispelled the illusions which surround me.

You Whose eyes are like the lotus petal, have described in detail the origin and the dissolution
of being, and Your own Eternal Majesty.

I know all as You have declared it. I long now to have a vision of Your Most High Divine Form.

If You think that it's possible for me to see it, show me Your Eternal Self.

FL: Behold My celestial forms, by hundreds and thousands, various in kind, in color, and in

Behold the Powers of Nature: fire, earth, wind, and sky; the sun, the heavens, the moon, the
stars; all the forces of vitality and healing; and the roving winds. See the myriad wonders
revealed to none but you.

Here, in Me living as one, behold the whole universe, movable and immovable, and anything
else that you would see.

Since with mortal eyes, you cannot see Me, I give you the Divine Sight. See now the glory of My

Narrator: Having spoken, King, Father Line, the Almighty Prince of Wisdom, showed to His
Elrb, the Supreme Form of Himself.

There were countless eyes and mouths, and mystic forms innumerable with shining ornaments
and flaming celestial implements.

Crowned with heavenly garlands, clothed in shining garments, anointed with divine treatments,
He showed Himself as the Resplendent One, Marvelous, Boundless, Omnipresent.
Could a thousand suns blaze forth together, it would be but a faint reflection of the radiance of
the Lord God.

In that vision His Elrb saw the universe, with its numerous shapes, all embraced in One, its
Supreme Lord.

Thereupon His Elrb, numbed with awe, his head bowed, addressed Father Line:

Elrb: Almighty God I see in You the powers of Nature, the various Creatures of the world, the
Brahma on his lotus throne, the Sages, and the shining angels.

I see You, infinite in form, with, as it were, faces, eyes, and limbs everywhere; no beginning, no
middle, no end; Lord of the Universe, whose Form is universal.

I see You with the crown, the scepter, and the discus; a blaze of splendor. Scarce can I gaze on
You, so radiant You are, glowing like the blazing fire, brilliant as the sun, immeasurable.

Imperishable are You, the Sole One worthy to be known, the priceless Treasure-house of the
universe, the immortal Guardian of the Life Eternal, the Spirit Everlasting.

Without a beginning, without a middle, and without an end, infinite in power. Your arms all-
embracing, the sun and moon Your eyes, Your face beaming with the fire of offering, flooding
the whole universe with light.

Alone You fill all the quarters of the sky, earth, and heaven, and the in-between regions.
Almighty Lord, seeing Your marvelous and awe-inspiring Form, the spheres tremble with

The troops of celestial Beings enter into You, some invoking You in reverence; the Great Seers
and Adepts sing hymns to Your Glory.

The Vital Forces, the Major Stars, Fire, Earth, Air, Sky, Sun, Heaven, Moon, and Planets; the
Angels, the Guardians of the Universe, the divine Healers, the Winds, the Fathers, the Heavenly
Singers; and hosts of possession-worshippers, demons as well as saints, are amazed.

Seeing Your marvelous Form, most mighty with its myriad faces, its innumerable eyes, and
limbs, I and all the worlds are overwhelmed with wonderment.

When I see You, touching the Heavens, glowing with color, with open mouth and wide-open
glowing eyes, I am awed.

When I see Your mouths with their awesome jaws like glowing fires at the dissolution of
creation, I lose all sense of place and resolve. Help me out here Father Line, in whom this
universe abides.

You seem to swallow up the worlds. Your glory fills the universe. Your fierce rays beat down
upon it as irresistible.

Mighty One, let me see You as You were at first. I do not know what You intend.

Elrb: It is natural that the world revels and rejoices when it sings the praises of Your glory; the
demons fly in fear, and the saints offer You their compliments.
How should they do otherwise? Super-most Self, greater than the Powers of creation, the First
Cause, Infinite, the Lord of Lords, the Home of the universe, Imperishable, Being and Not-
Being, yet transcending both.

You are the Primal God, the Ancient, the Supreme Abode of this universe, the Knower, the
Knowledge, and the Final Home. You fill everything. Your form is infinite.

You are the Wind; You are Death, You are the Fire, the Water, the Moon, the Father, and the
Grandfather. Honor and glory to You a thousand and a thousand times, again and again.

My compliments to You in front and on every side, You who round about encompass me. Your
power is infinite; Your majesty immeasurable; You uphold all things, You are all.

You are the Father of all things movable and immovable, the Worshipful, the Master of Masters.
In all the worlds there is none equal to You; how then superior; You who stand alone, Supreme.

Therefore I place myself before you, Lord Most Adorable I salute You, I ask Your blessing. Only
You can be trusted to bear with me, as a father to son, a friend to friend, a lover to his beloved.

I rejoice that I have seen what never man saw before; yet, I am overwhelmed with fear. Please
take again the Form I know. Help me out here, You who are the Home of the whole universe.

I long to see You as You were before, with the crown, the scepter, and the discus in Your hands;
in Your other Form, with your four hands – You whose arms are countless and whose forms are

FL: My beloved friend It is only through My grace and power that you have been able to see
this vision of splendor, the Universal, the Infinite, the Original. Never has it been seen by any but

Not by a study of the scriptures, not by sacrifice or gift, not by ritual or rigorous austerity, is it
possible for man on earth to see what you have seen.

Put away being overwhelmed and, with joyful mind, see Me once again in my usual Form.

Narrator: Having thus spoken to Elrb, Father Line showed Himself again in His usual form; and
the Mighty Lord, in gentle tones, softly consoled him who lately trembled with awe.

Elrb: Seeing You in Your gentle human form, I am myself again, calm once more.


I would have had Father Line sit me down in a nice over-stuffed gentlemen’s club chair, with a
fine Merlot in one hand and a honey-berry flavored cigar in the other, while I had Him give me
the vision in gradual chunks. Then we could chat like comfy intimate pals, since He also said in
the Gita, “As you are to Me, so I am to you.” However, such was not the cultural flavor of the

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