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Freedom Formula System 4

Video Training
Video 1 – Getting Started

Video 1 – Getting Started

Video 2 – System Overview - Concepts

Video 3 – Setting Up Your Trades

Video 4 – Trade Examples

Video 5 – Currencies & Money Management

To Follow Along Better
In these videos we will be using MetaTrader. It will be easier to follow
along while you learn the system if you use the same software.

To make learning the system easier – download MetaTrader and use a

demo account.
2 Places To Get MetaTrader
This System Is Dependant On Timezones – Choosing A
UK-Based MetaTrader Installation Works Best

Alpari MetraTrader
• Get A Demo Account From Alpari:
Visit Alpari’s website. Click on trading platforms. Download and Install MetaTrader.

FXCM Metatrader
•Get A Demo Account From Alpari:
Visit FXCM’s website. Put your mouse over trading platforms, and then click MetaTrader.

Some charting software is different. Using MetaTrader4

will ensure you get the right signals!
Getting Your Demo Account

Once you have MetaTrader Installed:

Fill Out The Form & Click Next To Open A Demo Account
Click Finish
Steps To Success
Watch Video 2
Get The Concepts Behind This System

Watch Video 3 & 4

When Starting With Any
Setup & Manage Your Trades Trading System Practicing
Until You’re Comfortable Will
Help You Succeed!
Watch Video 5
Best Currencies & Money Management

Practice, Practice, Practice!

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