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The History of Valentine’s Day and Why We Celebrate This Day

Whether you love Valentine’s Day or hate it, one thing’s clear: Valentine’s Day history goes way
back. And while Valentine’s Day is now known for kissing, candy hearts, and hard-to-get dinner
reservations, the origins of the holiday are far less romantic. Here, the Valentine’s Day history
that wouldn’t make it into a rom-com, including a saint, a massacre, and even sinful nuns of
Valentine’s Day (seriously!). This is everything you need to know about the real origins behind
the February 14th holiday.

How Did Valentine’s Day Start?

Valentine’s Day is a fixed day on the calendar (be sure to tell that to the next person who asks
what day is Valentine’s Day) and the ancient Roman calendar included a mid-February holiday
even before Saint Valentine’s time. That holiday, called Lupercalia, celebrated fertility and may
have included a ritual in which men and women were paired off by choosing names from a jar.
Across the region, in Ancient Greece, that culture observed a mid-winter celebration for the
marriage of the god Zeus and the goddess Hera. Some historians wonder if these traditions may
have influenced the way we now celebrate February 14.

Who Was Saint Valentine?

Who was Saint Valentine, exactly, and what does he have to do with chocolate hearts? Not
much, it turns out. Saint Valentine’s Day was a feast day in the Catholic religion, added to the
liturgical calendar around 500 AD. The day was commemorated for two martyred roman priests
named—you guessed it—Valentine. However, very little was known about these two priests,
and, because there were conflicting reports on the Saint Valentine Day story, the feast day was
removed from the Christian liturgical calendar in 1969.

But even though not much is known about the real history of the two Saint Valentines on which
the holiday is based, the legend of Saint Valentine has several tellings. One legend says that
Saint Valentine refused to convert to paganism and was executed by Roman Emperor Claudius
II. Prior to his death, he was able to miraculously heal the daughter of his jailer, who then
converted to Christianity along with his family.

But according to others—and this is how Saint Valentine became affiliated with a love-focused
holiday—Saint Valentine was a Roman priest who performed weddings for soldiers forbidden to
marry, because of a Roman emperor edict decreeing married soldiers did not make good
warriors. He wore a ring with a Cupid on it—a symbol of love—which helped soldiers recognize
him. And, in a precursor to greeting cards, he handed out paper hearts to remind Christians of
their love for God.

Because of this legend, St. Valentine became known as the patron saint of love. The Saint
Valentine prayer asks Saint Valentine to connect lovers together, so that two become one, and
the couple remembers their devotion to God.

While the Saint Valentine story set the groundwork for establishing the day as a holiday for
romantic love, what truly solidified the connection between Saint Valentine and love was a poem
by medieval author Geoffrey Chaucer in 1381, which historians consider the origin of the
“modern” celebration of Valentine’s Day, where we celebrate our romantic partnership with one
other person.

Why Do We Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Chaucer’s time in the middle ages was the era of courtly love, when broad, romantic statement of
love—poems, songs, paintings—celebrated partnership. By the end of the 15th century, the word
“Valentine” was being used to describe a lover in poems and songs of the day, and in the 18th
century, a book called The Young Man’s Valentine Writer was published in England. By the mid
19th century, mass-produced paper Valentine’s Cards were being created, and Valentine’s Day
as we know it was born.

The truth about Valentine’s Day history is that a romantic holiday isn’t immune to trauma. In
Prohibition Chicago in 1929, seven men were killed by a gang organized by Al Capone on
February 14. The Valentine’s Day Massacre became a flashpoint in prohibition history, with
police and lawmakers going after the gangs and mobs that had formed in cities to control illegal
substances like alcohol.

And while romcoms are always a great movie night choice for this evening, if you’ve already
reached your Sleepless in Seattle or Pretty Woman quota for the year, know there are many
different kinds of Valentine’s Day flicks. One you may leave off your queue: The Sinful Nuns of
Saint Valentine’s Day. This 1974 erotica film from Italy claims to be based on a true story but is
really just filled with a lot of sex-starved nuns. At least it’s not the same-old…?

No matter how you're celebrating, or who with, know that V-day can be as lovey-dovey, or low-
key, as you want it to be!

Famous Filipino Writers and their Pen Names or Pseudonyms

There are lots of Famous Filipino Writers in Philippines. All of them are great writers and they
contributed a lot of compositions and writings. Those writers used Pen Names/Pseudonyms and here are

List of the Famous Filipino Writers and their Pen Names or

 Jose dela Cruz - Huseng Sisiw
 Marcelo H. Del Pilar - Plaridel, Dolores Manapat, Piping Dilat, Siling Labuyo, Kupang,
Haitalaga, Patos, Carmelo, D.A. Murgas, L.O. Crame D.M. Calero, Hilario, and M. Dati.
 Severino de las Alas - Di-kilala
 Epifanio delos Santos - G. Solon
 Valeriano Hernandez Peña - Ahas na Tulog, Anong, Damulag, Dating Alba, Isang Dukha,
Kalampag and Kintin Kulirat
 Severino Reyes - Lola Basyang
 Pedro de Govantes de Azcarraga - Conde de Albay
 Francisco dela Cruz Balagtas - Francisco Baltazar
 Asuncion Lopez Bantug (Rizal’s grand niece) - Apo ni Dimas
 Jose Ma. Basa
 Dr. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda - José Rizal, Dimas-alang (Tagalog for
Touch me not), Laong-Laan (which means Ever-prepared), Agnoand Calambeño
 Hugo Salazar - Ambut
 Moises Salvador - Araw
 Jose Turiano Santiago - Tiktik
 Lope K. Santos - Anak-Bayan and Doctor Lukas
 Juan Crisostomo Soto - Crissot
 Luis Taruc - Alipato (which means spark that spreads a fire and one of Rizal’s pet dogs)
 Jose Ma. Sison - Amado Guerrero
 Dr. Pio Valenzuela - Madlang-Away
 Clemente Jose Zulueta - M. Kaun
 J. Zulueta - Juan Totoó
 Isaac Fernando delos Rios
 Bautista - Ba Basiong
 Gen. Vito Belarmino - Blind Veteran
 Andres Bonifacio - Agapito Bagumbayan, while his inspiring Katipunan name was Maypagasa
 Felipe Calderon - Simoun and Elias (names from Rizal’s novels)
 José Corazón de Jesús - Huseng Batute
 Mariano del Rosario - Tito-Tato
 Antonio K. Abad - Akasia
 Jose Abreu - Kaibigan
 Macario Adriatico - Amaori, C. Amabri and Felipe Malayo
 Faustino Aguilar - Sinag-Ina
 Emilio Aguinaldo - Magdalo
 Virgilio Almario - Rio Alma
 Pascual Alvarez - Bagongbuhay
 Aurelio Alvero - Magtanggul Asa
 Cecilio Apostol - Catulo, Calipso and Calypso
 Francisco Arcellana - Franz Arcellana
 Salvador Vivencio del Rosario - X and Juan Tagalo
 Domingo Gomez - Romero Franco
 Nestor Vicente Madali Gonzalez - N.V.M. Gonzalez
 Fernando Ma. Guerrero - Fluvio Gil
 Amado Hernandez - Amante Ernani, Herininia de la Riva and Julio Abril
 Emilio Jacinto - Dimas-ilaw and his Katipunan name was Pingkian
 Nick Joaquin - Quijano de Manila
 Jesus Lava - B. Ambrosio Rianzares
 Sixto Lopez - Batulaw
 Gen. Antonio Luna - Taga-Ilog
 Juan Luna - J.B. and Buan (a translation of his surname Luna which means moon)
 Apolinario Mabini - Bini and Paralitico
 Jose Palma - Ana-haw, Esteban Estebanes and Gan Hantik
 Rafael Palma - Hapon and Dapit-Hapon
 Jose Maria Panganiban - Jomapa and J.M.P.
 Pascual H. Poblete - Anak-Bayan
 Mariano Ponce - Naning, Tikbalang, and Kalipulako

Famous Personalities in the Philippine History (Bullet Form)

Here are some of the important people in the Philippine History:

 The Philippine National Hero: Dr. Jose Rizal
 The Great Plebian: Andres Bonifacio
 The Father of the Katipunan: Andres Bonifacio
 Hero of the Tirad Pass Battle: Gregorio Del Pilar
 President of the First Philippine Republic: General Emilio Aguinaldo
 Brains of the Philippine Revolution: Apolinario Mabini
 Martyred Priests in 1872: GOMBURZA
 Brain of the Katipunan: Emilio Jacinto
 Co-founder of La Independencia: General Antonio Luna
 Mother of Balintawak: Melchora Aquino Tandang Sora: Melchora Aquino
 Greatest Filipino Orator of the Propaganda Movement: Graciano Lopez- Jaena
 First Filipino Cannon-maker: Pandar Pira
 Managing Editor of La Solidaridad: Mariano Ponce
 Lakambini of Katipunan: Gregoria de Jesus
 Poet of the Revolution: Fernando Ma. Guerrero
 Outstanding Diplomat of the First Philippine Republic: Felipe Agoncillo
 First University of the Philippines President: Rafael Palma
 Greatest Filipino Painter: Juan Luna
 Greatest Journalist of the Propaganda Movement: Marcelo H. del Pilar
 First Filipino Poetess: Leona Florentino
 Peace of the Revolution: Pedro Paterno
 Founder of Philippine Socialism: Isabelo Delos Reyes
 Viborra: Artemio Ricarte
 Author of the Spanish lyrics of the Philippine National Anthem: Jose Palma
 Chief of Tondo: Lakandola
 The Last Rajah of Manila: Rajah Soliman
 Fiancée of Jose Rizal: Leonor Rivera
 Maker of the First Filipino Flag: Marcela Agoncillo
 Co-founder of Katipunan: Galicano Apacible
 Leader of the Ilocano Revolt: Diego Silang
 First Filipino Hero: Lapu-lapu
 Leader of the Longest Revolt in Bohol: Francisco Dagohoy
 The Man of Many Talents: Epifanio Delos Santos
 Prince of Tagalog Poets: Francisco Baltazar
 Visayan Joan of Arc: Teresa Magbanua
 Mother of Biak-na-Bato: Trinidad Tecson
 Wife of Artemio Ricarte: Agueda Esteban
 Leader of the Tarlac Revolt: Gen. Francisco Makabulos
 Composer of the Philippine National Anthem: Julian Felipe
 Spaniards born in the Philippines: Insulares
 Leader of Magdalo: Baldomero Aguinaldo
 Leader of Magdiwang: Mariano Alvarez
 Founder of La Liga Filipina: Jose Rizal
 Painter of the Spolarium: Juan Luna

Important Dates and Events in Philippine History

Here are some of the important dates in the Philippine History:

 January 1, 1571 – LaVilla de San Miguel renamed Ciudad del Santissimo, Nobre de Jesus “Sto
 January 12, 1889 – La Association Hispano founded by Miguel Morayta to introduce changes in
the Philippines and have a Filipino representative in the Spanish Cortes
 January 20, 1872 – Meeting in Cavite led by Sargent Lamadrid and killed their Spanish officers
 January 23, 1899 – Inauguration of the first republic (Mololos) Aguinaldo as president

 February 2, 1543 – Villalobos named Samar and Layte “Pilipinas”
 February 13, 1565 – Miguel Lopes de Villalobos reached Cebu
 February 14, 1899 – Outbreak of Filipino – American War (Sta. Mesa Manila)
 February 15, 1898 – Spanish blew up the amiracan warship in Havana Cuba
 February 15, 1889 – The newspaper La Soliraridad founded by Graciano Lopes Jaena
 February 17, 1872 – Execution of GOMBURZA
 February 18, 1891 – Rizal second novel El Filibusterismo was publish and finance by Valentin

 March 16, 1521 – Magellan sighted the island of samar
 March 16, 1565 – Blood compact Legaspi and Rajah Sikatuna of Bohol
 March 17, 1521 – Magellan landed Homnhon “Archipelago of St. Lazarus”
 March 22, 1897 – Tejeros Convention resolved the conflict between Magdalo and Magdiwang
 March 23, 1935 – ConCon was headed by C.M. Recto
 March 23, 1901 – Gen. Aguinaldo captured at Palanan
 March 24, 1934 – Creation of Commonwealth Government as provided by Tyding McDuffie Law
and approved by US President F. Roosevelt
 March 14, 1947 – Formal agreement between US and Philippine (22 sites as military bases for
99yrs in return AFP accepted US $100 M worth of military equipment)
 March 17, 1957 – Pres. Magsaysay died in a plane crash in Mt. Manunggal Cebu
 March 17, 1957 – Garcia become the president of the Philippines
 March 29, 1512 – Blood compact Magellan and Rajah Kulambo of Limasawa
 March 29, 1942 – Creation of HUKBALAHAP (Luis Taruc)
 March 31, 1899 – Transfer of capital republic from Malolos to San Fernando Pampanga
 March 31, 1521 – First mass officiated b y Father Pedro de Valderrama

 April 4, 1947 – Pres. Roxas died of cardiac arrest at Clark air base
 April 4, 1947 – Elpidio Quirino become the president
 April 9, 1942 – Fall of Bataan, Death March from Bataan to San Fernando Pampanga
 April 13-14, 1671 – defeat of the 6 Dutch led by Juan Ronquillo in battle of Playa Honda, Zam
 April 25, 1898 – US declare war against Spain
 April 27, 1521 – Magellan killed in the battle of Mactan
 April 27, 1565 – First Spanish settlement establish by Legaspi name La Villa de San Miguel
 April 30, 1846 – Approved of Philippine Rehabilitation Act by the US.

 May 1, 1898 – US naval under George Dewey defeat the Spain armada led by Patrico Montojo in
famous battle of Manila Bay
 May 6, 1942 – Fall of Corregidor Island (Gen. Jonathan Wainwright) – (Gem. Homma of Japan)
 May 10, 1897 – Execution of Bonifacio brathers
 May 12, 1935 – SAKDALISTA Party by Benigno Ramos against the Commonwealth
 May 12, 1962 – Macapagal change the date of Independence day from July 4, 1946 to June 12,
 May 16, 1584 – Royal Audiencia referred to as the Supreme Court during Spanish
 May 17, 1764 – Britain surrendered the Philippines to Spanish
 May 28, 1898 – Gen. Aguinaldo waved the Philippine flag for the first time to celebrate its
 May 31, 1764 – Truce was signed between France and England

 June 3, 1571 – Manila conquered by Martin de Goiti
 June 5, 1899 – Assassination of Antonio Luna at Cabanatuan
 July 7, 1987 – Biak-na-Bato revolutionary government was established
 June 12, 1898 – Proclamation of Philippines Independence by Gen.

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o Kasaysayan ng Pambansang Watawat ng Pilipinas
o Famous Filipino Writers and their Pen Names or Pseudonyms
o The History of Valentine’s Day and Why We Celebrate This Day

 June 18, 1908 – UP was established (Murray Barlett as first President) and (Ignacio Villamor as
first Filipino President)
 June 19, 1861 – birth of Jose Rizal
 June 24, 1571 – Manila was named “Distinguished and Ever Loyal City” by Legaspi and First
Governor-General of the Philippines

 July 3, 1892 – La Liga Filipina founded by Dr. Rizal
 July 4, 1946 – Inauguration of 3rd Republic and the signing of the Treaty of General legalized the
retention of US bases in the Philippines
 July 7, 1892 – Rizal exiled in Dapitan for 4yrs
 July 7, 1892 – KKK organized by Andres Bonifacion in Azcarraga st. (C.M. Recto)

 August 6, 1945 – First Atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima Japan
 August 8, 1963 – Macapagal approved the Agriculture Land Reform to abolish tenancy
 August 9, 1945 – Second Atomic bomb dropped in Nagasaki Japan
 August 13, 1898 – Mock battle of manila bay between Spain and America
 August 14, 1898 – Military government under General Wesley Merit
 August 19, 1896 – Katipunan was discovered by Fr. Mariano Gil trough Teodoro Patino
 August 23, 1896 – Philippine Revolution “Cry of Balintawak”
 August 25, 1896 - Battle of Pasong Tamo
 August 26, 1930 – Founding of the Communist Party of the Philippines CPP by Crisostomo
 August 29, 1916 - Creation of bicameral legislature as granted by the jones law
 August 30, 1896 – Battle of Pinaglabanan
 August 31, 1896 – Gen. Aguinaldo led the uprising in Kawit Cavite

 September 2, 1945 – Japanese imperial surrendered and ended the war in asia pacific
 September 5, 1955 – The Laure-Langley Agreement was replacing the Bell Trade Act
 September 6, 1834 – manila was opened to world trade led to an era of commercial revolution I
the Philippines
 September 8-10, 1954 – SEATO (Southeast Asian Treaty Organization)
 September 12, 1896 – 13 men from Cavite know as “Los Tresce Martirez” was executed
 September 28, 1901 – Gen. Antonio Lucban attacked the American Garrison in Balangiga,

 October 3, 1646 – defeat of Dutch in battle of manila
 October 5, 1762 – manila was conquered by British forces under Gen. William Draper and
Admiral Samuel Cornish
 October 6, 1913 – Francis Burton Harrison first American Governor General of the Philippines
 October 13, 1913 – Signing of underwood-simons tariff law (open trade Phil. and American)
 October 14, 1943 – Inauguration of Japanese puppet republic Jose P. Laurel as President
 October 16, 1907 – First Philippine Assembly (M. Quezon as M.Floor Leader) and (S. Osmena as
 October 20, 1943 – McArthur landed the Red Beach, Polo Layte (Osmena as President with C.
 October 24 – 26, 1944 – Battle of Leyte Gulf
 October 31, 1829 – Dagohoy Longest Revolt in the Philippines lasted 85yrs

 November 4, 1841 – Apolinario Dela Cruz “Hermano Pule” was executed by Spanish
 November 10, 1953 – Magsaysay and Garcia were elected as Pres and Vice Pres
 November 11, 1957 – Macapagal (Poor boy from Lubao) elected as President of the Philippine
 November 15, 1935 – Inauguration of Commonwealth government with Quezon as president and
Osmena as vice president
 November 30, 1574 – De Goiti was killed by Limahong

 December 2, 1899 – Gen. Gregorio del Pilar was killed by the Americans
 December 7, 1933 – Right of Suffrage was granted to Filipino by Gov. Frank Murphy
 December 8, 1941 – Bombing of Pearl Harbor
 December 10, 1898 – Treaty of Paris was signed between Spain and America
 December 15, 1897 – treaty Biak-na-Bato was signed by Pedro Paterno and Gov. Primo de
 December 21, 1898 – The Philippines was considered American benevolent assimilation
 December 26, 1941 – Declaration of manila as open city by Gen. McArthur
 December 30, 1896 – Execution of Rizal at Luneta de Bagumbayan

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