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International Journal of Academic Research

ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

Understanding the formal structure of legal reasoning –its use

and limits –A perspective in Indian Jurisprudence

Dr Asha Bhandari, Assistant Professor, National Law University, NH 65, Jodhpur

(Rajsthan) Amet Vikram Bhandari, Ist Year ,LLB(Hons), Amity Law School, Noida

          
             
             
 
              
  
  

1. Introduction selection. Rule selection results from the

analogical process. Further rule selection
Law is reasoning’ is something that
may flow from legal principles, which in
has never inspires much of a debate.
turn often invite dicta - legal outcomes.
Logic has been central to legal education
Legal outcomes or holdings obtain from
and thinking for many years. The
the application of rules to the facts of the
application of reasoning in legal context
case, a process involving deductive logic.
can be summarized in this manner –
These outcomes can be justified variously
“First the decision maker through a
by the legal syllogism, by precedent and
species of inductive logic identifies the
by policy. Policy finally is shaped by
legal issues presented by the facts of
rhetorical arguments either of the
cases. Issues selection then yield to rule
quotidian or the philosophical note”.
The relationship between the analogy defined by inductive
reasoning logical and legal can be reasoning.
classified in the following way:
In this paper the prime focus is on the
Codified Statues, written first aspect of legal reasoning i.e.
Constitution and customary deductive reasoning-- its need, use and
practices dealt with by the limits in legal process.
process of deductive justification.
2. For this purpose the
Case based reasoning that fall objectives are:
under the ambit of process of
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

Determining the correct rule of it is here – in deciding on the rule of law

law- need of deductive reasoning. that should be applied to a given set of
facts—that deductive reasoning has a
To gain a clearer understanding
central role in legal argumentation.2 The
of precisely how this process of
appeal to higher court is normally based
deductive reasoning actually
on the claim that some rule has been
works within the context of a
applied improperly, or that the wrong
legal argument.
rule has been applied. The rule in dispute
Understanding the use of may concern the procedures at the trial
syllogistic reasoning in logical and the admission of evidence, or they
argumentation. may concern the substance of the mater.
In the criminal law, where the
Limits of deductive reasoning-
substantive rules are generally quite well
Challenges to major and minor
settled, it is most likely to be procedural
premise of legal syllogisms.
and evidentiary rules – pertaining to self
3. Deduction defined –incrimination, admission of evidence,
This is one of the two main types support of counsel and so on – that are at
of arguments traditionally distinguished, issue on appeal. But in the civil law it is
the other one being induction. A most often the substance of the rule
deductive argument is one in which applied rather than procedure that is the
conclusions are drawn by applying the issue before the court. In reaching
general rule to the appropriate particular decisions court heavenly depend on the
set of facts to draw an inference about deductive argument. The way in which
the set of facts in question. In a deductive deductive justifications are used in legal
argument, the conclusion remains within process is explained in the following
the ambit of the premises; thus if one is paragraph.
sure of the truth of the premises, the Deductive reasoning is based on two
truth of the conclusion naturally follows. types of systems. One is the judge made
A deductive argument can in this manner law wherein the judge of a lower court is
be said to provide conclusive ground for bound by the rulings of the higher courts.
its conclusions. The following sections of This is known as the doctrine of
the article discuss role of deductive precedent or   This is
argument in the legal context. prevalent in Common law countries but
4. Role of deductive reasoning in not in Civil law countries. Another
legal argumentation situation in which the judges apply the
law to the given fact situation and
The overall structure of legal thereby move from cause to the effect in
argument is deductive in nature- a direct and descending nature. This
consisting of a rule together with the system is followed in all nations.
facts of the case as premises, and the Although judge made law provides the
judgment of the court as conclusion. And
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

scope for deductive reasoning, it is not Major premise -All men are mortal.
limited to that respect alone. When a case
Conclusion- Ram is Mortal.
with a unique fact situation comes, then
the courts may apply deductive reasoning This relationship is explicit in the form of
by directly examining the law related to Syllogism.5Early in this century, John
the subject and thereby move from the Dewey extravagantly claimed that among
idea (given by law) to the facts (of the all forms of logic, deductive or syllogistic
case). This becomes essential for areas, logic exercises the greatest influence on
which are new. For example, in the area legal decision-making. The legal rule
of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) carefully formulated is one premise of
which deals with copyrights, patents and deductive argument. The statement of
trademarks, the courts usually do not get facts exhibiting their relation to the rule
guidelines from judge made law on is the second premise. The outcome of
account of the unique nature of the applying the rule to the facts will leads to
subject. The court therefore applies the judgment. This is applicable in both civil
law laid down by the legislature in the and criminal law. If the defendant in the
Copyrights Act, Patents Act and the civil suit is held liable, an appropriate
Trademarks Act. Even in the area of remedy for plaintiff must then be
Cyber laws, the court has to rely on the awarded. If they accused is found to be
Information Technology Act. Even in guilty in criminal trial an appropriate
cases dealing with the traditional laws, punishment must be imposed. But the
the courts often apply deductive overall scheme in either case is deductive
reasoning not only for judge made laws in nature, which consists of a legal rule
but also for laws laid down by the together with the facts of cases as
parliament3. premises, and the judgment of the case is
the conclusion based on the above
5. Syllogistic4 nature of legal
reasoning: The understanding of
law in the context of logic is central Deductive syllogisms are
to the understanding of the various immensely useful in law; every argument
process of deductive reasoning. can be reduced to the form of a
syllogism6, and a large fraction of these
The analytical skill for the legal
syllogisms are deductive in nature. In
professional is to learn the briefing of
such arguments, the truth of the
cases -a case brief reduces a judicial
conclusion being absolutely guaranteed,
decision to an argument of deductive
they have immense force of persuasion, in
logic stated in categorical form –a
a courtroom for example.
syllogism. The classic example of
syllogism is: Deductive syllogisms comprise a
Major premise, which is the general rule,
Question- Is Ram mortal?
the Minor premise, which is the relevant
Minor premise- Ram is a man. fact, and the conclusion, which offers a
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

new insight related to the fact, which is intention of all, each of such persons
known to be true based on the premises. is liable for that act in the same
In the legal context, especially in the manner as if it were done by him
context of criminal law, the structure of alone under Section 34 of the Indian
the deductive syllogism would be roughly Penal Code, 1860.
as follows:
 : Accused A1 and A2
 : [Doing something] committed criminal act not in
[violates the law] furtherance of the common
intention of all
 : [ ] [did
something] : Accused A1 and A2 will
not be guilty under Section 34 of the
:: [ ] [violated
Indian Penal Code, 1860.
the law]7
The following are the various other types
Thus deductive syllogisms are invaluable
of syllogistic argument that utilized in
in their ability to bring clarity and focus
legal reasoning.
to an argument by stripping it to its
essentials. Every argument can be 6. Hypothetical Categorical
simplified to a syllogism; this is indicated Syllogism-
by the following legal examples.
To affirm the antecedent is to affirm the
Consider the case of P Rathinam v. consequent in the conclusion
Union of India ;
.P Q
  The right to life under P
article 21 of the Indian constitution
includes the right not to live a forced life. Q
  Section 309 of the
Indian Penal Code, 1860, imposes a -Q
penalty on attempts to commit suicide This proposition is mostly used in
(held to be an act of ending a forced life). determining the punishments or
: The penalty under compensations in case of particular acts.
Section 309 is a violation of Article 21 of Any body who act negligently (P) is liable
the Indian Constitution. to make good the damage caused due to
Consider the case of State of his negligent act (Q)
Andhra Pradesh v. K Srinivasulu Reddy 7. Disjunctive Categorical
and Anr. Syllogism
  When a criminal act is A possibility of choice to select one of the
done by several persons in available under a given set of facts and
furtherance of the common related principles.
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

PVQ  there are certain limitations

-P that are encountered when 
 is associated with 
Q  When we attempt to reduce a
Or P/-Q Or Q/-P judicial opinion to an argument of
Any body who commits murder is deductive logic, the aspects of legal
punishable with imprisonment for life (P) reasoning that are not deductive is
or death (Q) exposed.

This proposition is mostly used in In a typical legal argument the major

determining the appropriate choices of premise states a general proposition of
remedies or punishments. law, and the minor premise then applies
that same legal proposition to some
8. Polysyllogism particular circumstance unique to the
As noted at the beginning of this paper, a individual case at issue. The complexity
case brief is in the form of a syllogism, an at every step explores the unique nature
argument of deductive logic. But to of legal argument as well as the
characterize a brief as a single argument difference that exist between the
of deductive logic, a single syllogism, is deductive and legal argument in general.
misleading. On closer inspection it
Major and minor Premise: In the
becomes apparent that the reasoning of case of  there is
the court in any particular case is not a
a specific major premise laid down for
single argument of logic, as the form of a every individual minor premise and
brief would suggest, but many arguments therefore, no interpretation or
or syllogisms. A case brief is in fact a manipulation is required; on the
chain of logical arguments, proceeding
other hand in the case 
from the root premises of the court to its
 there is only one general
final decision. As Judge Aldisert observed, principle of law laid down by a
"often a series of syllogisms are linked with
codified statute or precedent case and
conclusions of previous ones forming the
the fact situations differ on a wide
premises of those which follow." By using range of possibilities. In deductive
a "polysyllogistic" approach, one may reasoning, especially 
trace the court's reasoning from its  the focus of argument lies
underlying assumptions about the law to on the major premise i.e. the
its ruling in the case before it.    as that
9. Limitations of Deductive determines the character of the
Reasoning in Legal Domain conclusion or the final verdict;
whereas in the case of 
In spite of the heavy use and dependence
the focus revolves around the minor
of law upon deductive reasoning, and the
premise i.e. the  This requires
various forms of 
certain modifications to be made in
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

the    and also in the syllogisms—"polysyllogisms." The

 in order to establish similarity polysyllogistic approach is a useful
and distinction between any means for describing the underlying
precedents. This again takes us in the structure of a judicial opinion. This
field of analogy that falls outside the approach reveals that the base minor
scope of deduction in general, and premises of legal arguments consist
brings in the application of  of items of evidence of what the law
is, while the base major premises are
Conclusion: In the case of a valid
the categories of legal arguments that
deduction there is only one definite
may be legitimately made.
conclusion that is achieved through a
Furthermore, the syllogistic approach
stepwise process whereas in matters
to briefing cases reveals that there
related to legal reasoning there may
are two types of hard cases: cases
be various and varied conclusions
where a rule of law is ambiguous, and
that might appear to be contradictory
cases where the validity of a rule is in
and yet correct.10
question. Questions of ambiguity
Application of major to Minor: In arise when the minor premise of a
the case of deductive reasoning as proposition of law is challenged, while
distinguished from legal reasoning, it questions of validity arise when the
is only the major and minor premise major premise of a proposition of law
that play a role in reaching up to a is challenged12. Hard cases are cases
conclusion whereas in legal reasoning where two or more valid legal
there are many more concepts other arguments lead to contradictory
than the law and the facts that are of conclusions.13 Although legal
relevance in reaching up to the reasoning may logical in form, in
verdict by the courts. 11 substance it is evaluative.
Challenge to syllogistic nature of 10. Conclusion
legal reasoning. - Problems of
At one time law was considered to be a
Ambiguity and Problems of
science legal reasoning was considered to
Validity in easy and Hard Cases:-
be a species of deductive logic, and
The soundness of any syllogism may
judicial opinions were summarized or
be challenged by attacking either the
"briefed" as if they were syllogisms,
minor premise or the major premise.
arguments of deductive logic.
An attack on the minor premise of a
Accordingly, although syllogistic
legal syllogism tests whether the rule
reasoning plays a central role in briefing
is applicable to the facts, while an
judicial opinions, logic alone cannot
attack on the major premise tests its
describe hard cases. A system of pure
validity. A case brief is not a single
logic(deductive) works only in easy cases,
syllogism of deductive logic; rather, it
i.e. cases where the validity of the rule of
consists of strands or chains of
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

law is unchallenged and the terms of

rule are unambiguous. Parliament was strictly applied and the earlier
case was not followed as the judges differentiated the
facts due to the difference in both cases from
medical experts.
Samuelson, David, Introducing Legal 4
The legal syllogism was recognized by the
Reasoning, 47 J. Legal Educ. 571 (1997) eighteenth century reformer Cesare Beccaria,
See Ruggero j. Aldisert, logic for lawyers: A who expressly advocated that, in the area of
guide to clear legal thinking 45 (3d ed. 1997) criminal law, judges should follow syllogistic
("deductive reasoning is a mental operation reasoning: "In every criminal case, a judge
that a student, lawyer or judge must employ should come to a perfect syllogism: the major
every working day."); edgar bodenheimer, et premise should be the general law; the minor
al., an introduction to the anglo-american premise, the act which does or does not
legal system 117 (2d ed. 1988) (including conform to the law; and the conclusion,
"deductive reasoning" among the "types of acquittal or condemnation."
legal reasoning"); james a. holland & julian s. 5
Let us suppose that a married woman,
webb, learning legal rules 219 (2d ed. 1993) Radha, has undergone a hysterectomy and is
("lawyers use both inductive and deductive therefore unable to bear a child, but has
reasoning, and legal decision making will retained her ovaries and can produce healthy
often be a reflection of both these modes, used ova. Let us further suppose that she wished to
in conjunction with each other to produce a have a child and that her sister Rita is willing
reasoned conclusion."); scott brewer, to carry the child. An embryo is created in
introduction, in the philosophy of legal vitro with gametes taken from Radha and her
reasoning: logic, probability, and husband and embryo is implanted into Rita’s
presumptions in legal reasoning x (scott uterus. Rita gives birth to child and gives to
brewer ed., 1998) ("deduction plays . . . an Radha and her husband. These facts are the
important role in many (though admittedly minor premise of a legal syllogism.
not all) analogical arguments").
The people involved in this case may ask that
An example is given hereunder to elucidate “Is Rahda or Rita the legal mother of the child
this position in law. In the case of  at the time of birth.
 a man had attacked another with a
dagger and killed the man and the Hon'ble The relevant major premise is the rule of law
Supreme Court ruled that the accuse was sating generally the category of persons who
liable for one count of murder. However, in are legal mother. If there were a rule of law
that ‘ a women who give birth to the child is
the latter case of  v.   
legal a mother. We would conclude that Rita is
 wherein the facts were similar, the
Supreme Court did not hold the accused legal mother of the child. This can be
liable for murder on the ground that the summarize in the following manner:
medical experts had not stated that the stab Issue – Who is the legal mother of a child?
wound inflicted was 
Fact- Rita give birth to the child.
as laid down in
section 302 of the Indian Penal Code. Thus, Law- the women who give birth to the child
we see that the accused got away on a are legal mother.
technical ground as the law laid down by the
Holding- Rita is the legal mother of the child.
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue-2(1), July- September, 2014

This shows the syllogistic aspect of legal

reasoning. 13
For example, if a person purposefully and
Ref p2 for utility of syllogisms without justification or excuse causes the
7 death of another, then the person is guilty of
Aldisert, Ruggero J., Clowney, Stephen and
homicide. An intruder who deliberately shoots
Peterson, Jeremy D., ,
and kills a sleeping homeowner in the course
of a burglary is clearly guilty of murder; this is
Supra Note 9 an easy case. But consider the case of a
9 woman who has suffered years of serious
(2003)12 SCC 660
physical abuse at the hands of her husband, a
  the same legal case seems to man who has repeatedly threatened her life. Is
fall under the ambit of   this woman guilty of homicide if she shoots
as well as and at the same time the and kills him as he lies sleeping?7 Was her act
principles of all the three do not seem to be justified? The law of self-defense generally
adequate. requires that the defendant reasonably
11 believed that her actions were necessary to
For example, in matters of vicarious liability
defend herself against the aggressor's
not only the law of negligence but also the
imminent use of unlawful force. This is a hard
concept of respondent superior is brought into
case because of the ambiguity inherent in the
picture that determines the final decree of the
word "imminent." Some will argue that the
defendant is guilty and some will argue that
To illustrate another type of hard case we she is not, because the meaning of the word
return to our earlier example of gestational "imminent" in the rule defining self-defense is
surrogacy. The relevant rule of law may be unclear in the context of a "sleeping husband /
stated in hypothetical form as follows: if a battered wife" murder case. This problem of
woman gives birth to a child, then she is its ambiguity creates a hard case because it allows
lawful mother. This rule is not ambiguous in for two different interpretations of the rule.
the context of gestational surrogacy; all the
words of the fact portion of the rule have but
one meaning as applied to this case. But we
know intuitively that this is not an easy case,
even though the rule of law is unambiguous.
The difficulty arises because in this context the
rule itself seems to be an incorrect or unfair
statement of the law. This type of case is hard
because the validity of the rule is in question,
even though its meaning is clear. The law is
volitional, not phenomenological. The root
premises of law are value judgments. Though
law is logical and rational in form, in
substance it is evaluative, the result of
intentional value choices. Samuelson, David,
   47 J. Legal
Educ. 571 (1997)

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